use anyhow::anyhow; use fediwiki::api::article::{CreateArticleData, EditArticleData, ForkArticleData, GetArticleData}; use fediwiki::api::instance::FollowInstance; use fediwiki::api::user::RegisterUserData; use fediwiki::api::user::{LoginResponse, LoginUserData}; use fediwiki::api::ResolveObject; use fediwiki::database::article::ArticleView; use fediwiki::database::conflict::ApiConflict; use fediwiki::database::instance::DbInstance; use fediwiki::error::MyResult; use fediwiki::start; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use reqwest::{Client, RequestBuilder, StatusCode}; use serde::de::Deserialize; use serde::ser::Serialize; use std::env::current_dir; use std::fs::create_dir_all; use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicI32, Ordering}; use std::sync::Once; use std::thread::{sleep, spawn}; use std::time::Duration; use tokio::task::JoinHandle; use tracing::log::LevelFilter; use url::Url; pub static CLIENT: Lazy = Lazy::new(Client::new); pub struct TestData { pub alpha: FediwikiInstance, pub beta: FediwikiInstance, pub gamma: FediwikiInstance, } impl TestData { pub async fn start() -> Self { static INIT: Once = Once::new(); INIT.call_once(|| { env_logger::builder() .filter_level(LevelFilter::Warn) .filter_module("activitypub_federation", LevelFilter::Info) .filter_module("fediwiki", LevelFilter::Info) .init(); }); // Run things on different ports and db paths to allow parallel tests static COUNTER: AtomicI32 = AtomicI32::new(0); let current_run = COUNTER.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); // Give each test a moment to start its postgres databases sleep(Duration::from_millis(current_run as u64 * 500)); let first_port = 8000 + (current_run * 3); let port_alpha = first_port; let port_beta = first_port + 1; let port_gamma = first_port + 2; let alpha_db_path = generate_db_path("alpha", port_alpha); let beta_db_path = generate_db_path("beta", port_beta); let gamma_db_path = generate_db_path("gamma", port_gamma); // initialize postgres databases in parallel because its slow for j in [ FediwikiInstance::prepare_db(alpha_db_path.clone()), FediwikiInstance::prepare_db(beta_db_path.clone()), FediwikiInstance::prepare_db(gamma_db_path.clone()), ] { j.join().unwrap(); } Self { alpha: FediwikiInstance::start(alpha_db_path, port_alpha, "alpha").await, beta: FediwikiInstance::start(beta_db_path, port_beta, "beta").await, gamma: FediwikiInstance::start(gamma_db_path, port_gamma, "gamma").await, } } pub fn stop(self) -> MyResult<()> { for j in [self.alpha.stop(), self.beta.stop(), self.gamma.stop()] { j.join().unwrap(); } Ok(()) } } /// Generate a unique db path for each postgres so that tests can run in parallel. fn generate_db_path(name: &'static str, port: i32) -> String { let path = format!( "{}/target/test_db/{name}-{port}", current_dir().unwrap().display() ); create_dir_all(&path).unwrap(); path } pub struct FediwikiInstance { pub hostname: String, pub jwt: String, db_path: String, db_handle: JoinHandle<()>, } impl FediwikiInstance { fn prepare_db(db_path: String) -> std::thread::JoinHandle<()> { spawn(move || { Command::new("./tests/scripts/") .arg(&db_path) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .output() .unwrap(); }) } async fn start(db_path: String, port: i32, username: &str) -> Self { let db_url = format!("postgresql://lemmy:password@/lemmy?host={db_path}"); let hostname = format!("localhost:{port}"); let hostname_ = hostname.clone(); let handle = tokio::task::spawn(async move { start(&hostname_, &db_url).await.unwrap(); }); // wait a moment for the server to start tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await; let register_res = register(&hostname, username, "hunter2").await.unwrap(); assert!(!register_res.jwt.is_empty()); Self { jwt: register_res.jwt, hostname, db_path, db_handle: handle, } } fn stop(self) -> std::thread::JoinHandle<()> { self.db_handle.abort(); spawn(move || { Command::new("./tests/scripts/") .arg(&self.db_path) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .output() .unwrap(); }) } } pub const TEST_ARTICLE_DEFAULT_TEXT: &str = "some\nexample\ntext\n"; pub async fn create_article(instance: &FediwikiInstance, title: String) -> MyResult { let create_form = CreateArticleData { title: title.clone(), }; let req = CLIENT .post(format!("http://{}/api/v1/article", &instance.hostname)) .form(&create_form) .bearer_auth(&instance.jwt); let article: ArticleView = handle_json_res(req).await?; // create initial edit to ensure that conflicts are generated (there are no conflicts on empty file) let edit_form = EditArticleData { article_id:, new_text: TEST_ARTICLE_DEFAULT_TEXT.to_string(), previous_version_id: article.latest_version, resolve_conflict_id: None, }; edit_article(instance, &edit_form).await } pub async fn get_article(hostname: &str, article_id: i32) -> MyResult { let get_article = GetArticleData { article_id }; get_query::(hostname, "article", Some(get_article.clone())).await } pub async fn edit_article_with_conflict( instance: &FediwikiInstance, edit_form: &EditArticleData, ) -> MyResult> { let req = CLIENT .patch(format!("http://{}/api/v1/article", instance.hostname)) .form(edit_form) .bearer_auth(&instance.jwt); handle_json_res(req).await } pub async fn edit_article( instance: &FediwikiInstance, edit_form: &EditArticleData, ) -> MyResult { let edit_res = edit_article_with_conflict(instance, edit_form).await?; assert!(edit_res.is_none()); get_article(&instance.hostname, edit_form.article_id).await } pub async fn get(hostname: &str, endpoint: &str) -> MyResult where T: for<'de> Deserialize<'de>, { get_query(hostname, endpoint, None::).await } pub async fn get_query(hostname: &str, endpoint: &str, query: Option) -> MyResult where T: for<'de> Deserialize<'de>, R: Serialize, { let mut req = CLIENT.get(format!("http://{}/api/v1/{}", hostname, endpoint)); if let Some(query) = query { req = req.query(&query); } handle_json_res(req).await } pub async fn fork_article( instance: &FediwikiInstance, form: &ForkArticleData, ) -> MyResult { let req = CLIENT .post(format!("http://{}/api/v1/article/fork", instance.hostname)) .form(form) .bearer_auth(&instance.jwt); handle_json_res(req).await } pub async fn handle_json_res(req: RequestBuilder) -> MyResult where T: for<'de> Deserialize<'de>, { let res = req.send().await?; let status = res.status(); let text = res.text().await?; if status == StatusCode::OK { Ok(serde_json::from_str(&text).map_err(|e| anyhow!("Json error on {text}: {e}"))?) } else { Err(anyhow!("API error: {text}").into()) } } pub async fn follow_instance(instance: &FediwikiInstance, follow_instance: &str) -> MyResult<()> { // fetch beta instance on alpha let resolve_form = ResolveObject { id: Url::parse(&format!("http://{}", follow_instance))?, }; let instance_resolved: DbInstance = get_query(&instance.hostname, "resolve_instance", Some(resolve_form)).await?; // send follow let follow_form = FollowInstance { id:, }; // cant use post helper because follow doesnt return json let res = CLIENT .post(format!( "http://{}/api/v1/instance/follow", instance.hostname )) .form(&follow_form) .bearer_auth(&instance.jwt) .send() .await?; if res.status() == StatusCode::OK { Ok(()) } else { Err(anyhow!("API error: {}", res.text().await?).into()) } } pub async fn register(hostname: &str, username: &str, password: &str) -> MyResult { let register_form = RegisterUserData { username: username.to_string(), password: password.to_string(), }; let req = CLIENT .post(format!("http://{}/api/v1/user/register", hostname)) .form(®ister_form); handle_json_res(req).await } pub async fn login( instance: &FediwikiInstance, username: &str, password: &str, ) -> MyResult { let login_form = LoginUserData { username: username.to_string(), password: password.to_string(), }; let req = CLIENT .post(format!("http://{}/api/v1/user/login", instance.hostname)) .form(&login_form); handle_json_res(req).await }