@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion SET SCRIPT_PATH=%~dps0 cd /d "%SCRIPT_PATH%" cls REM REM Script Consts. SET CLEANUP_BEFORE_BUILD=1 SET SKIP_RELEASE_BUILD=0 REM REM Runtime Variables. REM REM SET SYNCTHING_RELEASE_PLAY_ACCOUNT_CONFIG_FILE=%userprofile%\.android\play_key.json" REM SET SYNCTHING_RELEASE_STORE_FILE="%userprofile%\.android\signing_key.jks" SET SYNCTHING_RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS=Syncthing-Fork title %SYNCTHING_RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS% - Build Debug and Release APK REM SET GIT_INSTALL_DIR=%ProgramFiles%\Git SET GIT_BIN="%GIT_INSTALL_DIR%\bin\git.exe" REM SET PATH=C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin;"%GIT_INSTALL_DIR%\bin";%PATH% REM echo [INFO] Checking if SyncthingNative was built before starting this script ... SET LIBCOUNT= for /f "tokens=*" %%A IN ('dir /s /a "%SCRIPT_PATH%app\src\main\jniLibs\*" 2^>NUL: ^| find /C "libsyncthing.so"') DO SET LIBCOUNT=%%A IF NOT "%LIBCOUNT%" == "3" echo [ERROR] SyncthingNative[s] "libsyncthing.so" are missing. Please run "gradlew buildNative" first. & goto :eos REM REM Check if we should skip the release build and just make a debug build. IF "%SKIP_RELEASE_BUILD%" == "1" goto :absLint REM echo [INFO] Let's prepare a new "%SYNCTHING_RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS%" GPlay release. REM echo [INFO] Checking release prerequisites ... IF NOT EXIST "%SYNCTHING_RELEASE_PLAY_ACCOUNT_CONFIG_FILE%" echo [ERROR] SYNCTHING_RELEASE_PLAY_ACCOUNT_CONFIG_FILE env var not set or file does not exist. & goto :eos REM REM User has to enter the signing password if it is not filled in here. SET SIGNING_PASSWORD= :enterSigningPassword IF NOT DEFINED SIGNING_PASSWORD SET /p SIGNING_PASSWORD=Enter signing password: IF NOT DEFINED SIGNING_PASSWORD echo [ERROR] Signing password is required. Please retry. & goto :enterSigningPassword REM :absLint REM echo [INFO] Running lint before building ... call gradlew --quiet lint SET RESULT=%ERRORLEVEL% IF NOT "%RESULT%" == "0" echo [ERROR] "gradlew lint" exited with code #%RESULT%. & goto :eos REM echo [INFO] Building Android APK variant "debug" ... IF "%CLEANUP_BEFORE_BUILD%" == "1" del /f "%SCRIPT_PATH%app\build\outputs\apk\debug\app-debug.apk" 2> NUL: call gradlew --quiet assembleDebug SET RESULT=%ERRORLEVEL% IF NOT "%RESULT%" == "0" echo [ERROR] "gradlew assembleDebug" exited with code #%RESULT%. & goto :eos type "app\build\intermediates\merged_manifests\debug\AndroidManifest.xml" | findstr /i "android:version" REM REM Check if we should skip the release build and just make a debug build. IF "%SKIP_RELEASE_BUILD%" == "1" goto :absPostBuildScript REM IF "%CLEANUP_BEFORE_BUILD%" == "1" del /f "%SCRIPT_PATH%app\build\outputs\apk\release\app-release.apk" 2> NUL: echo [INFO] Building Android APK variant "release" ... call gradlew --quiet assembleRelease SET RESULT=%ERRORLEVEL% IF NOT "%RESULT%" == "0" echo [ERROR] "gradlew assembleRelease" exited with code #%RESULT%. & goto :eos type "app\build\intermediates\merged_manifests\release\AndroidManifest.xml" | findstr /i "android:version" REM :absPostBuildScript REM echo [INFO] Running OPTIONAL post build script ... call gradlew --quiet postBuildScript REM echo [INFO] Deleting unsupported play translations ... call gradlew --quiet deleteUnsupportedPlayTranslations SET RESULT=%ERRORLEVEL% IF NOT "%RESULT%" == "0" echo [ERROR] "gradlew deleteUnsupportedPlayTranslations" exited with code #%RESULT%. & goto :eos REM REM Check if we should skip the release upload and finish here. IF "%SKIP_RELEASE_BUILD%" == "1" goto :eos REM :askUserReadyToPublish SET UI_ANSWER= SET /p UI_ANSWER=Are you ready to publish this release to GPlay? [y/n] IF NOT "%UI_ANSWER%" == "y" goto :askUserReadyToPublish REM REM Workaround for play-publisher issue, see https://github.com/Triple-T/gradle-play-publisher/issues/597 :clearPlayPublisherCache IF EXIST "app\build\generated\gpp" rd /s /q "app\build\generated\gpp" IF EXIST "app\build\generated\gpp" TASKKILL /F /IM java.exe & sleep 1 & goto :clearPlayPublisherCache REM REM Remove "app\src\main\play\listings\[lang]\graphics\icon" folders because of GPlay API Error #500. rd /s /q "app\src\main\play\listings\de-DE\graphics\icon" rd /s /q "app\src\main\play\listings\en-GB\graphics\icon" REM REM Publish text and image resources to GPlay echo [INFO] Publishing descriptive resources to GPlay ... call gradlew --quiet publishReleaseListing SET RESULT=%ERRORLEVEL% IF NOT "%RESULT%" == "0" echo [ERROR] "gradlew publishReleaseListing" exited with code #%RESULT%. & goto :eos REM REM Publish APK to GPlay echo [INFO] Publishing APK to GPlay ... call gradlew --quiet publishRelease SET RESULT=%ERRORLEVEL% IF NOT "%RESULT%" == "0" echo [ERROR] "gradlew publishRelease" exited with code #%RESULT%. & goto :eos REM REM Revert removed play icon resources. git checkout -- "app\src\main\play\listings\de-DE\graphics\icon\*" git checkout -- "app\src\main\play\listings\en-GB\graphics\icon\*" REM goto :eos :eos REM echo [INFO] End of Script. REM pause goto :eof