@echo off REM REM Purpose: REM Rename and move built APK's to match this style: REM [APPLICATION_ID]_v[VERSION_NAME]_[COMMIT_SHORT_HASH].apk REM Example: REM com.github.catfriend1.syncthingandroid_v1.0.0.1_7d59e75.apk REM title %~nx0 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion cls SET SCRIPT_PATH=%~dps0 SET TEMP_OUTPUT_FOLDER=X:\ SET GIT_INSTALL_DIR=%ProgramFiles%\Git SET GIT_BIN="%GIT_INSTALL_DIR%\bin\git.exe" REM SET PATH=%PATH%;"%GIT_INSTALL_DIR%\bin" REM REM Get "applicationId" FOR /F "tokens=2 delims= " %%A IN ('type "app\build.gradle" 2^>^&1 ^| findstr "applicationId"') DO SET APPLICATION_ID=%%A SET APPLICATION_ID=%APPLICATION_ID:"=% echo [INFO] applicationId="%APPLICATION_ID%" REM REM Get "versionName" FOR /F "tokens=2 delims= " %%A IN ('type "app\build.gradle" 2^>^&1 ^| findstr "versionName"') DO SET VERSION_NAME=%%A SET VERSION_NAME=%VERSION_NAME:"=% echo [INFO] versionName="%VERSION_NAME%" REM REM Get short hash of last commit. IF NOT EXIST %GIT_BIN% echo [ERROR] git.exe not found. & pause & goto :eof FOR /F "tokens=1" %%A IN ('git rev-parse --short --verify HEAD 2^>NUL:') DO SET COMMIT_SHORT_HASH=%%A echo [INFO] commit="%COMMIT_SHORT_HASH%" REM REM Rename APK to be ready for upload to the GitHub release page. SET APK_NEW_FILENAME=%APPLICATION_ID%_v%VERSION_NAME%_%COMMIT_SHORT_HASH%.apk call :renIfExist %SCRIPT_PATH%app\build\outputs\apk\debug\app-debug.apk %APK_NEW_FILENAME% call :renIfExist %SCRIPT_PATH%app\build\outputs\apk\release\app-release-unsigned.apk %APK_NEW_FILENAME% echo [INFO] APK file rename step complete. REM REM Copy debug APK to temporary storage location if the storage is available. IF EXIST %TEMP_OUTPUT_FOLDER% copy /y %SCRIPT_PATH%app\build\outputs\apk\debug\%APK_NEW_FILENAME% %TEMP_OUTPUT_FOLDER% 2> NUL: REM echo [INFO] End of Script. timeout 3 goto :eof :renIfExist REM REM Syntax: REM call :renIfExist [FULL_FN_ORIGINAL] [FILENAME_RENAMED] IF EXIST %1 REN %1 %2 & goto :eof echo [INFO] File not found: %1 REM goto :eof