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//! `ChatServer` is an actor. It maintains list of connection client session.
//! And manages available rooms. Peers send messages to other peers in same
//! room through `ChatServer`.
use actix::prelude::*;
use rand::{rngs::ThreadRng, Rng};
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::{Result, Value};
use bcrypt::{verify};
use std::str::FromStr;
use {Crud, Joinable, establish_connection};
use actions::community::*;
use actions::user::*;
pub enum UserOperation {
Login, Register, Logout, CreateCommunity, Join, Edit, Reply, Vote, Delete, NextPage, Sticky
pub enum MessageToUser {
Comments, Users, Ping, Pong, Error
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ErrorMessage {
op: String,
error: String
/// Chat server sends this messages to session
pub struct WSMessage(pub String);
/// Message for chat server communications
/// New chat session is created
pub struct Connect {
pub addr: Recipient<WSMessage>,
/// Session is disconnected
pub struct Disconnect {
pub id: usize,
/// Send message to specific room
pub struct ClientMessage {
/// Id of the client session
pub id: usize,
/// Peer message
pub msg: String,
/// Room name
pub room: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct StandardMessage {
/// Id of the client session
pub id: usize,
/// Peer message
pub msg: String,
impl actix::Message for StandardMessage {
type Result = String;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct StandardResponse<T> {
op: String,
response: T
/// List of available rooms
pub struct ListRooms;
impl actix::Message for ListRooms {
type Result = Vec<String>;
/// Join room, if room does not exists create new one.
pub struct Join {
/// Client id
pub id: usize,
/// Room name
pub name: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Login {
pub username_or_email: String,
pub password: String
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Register {
username: String,
email: Option<String>,
password: String,
password_verify: String
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct LoginResponse {
op: String,
jwt: String
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct CreateCommunity {
name: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct CreateCommunityResponse {
op: String,
data: Community
/// `ChatServer` manages chat rooms and responsible for coordinating chat
/// session. implementation is super primitive
pub struct ChatServer {
sessions: HashMap<usize, Recipient<WSMessage>>, // A map from generated random ID to session addr
rooms: HashMap<String, HashSet<usize>>, // A map from room name to set of connectionIDs
rng: ThreadRng,
impl Default for ChatServer {
fn default() -> ChatServer {
// default room
let mut rooms = HashMap::new();
rooms.insert("Main".to_owned(), HashSet::new());
ChatServer {
sessions: HashMap::new(),
rooms: rooms,
rng: rand::thread_rng(),
impl ChatServer {
/// Send message to all users in the room
fn send_room_message(&self, room: &str, message: &str, skip_id: usize) {
if let Some(sessions) = self.rooms.get(room) {
for id in sessions {
if *id != skip_id {
if let Some(addr) = self.sessions.get(id) {
let _ = addr.do_send(WSMessage(message.to_owned()));
/// Send message only to self
fn send(&self, message: &str, id: &usize) {
// println!("{:?}", self.sessions);
if let Some(addr) = self.sessions.get(id) {
println!("msg: {}", message);
// println!("{:?}", addr.connected());
let _ = addr.do_send(WSMessage(message.to_owned()));
/// Make actor from `ChatServer`
impl Actor for ChatServer {
/// We are going to use simple Context, we just need ability to communicate
/// with other actors.
type Context = Context<Self>;
/// Handler for Connect message.
/// Register new session and assign unique id to this session
impl Handler<Connect> for ChatServer {
type Result = usize;
fn handle(&mut self, msg: Connect, _: &mut Context<Self>) -> Self::Result {
println!("Someone joined");
// notify all users in same room
self.send_room_message(&"Main".to_owned(), "Someone joined", 0);
// register session with random id
let id = self.rng.gen::<usize>();
self.sessions.insert(id, msg.addr);
// auto join session to Main room
// send id back
/// Handler for Disconnect message.
impl Handler<Disconnect> for ChatServer {
type Result = ();
fn handle(&mut self, msg: Disconnect, _: &mut Context<Self>) {
println!("Someone disconnected");
let mut rooms: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
// remove address
if self.sessions.remove(&msg.id).is_some() {
// remove session from all rooms
for (name, sessions) in &mut self.rooms {
if sessions.remove(&msg.id) {
// send message to other users
for room in rooms {
self.send_room_message(&room, "Someone disconnected", 0);
/// Handler for Message message.
impl Handler<ClientMessage> for ChatServer {
type Result = ();
fn handle(&mut self, msg: ClientMessage, _: &mut Context<Self>) {
self.send_room_message(&msg.room, msg.msg.as_str(), msg.id);
/// Handler for Message message.
impl Handler<StandardMessage> for ChatServer {
type Result = MessageResult<StandardMessage>;
fn handle(&mut self, msg: StandardMessage, _: &mut Context<Self>) -> Self::Result {
let json: Value = serde_json::from_str(&msg.msg)
.expect("Couldn't parse message");
let data: &Value = &json["data"];
let op = &json["op"].as_str().unwrap();
let auth = &json["auth"].as_str();
let user_operation: UserOperation = UserOperation::from_str(&op).unwrap();
let res: String = match user_operation {
UserOperation::Login => {
let login: Login = serde_json::from_str(&data.to_string()).unwrap();
UserOperation::Register => {
let register: Register = serde_json::from_str(&data.to_string()).unwrap();
UserOperation::CreateCommunity => {
let create_community: CreateCommunity = serde_json::from_str(&data.to_string()).unwrap();
match auth {
Some(auth) => {
None => serde_json::to_string(
&ErrorMessage {
op: UserOperation::CreateCommunity.to_string(),
error: "Not logged in.".to_string()
_ => {
let e = ErrorMessage {
op: "Unknown".to_string(),
error: "Unknown User Operation".to_string()
// _ => "no".to_string()
// let data: &Value = &json["data"];
// let res = StandardResponse {op: "nope".to_string(), response: "hi".to_string()};
// let out = serde_json::to_string(&res).unwrap();
// /// Handler for `ListRooms` message.
// impl Handler<ListRooms> for ChatServer {
// type Result = MessageResult<ListRooms>;
// fn handle(&mut self, _: ListRooms, _: &mut Context<Self>) -> Self::Result {
// let mut rooms = Vec::new();
// for key in self.rooms.keys() {
// rooms.push(key.to_owned())
// }
// MessageResult(rooms)
// }
// }
// /// Join room, send disconnect message to old room
// /// send join message to new room
// impl Handler<Join> for ChatServer {
// type Result = ();
// fn handle(&mut self, msg: Join, _: &mut Context<Self>) {
// let Join { id, name } = msg;
// let mut rooms = Vec::new();
// // remove session from all rooms
// for (n, sessions) in &mut self.rooms {
// if sessions.remove(&id) {
// rooms.push(n.to_owned());
// }
// }
// // send message to other users
// for room in rooms {
// self.send_room_message(&room, "Someone disconnected", 0);
// }
// if self.rooms.get_mut(&name).is_none() {
// self.rooms.insert(name.clone(), HashSet::new());
// }
// self.send_room_message(&name, "Someone connected", id);
// self.rooms.get_mut(&name).unwrap().insert(id);
// }
// }
pub trait Perform {
fn perform(&self) -> String;
pub trait PerformAuth {
fn perform(&self, auth: &str) -> String;
impl Perform for Login {
fn perform(&self) -> String {
let conn = establish_connection();
// Fetch that username / email
let user: User_ = match User_::find_by_email_or_username(&conn, &self.username_or_email) {
Ok(user) => user,
Err(e) => return serde_json::to_string(
&ErrorMessage {
op: UserOperation::Login.to_string(),
error: "Couldn't find that username or email".to_string()
// Verify the password
let valid: bool = verify(&self.password, &user.password_encrypted).unwrap_or(false);
if !valid {
return serde_json::to_string(
&ErrorMessage {
op: UserOperation::Login.to_string(),
error: "Password incorrect".to_string()
// Return the jwt
&LoginResponse {
op: UserOperation::Login.to_string(),
jwt: user.jwt()
impl Perform for Register {
fn perform(&self) -> String {
let conn = establish_connection();
// Make sure passwords match
if &self.password != &self.password_verify {
return serde_json::to_string(
&ErrorMessage {
op: UserOperation::Register.to_string(),
error: "Passwords do not match.".to_string()
// Register the new user
let user_form = UserForm {
name: self.username.to_owned(),
email: self.email.to_owned(),
password_encrypted: self.password.to_owned(),
preferred_username: None,
updated: None
// Create the user
let inserted_user = match User_::create(&conn, &user_form) {
Ok(user) => user,
Err(e) => {
return serde_json::to_string(
&ErrorMessage {
op: UserOperation::Register.to_string(),
error: "User already exists.".to_string() // overwrite the diesel error
// Return the jwt
&LoginResponse {
op: UserOperation::Register.to_string(),
jwt: inserted_user.jwt()
impl PerformAuth for CreateCommunity {
fn perform(&self, auth: &str) -> String {
let conn = establish_connection();
let claims = match Claims::decode(&auth) {
Ok(claims) => claims.claims,
Err(e) => {
return serde_json::to_string(
&ErrorMessage {
op: UserOperation::CreateCommunity.to_string(),
error: "Community user already exists.".to_string() // overwrite the diesel error
let user_id = claims.id;
let iss = claims.iss;
// Register the new user
let community_form = CommunityForm {
name: self.name.to_owned(),
updated: None
let inserted_community = match Community::create(&conn, &community_form) {
Ok(community) => community,
Err(e) => {
return serde_json::to_string(
&ErrorMessage {
op: UserOperation::CreateCommunity.to_string(),
error: "Community already exists.".to_string() // overwrite the diesel error
let community_user_form = CommunityUserForm {
community_id: inserted_community.id,
fedi_user_id: format!("{}/{}", iss, user_id)
let inserted_community_user = match CommunityUser::join(&conn, &community_user_form) {
Ok(user) => user,
Err(e) => {
return serde_json::to_string(
&ErrorMessage {
op: UserOperation::CreateCommunity.to_string(),
error: "Community user already exists.".to_string() // overwrite the diesel error
// Return the jwt
&CreateCommunityResponse {
op: UserOperation::CreateCommunity.to_string(),
data: inserted_community
// impl Handler<Login> for ChatServer {
// type Result = MessageResult<Login>;
// fn handle(&mut self, msg: Login, _: &mut Context<Self>) -> Self::Result {
// let conn = establish_connection();
// // Fetch that username / email
// let user: User_ = match User_::find_by_email_or_username(&conn, &msg.username_or_email) {
// Ok(user) => user,
// Err(e) => return MessageResult(
// Err(
// ErrorMessage {
// op: UserOperation::Login.to_string(),
// error: "Couldn't find that username or email".to_string()
// }
// )
// )
// };
// // Verify the password
// let valid: bool = verify(&msg.password, &user.password_encrypted).unwrap_or(false);
// if !valid {
// return MessageResult(
// Err(
// ErrorMessage {
// op: UserOperation::Login.to_string(),
// error: "Password incorrect".to_string()
// }
// )
// )
// }
// // Return the jwt
// MessageResult(
// Ok(
// LoginResponse {
// op: UserOperation::Login.to_string(),
// jwt: user.jwt()
// }
// )
// )
// }
// }
// impl Handler<Register> for ChatServer {
// type Result = MessageResult<Register>;
// fn handle(&mut self, msg: Register, _: &mut Context<Self>) -> Self::Result {
// let conn = establish_connection();
// // Make sure passwords match
// if msg.password != msg.password_verify {
// return MessageResult(
// Err(
// ErrorMessage {
// op: UserOperation::Register.to_string(),
// error: "Passwords do not match.".to_string()
// }
// )
// );
// }
// // Register the new user
// let user_form = UserForm {
// name: msg.username,
// email: msg.email,
// password_encrypted: msg.password,
// preferred_username: None,
// updated: None
// };
// // Create the user
// let inserted_user = match User_::create(&conn, &user_form) {
// Ok(user) => user,
// Err(e) => return MessageResult(
// Err(
// ErrorMessage {
// op: UserOperation::Register.to_string(),
// error: "User already exists.".to_string() // overwrite the diesel error
// }
// )
// )
// };
// // Return the jwt
// MessageResult(
// Ok(
// LoginResponse {
// op: UserOperation::Register.to_string(),
// jwt: inserted_user.jwt()
// }
// )
// )
// }
// }
// impl Handler<CreateCommunity> for ChatServer {
// type Result = MessageResult<CreateCommunity>;
// fn handle(&mut self, msg: CreateCommunity, _: &mut Context<Self>) -> Self::Result {
// let conn = establish_connection();
// let user_id = Claims::decode(&msg.auth).id;
// let community_form = CommunityForm {
// name: msg.name,
// updated: None
// };
// let community = match Community::create(&conn, &community_form) {
// Ok(community) => community,
// Err(e) => return MessageResult(
// Err(
// ErrorMessage {
// op: UserOperation::CreateCommunity.to_string(),
// error: "Community already exists.".to_string() // overwrite the diesel error
// }
// )
// )
// };
// MessageResult(
// Ok(
// CreateCommunityResponse {
// op: UserOperation::CreateCommunity.to_string(),
// community: community
// }
// )
// )
// }
// }