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The Store

File Format

The content in the store MUST BE encoded in either Unicode UTF-8 or ASCII. Each "Entry" (File) MUST HAVE a "Header" component as well as a "Content" component. Each "Entry" in the store MUST start with three single dashes ("-") followed by a newline character, named "initial marker" in the following chapter. The Header follows the initial marker (@sec:thestore:fileformat:header). The Header MUST BE followed by a line which contains three single dashes ("-") and a newline character, called "header-close marker" in the following chapter. The content follows the header-close marker (@sec:thestore:fileformat:content).

Header Format

The header format MUST BE "TOML". The sections which MAY or MUST be in the header are defined in the following chapters.

Header section: "imag"

The header MUST contain a section called "imag", where the automatically by the program generated data is stored in. The contents of this section is edited via commandline calls or by the program implicitely and SHOULD NOT be edited by the user.

This "imag" section MUST contain the following keys

  1. A "version" Key. The version stored here is the version of the Store, the Entry was created with.

The "imag" section MAY contain

  1. A section "imag.links" where a module is allowed to store URIs in a flat list
  2. A section "imag.content", used for referring to external content. The key "uri" is the only one which is required, it refers to external content. An explicitely suggested key is "file" for referring to a local Mirror of the content.

Header section: "custom"

The header MAY contain a section named "custom". The user is free to store arbitrary data here. The user is also free to edit this section by either commandline or editor.

Module Header section

The header MAY contain a section named after a module. The corrosponding module is allowed to store arbitrary data in this section.

Content Format

The content is the part of the file where the user is free to enter any textual content. The content MAY BE rendered as Markdown or other markup format for the users convenience. The Store library MUST NOT expect any particular markup format.


An example for a file in the store follows.

version = "0.1.0"

url = "file://home/user/kittens.mpeg"

imag.links = [

arbitrary = data
truth = 42

This is an example text, written by the user.

File organization

The "Entries" are stored as files in the "Store", which is a directory the user has access to. The store MAY exist in the users Home-directory or any other directory the user has Read-Write-Access to.

The Path of each File is shown as absolute path in this paper, while the root is always the store directory. This Path is named "Storepath". So if the store exists in /home/user/store/, a file with the Storepath /example.file is (on the filesystem) located at /home/user/store/example.file.

A Storepath contains predefined parts:

  • The module name of the Module the Entry belongs to. This part is a directory.
  • The version (semantic versioning applies) of the module storing the Entry This part is a postfix to the filename

The pattern for the storepath is

/<module name>/<optional sub-folders>/<file name>~<sem version>

So if a Module named "ExampleModule" with version "0.1" stores a file in the Store, the Storepath for a file with the name "example" is "/ExampleModule/example~0.1".

Any number of subdirectories MAY BE used, so creating folder hierarchies is possible and valid. A file "example" for a module "module" in version "0.1" would be stored in sub-folders like this:


A given file MUST only exist once with the same path. For example, it is invalid if these files exist at the same time:

  • /foo/bar~0.2
  • /foo/bar~1.3

To future-proof the System it is thus necessary to create a disambiguation at the store level. Thus if a library wants to retrieve a file from the Store it MUST at least accept files from it's current advertised version. It MAY accept older files and it MAY transform them and resubmit them in the newer version.

For this there will be an enum returned for each given Entry. It will have these members:

  • Compatible, for version matches
  • PossiblyIncompatible, if the current version is at least a major number further
  • Incompatible, if the file is a at least a major number further

Linking entries MUST BE version independent.

This means if an entry "a" from a module "A" gets written to the store, it may link to an entry "b" from a module "B", which is in version "0.1" at the moment. If the module "B" gets updated, it might update its entries in the store as well. The link from the "a" MUST NOT get invalid in this case.

This is accomplished by linking without the version number: So a link for the entry




As shown in the example, a link to imag-internal entries, the link is prefixed with a "imag://" identifier. A link to external content MUST NEVER be prefixed this way. The path of the internal link MUST NEVER be relative, but always absolute from the root directory of the store.