/* * Example use of boost::astar_search_no_init on an infinite, implicitly-defined graph. * * The graph type used here is XYGraph, representing an infinite grid of squares. Each * square is connected to its eight neighbors; however, the example shows how to use * boost::filtered_graph to make the search take place only along orthogonal edges. * * based on https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/boost-list/Jz5OOygzW3E */ #include "Pathfinder.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util/Log.h" #include // Boost interface type declarations. enum class Direction; struct Vertex; struct NeighborIterator; class FilterEdge; class FilterVertex; template class DefaultMap; struct found_goal; struct Vertex; struct VertexGraph; typedef boost::filtered_graph Graph; typedef boost::associative_property_map< DefaultMap > DistanceMap; typedef DefaultMap WrappedDistanceMap; // Boost interface type definitions. enum class Direction { MIN = 0, N, S, E, W, NW, NE, SE, SW, NONE }; /** * Used to map vertexes to various constant values. */ template class DefaultMap { public: typedef K key_type; typedef V data_type; typedef std::pair value_type; DefaultMap(V const& defaultValue) : defaultValue(defaultValue) { } V& operator[](K const& k) { if (m.find(k) == m.end()) { m[k] = defaultValue; } return m[k]; } private: std::map m; V const defaultValue; }; struct FoundGoal {}; //< exception for termination struct Vertex : public boost::additive > > { Vertex(int x = 0, int y = 0); // Same square counts. bool adjacentTo(Vertex const& that) const { return abs(x - that.x) <= 1 && abs(y - that.y) <= 1; } Vertex& operator=(Vertex const& that); Vertex& operator+=(Vertex const& that); bool operator<(Vertex const& that) const { return x < that.x || (x == that.x && y < that.y); } int x; int y; Vertex neighbor(Direction direction) const; std::set allNeighbors() const; }; /* * Model of: * * Graph * * IncidenceGraph */ struct VertexGraph { VertexGraph() = default; // Graph concept requirements typedef Vertex vertex_descriptor; typedef std::pair edge_descriptor; typedef boost::undirected_tag directed_category; typedef boost::disallow_parallel_edge_tag edge_parallel_category; typedef boost::incidence_graph_tag traversal_category; // IncidenceGraph concept requirements typedef NeighborIterator out_edge_iterator; typedef int degree_size_type; }; namespace boost { template <> struct graph_traits { typedef VertexGraph G; typedef G::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; typedef G::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor; typedef G::out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator; typedef G::directed_category directed_category; typedef G::edge_parallel_category edge_parallel_category; typedef G::traversal_category traversal_category; typedef G::degree_size_type degree_size_type; typedef void in_edge_iterator; typedef void vertex_iterator; typedef void vertices_size_type; typedef void edge_iterator; typedef void edges_size_type; }; } /** * Placeholder, always returns true. */ class FilterEdge { public: FilterEdge() = default; FilterEdge(b2World& world, const Vector2f& size); bool operator()(std::pair const& edge) const { return true; } }; /** * Filters vertexes, can be used to block certain fields. * * This might be quite expensive as Box2D is queried for blocking objects in every step. */ class FilterVertex { public: FilterVertex() = default; FilterVertex(b2World& world, const Vector2f& size); bool operator()(Vertex const& vertex) const; private: /** * Callback object for b2World::QueryAABB(). Callback::empty is set to false if the vertex is * blocked by a solid, non-moving body. */ class Callback : public b2QueryCallback { public: Callback() : empty(true) { }; bool ReportFixture(b2Fixture* fixture); bool empty; //< Keeps the result of a query, do not call before querying. }; private: b2World* mWorld; Vector2f mSize; }; /** * Allows access to adjacent vertexes. */ struct NeighborIterator : public boost::iterator_facade, boost::forward_traversal_tag, std::pair > { public: NeighborIterator() = default; NeighborIterator(Vertex xy, Direction direction); NeighborIterator& operator=(NeighborIterator const& that); std::pair operator*() const; void operator++() { direction = static_cast(int(direction) + 1); } bool operator==(NeighborIterator const& that) const { return xy == that.xy && direction == that.direction; } bool equal(NeighborIterator const& that) const { return operator==(that); } void increment() { operator++(); } private: Vertex xy; Direction direction; }; struct PredecessorMap { PredecessorMap() = default; PredecessorMap(PredecessorMap const& that) : m(that.m) { } typedef Vertex key_type; typedef Vertex value_type; typedef Vertex & reference_type; typedef boost::read_write_property_map_tag category; Vertex & operator[](Vertex xy) { return m[xy]; } std::map m; }; /** * Throws exception when goal is reached. */ class GoalVisitor : public boost::default_astar_visitor { public: GoalVisitor(Vertex goal) : m_goal(goal) { } void examine_vertex(Vertex xy, Graph const& g); private: Vertex m_goal; }; // Euclidean distance heuristic (square root omitted) class DistanceHeuristic : public boost::astar_heuristic { public: DistanceHeuristic(Vertex goal) : m_goal(goal) { } unsigned int operator()(Vertex xy); private: Vertex m_goal; }; // Boost interface function declarations. Vertex get(PredecessorMap const& pm, Vertex xy); void put(PredecessorMap & pm, Vertex key, Vertex value); // IncidenceGraph concept requirements std::pair out_edges(VertexGraph::vertex_descriptor v, VertexGraph const& g); VertexGraph::degree_size_type out_degree(VertexGraph::vertex_descriptor v, VertexGraph const& g); VertexGraph::vertex_descriptor source(VertexGraph::edge_descriptor e, VertexGraph const& g); VertexGraph::vertex_descriptor target(VertexGraph::edge_descriptor e, VertexGraph const& g); Vertex vertex(const Vector2f& vector); Vector2f vector(const Vertex& vertex); // Constant variables. static const Vector2f VERTEX_SIZE = Vector2f(10, 10); // Helper functions. Vertex vertex(const Vector2f& vector) { return Vertex(vector.x / VERTEX_SIZE.x, vector.y / VERTEX_SIZE.y); } Vector2f vector(const Vertex& vertex) { return Vector2f(vertex.x * VERTEX_SIZE.x, vertex.y * VERTEX_SIZE.y); } /** * @param world The Box2D world instance to use for collisions. */ Pathfinder::Pathfinder(b2World& world) : mWorld(world) { } /** * Returns a path from the position of a Physical to an absolute position. Returns an empty * std::vector on failure. * * The path returned is in reverse order so that the immediate next point to move to can be * accessed via pop_back(). * * @param physical The object to be moved. * @param to The position to find a path to. * @return The path from physical.getPostion() to destination. * * TODO: Objects are only recognized partially, examples: * Mostly ignores Cover. * Sometimes moves into wall and instantly out again. */ std::vector Pathfinder::getPath(Physical& physical, const Vector2f& destination) { Vertex start(vertex(physical.getPosition())); Vertex goal(vertex(destination)); VertexGraph baseGraph; Graph graph(baseGraph, FilterEdge(), FilterVertex(mWorld, physical.getSize())); PredecessorMap p; WrappedDistanceMap wrappedMap = WrappedDistanceMap(std::numeric_limits::max()); DistanceMap d = DistanceMap(wrappedMap); // Constructor of boost::associative_property_map fails if these are declared inline. DefaultMap,unsigned> weightMap = DefaultMap,unsigned>(1); std::map vertexIndexMap; std::map rankMap; std::map colorMap; // There does not seem destination be a way destination signal the goal as reached other than throwing an exception. try { astar_search_no_init(graph, start, DistanceHeuristic(goal) , visitor(GoalVisitor(goal)) . distance_map(d) . predecessor_map(boost::ref(p)) . weight_map(boost::associative_property_map,unsigned> >( weightMap)) . vertex_index_map(boost::associative_property_map< std::map >(vertexIndexMap)) . rank_map(boost::associative_property_map< std::map >(rankMap)) . color_map(boost::associative_property_map< std::map >( colorMap)) . distance_compare(std::less()) . distance_combine(std::plus()) ); } catch(FoundGoal&) { // found a path destination the goal std::vector shortestPath; shortestPath.push_back(destination); for(Vertex xy = goal;; xy = p[xy]) { shortestPath.push_back(vector(xy)); if(p[xy] == xy) { break; } } // Remove current position. shortestPath.pop_back(); // Remove next node to avoid possibly moving in opposite direction. // This should not cause problems if vertexes are small enough. shortestPath.pop_back(); // Leave it in reverse order so we can just pop the current destination. //std::reverse(shortestPath.begin(), shortestPath.end()); return shortestPath; } LOG_W("No path from " << vector(start) << " destination " << vector(goal)); return std::vector(); } /** * @param world Box2D world used for collisions. * @param size Size of the moving object. */ FilterVertex::FilterVertex(b2World& world, const Vector2f& size) : mWorld(&world), mSize(size) { } /** * Decides which vertexes may be accessed. * * @param vertex A vertex to be tested. * @return True if the vertex may be moved to. */ bool FilterVertex::operator()(Vertex const& vertex) const { Callback callback; b2AABB aabb; // Bottom left. aabb.lowerBound = vector(vector(vertex) - 0.5f * mSize); // Top right. aabb.upperBound = vector(vector(vertex) + 0.5f * mSize); mWorld->QueryAABB(&callback, aabb); return callback.empty; } bool FilterVertex::Callback::ReportFixture(b2Fixture* fixture) { Physical& physical = *static_cast(fixture->GetBody()->GetUserData()); if (!physical.isMovable() && physical.isSolid()) { empty = false; return true; } return false; } unsigned int DistanceHeuristic::operator()(Vertex xy) { int dx = m_goal.x - xy.x; int dy = m_goal.y - xy.y; unsigned int retval = (unsigned int) dx * dx + dy * dy; return retval; } Vertex get(PredecessorMap const& pm, Vertex xy) { std::map::const_iterator found = pm.m.find(xy); return (found != pm.m.end()) ? found->second : xy; } void put(PredecessorMap & pm, Vertex key, Vertex value) { pm.m[key] = value; } void GoalVisitor::examine_vertex(Vertex xy, Graph const& g) { if(xy == m_goal) throw FoundGoal(); } std::pair out_edges(VertexGraph::vertex_descriptor v, VertexGraph const& g) { return std::make_pair(VertexGraph::out_edge_iterator(v, Direction::MIN), VertexGraph::out_edge_iterator(v, Direction::NONE) ); } VertexGraph::degree_size_type out_degree(VertexGraph::vertex_descriptor v, VertexGraph const& g) { return v.allNeighbors().size(); } VertexGraph::vertex_descriptor source(VertexGraph::edge_descriptor e, VertexGraph const& g) { return e.first; } VertexGraph::vertex_descriptor target(VertexGraph::edge_descriptor e, VertexGraph const& g) { return e.second; } NeighborIterator::NeighborIterator(Vertex xy, Direction direction) : xy(xy), direction(direction) { } NeighborIterator& NeighborIterator::operator=(NeighborIterator const& that) { xy = that.xy; direction = that.direction; return *this; } std::pair NeighborIterator::operator*() const { std::pair const retval = std::make_pair(xy, xy.neighbor(direction)); return retval; } Vertex::Vertex(int x, int y) : x(x), y(y) { } Vertex& Vertex::operator=(Vertex const& that) { x = that.x; y = that.y; return *this; } Vertex& Vertex::operator+=(Vertex const& that) { x += that.x; y += that.y; return *this; } Vertex Vertex::neighbor(Direction direction) const { int dx = 0, dy = 0; switch (direction) { case Direction::NW: case Direction::W: case Direction::SW: dx = -1; break; case Direction::NE: case Direction::E: case Direction::SE: dx = 1; break; default: break; } switch (direction) { case Direction::NW: case Direction::N: case Direction::NE: dy = -1; break; case Direction::SW: case Direction::S: case Direction::SE: dy = 1; break; default: break; } Vertex const neighbor(x + dx, y + dy); return neighbor; } std::set Vertex::allNeighbors() const { std::set neighbors; for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1; ++dx) for (int dy = -1; dy <= 1; ++dy) neighbors.insert(Vertex(x+dx,y+dy)); return neighbors; }