# Fork of Syncthing-Android:
[![License: MPLv2](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MPLv2-blue.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/MPL-2.0)
# Major enhancements in this fork are:
- Individual sync conditions can be applied per device and per folder (for expert users).
- UI explains why syncthing is running or not running according to the run conditions set in preferences.
- "Battery eater" problem is fixed.
- Android 8 and 9 support.
- Many bug fixes, enhancements and more frequent releases.
A wrapper of [Syncthing](https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing) for Android. Head to the "releases" section or F-Droid for builds. Please open an issue under this fork if you need help. Important: Please don't file bugs at the upstream repository "syncthing-android" if you are using this fork.
# Goal of the forked version
- Develop and try out enhancements together
- Release the wrapper more frequently to identify and fix bugs together caused by changes in the syncthing submodule.
- Make enhancements configurable in the settings UI, e.g. users should be able to turn them on and off
- Let's get ready for newer Android versions that put limits on background syncing tools. We need your bug reports as detailed as possible.
# Translations
The project is translated on [Transifex](https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/syncthing-android-1).
# Building
### Prerequisites
- Android SDK
`You can skip this if you are using Android Studio.`
- Android NDK r16b
`$ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable should point at the root directory of your NDK. If the variable is not set, build-syncthing.py will automatically try to download and setup the NDK.`
- Go 1.9.7
`Make sure, Go is installed and available on the PATH environment variable. If Go is not found on the PATH environment variable, build-syncthing.py will automatically try to download and setup GO on the PATH.`
- Python 2.7
`Make sure, Python is installed and available on the PATH environment variable.`
- Git (for Linux) or Git for Windows
`Make sure, git (or git.exe) is installed and available on the PATH environment variable. If Git is not found on the PATH environment variable, build-syncthing.py will automatically try to download and setup MinGit 2.19.0-x64 on the PATH.`
### Build instructions
Make sure you clone the project with
`git clone https://github.com/Catfriend1/syncthing-android.git --recursive`.
Alternatively, run `git submodule init && git submodule update` in the project folder.
A Linux VM, for example running Debian, is recommended to build this.
Build Syncthing and the Syncthing-Android wrapper using the following commands:
`./gradlew buildNative`
`./gradlew lint assembleDebug`
You can also use Android Studio to build the apk after you manually ran the `./gradlew buildNative` command in the repository root.
To clean up all files generated during build, use the following commands:
`./gradlew cleanNative`
`./gradlew clean`
# License
The project is licensed under the [MPLv2](LICENSE).