Minor improvements to AddContactsHandler.
- notifications are dismissed automatically - no toast if user was not added - fixed potential bug when both nodes sent RequestAddContact
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 30 additions and 24 deletions
@ -60,9 +60,6 @@
<!-- Information text shown in the "add contact" dialog -->
<string name="add_contact_dialog_hint">Before accepting, make sure the images match on both devices</string>
<!-- Toast shown when a contact is not added because it was not accepted on the other device -->
<string name="contact_not_added">Contact not added (denied by other device)</string>
<!-- Toast shown when a new contact was added. Parameter is contact name -->
<string name="contact_added">%1$s was added as a contact</string>
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat
import android.util.Log
import android.widget.Toast
import com.nutomic.ensichat.R
import com.nutomic.ensichat.activities.{MainActivity, ConfirmAddContactActivity}
import com.nutomic.ensichat.activities.{ConfirmAddContactActivity, MainActivity}
import com.nutomic.ensichat.protocol.body.{RequestAddContact, ResultAddContact}
import com.nutomic.ensichat.protocol.{Address, Message, User}
@ -25,9 +25,13 @@ class AddContactsHandler(context: Context, getUser: (Address) => User, localAddr
private lazy val database = new Database(context)
private val notificationManager =
private var currentlyAdding = Map[Address, AddContactInfo]()
private case class AddContactInfo(localConfirmed: Boolean, remoteConfirmed: Boolean)
private case class AddContactInfo(localConfirmed: Boolean, remoteConfirmed: Boolean,
notificationId: Int)
def onMessageReceived(msg: Message): Unit = {
val remote =
@ -38,13 +42,23 @@ class AddContactsHandler(context: Context, getUser: (Address) => User, localAddr
msg.body match {
case _: RequestAddContact =>
Log.i(Tag, "Remote device " + remote + " wants to add us as a contact")
currentlyAdding += (remote -> new AddContactInfo(false, false))
// Don't show notification if we are already adding the contact.
// Can happen when both users click on each other to add.
if (currentlyAdding.keySet.contains(remote)) {
// Notification ID is unused for requests coming from local device, but that doesn't matter.
val notificationId = notificationIdAddContactGenerator.next()
currentlyAdding += (remote -> new AddContactInfo(false, false, notificationId))
// Don't show notification for requests coming from local device.
if (msg.header.origin == localAddress)
Log.i(Tag, "Remote device " + remote + " wants to add us as a contact")
val intent = new Intent(context, classOf[ConfirmAddContactActivity])
intent.putExtra(ConfirmAddContactActivity.ExtraContactAddress, msg.header.origin.toString)
val pi = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, intent,
@ -57,26 +71,26 @@ class AddContactsHandler(context: Context, getUser: (Address) => User, localAddr
val nm = context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE).asInstanceOf[NotificationManager]
nm.notify(notificationIdAddContactGenerator.next(), notification)
notificationManager.notify(notificationId, notification)
case res: ResultAddContact =>
if (!currentlyAdding.contains(remote)) {
Log.w(Tag, "ResultAddContact without previous RequestAddContact, ignoring")
val previousInfo = currentlyAdding(remote)
val newInfo =
if (msg.header.origin == localAddress)
new AddContactInfo(res.accepted, currentlyAdding(remote).remoteConfirmed)
new AddContactInfo(res.accepted, previousInfo.remoteConfirmed, previousInfo.notificationId)
new AddContactInfo(currentlyAdding(remote).localConfirmed, res.accepted)
new AddContactInfo(previousInfo.localConfirmed, res.accepted, previousInfo.notificationId)
currentlyAdding += (remote -> newInfo)
if (res.accepted)
else {
showToast(context.getString(R.string.contact_not_added), Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
currentlyAdding -= remote
case _ =>
@ -92,7 +106,12 @@ class AddContactsHandler(context: Context, getUser: (Address) => User, localAddr
if (info.localConfirmed && info.remoteConfirmed) {
Log.i(Tag, "Adding new contact " + user.toString)
showToast(context.getString(R.string.contact_added, user.name), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper).post(new Runnable {
override def run(): Unit = {
Toast.makeText(context, context.getString(R.string.contact_added, user.name),
val intent = new Intent(context, classOf[MainActivity])
intent.putExtra(MainActivity.ExtraAddress, address.toString)
@ -100,18 +119,8 @@ class AddContactsHandler(context: Context, getUser: (Address) => User, localAddr
currentlyAdding -= address
* Creates and shows toast on main thread.
private def showToast(message: String, length: Integer): Unit = {
new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper).post(new Runnable {
override def run(): Unit = {
Toast.makeText(context, message, length).show()
Reference in a new issue