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Conventions, best practices

This section goes about best practices in the imag codebase. It is mainly focused on developers, but a user may read it for getting to know how imag works.

Lets work our way up from the store and how to extend it to the commandline user interface.

Store and Entry functionality

A Entry does not offer much functionality by itself. So its the job of libraries to extend their functionality. This should never be done by wrapping the Entry type itself but by providing and implementing an extension trait on it.

Same goes for extending the Store type: never wrap it, always provide an extension trait for it.

These two rules ensure that the type does not lose any functionality from a wrapping. Deref could do that, but not over muliple levels, so extension traits it is. It also most likely results in functions inside the extension trait which all return a Result<_, _>.


In the next few sections, conventions and best practices for writing a imag library are written down.

A developer of imag should read this carefully, a user may skip this section or cross-read it for better understanding of the imag project.

Library naming

Libraries which provide functionality for entries or the store (most likely entries or both) should be named "libimagentrything" whereas "thing" stands for what the library provides.

All other libraries should be prefixed with "libimag" at least. Most likely, one will not write such a library but rather a "libimagentrything" library.

Library scope

A library should never introduce utility functionality which could be useful for other libraries as well. If there is no such functionality available, the "libimagutil" might be a place where such a function would be put, or, if not yet available, a "libimagentryutil" could be created.

If a library has to introduce free functions in its public interface, one should think hard whether this is really necessary.

Library error types/kinds

Libraries must use the "libimagerror" tools to create error types and kinds. Most likely, a library needs some kinds for wrapping the errors from underlying libraries, such as the store itself.

A library must never introduce multiple error types, but is free to introduce as many error kinds as required. Indeed, more kinds is better than fewer.

Libraries with commandline frontends

Libraries with commandline frontends provide end-user functionality. Normally, they depend on one or more "libimagentrything" libraries. They should be named "libimagthing", though. For example: "libimagdiary", "libimagtimetrack" or "libimagwiki", whereas the commandline frontends would be "imag-diary", "imag-timetrack" and "imag-wiki", respectively.

If such a library needs to depend on another "libimagthing", for example if "libimagdiary" needs to depend on "libimagnote", one should think about this and whether the functionality could ve outsourced to a more general "libimagentrything". It is not forbidden, though.

A library which implements a functionality for imag may contain helper functions for commandline stuff, but that is discouraged.

Library testing

All libraries should be tested as much as possible. Sometimes it may not be possible without a lot of effort, but still: more tests = better!

Commandline tools

The next few sections describe how the commandline frontends are implemented. Each imag functionality (or module) has its own library and a commandline frontend for it.

The commandline frontends do contain little to no functionality. They simply translate the commandline parameters and options to calls to the appropriate library functions.

Commandline tool testing

Commandline interface