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synced 2024-11-24 13:21:16 +00:00
195 lines
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195 lines
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<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<string name="app_name">Syncthing</string>
<string name="app_description">Zastępuje własnościowe serwisy czymś otwartym, zaufanym i zdecentralizowanym.</string>
<!--Title of the "add folder" menu action-->
<string name="add_folder">Dodaj folder</string>
<!--Title of the "share device id" menu action-->
<string name="share_device_id">Udostępnij ID urządzenia</string>
<!--Shown in the chooser dialog when sharing a Device ID-->
<string name="send_device_id_to">Wyślij ID urządzenia do</string>
<!--Text for FoldersFragment and DevicesFragment loading view-->
<string name="api_loading">Oczekiwanie na API</string>
<string name="folders_fragment_title">Foldery</string>
<!--Format string for folder progress. First parameter is status string, second is sync percentage-->
<string name="folder_progress_format">%1$s (%2$d%%)</string>
<!--Shown if no folders exist-->
<string name="folder_list_empty">Nie znaleziono folderów</string>
<!--Format string for folder file count-->
<string name="files">%1$d / %2$d plików</string>
<string name="devices_fragment_title">Urządzenia</string>
<!--Shown if no devices exist-->
<string name="devices_list_empty">Nie znaleziono urządzeń</string>
<!--Indicates that a folder is fully synced to the local device-->
<string name="device_up_to_date">Aktualne</string>
<!--Indicates that the device is currently syncing. Parameter is sync percentage-->
<string name="device_syncing">Synchronizacja (%1$d%%)</string>
<!--Indicates that there is no connection to the device-->
<string name="device_disconnected">Rozłączony</string>
<!--Title for current download rate-->
<string name="download_title">Pobieranie</string>
<!--Title for current upload rate-->
<string name="upload_title">Wysyłanie</string>
<!--Same as download_title with a colon and space appended-->
<string name="download_title_colon">Pobieranie:\u0020</string>
<!--Same as upload_title with a colon and space appended-->
<string name="upload_title_colon">Wysyłanie:\u0020</string>
<!--Title for current CPU usage-->
<string name="cpu_usage">Użycie CPU</string>
<!--Title for current RAM usage-->
<string name="ram_usage">Użycie RAMu</string>
<!--Title for announce server status-->
<string name="announce_server">Serwer ogłoszeniowy</string>
<!--Menu item to donate-->
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="folder_id">ID folderu</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="directory">Katalog</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="folder_master">Folder nadrzędny</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="devices">Urządzenia</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="file_versioning">File Versioning</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="keep_versions">Pamiętaj wersje</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="delete_folder">Usuń folder</string>
<!--Title for FolderSettingsFragment in create mode-->
<string name="create_folder">Utwórz folder</string>
<!--Title for FolderSettingsFragment in edit mode-->
<string name="edit_folder">Edytuj folder</string>
<!--Menu item to confirm folder creation-->
<string name="create">Utwórz</string>
<!--Dialog shown when attempting to delete a folder-->
<string name="delete_folder_confirm">Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten folder?</string>
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a folder with an invalid ID-->
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a folder with an empty path-->
<string name="folder_path_required">Ścieżka do folderu nie może być pusta</string>
<!--Toast shown when selecting 'devices' if no devices have been added-->
<string name="no_devices">Proszę połączyć sięwpierw z urządzeniem</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="device_id">ID urządzenia</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="name">Nazwa</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="addresses">Adresy</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="current_address">Bieżący adres</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="compression">Kompresja</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="introducer">Wprowadzający</string>
<!--ActionBar item-->
<string name="delete_device">Usuń urządzenie</string>
<!--Title for DeviceSettingsFragment in create mode-->
<string name="add_device">Dodaj urządzenie</string>
<!--Menu item to confirm adding a device-->
<string name="add">Dodaj</string>
<!--Title for DeviceSettingsFragment in edit mode-->
<string name="edit_device">Edytuj urządzenie</string>
<!--Dialog shown when attempting to delete a device-->
<string name="delete_device_confirm">Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć to urządzenie?</string>
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a device with an empty ID-->
<string name="device_id_required">ID urządzenie nie może być puste</string>
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a device with an empty name-->
<string name="device_name_required">Nazwa urządzenie nie może być pusta</string>
<!--Content description for device ID qr code icon-->
<string name="scan_qr_code_description">Skanuj QR Code</string>
<!--Text for toast shown if the "scan QR code" intent fails with an ActivityNotFoundException-->
<string name="no_qr_scanner_installed">Nie masz zainstalowanego wspieranego skanera QR.
Zainstaluj wspierany skaner, albo wprowadź ID urządzenia ręcznie.</string>
<!--Title of the web gui activity-->
<string name="web_gui_title">Web GUI</string>
<!--Text for WebGuiActivity loading view-->
<string name="web_gui_loading">Oczekiwanie na GUI</string>
<!--Shown instead of web_gui_loading if the key does not exist and has to be created-->
<string name="web_gui_creating_key">Generowanie kluczy. To może potrwać chwilę.</string>
<!--Title for dialog displayed on first start-->
<string name="welcome_title">Pierwsze uruchomienie</string>
<!--Text for dialog displayed on first start-->
<string name="welcome_text">Witamy w Syncthing dla Androida!
Ta aplikacja jest w fazie Alpha i mogą wystąpić błędy, problemy wydajnościowe albo utrata danych.
Proszę o zgłaszanie wszelkich problemów na Github-ie.</string>
<!--Activity title-->
<string name="settings_title">Ustawienia</string>
<!--Preference title-->
<string name="always_run_in_background">Zawsze działaj w tle</string>
<!--Preference summary in case it is enabled-->
<string name="always_run_in_background_enabled">Syncthing zawsze działa w tle zgodnie z ustawieniami poniżej.</string>
<!--Preference summary in case it is disabled-->
<string name="always_run_in_background_disabled">Syncthing działa tylko, gdy jest ręcznie uruchomiony i może być zatrzymany z przycisku w menu.</string>
<string name="sync_only_charging">tylko, ładując</string>
<string name="sync_only_wifi">tylko na WiFi</string>
<string name="category_syncthing">Syncthing</string>
<string name="syncthing_options">Ustawienia Syncthing</string>
<string name="max_recv_kbps">Limit pobierania (KiB/s)</string>
<string name="max_send_kbps">Limit wysyłania (KiB/s)</string>
<string name="global_announce_enabled">Globalny wyszukiwanie</string>
<string name="local_announce_enabled">Lokalne wyszukiwanie</string>
<string name="upnp_enabled">Włącz UPnP</string>
<string name="syncthing_gui">Syncthing GUI</string>
<string name="gui_address">Adres GUI</string>
<string name="gui_user">Urzytkownik GUI</string>
<string name="gui_password">Hasło GUI</string>
<string name="gui_https_enabled">Użyj HTTPS dla GUI</string>
<!--Toast shown after config was successfully exported-->
<!--Toast shown after config was successfully imported-->
<!--Toast shown after config was successfully imported-->
<!--Title for the preference to set STTRACE parameters-->
<string name="sttrace_title">Opcje debugowania</string>
<!--Settings item that opens issue tracker-->
<string name="report_issue_title">Zgłoś błąd</string>
<!--Summary for the issue tracker settings item-->
<string name="report_issue_summary">Otwórz Syncthing-Android issue tracker</string>
<!--URL of the issue tracker-->
<!--Title of the preference showing upstream version name-->
<string name="syncthing_version_title">Wersja Syncthing</string>
<!--Title of the preference showing this app's version name-->
<string name="app_version_title">Wersja Syncthing-Android</string>
<!--Activity title-->
<string name="folder_picker_title">Folder Picker</string>
<!--Toast shown on devices with kitkat or higher-->
<!--ListView empty text-->
<string name="directory_empty">Katalog jest pusty</string>
<!--Menu item to create folder on the file system-->
<string name="create_fs_folder">Nowy folder</string>
<!--Menu item to select the current folder-->
<string name="select_folder">Wybierz folder</string>
<!--Title of the "syncthing disabled" dialog-->
<string name="syncthing_disabled_title">Syncthing jest wyłączone</string>
<!--Message of the "syncthing disabled" dialog-->
<string name="syncthing_disabled_message">Czy chcesz zmienić ustawienia?</string>
<!--Button text on the "syncthing disabled" dialog-->
<string name="syncthing_disabled_change_settings">Zmień ustawienia</string>
<!--Button text on the "syncthing disabled" dialog, used as menu item to stop syncthing service if "always_run_in_background" is true-->
<string name="exit">Wyjście</string>
<!--Title of the notification shown while syncthing is running and enabled-->
<string name="syncthing_active">Syncthing działa</string>
<!--Title of the notification shown when a restart is needed-->
<string name="restart_title">Wymagany restart</string>
<!--Text of the notification shown when a restart is needed-->
<string name="restart_notification_text">Kliknij tu, aby zrestartować syncthing</string>
<!--Text for the dismiss button of the restart Activity-->
<string name="restart_later">Restartuj później</string>
<!--Shown when a device ID is copied to the clipboard-->
<string name="device_id_copied_to_clipboard">ID urządzenia skopiowane do schowka</string>
<!--Strings representing units for file sizes, from smallest to largest-->
<!--Strings representing units for transfer rates, from smallest to largest-->
<!--Possible folder states-->
<string name="state_idle">Bezczynny</string>
<string name="state_scanning">Skanuje</string>
<string name="state_cleaning">Czyści</string>
<string name="state_syncing">Synchronizuje</string>