--- - hosts: all # Install python if required # https://www.josharcher.uk/code/ansible-python-connection-failure-ubuntu-server-1604/ gather_facts: False pre_tasks: - name: install python for Ansible raw: test -e /usr/bin/python || (apt -y update && apt install -y python-minimal python-setuptools) args: executable: /bin/bash register: output changed_when: output.stdout != "" - setup: # gather facts tasks: - name: create app folder file: path={{item.path}} state=directory owner={{item.owner}} group={{item.owner}} with_items: - { path: '/gitea/', owner: 'root' } - { path: '/gitea/volumes/', owner: 'root' } - { path: '/gitea/volumes/gitea/', owner: 'root' } - { path: '/gitea/volumes/redis/', owner: 'root' } - { path: '/gitea/volumes/weblate/', owner: '1000' } - { path: '/gitea/volumes/postgres/', owner: '70' } - name: add all templates template: src={{item.src}} dest={{item.dest}} mode={{item.mode}} with_items: - { src: '../templates/gitea.conf', dest: '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/gitea.conf', mode: '0600' } - { src: '../templates/weblate.conf', dest: '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/weblate.conf', mode: '0600' } - { src: '../templates/env', dest: '/gitea/.env', mode: '0600' } - name: copy all files copy: src={{item.src}} dest={{item.dest}} mode={{item.mode}} with_items: - { src: '../files/docker-compose.yml', dest: '/gitea/docker-compose.yml', mode: '0755' } - { src: '../files/influxdb.conf', dest: '/gitea/influxdb.conf', mode: '0755' } - name: install dependencies apt: pkg: ['docker-compose', 'docker.io', 'certbot', 'nginx', 'python-certbot-nginx', 'python-passlib'] - name: enable and start docker service systemd: name: docker enabled: yes state: started - name: start docker-compose docker_compose: project_src: /gitea/ state: present pull: yes - name: request letsencrypt certificates shell: | certbot certonly --nginx --agree-tos -d '{{ domain }}' -m '{{ letsencrypt_contact_email }}' -n certbot certonly --nginx --agree-tos -d 'weblate.{{ domain }}' -m '{{ letsencrypt_contact_email }}' -n - name: reload nginx config and certs shell: nginx -s reload - name: renew gitea certificates cron: special_time=daily name=certbot-renew-gitea user=root job="certbot certonly --nginx -d {{ domain }} -n --deploy-hook 'nginx -s reload'" - name: renew weblate certificates cron: special_time=daily name=certbot-renew-weblate user=root job="certbot certonly --nginx -d weblate.{{ domain }} -n --deploy-hook 'nginx -s reload'"