Imported German and Italian translations.

This commit is contained in:
Felix Ableitner 2014-09-10 23:14:04 +03:00
parent b3ad5a752c
commit 9082219e14
2 changed files with 348 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<string name="app_name">Syncthing</string>
<!--Title of the "add repo" menu action-->
<string name="add_repo">Verzeichnis hinzufügen</string>
<!--Title of the "share node id" menu action-->
<string name="share_node_id">Knoten ID teilen</string>
<!--Shown in the chooser dialog when sharing a Node ID-->
<string name="send_node_id_to">Knoten ID senden an</string>
<!--Text for RepositoriesFragment and NodesFragment loading view-->
<string name="api_loading">Warte auf Schnittstelle</string>
<string name="repositories_fragment_title">Verzeichnisse</string>
<!--Format string for repository progress. First parameter is status string, second is sync percentage-->
<string name="repo_progress_format">%1$s (%2$d%%)</string>
<!--Shown if no repos exist-->
<string name="repositories_list_empty">Keine Verzeichnisse gefunden</string>
<!--Format string for repository file count-->
<string name="files">%1$d / %2$d Dateien</string>
<string name="nodes_fragment_title">Knoten</string>
<!--Shown if no nodes exist-->
<string name="nodes_list_empty">Keine Knoten gefunden</string>
<!--Indicates that a repo is fully synced to the local node-->
<string name="node_up_to_date">Aktuell</string>
<!--Indicates that the node is currently syncing. Parameter is sync percentage-->
<string name="node_syncing">Synchronisiere (%1$d%%)</string>
<!--Indicates that there is no connection to the node-->
<string name="node_disconnected">Nicht verbunden</string>
<!--Title for current download rate-->
<string name="download_title">Download</string>
<!--Title for current upload rate-->
<string name="upload_title">Upload</string>
<!--ActionBar title shown when the drawer is open-->
<string name="system_info">System Informationen</string>
<!--Same as download_title with a colon and space appended-->
<string name="download_title_colon">Download:\u0020</string>
<!--Same as upload_title with a colon and space appended-->
<string name="upload_title_colon">Upload:\u0020</string>
<!--Title for current CPU usage-->
<string name="cpu_usage">Prozessorauslastung</string>
<!--Title for current RAM usage-->
<string name="ram_usage">RAM Auslastung</string>
<!--Title for announce server status-->
<string name="announce_server">Ankündigungs-Server</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="repo_id">Verzeichnis ID</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="directory">Ordner</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="repo_master">Originalverzeichnis</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="nodes">Knoten</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="file_versioning">Dateiversionierung</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="keep_versions">Versionen behalten</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="delete_repo">Verzeichnis löschen</string>
<!--Title for RepoSettingsActivity in create mode-->
<string name="create_repo">Verzeichnis erstellen</string>
<!--Title for RepoSettingsActivity in edit mode-->
<string name="edit_repo">Verzeichnis bearbeiten</string>
<!--Menu item to confirm repo creation-->
<string name="create">Erstellen</string>
<!--Dialog shown when attempting to delete a repository-->
<string name="delete_repo_confirm">Soll dieses Verzeichnis wirklich gelöscht werden?</string>
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a repository with an empty ID-->
<string name="repo_id_required">Die Verzeichnis ID darf nicht leer sein</string>
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a repository with an empty path-->
<string name="repo_path_required">Der Verzeichnispfad darf nicht leer sein</string>
<!--Toast shown when selecting 'nodes' if no nodes have been added-->
<string name="no_nodes">Bitte verbinden Sie zuerst einen Knoten.</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="node_id">Knoten ID</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="name">Name</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="addresses">Adressen</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="current_address">Aktuelle Adresse</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="delete_node">Knoten löschen</string>
<!--Title for NodeSettingsActivity in create mode-->
<string name="add_node">Knoten hinzufügen</string>
<!--Menu item to confirm adding a node-->
<string name="add">Hinzufügen</string>
<!--Title for NodeSettingsActivity in edit mode-->
<string name="edit_node">Knoten bearbeiten</string>
<!--Dialog shown when attempting to delete a node-->
<string name="delete_node_confirm">Soll dieser Knoten wirklich gelöscht werden?</string>
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a node with an empty ID-->
<string name="node_id_required">Die Knoten ID darf nicht leer sein</string>
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a node with an empty name-->
<string name="node_name_required">Der Knotenname darf nicht leer sein</string>
<!--Content description for node ID qr code icon-->
<string name="scan_qr_code_description">QR Code scannen</string>
<!--Text for toast shown if the "scan QR code" intent fails with an ActivityNotFoundException-->
<string name="no_qr_scanner_installed">Sie haben keinen QR Scanner installiert, oder Ihr Scanner wird nicht unterstützt.
Bitte installieren Sie einen Scanner oder geben Sie die Knoten ID manuell ein.</string>
<!--Title of the web gui activity-->
<string name="web_gui_title">Web Oberfläche</string>
<!--Text for WebGuiActivity loading view-->
<string name="web_gui_loading">Warte auf Oberfläche</string>
<!--Shown instead of web_gui_loading if the key does not exist and has to be created-->
<string name="web_gui_creating_key">Generiere Schlüssel. Dies kann eine Weile dauern.</string>
<!--Menu item that stops Activity and Service-->
<string name="exit">Verlassen</string>
<!--Title for dialog displayed on first start-->
<string name="welcome_title">Erster Start</string>
<!--Text for dialog displayed on first start-->
<string name="welcome_text">Willkommen zu Syncthing für Android
Diese App ist momentan im Alpha Status, sodass es zu Fehlern, Geschwindigkeitsproblemen oder Datenverlust kommen kann.
Mobiles Datenvolumen wird nicht berücksichtigt. Daher kann es sein, dass Ihr gesamtes Datenvolumen aufgebraucht wird, während Syncthing aktiv ist.
Bitte teilen Sie uns auftretende Probleme mit.</string>
<!--Activity title-->
<string name="settings_title">Einstellungen</string>
<!--Settings item that opens issue tracker-->
<string name="report_issue_title">Fehler berichten</string>
<!--Summary for the issue tracker settings item-->
<string name="report_issue_summary">Syncthing-Android Fehler-Sammlung öffnen</string>
<!--URL of the issue tracker-->
<!--Title of the preference showing upstream version name-->
<string name="syncthing_version_title">Syncthing Version</string>
<!--Activity title-->
<string name="folder_picker_title">Ordnerauswahl</string>
<!--ListView empty text-->
<string name="directory_empty">Ordner ist leer</string>
<!--Menu item to create folder-->
<string name="create_folder">Erstelle neuen Ordner</string>
<!--Menu item to select the current folder-->
<string name="select_folder">Ordner auswählen</string>
<!--Title of the dialog shown when the syncthing binary returns an error-->
<string name="binary_crashed_title">Syncthing ist abgestürzt</string>
<!--Message of the dialog shown when the syncthing binary returns an error-->
<string name="binary_crashed_message">Syncthing hat sich beendet mit Fehlercode %1$d.
Wenn es bei diesem Fehler bleibt, installieren Sie die App neu und starten Ihr Gerät erneut.
<!--Title of the notification shown when a restart is needed-->
<string name="restart_title">Neustart erforderlich</string>
<!--Text of the notification shown when a restart is needed-->
<string name="restart_notification_text">Klicken Sie hier um Syncthing neu zu starten</string>
<!--Text for the dismiss button of the restart Activity-->
<string name="restart_later">Später neu starten</string>
<!--Shown when a node ID is copied to the clipboard-->
<string name="node_id_copied_to_clipboard">Knoten ID in die Zwischenablage kopiert</string>
<!--Strings representing units for file sizes, from smallest to largest-->
<string-array name="file_size_units">
<!--Strings representing units for transfer rates, from smallest to largest-->
<string-array name="transfer_rate_units">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<string name="app_name">Syncthing</string>
<!--Title of the "add repo" menu action-->
<string name="add_repo">Nuovo Deposito</string>
<!--Title of the "share node id" menu action-->
<string name="share_node_id">Condividi ID Nodo</string>
<!--Shown in the chooser dialog when sharing a Node ID-->
<string name="send_node_id_to">Invia ID Nodo tramite</string>
<!--Text for RepositoriesFragment and NodesFragment loading view-->
<string name="api_loading">Caricamento API</string>
<string name="repositories_fragment_title">Depositi</string>
<!--Format string for repository progress. First parameter is status string, second is sync percentage-->
<string name="repo_progress_format">%1$s (%2$d%%)</string>
<!--Shown if no repos exist-->
<string name="repositories_list_empty">Nessun deposito</string>
<!--Format string for repository file count-->
<string name="files">%1$d / %2$d File</string>
<string name="nodes_fragment_title">Nodi</string>
<!--Shown if no nodes exist-->
<string name="nodes_list_empty">Nessun nodo</string>
<!--Indicates that a repo is fully synced to the local node-->
<string name="node_up_to_date">Sincronizzato</string>
<!--Indicates that the node is currently syncing. Parameter is sync percentage-->
<string name="node_syncing">Sincronizzazione (%1$d%%)</string>
<!--Indicates that there is no connection to the node-->
<string name="node_disconnected">Disconnesso</string>
<!--Title for current download rate-->
<string name="download_title">Download</string>
<!--Title for current upload rate-->
<string name="upload_title">Upload</string>
<!--ActionBar title shown when the drawer is open-->
<string name="system_info">Info Sistema</string>
<!--Same as download_title with a colon and space appended-->
<string name="download_title_colon">Download:\u0020</string>
<!--Same as upload_title with a colon and space appended-->
<string name="upload_title_colon">Upload:\u0020</string>
<!--Title for current CPU usage-->
<string name="cpu_usage">Utilizzo CPU</string>
<!--Title for current RAM usage-->
<string name="ram_usage">Utilizzo RAM</string>
<!--Title for announce server status-->
<string name="announce_server">Server Presenza Globale</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="repo_id">ID Deposito</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="directory">Cartella</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="repo_master">Deposito Principale</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="nodes">Nodi</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="file_versioning">Controllo Versione File</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="keep_versions">Versioni Mantenute</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="delete_repo">Elimina Deposito</string>
<!--Title for RepoSettingsActivity in create mode-->
<string name="create_repo">Crea Deposito</string>
<!--Title for RepoSettingsActivity in edit mode-->
<string name="edit_repo">Modifica Deposito</string>
<!--Menu item to confirm repo creation-->
<string name="create">Crea</string>
<!--Dialog shown when attempting to delete a repository-->
<string name="delete_repo_confirm">Vuoi veramente eliminare questo deposito?</string>
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a repository with an empty ID-->
<string name="repo_id_required">L\'ID Deposito non può essere vuoto</string>
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a repository with an empty path-->
<string name="repo_path_required">Il percorso del deposito non può essere vuoto</string>
<!--Toast shown when selecting 'nodes' if no nodes have been added-->
<string name="no_nodes">Prima devi connettere un nodo.</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="node_id">ID Nodo</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="name">Nome</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="addresses">Indirizzi</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="current_address">Indirizzo Attuale</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="delete_node">Elimina Nodo</string>
<!--Title for NodeSettingsActivity in create mode-->
<string name="add_node">Nuovo Nodo</string>
<!--Menu item to confirm adding a node-->
<string name="add">Aggiungi</string>
<!--Title for NodeSettingsActivity in edit mode-->
<string name="edit_node">Modifica Nodo</string>
<!--Dialog shown when attempting to delete a node-->
<string name="delete_node_confirm">Vuoi veramente eliminare questo nodo?</string>
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a node with an empty ID-->
<string name="node_id_required">L\'ID Nodo non può essere vuoto</string>
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a node with an empty name-->
<string name="node_name_required">Il nome del nodo non può essere vuoto</string>
<!--Content description for node ID qr code icon-->
<string name="scan_qr_code_description">Scansiona Codice QR</string>
<!--Text for toast shown if the "scan QR code" intent fails with an ActivityNotFoundException-->
<string name="no_qr_scanner_installed">Non hai installato nessun lettore di Codici QR o il tuo lettore non è supportato. \
Installare un lettore o inserire l\'ID del nodo manualmente.</string>
<!--Title of the web gui activity-->
<string name="web_gui_title">Interfaccia Web</string>
<!--Text for WebGuiActivity loading view-->
<string name="web_gui_loading">Caricamento Interfaccia Web</string>
<!--Shown instead of web_gui_loading if the key does not exist and has to be created-->
<string name="web_gui_creating_key">Generazione delle chiavi. Potrebbe richiedere un po\' di tempo.</string>
<!--Menu item that stops Activity and Service-->
<string name="exit">Esci</string>
<!--Title for dialog displayed on first start-->
<string name="welcome_title">Primo Avvio</string>
<!--Text for dialog displayed on first start-->
<string name="welcome_text">Benvenuto in Syncthing per Android!\n\n\
Questa app è attualmente in fase Alpha e potrebbero verificarsi bug, problemi di prestazioni o perdite di dati.\n\n\
Attualmente non c\'è alcuna gestione dati per internet mobile, quindi l\'app potrebbe utilizzare tutto il volume dati disponibile quando è attiva.\n\n\
Si prega di segnalare eventuali problemi riscontrati.</string>
<!--Activity title-->
<string name="settings_title">Impostazioni</string>
<!--Settings item that opens issue tracker-->
<string name="report_issue_title">Segnala Problema</string>
<!--Summary for the issue tracker settings item-->
<string name="report_issue_summary">Apre il registro problemi di Syncthing-Android</string>
<!--URL of the issue tracker-->
<!--Title of the preference showing upstream version name-->
<string name="syncthing_version_title">Versione Syncthing</string>
<!--Activity title-->
<string name="folder_picker_title">Selezione Cartella</string>
<!--ListView empty text-->
<string name="directory_empty">Cartella Vuota</string>
<!--Menu item to create folder-->
<string name="create_folder">Crea Nuova Cartella</string>
<!--Menu item to select the current folder-->
<string name="select_folder">Seleziona Cartella</string>
<!--Title of the dialog shown when the syncthing binary returns an error-->
<string name="binary_crashed_title">L\'app Syncthing si è bloccata</string>
<!--Message of the dialog shown when the syncthing binary returns an error-->
<string name="binary_crashed_message">Syncthing è stata arrestata con codice errore %1$d.\n\n
Se questo errore persiste, prova a reinstallare l\'app e a riavviare il tuo dispositivo.\n\n</string>
<!--Title of the notification shown when a restart is needed-->
<string name="restart_title">Riavvio Necessario</string>
<!--Text of the notification shown when a restart is needed-->
<string name="restart_notification_text">Tap qui per riavviare adesso syncthing</string>
<!--Text for the dismiss button of the restart Activity-->
<string name="restart_later">Riavvia Dopo</string>
<!--Shown when a node ID is copied to the clipboard-->
<string name="node_id_copied_to_clipboard">ID Nodo copiato negli appunti</string>
<!--Strings representing units for file sizes, from smallest to largest-->
<string-array name="file_size_units">
<!--Strings representing units for transfer rates, from smallest to largest-->
<string-array name="transfer_rate_units">