mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 09:11:17 +00:00
172 lines
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172 lines
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<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<string name="app_name">Syncthing</string>
<!--Title of the "add repo" menu action-->
<string name="add_repo">Nuovo Deposito</string>
<!--Title of the "share node id" menu action-->
<string name="share_node_id">Condividi ID Nodo</string>
<!--Shown in the chooser dialog when sharing a Node ID-->
<string name="send_node_id_to">Invia ID Nodo tramite</string>
<!--Text for RepositoriesFragment and NodesFragment loading view-->
<string name="api_loading">Caricamento API</string>
<string name="repositories_fragment_title">Depositi</string>
<!--Format string for repository progress. First parameter is status string, second is sync percentage-->
<string name="repo_progress_format">%1$s (%2$d%%)</string>
<!--Shown if no repos exist-->
<string name="repositories_list_empty">Nessun deposito</string>
<!--Format string for repository file count-->
<string name="files">%1$d / %2$d File</string>
<string name="nodes_fragment_title">Nodi</string>
<!--Shown if no nodes exist-->
<string name="nodes_list_empty">Nessun nodo</string>
<!--Indicates that a repo is fully synced to the local node-->
<string name="node_up_to_date">Sincronizzato</string>
<!--Indicates that the node is currently syncing. Parameter is sync percentage-->
<string name="node_syncing">Sincronizzazione (%1$d%%)</string>
<!--Indicates that there is no connection to the node-->
<string name="node_disconnected">Disconnesso</string>
<!--Title for current download rate-->
<string name="download_title">Download</string>
<!--Title for current upload rate-->
<string name="upload_title">Upload</string>
<!--ActionBar title shown when the drawer is open-->
<string name="system_info">Info Sistema</string>
<!--Same as download_title with a colon and space appended-->
<string name="download_title_colon">Download:\u0020</string>
<!--Same as upload_title with a colon and space appended-->
<string name="upload_title_colon">Upload:\u0020</string>
<!--Title for current CPU usage-->
<string name="cpu_usage">Utilizzo CPU</string>
<!--Title for current RAM usage-->
<string name="ram_usage">Utilizzo RAM</string>
<!--Title for announce server status-->
<string name="announce_server">Server Presenza Globale</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="repo_id">ID Deposito</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="directory">Cartella</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="repo_master">Deposito Principale</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="nodes">Nodi</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="file_versioning">Controllo Versione File</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="keep_versions">Versioni Mantenute</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="delete_repo">Elimina Deposito</string>
<!--Title for RepoSettingsActivity in create mode-->
<string name="create_repo">Crea Deposito</string>
<!--Title for RepoSettingsActivity in edit mode-->
<string name="edit_repo">Modifica Deposito</string>
<!--Menu item to confirm repo creation-->
<string name="create">Crea</string>
<!--Dialog shown when attempting to delete a repository-->
<string name="delete_repo_confirm">Vuoi veramente eliminare questo deposito?</string>
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a repository with an empty ID-->
<string name="repo_id_required">L\'ID Deposito non può essere vuoto</string>
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a repository with an empty path-->
<string name="repo_path_required">Il percorso del deposito non può essere vuoto</string>
<!--Toast shown when selecting 'nodes' if no nodes have been added-->
<string name="no_nodes">Prima devi connettere un nodo.</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="node_id">ID Nodo</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="name">Nome</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="addresses">Indirizzi</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="current_address">Indirizzo Attuale</string>
<!--Setting title-->
<string name="delete_node">Elimina Nodo</string>
<!--Title for NodeSettingsActivity in create mode-->
<string name="add_node">Nuovo Nodo</string>
<!--Menu item to confirm adding a node-->
<string name="add">Aggiungi</string>
<!--Title for NodeSettingsActivity in edit mode-->
<string name="edit_node">Modifica Nodo</string>
<!--Dialog shown when attempting to delete a node-->
<string name="delete_node_confirm">Vuoi veramente eliminare questo nodo?</string>
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a node with an empty ID-->
<string name="node_id_required">L\'ID Nodo non può essere vuoto</string>
<!--Toast shown when trying to create a node with an empty name-->
<string name="node_name_required">Il nome del nodo non può essere vuoto</string>
<!--Content description for node ID qr code icon-->
<string name="scan_qr_code_description">Scansiona Codice QR</string>
<!--Text for toast shown if the "scan QR code" intent fails with an ActivityNotFoundException-->
<string name="no_qr_scanner_installed">Non hai installato nessun lettore di Codici QR o il tuo lettore non è supportato. \
Installare un lettore o inserire l\'ID del nodo manualmente.</string>
<!--Title of the web gui activity-->
<string name="web_gui_title">Interfaccia Web</string>
<!--Text for WebGuiActivity loading view-->
<string name="web_gui_loading">Caricamento Interfaccia Web</string>
<!--Shown instead of web_gui_loading if the key does not exist and has to be created-->
<string name="web_gui_creating_key">Generazione delle chiavi. Potrebbe richiedere un po\' di tempo.</string>
<!--Menu item that stops Activity and Service-->
<string name="exit">Esci</string>
<!--Title for dialog displayed on first start-->
<string name="welcome_title">Primo Avvio</string>
<!--Text for dialog displayed on first start-->
<string name="welcome_text">Benvenuto in Syncthing per Android!\n\n\
Questa app è attualmente in fase Alpha e potrebbero verificarsi bug, problemi di prestazioni o perdite di dati.\n\n\
Attualmente non c\'è alcuna gestione dati per internet mobile, quindi l\'app potrebbe utilizzare tutto il volume dati disponibile quando è attiva.\n\n\
Si prega di segnalare eventuali problemi riscontrati.</string>
<!--Activity title-->
<string name="settings_title">Impostazioni</string>
<!--Settings item that opens issue tracker-->
<string name="report_issue_title">Segnala Problema</string>
<!--Summary for the issue tracker settings item-->
<string name="report_issue_summary">Apre il registro problemi di Syncthing-Android</string>
<!--URL of the issue tracker-->
<!--Title of the preference showing upstream version name-->
<string name="syncthing_version_title">Versione Syncthing</string>
<!--Activity title-->
<string name="folder_picker_title">Selezione Cartella</string>
<!--ListView empty text-->
<string name="directory_empty">Cartella Vuota</string>
<!--Menu item to create folder-->
<string name="create_folder">Crea Nuova Cartella</string>
<!--Menu item to select the current folder-->
<string name="select_folder">Seleziona Cartella</string>
<!--Title of the dialog shown when the syncthing binary returns an error-->
<string name="binary_crashed_title">L\'app Syncthing si è bloccata</string>
<!--Message of the dialog shown when the syncthing binary returns an error-->
<string name="binary_crashed_message">Syncthing è stata arrestata con codice errore %1$d.\n\n
Se questo errore persiste, prova a reinstallare l\'app e a riavviare il tuo dispositivo.\n\n</string>
<!--Title of the notification shown when a restart is needed-->
<string name="restart_title">Riavvio Necessario</string>
<!--Text of the notification shown when a restart is needed-->
<string name="restart_notification_text">Tap qui per riavviare adesso syncthing</string>
<!--Text for the dismiss button of the restart Activity-->
<string name="restart_later">Riavvia Dopo</string>
<!--Shown when a node ID is copied to the clipboard-->
<string name="node_id_copied_to_clipboard">ID Nodo copiato negli appunti</string>
<!--Strings representing units for file sizes, from smallest to largest-->
<string-array name="file_size_units">
<!--Strings representing units for transfer rates, from smallest to largest-->
<string-array name="transfer_rate_units">