983 B
983 B
Communist Quotes Bot
A Fediverse bot that posts random quotes from different communists.
You can check it out here: https://impenetrable.fortress.promo/communistquotes
Contribute Quotes
Edit the file communistquotes/marxistquotes.csv and make an MR.
Compile and Run
First, copy env.example
to env
, then enter your actual login information. To run the bot,
execute the following commands:
cd communistquotes/templates/
sudo docker build . -t communistquotes
sudo docker run -it --rm --name communistquotes --env-file ../env communistquotes --debug
Copy inventory.example
to inventory
, and enter your server's ssh address. Then run the following command:
ansible-playbook ansible.yml --become
Custom flags can be used when running main.py
: Dont actually login or post to the remote API
: Run without loading anything that requires the Mastodon library.