#!/bin/bash set -e echo -e "This will send an email to all users, based on the template in $(pwd)/email-template.txt. Content:\n\n" cat email-template.txt echo -e "\n\n" read -p "Send test email (y/N)? " SEND_EMAIL case "$SEND_EMAIL" in [yY]* ) ;; [nN]* ) exit;; * ) exit;; esac EMAIL_LIST=$(mktemp) echo $EMAIL_LIST docker-compose exec -T -u postgres postgres psql -U peertube -d peertube -c "SELECT email FROM public.user WHERE NOT blocked" -t > $EMAIL_LIST echo "Sending email to $(wc -l $EMAIL_LIST | cut -d' ' -f1) users" cat $EMAIL_LIST | while read EMAIL do echo "sending to $EMAIL" cat email-template.txt | \ docker exec -i "$(docker-compose ps -q postfix)" sendmail -t "$EMAIL" done rm $EMAIL_LIST