149 lines
3.8 KiB
149 lines
3.8 KiB
# hostname (and path) to the root eg. https://appernetic.github.io/
baseurl = "https://framasoft.frama.io/joinpeertube/"
# Remark if you want to disable multilingual support.
DefaultContentLanguage = "fr"
# If you want all of the languages to be put below their respective language code,
# enable DefaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true. Without enabling it english content
# will be in the root and other languages in their respective subfolder such as /sv/.
# See [Languages] settings at the end of this file.
DefaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true
# Use this languageCode if it's not a multilingual site and also remove all language blocks and menus in the language sections to disable multilingual support.
# language blocks.
# Language
#languageCode = "en"
# SES friendly url:s
canonifyurls = true
# Frontmatter format
# "yaml", "toml", "json"
metaDataFormat = "toml"
# Theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
theme = "hugo-bootstrap-premium"
# Pagination
paginate = 10
paginatePath = "page"
# Enable Disqus integration
disqusShortname = "shortname"
post = "/:year/:month/:day/:filename/"
code = "/:filename/"
tag = "tags"
topic = "topics"
name = "Framasoft"
email = "contact@framasoft.org"
# All parameters below here are optional and can be mixed and matched.
name = "paper"
# menu for changing language. This changes languages with js and stores the choice with the help of JavaScript in a Cookie. Then the path is rewritten with pathnamereplace.js. The name of the md files needs to have the same name for each language abbreviation to work correctly. Example: showcase.en.md and showcase.sv.md. It only works if DefaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true
switchlang = true
# You can use markdown here.
BrandImage = "/brand.png"
brand = "Peertube"
topline = ""
footline = ""
customJS = []
customCSS = []
# Text for the top menu link, which goes to the root URL for the site.
# Default (if omitted) is "Home".
#home = ""
mailmunchid = "" # Mailmunch site id
sumomeid = "" # Sumome id
mathjax = "" # cdnjs hosted version; empty string to disable mathjax
# Show a sidebar menu
showRightSidebar = false
# Select a syntax highlight.
# Check the static/css/highlight directory for options.
highlight = "default"
# Google Analytics.
#googleAnalytics = "Your Google Analytics tracking code"
# Menus
# If you want active menu items highlighted for internal pages don't add them here, they need to be added in each files front matter.
# like this:
# [menu.main]
# name = "Showcase"
# weight = 3
# identifier = "showcase"
# i18n menus. A menu will be added for each language to the right in the top menu. This menu will switch to the selected language. Remember to add the corresponding language in pathnamereplace.js.
name = "English"
identifier = ""
weight = 4
url = "en"
name = "Français"
identifier = ""
weight = 4
url = "fr"
languageCode = "fr"
weight = 1
title = "PeerTube"
name = "Aide"
weight = 2
identifier = ""
url = "https://framacolibri.org"
name = "Documentation"
weight = 3
identifier = ""
url = "https://framagit.org/chocobozzz/PeerTube"
name = "Code source"
weight = 4
identifier = ""
url = "https://framagit.org/chocobozzz/PeerTube"
languageCode = "en"
weight = 1
title = "PeerTube"
name = "Support"
weight = 2
identifier = ""
url = "https://framacolibri.org"
name = "Documentation"
weight = 3
identifier = ""
url = "https://framagit.org/chocobozzz/PeerTube"
name = "Source code"
weight = 4
identifier = ""
url = "https://framagit.org/chocobozzz/PeerTube"