mirror of
synced 2024-11-22 04:11:14 +00:00
Remove play unsupported languages and add info about that to readme
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 3 additions and 27 deletions
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ file_filter = app/src/main/res/values-<lang>/strings.xml
source_file = app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
source_file = app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
source_lang = en
source_lang = en
type = ANDROID
type = ANDROID
lang_map = af_ZA: af-rZA, am_ET: am-rET, ar_AE: ar-rAE, ar_BH: ar-rBH, ar_DZ: ar-rDZ, ar_EG: ar-rEG, ar_IQ: ar-rIQ, ar_JO: ar-rJO, ar_KW: ar-rKW, ar_LB: ar-rLB, ar_LY: ar-rLY, ar_MA: ar-rMA, ar_OM: ar-rOM, ar_QA: ar-rQA, ar_SA: ar-rSA, ar_SY: ar-rSY, ar_TN: ar-rTN, ar_YE: ar-rYE, arn_CL: arn-rCL, as_IN: as-rIN, az_AZ: az-rAZ, ba_RU: ba-rRU, be_BY: be-rBY, bg_BG: bg-rBG, bn_BD: bn-rBD, bn_IN: bn-rIN, bo_CN: bo-rCN, br_FR: br-rFR, bs_BA: bs-rBA, ca_ES: ca-rES, co_FR: co-rFR, cs_CZ: cs-rCZ, cy_GB: cy-rGB, da_DK: da-rDK, de_AT: de-rAT, de_CH: de-rCH, de_DE: de-rDE, de_LI: de-rLI, de_LU: de-rLU, dsb_DE: dsb-rDE, dv_MV: dv-rMV, el_GR: el-rGR, en_AU: en-rAU, en_BZ: en-rBZ, en_CA: en-rCA, en_GB: en-rGB, en_IE: en-rIE, en_IN: en-rIN, en_JM: en-rJM, en_MY: en-rMY, en_NZ: en-rNZ, en_PH: en-rPH, en_SG: en-rSG, en_TT: en-rTT, en_US: en-rUS, en_ZA: en-rZA, en_ZW: en-rZW, es_AR: es-rAR, es_BO: es-rBO, es_CL: es-rCL, es_CO: es-rCO, es_CR: es-rCR, es_DO: es-rDO, es_EC: es-rEC, es_ES: es-rES, es_GT: es-rGT, es_HN: es-rHN, es_MX: es-rMX, es_NI: es-rNI, es_PA: es-rPA, es_PE: es-rPE, es_PR: es-rPR, es_PY: es-rPY, es_SV: es-rSV, es_US: es-rUS, es_UY: es-rUY, es_VE: es-rVE, et_EE: et-rEE, eu_ES: eu-rES, fa_IR: fa-rIR, fi_FI: fi-rFI, fil_PH: fil-rPH, fo_FO: fo-rFO, fr_BE: fr-rBE, fr_CA: fr-rCA, fr_CH: fr-rCH, fr_FR: fr-rFR, fr_LU: fr-rLU, fr_MC: fr-rMC, fy_NL: fy-rNL, ga_IE: ga-rIE, gd_GB: gd-rGB, gl_ES: gl-rES, gsw_FR: gsw-rFR, gu_IN: gu-rIN, ha_NG: ha-rNG, hi_IN: hi-rIN, hr_BA: hr-rBA, hr_HR: hr-rHR, hsb_DE: hsb-rDE, hu_HU: hu-rHU, hy_AM: hy-rAM, id_ID: id-rID, ig_NG: ig-rNG, ii_CN: ii-rCN, is_IS: is-rIS, it_CH: it-rCH, it_IT: it-rIT, iu_CA: iu-rCA, ja_JP: ja-rJP, ka_GE: ka-rGE, kk_KZ: kk-rKZ, kl_GL: kl-rGL, km_KH: km-rKH, kn_IN: kn-rIN, ko_KR: ko-rKR, kok_IN: kok-rIN, ky_KG: ky-rKG, lb_LU: lb-rLU, lo_LA: lo-rLA, lt_LT: lt-rLT, lv_LV: lv-rLV, mi_NZ: mi-rNZ, mk_MK: mk-rMK, ml_IN: ml-rIN, mn_CN: mn-rCN, mn_MN: mn-rMN, moh_CA: moh-rCA, mr_IN: mr-rIN, ms_BN: ms-rBN, ms_MY: ms-rMY, mt_MT: mt-rMT, nb_NO: nb-rNO, ne_NP: ne-rNP, nl_BE: nl-rBE, nl_NL: nl-rNL, nn_NO: nn-rNO, nso_ZA: nso-rZA, oc_FR: oc-rFR, or_IN: or-rIN, pa_IN: pa-rIN, pl_PL: pl-rPL, prs_AF: prs-rAF, ps_AF: ps-rAF, pt_BR: pt-rBR, pt_PT: pt-rPT, qut_GT: qut-rGT, quz_BO: quz-rBO, quz_EC: quz-rEC, quz_PE: quz-rPE, rm_CH: rm-rCH, ro_RO: ro-rRO, ru_RU: ru-rRU, rw_RW: rw-rRW, sa_IN: sa-rIN, sah_RU: sah-rRU, se_FI: se-rFI, se_NO: se-rNO, se_SE: se-rSE, si_LK: si-rLK, sk_SK: sk-rSK, sl_SI: sl-rSI, sma_NO: sma-rNO, sma_SE: sma-rSE, smj_NO: smj-rNO, smj_SE: smj-rSE, smn_FI: smn-rFI, sms_FI: sms-rFI, sq_AL: sq-rAL, sr_BA: sr-rBA, sr_CS: sr-rCS, sr_ME: sr-rME, sr_RS: sr-rRS, sv_FI: sv-rFI, sv_SE: sv-rSE, sw_KE: sw-rKE, syr_SY: syr-rSY, ta_IN: ta-rIN, te_IN: te-rIN, tg_TJ: tg-rTJ, th_TH: th-rTH, tk_TM: tk-rTM, tn_ZA: tn-rZA, tr_TR: tr-rTR, tt_RU: tt-rRU, tzm_DZ: tzm-rDZ, ug_CN: ug-rCN, uk_UA: uk-rUA, ur_PK: ur-rPK, uz_UZ: uz-rUZ, vi_VN: vi-rVN, wo_SN: wo-rSN, xh_ZA: xh-rZA, yo_NG: yo-rNG, zh_CN: zh-rCN, zh_HK: zh-rHK, zh_MO: zh-rMO, zh_SG: zh-rSG, zh_TW: zh-rTW, zu_ZA: zu-rZA, no_NO: no-rNO, he_IL: iw-rIL, he: iw, id:in
lang_map = af_ZA: af-rZA, am_ET: am-rET, ar_AE: ar-rAE, ar_BH: ar-rBH, ar_DZ: ar-rDZ, ar_EG: ar-rEG, ar_IQ: ar-rIQ, ar_JO: ar-rJO, ar_KW: ar-rKW, ar_LB: ar-rLB, ar_LY: ar-rLY, ar_MA: ar-rMA, ar_OM: ar-rOM, ar_QA: ar-rQA, ar_SA: ar-rSA, ar_SY: ar-rSY, ar_TN: ar-rTN, ar_YE: ar-rYE, arn_CL: arn-rCL, as_IN: as-rIN, az_AZ: az-rAZ, ba_RU: ba-rRU, be_BY: be-rBY, bg_BG: bg-rBG, bn_BD: bn-rBD, bn_IN: bn-rIN, bo_CN: bo-rCN, br_FR: br-rFR, bs_BA: bs-rBA, ca_ES: ca-rES, co_FR: co-rFR, cs_CZ: cs-rCZ, cy_GB: cy-rGB, da_DK: da-rDK, de_AT: de-rAT, de_CH: de-rCH, de_DE: de-rDE, de_LI: de-rLI, de_LU: de-rLU, dsb_DE: dsb-rDE, dv_MV: dv-rMV, el_GR: el-rGR, en_AU: en-rAU, en_BZ: en-rBZ, en_CA: en-rCA, en_GB: en-rGB, en_IE: en-rIE, en_IN: en-rIN, en_JM: en-rJM, en_MY: en-rMY, en_NZ: en-rNZ, en_PH: en-rPH, en_SG: en-rSG, en_TT: en-rTT, en_US: en-rUS, en_ZA: en-rZA, en_ZW: en-rZW, eo: eo_, es_AR: es-rAR, es_BO: es-rBO, es_CL: es-rCL, es_CO: es-rCO, es_CR: es-rCR, es_DO: es-rDO, es_EC: es-rEC, es_ES: es-rES, es_GT: es-rGT, es_HN: es-rHN, es_MX: es-rMX, es_NI: es-rNI, es_PA: es-rPA, es_PE: es-rPE, es_PR: es-rPR, es_PY: es-rPY, es_SV: es-rSV, es_US: es-rUS, es_UY: es-rUY, es_VE: es-rVE, et_EE: et-rEE, eu_ES: eu-rES, fa_IR: fa-rIR, fi_FI: fi-rFI, fil_PH: fil-rPH, fo_FO: fo-rFO, fr_BE: fr-rBE, fr_CA: fr-rCA, fr_CH: fr-rCH, fr_FR: fr-rFR, fr_LU: fr-rLU, fr_MC: fr-rMC, fy_NL: fy-rNL, ga_IE: ga-rIE, gd_GB: gd-rGB, gl_ES: gl-rES, gsw_FR: gsw-rFR, gu_IN: gu-rIN, ha_NG: ha-rNG, hi_IN: hi-rIN, hr_BA: hr-rBA, hr_HR: hr-rHR, hsb_DE: hsb-rDE, hu_HU: hu-rHU, hy_AM: hy-rAM, id_ID: id-rID, ig_NG: ig-rNG, ii_CN: ii-rCN, is_IS: is-rIS, it_CH: it-rCH, it_IT: it-rIT, iu_CA: iu-rCA, ja_JP: ja-rJP, ka_GE: ka-rGE, kk_KZ: kk-rKZ, kl_GL: kl-rGL, km_KH: km-rKH, kn_IN: kn-rIN, ko_KR: ko-rKR, kok_IN: kok-rIN, ky_KG: ky-rKG, lb_LU: lb-rLU, lo_LA: lo-rLA, lt_LT: lt-rLT, lv_LV: lv-rLV, mi_NZ: mi-rNZ, mk_MK: mk-rMK, ml_IN: ml-rIN, mn_CN: mn-rCN, mn_MN: mn-rMN, moh_CA: moh-rCA, mr_IN: mr-rIN, ms_BN: ms-rBN, ms_MY: ms-rMY, mt_MT: mt-rMT, nb_NO: nb-rNO, ne_NP: ne-rNP, nl_BE: nl-rBE, nl_NL: nl-rNL, nn_NO: nn-rNO, nso_ZA: nso-rZA, oc_FR: oc-rFR, or_IN: or-rIN, pa_IN: pa-rIN, pl_PL: pl-rPL, prs_AF: prs-rAF, ps_AF: ps-rAF, pt_BR: pt-rBR, pt_PT: pt-rPT, qut_GT: qut-rGT, quz_BO: quz-rBO, quz_EC: quz-rEC, quz_PE: quz-rPE, rm_CH: rm-rCH, ro_RO: ro-rRO, ru_RU: ru-rRU, rw_RW: rw-rRW, sa_IN: sa-rIN, sah_RU: sah-rRU, se_FI: se-rFI, se_NO: se-rNO, se_SE: se-rSE, si_LK: si-rLK, sk_SK: sk-rSK, sl_SI: sl-rSI, sma_NO: sma-rNO, sma_SE: sma-rSE, smj_NO: smj-rNO, smj_SE: smj-rSE, smn_FI: smn-rFI, sms_FI: sms-rFI, sq_AL: sq-rAL, sr_BA: sr-rBA, sr_CS: sr-rCS, sr_ME: sr-rME, sr_RS: sr-rRS, sv_FI: sv-rFI, sv_SE: sv-rSE, sw_KE: sw-rKE, syr_SY: syr-rSY, ta_IN: ta-rIN, te_IN: te-rIN, tg_TJ: tg-rTJ, th_TH: th-rTH, tk_TM: tk-rTM, tn_ZA: tn-rZA, tr_TR: tr-rTR, tt_RU: tt-rRU, tzm_DZ: tzm-rDZ, ug_CN: ug-rCN, uk_UA: uk-rUA, ur_PK: ur-rPK, uz_UZ: uz-rUZ, vi_VN: vi-rVN, wo_SN: wo-rSN, xh_ZA: xh-rZA, yo_NG: yo-rNG, zh_CN: zh-rCN, zh_HK: zh-rHK, zh_MO: zh-rMO, zh_SG: zh-rSG, zh_TW: zh-rTW, zu_ZA: zu-rZA, no_NO: no-rNO, he_IL: iw-rIL, he: iw, id:in
file_filter = app/src/main/play/listings/<lang>/full-description.txt
file_filter = app/src/main/play/listings/<lang>/full-description.txt
Binary file not shown.
@ -85,8 +85,10 @@ play {
* Some languages are not supported by Google Play, so we ignore them.
* Some languages are not supported by Google Play, so we ignore them.
task deleteUnsupportedPlayTranslations(type: Delete) {
task deleteUnsupportedPlayTranslations(type: Delete) {
delete 'src/main/play/listings/de_DE/'
delete 'src/main/play/listings/el-EL/'
delete 'src/main/play/listings/el-EL/'
delete 'src/main/play/listings/en/'
delete 'src/main/play/listings/en/'
delete 'src/main/play/listings/eo/'
delete 'src/main/play/listings/eu/'
delete 'src/main/play/listings/eu/'
delete 'src/main/play/listings/nb/'
delete 'src/main/play/listings/nb/'
delete 'src/main/play/listings/nl_BE/'
delete 'src/main/play/listings/nl_BE/'
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
Syncthing replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it's transmitted over the Internet.
Website: https://syncthing.net/
Source code: https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing-android
Forum: https://forum.syncthing.net/
Issues: https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing-android/issues
Privacy-policy: https://syncthing.net/android-privacy-policy
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Open, trustworthy and decentralized file synchronization
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
Syncthing replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it's transmitted over the Internet.
Website: https://syncthing.net/
Source code: https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing-android
Forum: https://forum.syncthing.net/
Issues: https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing-android/issues
Privacy-policy: https://syncthing.net/android-privacy-policy
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Open, trustworthy and decentralized file synchronization
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Reference in a new issue