# hostname (and path) to the root eg. https://appernetic.github.io/ baseurl = "https://joinpeertube.org/" # Remark if you want to disable multilingual support. DefaultContentLanguage = "fr" # If you want all of the languages to be put below their respective language code, # enable DefaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true. Without enabling it english content # will be in the root and other languages in their respective subfolder such as /sv/. # See [Languages] settings at the end of this file. DefaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true # Use this languageCode if it's not a multilingual site and also remove all language blocks and menus in the language sections to disable multilingual support. # language blocks. # Language #languageCode = "en" # SES friendly url:s canonifyurls = true # Frontmatter format # "yaml", "toml", "json" metaDataFormat = "toml" # Theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/) theme = "hugo-bootstrap-premium" # Pagination paginate = 10 paginatePath = "page" # Enable Disqus integration disqusShortname = "shortname" [permalinks] post = "/:year/:month/:day/:filename/" code = "/:filename/" [taxonomies] tag = "tags" topic = "topics" [author] name = "Framasoft" email = "contact@framasoft.org" # # All parameters below here are optional and can be mixed and matched. # [params.theme] name = "paper" [params] # menu for changing language. This changes languages with js and stores the choice with the help of JavaScript in a Cookie. Then the path is rewritten with pathnamereplace.js. The name of the md files needs to have the same name for each language abbreviation to work correctly. Example: showcase.en.md and showcase.sv.md. It only works if DefaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true switchlang = true # You can use markdown here. BrandImage = "/brand.png" brand = "Peertube" topline = "" footline = "" customJS = [] customCSS = [] # Text for the top menu link, which goes to the root URL for the site. # Default (if omitted) is "Home". #home = "" mailmunchid = "" # Mailmunch site id sumomeid = "" # Sumome id mathjax = "" # cdnjs hosted version; empty string to disable mathjax # Show a sidebar menu showRightSidebar = false # Select a syntax highlight. # Check the static/css/highlight directory for options. highlight = "default" # Google Analytics. #googleAnalytics = "Your Google Analytics tracking code" # Menus # If you want active menu items highlighted for internal pages don't add them here, they need to be added in each files front matter. # like this: #[menu] # [menu.main] # name = "Showcase" # weight = 3 # identifier = "showcase" # i18n menus. A menu will be added for each language to the right in the top menu. This menu will switch to the selected language. Remember to add the corresponding language in pathnamereplace.js. [Languages]