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synced 2025-02-10 11:04:41 +00:00
683 lines
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683 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools">
<string name="app_name">Syncthing</string>
<string name="app_description">An open, trustworthy and decentralized file synchronization application.</string>
<!-- FirstStartActivity -->
<!-- Title for dialog displayed on first start -->
<string name="welcome_title">Welcome to Syncthing for Android</string>
<!-- Text for dialog displayed on first start -->
<string name="welcome_text">Syncthing is an open-source file synchronization application.\n\
To share data with other devices, you need to add their unique device IDs to the device list. Afterwards you can select which folders to share with which devices.\n\
Please report any problems you encounter via Github.</string>
<string name="cont">Continue</string>
<!-- Generic texts used everywhere -->
<string name="generic_example">Example</string>
<!-- MainActivity -->
<!-- Title of the "add folder" menu action -->
<string name="add_folder">Add Folder</string>
<!-- Title of the "share device id" menu action -->
<string name="share_device_id">Share Device ID</string>
<!-- Shown in the chooser dialog when sharing a Device ID -->
<string name="send_device_id_to">Send Device ID to</string>
<string name="usage_reporting_dialog_title">Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?</string>
<string name="usage_reporting_dialog_description">The encrypted usage report is sent daily. It is used to track common platforms, folder sizes and app versions. If the reported data set is changed you will be prompted with this dialog again.\n\nThe aggregated statistics are publicly available at https://data.syncthing.net.</string>
<string name="yes">Yes</string>
<string name="no">No</string>
<string name="open_website">Open Website</string>
<string name="toast_write_storage_permission_required">Write storage permission is required for this app</string>
<string name="device_rejected">Device %1$s wants to connect</string>
<string name="folder_rejected">Device %1$s wants to share folder %2$s</string>
<string name="dialog_disable_battery_optimization_title">Battery Optimization</string>
<string name="dialog_disable_battery_optimization_message">Android may stop synchronization after some time. To prevent this, turn off battery optimization.\n\nSome devices have additional task-killing apps preinstalled. You should add Syncthing to their whitelist, as well.</string>
<string name="dialog_disable_battery_optimization_later">Later</string>
<string name="dialog_disable_battery_optimization_dont_show_again">Don\'t show again</string>
<string name="dialog_disable_battery_optimization_turn_off">Turn off for Syncthing</string>
<string name="dialog_disable_battery_optimizations_not_supported">Your device does not support disabling battery optimizations</string>
<!-- StateDialogActivity -->
<!-- Text for FoldersFragment and DevicesFragment loading view -->
<string name="api_loading">Loading…</string>
<!-- Shown instead of web_gui_loading if the key does not exist and has to be created -->
<string name="web_gui_creating_key">Generating secure keys. This may take a few minutes.</string>
<string name="syncthing_loading_slow_message">Syncthing is taking very long to load. Use the logs to check for any errors.</string>
<!-- FoldersFragment -->
<string name="folders_fragment_title">Folders</string>
<!-- Shown if no folders exist -->
<string name="folder_list_empty">No folders found</string>
<!-- Format string for folder file count -->
<plurals name="files">
<item quantity="one">%1$d / %2$d File</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d / %2$d Files</item>
<string name="open_file_manager">Open file manager</string>
<string name="toast_no_file_manager">No compatible file manager found</string>
<!-- DevicesFragment -->
<string name="devices_fragment_title">Devices</string>
<!-- Shown if no devices exist -->
<string name="devices_list_empty">No devices found</string>
<!-- Indicates that a folder is fully synced to the local device -->
<string name="device_up_to_date">Up to Date</string>
<!-- Indicates that the device is currently syncing. Parameter is sync percentage -->
<string name="device_syncing">Syncing (%1$d%%)</string>
<!-- Indicates that there is no connection to the device -->
<string name="device_disconnected">Disconnected</string>
<!-- Indicates that the device is paused and does not sync -->
<string name="device_paused">Paused</string>
!-- Indicates that the device connection is unknown -->
<string name="device_state_unknown">Unknown</string>
<!-- Title for current download rate -->
<string name="download_title">Download</string>
<!-- Title for current upload rate -->
<string name="upload_title">Upload</string>
<!-- DrawerFragment -->
<!-- Same as download_title with a colon and space appended -->
<string name="download_title_colon">Download:\u0020</string>
<!-- Same as upload_title with a colon and space appended -->
<string name="upload_title_colon">Upload:\u0020</string>
<!-- Title for current CPU usage -->
<string name="cpu_usage">CPU Usage</string>
<!-- Title for current RAM usage -->
<string name="ram_usage">RAM Usage</string>
<!-- Title for announce server status -->
<string name="announce_server">Announce Server</string>
<string name="restart">Restart</string>
<string name="dialog_confirm_restart">Do you want to restart Syncthing?</string>
<!-- FolderActivity -->
<!-- Setting title -->
<string name="folder_id">Folder ID</string>
<!-- Setting title -->
<string name="folder_label">Folder Label</string>
<!-- Setting title -->
<string name="directory">Directory</string>
<!-- Setting title -->
<string name="folder_master">Send Only</string>
<!-- Setting title and description -->
<string name="folder_fileWatcher">Watch for changes</string>
<string name="folder_fileWatcherDescription">Asks operating system to notify about changes to files. If disabled falls back to periodic hourly scans.</string>
<!-- Setting title -->
<string name="folder_pause">Pause Folder</string>
<!-- Setting title -->
<string name="devices">Devices</string>
<!-- Setting title -->
<string name="keep_versions">Keep Versions</string>
<!-- Setting title -->
<string name="delete_folder">Delete Folder</string>
<!-- Title for FolderSettingsFragment in create mode -->
<string name="create_folder">Create Folder</string>
<!-- Title for FolderSettingsFragment in edit mode -->
<string name="edit_folder">Edit Folder</string>
<!-- Menu item to confirm folder creation -->
<string name="create">Create</string>
<!-- Dialog shown when attempting to remove a folder -->
<string name="remove_folder_confirm">Do you really want to remove this folder from Syncthing?</string>
<!-- Toast shown when trying to create a folder with an empty ID -->
<string name="folder_id_required">The folder ID must not be empty</string>
<!-- Toast shown when trying to create a folder with an empty path -->
<string name="folder_path_required">The folder path must not be empty</string>
<string name="dialog_discard_changes">Discard your changes?</string>
<string name="ignore_patterns">Ignore Patterns</string>
<string name="create_ignore_file_error">Failed to create ignore file. Is the directory writable?</string>
<string name="edit_ignore_file_error">No text editor found</string>
<!-- DeviceActivity -->
<!-- Setting title -->
<string name="device_id">Device ID</string>
<!-- Setting title -->
<string name="name">Name</string>
<!-- Setting title -->
<string name="addresses">Addresses</string>
<!-- Setting title -->
<string name="current_address">Current Address</string>
<!-- Setting title -->
<string name="compression">Compression</string>
<!-- Strings representing compression options -->
<string-array name="compress_entries">
<!-- Setting title -->
<string name="introducer">Introducer</string>
<!-- Setting title -->
<string name="pause_device">Pause Device</string>
<!-- ActionBar item -->
<string name="delete_device">Delete Device</string>
<string name="add_device">Add Device</string>
<!-- Menu item to confirm adding a device -->
<string name="add">Add</string>
<!-- Title for DeviceSettingsFragment in edit mode -->
<string name="edit_device">Edit Device</string>
<!-- Dialog shown when attempting to remove a device -->
<string name="remove_device_confirm">Do you really want to remove this device?</string>
<!-- Toast shown when trying to create a device with an empty ID -->
<string name="device_id_required">The device ID must not be empty</string>
<!-- Content description for device ID qr code icon -->
<string name="scan_qr_code_description">Scan QR Code</string>
<!-- Toast show if we could not get root permissions -->
<string name="toast_root_denied">Did not get root permissions</string>
<!-- WebGuiActivity -->
<!-- Title of the web gui activity -->
<string name="web_gui_title">Web GUI</string>
<!-- Text for WebGuiActivity loading view -->
<string name="web_gui_loading">Waiting for GUI</string>
<!-- SettingsFragment -->
<string name="settings_title">Settings</string>
<string name="category_run_conditions">Run Conditions</string>
<string name="category_behaviour">Behaviour</string>
<string name="category_syncthing_options">Syncthing Options</string>
<string name="category_backup">Backup</string>
<string name="category_debug">Debug</string>
<string name="category_experimental">Experimental</string>
<string name="always_run_in_background">Always run in background</string>
<!-- Preference summary in case it is enabled -->
<string name="always_run_in_background_enabled">Syncthing always runs in the background, according to preferences below.</string>
<!-- Preference summary in case it is disabled -->
<string name="always_run_in_background_disabled">Syncthing only runs when explicitly started, and can be stopped by menu button.</string>
<string name="sync_only_charging">Run only when charging</string>
<string name="sync_only_wifi">Run only on wifi</string>
<string name="sync_only_wifi_ssids">Restrict to certain wifi networks</string>
<string name="sync_only_wifi_ssids_wifi_turn_on_wifi">Please turn on WiFi to select networks.</string>
<string name="sync_only_wifi_ssids_need_to_grant_location_permission">You need to grant LOCATION permission to use this feature.</string>
<string name="sync_only_wifi_ssids_location_permission_rejected_dialog_title">Permission required</string>
<string name="sync_only_wifi_ssids_location_permission_rejected_dialog_content">Starting with Android 8.1, location access is required to be able to read the WiFi\'s name. You can use this feature only if you grant this permission.</string>
<string name="respect_battery_saving_title">Respect Android battery saving setting</string>
<string name="respect_battery_saving_summary">Disable Syncthing if battery saving is active</string>
<string name="advanced_folder_picker">Use advanced Folder Picker</string>
<string name="advanced_folder_picker_summary">Select any folder on the device for syncing</string>
<string name="use_root_title">Run Syncthing as Superuser</string>
<string name="use_root_summary">This is an unstable feature that may cause problems with Syncthing and with your device. If you encounter problems, you may have to reinstall Syncthing.</string>
<string name="notification_type_title">Notification</string>
<string name="notification_type_summary">Choose the notification type</string>
<string-array name="notification_type_entries">
<item>Low Priority</item>
<string name="preference_language_title">Language</string>
<string name="preference_language_summary">Change the app language</string>
<string name="start_into_web_gui_title">Start directly into web GUI</string>
<string name="start_into_web_gui_summary">When starting the app, open web GUI instead of the main screen</string>
<string name="pref_language_default">Default Language</string>
<string-array name="versioning_types">
<string name="device_name">Device Name</string>
<string name="listen_address">Sync Protocol Listen Addresses</string>
<string name="max_recv_kbps">Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)</string>
<string name="max_send_kbps">Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)</string>
<string name="global_announce_enabled">Global Discovery</string>
<string name="local_announce_enabled">Local Discovery</string>
<string name="enable_nat_traversal">Enable NAT Traversal</string>
<string name="global_announce_server">Global Discovery Servers</string>
<string name="enable_relaying">Enable Relaying</string>
<string name="usage_reporting">Anonymous Usage Reporting</string>
<string name="gui_address">GUI Listen Addresses</string>
<string name="export_config">Export Configuration</string>
<!-- Toast after entering invalid integer value -->
<string name="invalid_integer_value" tools:ignore="PluralsCandidate">Input value not valid. Please enter value between %1$d and %2$d.</string>
<!-- Experimental options -->
<string name="use_proxy">Connect through a proxy</string>
<string name="do_not_use_proxy">No proxy configured.</string>
<string name="keep_wakelock_while_binary_running">Keep the CPU awake while Syncthing is running</string>
<string name="keep_wakelock_while_binary_running_summary">Use this setting if you experience unexpected disconnects while operating on battery. This will result in increased battery consumption.</string>
<string name="use_tor_title">Use Tor</string>
<string name="use_tor_summary">Force all traffic through Tor for increased privacy. Requires Orbot. Disables proxy options.</string>
<string name="socks_proxy_address_title">SOCKS5 proxy</string>
<string name="socks_proxy_address_example">socks5://</string>
<!-- Toast after entering invalid socks proxy address -->
<string name="toast_invalid_socks_proxy_address">Input violates proxy syntax \'socks5://[IP/HOSTNAME]:[PORT]\'</string>
<string name="http_proxy_address_title">HTTP(S) proxy</string>
<string name="http_proxy_address_example"></string>
<!-- Toast after entering invalid http proxy address -->
<string name="toast_invalid_http_proxy_address">Input violates proxy syntax \'http://[IP/HOSTNAME]:[PORT]\'</string>
<string name="use_legacy_hashing_title">Use legacy hashing</string>
<string name="use_legacy_hashing_summary">Force Syncthing to use legacy hashing package for compatibility purposes</string>
<string name="restart_on_wakeup_title">Restart on Wakeup</string>
<string name="restart_on_wakeup_summary">Default: Enabled. Disabling this feature may result in folder scans and device reconnects being delayed to save battery.</string>
<!-- Dialog shown before config export -->
<string name="dialog_confirm_export">Do you really want to export your configuration? Existing files will be overwritten.\n\nWARNING! Other applications may be able to read the private key from the backup location and use it to download/modify synchronized files.</string>
<!-- Dialog shown before config import -->
<string name="dialog_confirm_import">Do you really want to import a new configuration? Existing files will be overwritten.</string>
<!-- Toast shown after config was successfully exported -->
<string name="config_export_successful">Config was exported to %1$s</string>
<string name="import_config">Import Configuration</string>
<!-- Toast shown after config was successfully imported -->
<string name="config_imported_successful">Config was imported</string>
<!-- Toast shown after config was successfully imported -->
<string name="config_import_failed">Config import failed, make sure files are in %1$s</string>
<!-- Title for the preference to set STTRACE parameters -->
<string name="sttrace_title">STTRACE Options</string>
<string name="environment_variables">Environment variables</string>
<!-- Toast after entering invalid STTRACE params -->
<string name="toast_invalid_environment_variables">Value is not a valid environment variable string</string>
<!-- Title for the preference to reset Syncthing indexes -->
<string name="st_reset_database_title">Reset Database</string>
<!-- Syncthing was reset -->
<string name="st_reset_database_question">This action should only be performed based on a recommendation from our support team.
\nAre you sure you want to clear Syncthing\'s database?
<!-- Syncthing was reset -->
<string name="st_reset_database_done">Successfully reset Syncthing\'s database</string>
<!-- Title for the preference to reset Syncthing indexes -->
<string name="st_reset_deltas_title">Reset Delta Indexes</string>
<!-- Syncthing was reset -->
<string name="st_reset_deltas_question">This action should only be performed based on a recommendation from our support team.
\nAre you sure you want to clear Syncthing\'s delta indexes?
<!-- Syncthing was reset -->
<string name="st_reset_deltas_done">Successfully reset Syncthing\'s delta indexes</string>
<string name="category_about">About</string>
<!-- Settings item that opens the log activity -->
<string name="open_log">Open Log</string>
<!-- Summary for the log activity -->
<string name="open_log_summary">Open the Syncthing and Android log window</string>
<string name="notify_crashes_title">Notify about Syncthing crashes</string>
<string name="notify_crashes_summary">Show a notification whenever a Syncthing crash is detected</string>
<string name="syncthing_forum_title">Syncthing Forum</string>
<string name="syncthing_forum_summary">Go to the Syncthing Forum</string>
<string name="syncthing_forum_url" translatable="false">https://forum.syncthing.net/</string>
<!-- Settings item that opens issue tracker -->
<string name="report_issue_title">Report Issue</string>
<!-- Summary for the issue tracker settings item -->
<string name="report_issue_summary">Open the Syncthing-Android issue tracker</string>
<!-- URL of the issue tracker -->
<string name="issue_tracker_url" translatable="false">https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing-android/issues</string>
<!-- Menu item to donate -->
<string name="donate_title">Donate</string>
<string name="donate_summary">Help us pay for domains and hosting fees</string>
<string name="donate_url" translatable="false">https://syncthing.net/#donate</string>
<!-- Title of the preference showing upstream version name -->
<string name="syncthing_version_title">Syncthing Version</string>
<!-- Title of the preference showing this app's version name -->
<string name="app_version_title">Syncthing-Android Version</string>
<!-- FolderPickerAcitivity -->
<!-- Activity title -->
<string name="folder_picker_title">Folder Picker</string>
<!-- Toast shown on devices with kitkat or higher -->
<string name="kitkat_external_storage_warning">Warning: Your Android version does not allow syncing to external storage devices</string>
<!-- ListView empty text -->
<string name="directory_empty">Directory is Empty</string>
<!-- Menu item to create folder on the file system -->
<string name="create_fs_folder">Create new Folder</string>
<!-- Menu item to select the current folder -->
<string name="select_folder">Select Folder</string>
<string name="create_folder_failed">Failed to create folder</string>
<!-- LogActivity -->
<string name="syncthing_log_title">Syncthing Log</string>
<string name="android_log_title">Android Log</string>
<!-- Title of the "log android" menu button -->
<string name="view_android_log">View Android Log</string>
<!-- Title of the "log Syncthing" menu button -->
<string name="view_syncthing_log">View Syncthing Log</string>
<string name="retrieving_logs">Retrieving logs…</string>
<!-- Title of the "share log" menu button -->
<string name="share_title">Share</string>
<!-- ShareActivity -->
<!-- Title of the "share" activity -->
<string name="share_activity_title">Save to Syncthing</string>
<!-- Title of the "save" button -->
<string name="save_title">Save</string>
<!-- Title of the "cancel" button -->
<string name="cancel_title">Cancel</string>
<!-- Title of the "save" button -->
<string name="folder_title">Folder</string>
<!-- New file name template -->
<string name="file_name_template">New file %1$s</string>
<!-- Nothing to share toast -->
<string name="nothing_share">Nothing to share</string>
<!-- Copy success toast partially -->
<plurals name="copy_success_partially">
<item quantity="one">%1$d file copied to folder \"%2$s\", %3$d already exist</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d files copied to folder \"%2$s\", %3$d already exist</item>
<!-- Copy success toast -->
<plurals name="copy_success">
<item quantity="one">%1$d file copied to folder \"%2$s\"</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d files copied to folder \"%2$s\"</item>
<!-- Copy exception toast -->
<string name="copy_exception">There was an error during sharing, check application logs</string>
<!-- Copy progress dialog text -->
<string name="copy_progress">Sharing files…</string>
<plurals name="file_name_title">
<item quantity="one">File Name</item>
<item quantity="other">Files List</item>
<!-- Sub Folder title -->
<string name="sub_folder">Sub folder</string>
<!-- SyncthingService -->
<!-- Title of the "syncthing disabled" dialog -->
<string name="syncthing_disabled_title">Syncthing is disabled</string>
<!-- Message of the "syncthing disabled" dialog -->
<string name="syncthing_disabled_message">Do you want to change your preferences?</string>
<!-- Button text on the "syncthing disabled" dialog -->
<string name="syncthing_disabled_change_settings">Change Settings</string>
<!-- Button text on the "syncthing disabled" dialog, used as menu item to stop syncthing service if "always_run_in_background" is true -->
<string name="exit">Exit</string>
<!-- Title of the notification shown while syncthing is running and enabled -->
<string name="syncthing_active">Syncthing is running</string>
<string name="syncthing_disabled">Syncthing is disabled</string>
<!-- Toast shown if syncthing failed to create a config -->
<string name="config_create_failed">Failed to create config file</string>
<!-- Label of the default folder created of first start (camera folder). -->
<string name="default_folder_label">Camera</string>
<!-- ID of the default folder created on first start (camera folder). Must only contain 'a-z0-9_-'. Parameter is the device name-->
<string name="default_folder_id">%1$s-photos</string>
<string name="notification_crash_title">Syncthing has crashed</string>
<string name="notification_crash_text">Click to view logs</string>
<string name="notifications_persistent_channel">Syncthing active</string>
<string name="notification_persistent_waiting_channel">Monitoring run conditions</string>
<string name="notifications_other_channel">Other notifications</string>
<!-- RestApi -->
<!-- Title of the notification shown when a restart is needed -->
<string name="restart_title">Restart Needed</string>
<!-- Text for positive button in restart dialog -->
<!-- Text for the dismiss button of the restart Activity -->
<!-- Text of the notification shown when a restart is needed -->
<string name="restart_notification_text">Click here to restart syncthing now</string>
<!-- Shown when a device ID is copied to the clipboard -->
<string name="device_id_copied_to_clipboard">Device ID copied to clipboard</string>
<!-- Strings representing units for file sizes, from smallest to largest -->
<string-array name="file_size_units">
<!-- Strings representing units for transfer rates, from smallest to largest -->
<string-array name="transfer_rate_units">
<!-- Possible folder states -->
<string name="state_idle">Idle</string>
<string name="state_scanning">Scanning</string>
<string name="state_syncing">Syncing (%1$d%%)</string>
<string name="state_error">Error</string>
<string name="state_unknown">Unknown</string>
<string name="state_paused">Paused</string>
<string name="status_outofsync">Out of Sync</string>
<!-- Format string for folder size, eg "500 MiB / 1 GiB" -->
<string name="folder_size_format">%1$s / %2$s</string>
<string name="appconfig_receiver_background_enabled">Stopping Syncthing is not supported when running in background is enabled.</string>
<!-- Titles used in the file versioning dialog and file versioning button in the folder activity -->
<string name="maximum_age">Maximum Age</string>
<string name="clean_out_after">Clean out after</string>
<string name="file_versioning">File Versioning</string>
<string name="finish">Finish</string>
<string name="none"> None</string>
<string name="versions_path">Versions Path</string>
<string name="command">Command</string>
<!-- File versioning dialog descriptions for file versioning types and file versioning configuration options. -->
<string name="keep_versions_description">The number of old versions to keep, per file.</string>
<string name="simple_file_versioning_description">Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.</string>
<string name="trashcan_versioning_description">Files are moved to .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.</string>
<string name="staggered_versioning_description">Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing. Versions are automatically deleted if they are older than the maximum age or exceed the number of files allowed in an interval.\n\nThe following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.</string>
<string name="maximum_age_description">The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).</string>
<string name="versions_path_description">Path where versions should be stored (leave empty for the default .stversions directory in the shared folder).</string>
<string name="cleanout_after_description">The number of days to keep files in the trash can. Zero means forever</string>
<string name="external_versioning_description">The first command line parameter is the folder path and the second parameter is the relative path in the folder.</string>
<string name="no_versioning_description">Select a versioning type to enable versioning.</string>
<!-- Displays the current file versioning type in the Folder activity -->
<string name="type_simple">Type: Simple</string>
<string name="type_trashcan">Type: Trashcan</string>
<string name="type_staggered">Type: Staggered</string>
<string name="type_external">Type: External</string>
<!-- Information displayed about the current file versioning configuration in the folder activity -->
<string name="trashcan_versioning_info">Cleanout after: %1$s</string>
<string name="staggered_versioning_info">Maximum Age: %1$d \nVersions Path: %2$s</string>
<string name="external_versioning_info">Command: %1$s</string>
<string name="simple_versioning_info">Keep versions: %1$s</string>
<string name="show_device_id">Show device ID</string>
<!-- error message if the deviceID/QRCode dialog for some reason cannot be displayed.-->
<string name="could_not_access_deviceid">Could not access device ID.</string>
<string name="browse">Browse</string>
<string name="no_sub_folder_is_selected">No sub folder is selected</string>
<string name="share_device_id_chooser">Share device ID with</string>