mirror of
synced 2025-01-11 04:25:53 +00:00
Imported translations.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 419 additions and 0 deletions
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Syncthing replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it's transmitted over the Internet.
Уеб сайт: https://syncthing.net/
Сорс код: https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing-android
Форум: https://discourse.syncthing.net/
Проблеми: https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing-android/issues
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Syncthing replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it's transmitted over the Internet.
Website: https://syncthing.net/
Source code: https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing-android
Forum: https://discourse.syncthing.net/
Issues: https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing-android/issues
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Replace proprietary services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized.
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Replace proprietary services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized.
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@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<string name="app_name">Syncthing</string>
<string name="app_description">Отворено и заслужаващо доверие приложение за децентрализирано синхронизиране на файлове.</string>
<!--Title of the "add folder" menu action-->
<string name="add_folder">Добави папка</string>
<!--Title of the "share device id" menu action-->
<string name="share_device_id">Сподели идентификатора</string>
<!--Shown in the chooser dialog when sharing a Device ID-->
<string name="send_device_id_to">Изпращане на идентификатора чрез</string>
<!--Text for FoldersFragment and DevicesFragment loading view-->
<string name="api_loading">Зареждане...</string>
<string name="usage_reporting_dialog_title">Разреши анонимно докладване за употребата на програмата?</string>
<string name="usage_reporting_dialog_description">Криптираният доклад се изпраща ежедневно. Използва се, за отичане на ползваните платформи, размер на папки и версии на приложението. Ако събираните данни се променят, ще бъдете информиран с подобен на този диалог.\n\nОбобщената статистика ще намерите на https://data.syncthing.net.</string>
<string name="yes">Да</string>
<string name="no">Не</string>
<string name="folders_fragment_title">Папки</string>
<!--Format string for folder progress. First parameter is status string, second is sync percentage-->
<string name="folder_progress_format">%1$s (%2$d%%)</string>
<!--Shown if no folders exist-->
<string name="folder_list_empty">Не са открити папки</string>
<!--Format string for folder file count-->
<string name="files">%1$d / %2$d файла</string>
<string name="devices_fragment_title">Устройства</string>
<!--Shown if no devices exist-->
<string name="devices_list_empty">Не са открити устройства</string>
<!--Indicates that a folder is fully synced to the local device-->
<string name="device_up_to_date">Синхронизирано</string>
<!--Indicates that the device is currently syncing. Parameter is sync percentage-->
<string name="device_syncing">Синхронизиране (%1$d%%)</string>
<!--Indicates that there is no connection to the device-->
<string name="device_disconnected">Не е свързано</string>
<!--Title for current download rate-->
<string name="download_title">Сваляне</string>
<!--Title for current upload rate-->
<string name="upload_title">Качване</string>
<!--Placeholder for device ID field, to avoid layout changes. This is never visible to users.-->
<!--Same as download_title with a colon and space appended-->
<string name="download_title_colon">Сваляне:\u0020</string>
<!--Same as upload_title with a colon and space appended-->
<string name="upload_title_colon">Качване:\u0020</string>
<!--Title for current CPU usage-->
<string name="cpu_usage">Процесор в употреба</string>
<!--Title for current RAM usage-->
<string name="ram_usage">RAM в употреба</string>
<!--Title for announce server status-->
<string name="announce_server">Сървър за откриване на устройства</string>
<!--Menu item to donate-->
<string name="donate">Дарете</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="folder_id">Идентификатор на папката</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="directory">Директория</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="folder_master">Главна папка</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="devices">Устройства</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="file_versioning">Версии на файловете</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="keep_versions">Запазвай последните</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="delete_folder">Изтриване на папката</string>
<!--Title for FolderSettingsFragment in create mode-->
<string name="create_folder">Създаване на папка</string>
<!--Title for FolderSettingsFragment in edit mode-->
<string name="edit_folder">Редактиране на папка</string>
<!--Menu item to confirm folder creation-->
<string name="create">Създай</string>
<!--Dialog shown when attempting to delete a folder-->
<string name="delete_folder_confirm">Наистина ли желаете папката да бъде изтрита?</string>
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a folder with an invalid ID-->
<string name="folder_id_invalid">Идентификаторът на папка трябва да бъде къс (64 символа или по-малко) състоящ се само от букви, цифри, точка (.), тире (-) и подчерта (_).</string>
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a folder with an empty path-->
<string name="folder_path_required">Наложително е да въведете път до папката</string>
<!--Dialog shown before config export-->
<string name="dialog_confirm_export">Наистина ли желаете настройките да бъдат изнесени? Съществуващите файлове ще бъдат презаписани.</string>
<!--Dialog shown before config import-->
<string name="dialog_confirm_import">Наистина ли желаете внасянето на нови настройки? Съществуващите файлове ще бъдат презаписани.</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="device_id">Идентификатор на устройството</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="name">Име</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="addresses">Адреси</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="current_address">Текущ адрес</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="compression">Компресиране</string>
<!--Strings representing compression options-->
<string-array name="compress_entries">
<item>Само мета информацията</item>
<item>Всички данни</item>
<!--Setting title-->
<!--ActionBar item-->
<string name="delete_device">Изтриване на устройството</string>
<!--Title for DeviceSettingsFragment in create mode-->
<string name="add_device">Добави устройство</string>
<!--Menu item to confirm adding a device-->
<string name="add">Добави</string>
<!--Title for DeviceSettingsFragment in edit mode-->
<string name="edit_device">Редактиране на устройство</string>
<!--Dialog shown when attempting to delete a device-->
<string name="delete_device_confirm">Наистина ли желаете устройството да бъде изтрито?</string>
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a device with an empty ID-->
<string name="device_id_required">Наложително е да въведете идентификатор на устройството</string>
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a device with an empty name-->
<string name="device_name_required">Наложително е да въведете име на устройството</string>
<!--Content description for device ID qr code icon-->
<string name="scan_qr_code_description">Сканиране на QR код</string>
<!--Toast show if we could not get root permissions-->
<string name="toast_root_denied">Придобиването на Root разрешение се провали</string>
<!--Title of the web gui activity-->
<string name="web_gui_title">Уеб интерфейс</string>
<!--Text for WebGuiActivity loading view-->
<string name="web_gui_loading">Изчакване на потребителския интерфейс</string>
<!--Shown instead of web_gui_loading if the key does not exist and has to be created-->
<string name="web_gui_creating_key">Генериране на ключове за сигурност. Може да отнеме няколко минути.</string>
<!--Title for dialog displayed on first start-->
<string name="welcome_title">Добре дошли в Syncthing за Android</string>
<!--Text for dialog displayed on first start-->
<string name="welcome_text">Syncthing приложение с отворен код, за синхронизиране на файлове.\n\n\
За да споделите информация с друго устройство е необходимо да добавите уникалния идентификатор, на даденото устройство, към списъка с устройства. Тогава можете да определите кои папки с кои устройства да се споделят.\n\n
Ако срещнете проблеми моля докладвайте за тях чрез Github.</string>
<!--Activity title-->
<string name="settings_title">Настройки</string>
<string name="category_syncthing_android">Syncthing-Android</string>
<!--Preference title-->
<string name="always_run_in_background">Постоянна работа на заден фон</string>
<!--Preference summary in case it is enabled-->
<string name="always_run_in_background_enabled">Постоянно синхронизиране, според следващите опции.</string>
<!--Preference summary in case it is disabled-->
<string name="always_run_in_background_disabled">Синхронизиране само след стартиране на Syncthing. Може бъде спряно от меню бутона \"Изход\".</string>
<string name="sync_only_charging">Синхронизиране само по време на зареждане</string>
<string name="sync_only_wifi">Синхронизиране само чрез WiFi</string>
<string name="advanced_folder_picker">Избор на папка за напреднали</string>
<string name="advanced_folder_picker_summary">Изберете папка, от устройството, за синхронизиране</string>
<string name="use_root_title">Синхронизиране като Root</string>
<string name="use_root_summary">Стартира Syncthing с права на Superuser</string>
<string name="notification_type_title">Известия</string>
<string name="notification_type_summary">Изберете тип известия</string>
<string-array name="notification_type_entries">
<item>С нисък приоритет</item>
<item>Без известия</item>
<string name="category_syncthing">Syncthing</string>
<string name="syncthing_options">Настройки на Syncthing</string>
<string name="device_name">Име на устройството</string>
<string name="listen_address">Адрес за слушане на синхронизиращия протокол</string>
<string name="max_recv_kbps">Входящ лимит на скоростта (KiB/s)</string>
<string name="max_send_kbps">Лимит на изходящата скорост (KiB/s)</string>
<string name="global_announce_enabled">Глобално откриване</string>
<string name="local_announce_enabled">Локално откриване</string>
<string name="upnp_enabled">Включи UPnP</string>
<string name="global_announce_server">Сървър за глобално откриване</string>
<string name="usage_reporting"> Анонимен доклад за ползване на програмата</string>
<string name="syncthing_gui">Потребителски интерфейс на Syncthing</string>
<string name="gui_address">Адрес за свързване с потребителския интерфейс</string>
<string name="gui_user">Потребител за потребителския интерфейс</string>
<string name="gui_password">Парола за потребителския интерфейс</string>
<string name="export_config">Изнасяне на настройките</string>
<!--Toast shown after config was successfully exported-->
<string name="config_export_successful">Настройките са изнесени в %1$s</string>
<string name="import_config">Внасяне на настройки</string>
<!--Toast shown after config was successfully imported-->
<string name="config_imported_successful">Настройките са внесени</string>
<!--Toast shown after config was successfully imported-->
<string name="config_import_failed">Внасянето на настройките се провали. Уверете се, че файловете са в %1$s</string>
<!--Title for the preference to set STTRACE parameters-->
<string name="sttrace_title">Настройки за дебъгване</string>
<!--Toast after entering invalid STTRACE params-->
<string name="toast_invalid_sttrace">В настройките на STTRACE са разрешени само символите a-z и \',\'</string>
<!--Toast after entering invalid username-->
<string name="toast_invalid_username">Символите : и \' ме могат да бъдат ползвани като част от потребителско име</string>
<!--Toast after entering invalid password-->
<string name="toast_invalid_password">Символите : и \' ме могат да бъдат ползвани като част от парола</string>
<!--Title for the preference to reset Syncthing indexes-->
<string name="streset_title">Нулиране на базата данни</string>
<!--Syncthing was reset-->
<string name="streset_question">Действието трябва да се изпълнява след препоръка от поддържащия екип.
\nНаистина ли желаете базата данни на Syncthing\'s да бъде нулирана?
<!--Syncthing was reset-->
<string name="streset_done">Базата данни на Syncthing е нулирана успешно</string>
<string name="category_about">За програмата</string>
<!--Settings item that opens the log activity-->
<string name="open_log">Отвори журнала</string>
<!--Summary for the log activity-->
<string name="open_log_summary">Отваря журнала на Syncthing и Android</string>
<!--Settings item that opens issue tracker-->
<string name="report_issue_title">Съобщете за проблем</string>
<!--Summary for the issue tracker settings item-->
<string name="report_issue_summary">Отваря уеб страницата за проблеми на Syncthing-Android</string>
<!--URL of the issue tracker-->
<!--Title of the preference showing upstream version name-->
<string name="syncthing_version_title">Версия на Syncthing</string>
<!--Title of the preference showing this app's version name-->
<string name="app_version_title">Версия на Syncthing-Android</string>
<!--Activity title-->
<string name="folder_picker_title">Избор на папка</string>
<!--Toast shown on devices with kitkat or higher-->
<string name="kitkat_external_storage_warning">Внимание: Версията на Android не позволява синхронизиране с външни устройства за съхранение на данни</string>
<!--ListView empty text-->
<string name="directory_empty">Директорията е празна</string>
<!--Menu item to create folder on the file system-->
<string name="create_fs_folder">Създай папка</string>
<!--Menu item to select the current folder-->
<string name="select_folder">Избери папката</string>
<string name="create_folder_failed">Създаването на нова папка се провали</string>
<!--Title of the "log" activity-->
<string name="log_title">Журнал</string>
<!--Title of the "log android" menu button-->
<string name="log_android_title">Към журнала на Android</string>
<!--Title of the "log Syncthing" menu button-->
<string name="log_syncthing_title">Към журнала на Syncthing</string>
<!--Title of the "share log" menu button-->
<string name="share_title">Сподели</string>
<!--Title of the "syncthing disabled" dialog-->
<string name="syncthing_disabled_title">Syncthing не работи</string>
<!--Message of the "syncthing disabled" dialog-->
<string name="syncthing_disabled_message">Наистина ли желаете да промените настройките?</string>
<!--Button text on the "syncthing disabled" dialog-->
<string name="syncthing_disabled_change_settings">Промяна на настройките</string>
<!--Button text on the "syncthing disabled" dialog, used as menu item to stop syncthing service if "always_run_in_background" is true-->
<string name="exit">Изход</string>
<!--Title of the notification shown while syncthing is running and enabled-->
<string name="syncthing_active">Syncthing работи</string>
<!--Toast shown if folder observer fails to traverse a folder-->
<string name="toast_folder_observer_stack_overflow">Твърде много папки. Проверяване за cyclic symlinks</string>
<!--Toast shown if syncthing failed to create a config-->
<string name="config_create_failed">Създаването на конфигурационните файлове на Syncthing се провали. Проверете журнала.</string>
<!--ID of the default folder created on first start (camera folder). Must only contain 'a-z0-9_-'. Parameter is the device name-->
<string name="default_folder_id">%1$s-снимки</string>
<!--Title of the notification shown when a restart is needed-->
<string name="restart_title">Изисква се рестартиране</string>
<!--Text for positive button in restart dialog-->
<string name="restart_now">Рестартирай</string>
<!--Text for the dismiss button of the restart Activity-->
<string name="restart_later">По-късно</string>
<!--Text of the notification shown when a restart is needed-->
<string name="restart_notification_text">Натиснете за рестартиране на Syncthing</string>
<!--Shown when a device ID is copied to the clipboard-->
<string name="device_id_copied_to_clipboard">Идентификаторът на устройството е копиран в клипборда</string>
<!--Strings representing units for file sizes, from smallest to largest-->
<string-array name="file_size_units">
<!--Strings representing units for transfer rates, from smallest to largest-->
<string-array name="transfer_rate_units">
<!--Possible folder states-->
<string name="state_idle">Бездействие</string>
<string name="state_scanning">Сканиране</string>
<string name="state_cleaning">Почистване</string>
<string name="state_syncing">Синхронизиране</string>
<string name="state_error">Грешка</string>
<string name="state_unknown">Неясно</string>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!--Title of the "add folder" menu action-->
<!--Title of the "share device id" menu action-->
<!--Shown in the chooser dialog when sharing a Device ID-->
<!--Text for FoldersFragment and DevicesFragment loading view-->
<!--Format string for folder progress. First parameter is status string, second is sync percentage-->
<!--Shown if no folders exist-->
<!--Format string for folder file count-->
<!--Shown if no devices exist-->
<!--Indicates that a folder is fully synced to the local device-->
<!--Indicates that the device is currently syncing. Parameter is sync percentage-->
<!--Indicates that there is no connection to the device-->
<!--Title for current download rate-->
<!--Title for current upload rate-->
<!--Placeholder for device ID field, to avoid layout changes. This is never visible to users.-->
<!--Same as download_title with a colon and space appended-->
<!--Same as upload_title with a colon and space appended-->
<!--Title for current CPU usage-->
<!--Title for current RAM usage-->
<!--Title for announce server status-->
<!--Menu item to donate-->
<!--Setting title-->
<!--Setting title-->
<!--Setting title-->
<!--Setting title-->
<!--Setting title-->
<!--Setting title-->
<!--Setting title-->
<!--Title for FolderSettingsFragment in create mode-->
<!--Title for FolderSettingsFragment in edit mode-->
<!--Menu item to confirm folder creation-->
<!--Dialog shown when attempting to delete a folder-->
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a folder with an invalid ID-->
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a folder with an empty path-->
<!--Dialog shown before config export-->
<!--Dialog shown before config import-->
<!--Setting title-->
<!--Setting title-->
<!--Setting title-->
<!--Setting title-->
<!--Setting title-->
<!--Strings representing compression options-->
<!--Setting title-->
<!--ActionBar item-->
<!--Title for DeviceSettingsFragment in create mode-->
<!--Menu item to confirm adding a device-->
<!--Title for DeviceSettingsFragment in edit mode-->
<!--Dialog shown when attempting to delete a device-->
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a device with an empty ID-->
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a device with an empty name-->
<!--Content description for device ID qr code icon-->
<!--Toast show if we could not get root permissions-->
<!--Title of the web gui activity-->
<!--Text for WebGuiActivity loading view-->
<!--Shown instead of web_gui_loading if the key does not exist and has to be created-->
<!--Title for dialog displayed on first start-->
<!--Text for dialog displayed on first start-->
<!--Activity title-->
<!--Preference title-->
<!--Preference summary in case it is enabled-->
<!--Preference summary in case it is disabled-->
<!--Toast shown after config was successfully exported-->
<!--Toast shown after config was successfully imported-->
<!--Toast shown after config was successfully imported-->
<!--Title for the preference to set STTRACE parameters-->
<!--Toast after entering invalid STTRACE params-->
<!--Toast after entering invalid username-->
<!--Toast after entering invalid password-->
<!--Title for the preference to reset Syncthing indexes-->
<!--Syncthing was reset-->
<!--Syncthing was reset-->
<!--Settings item that opens the log activity-->
<!--Summary for the log activity-->
<!--Settings item that opens issue tracker-->
<!--Summary for the issue tracker settings item-->
<!--URL of the issue tracker-->
<!--Title of the preference showing upstream version name-->
<!--Title of the preference showing this app's version name-->
<!--Activity title-->
<!--Toast shown on devices with kitkat or higher-->
<!--ListView empty text-->
<!--Menu item to create folder on the file system-->
<!--Menu item to select the current folder-->
<!--Title of the "log" activity-->
<!--Title of the "log android" menu button-->
<!--Title of the "log Syncthing" menu button-->
<!--Title of the "share log" menu button-->
<!--Title of the "syncthing disabled" dialog-->
<!--Message of the "syncthing disabled" dialog-->
<!--Button text on the "syncthing disabled" dialog-->
<!--Button text on the "syncthing disabled" dialog, used as menu item to stop syncthing service if "always_run_in_background" is true-->
<!--Title of the notification shown while syncthing is running and enabled-->
<!--Toast shown if folder observer fails to traverse a folder-->
<!--Toast shown if syncthing failed to create a config-->
<!--ID of the default folder created on first start (camera folder). Must only contain 'a-z0-9_-'. Parameter is the device name-->
<!--Title of the notification shown when a restart is needed-->
<!--Text for positive button in restart dialog-->
<!--Text for the dismiss button of the restart Activity-->
<!--Text of the notification shown when a restart is needed-->
<!--Shown when a device ID is copied to the clipboard-->
<!--Strings representing units for file sizes, from smallest to largest-->
<!--Strings representing units for transfer rates, from smallest to largest-->
<!--Possible folder states-->
Reference in a new issue