/* * Physical.cpp * * Created on: 11.08.2012 * Author: Felix */ #include "Physical.h" #include #include /** * Initializes Box2D body. * * @param data Data needed for construction. */ Physical::Physical(const PhysicalData& data) : mDelete(false) { assert(data.size != Vector2i()); assert(data.category); b2BodyDef bodyDef; bodyDef.type = (data.moving) ? b2_dynamicBody : b2_staticBody; bodyDef.position = vector(data.position); bodyDef.allowSleep = true; bodyDef.fixedRotation = true; bodyDef.bullet = data.bullet; bodyDef.userData = this; mBody = data.world.CreateBody(&bodyDef); b2PolygonShape boxShape; boxShape.SetAsBox(pixelToMeter(data.size.x) / 2, pixelToMeter(data.size.y) / 2); b2FixtureDef fixtureDef; fixtureDef.shape = &boxShape; fixtureDef.density = 1.0f; fixtureDef.filter.categoryBits = data.category; fixtureDef.filter.maskBits = ~data.maskExclude; fixtureDef.restitution = 0; fixtureDef.density = (data.bullet) ? 0 : 10000; mBody->CreateFixture(&fixtureDef); } /** * Removes body from world. */ Physical::~Physical() { mBody->GetWorld()->DestroyBody(mBody); } /** * Initializes container. * * @link Physical::PhysicalData */ Physical::PhysicalData::PhysicalData( const Vector2f& position, const Vector2i& size, b2World& world, uint16 category, uint16 maskExclude, bool moving, bool bullet) : position(position), size(size), world(world), category(category), maskExclude(maskExclude), moving(moving), bullet(bullet) { } /** * Returns the position of the sprite (center). */ Vector2f Physical::getPosition() const { return vector(mBody->GetPosition()); } /** * Returns the movement speed of the body. */ Vector2f Physical::getSpeed() const { return vector(mBody->GetLinearVelocity()); } /** <<<<<<< HEAD * Returns the rotation of the body as an SFML angle. ======= * Returns the rotation of the body (converted to an SFML angle). >>>>>>> origin/master */ float Physical::getAngle() const { return - thor::toDegree(mBody->GetAngle()); } /** * Returns true if this object should be deleted. */ bool Physical::getDelete() const { return mDelete; } /** * Returns the Physical::Category of this object. */ uint16 Physical::getCategory() const { return mBody->GetFixtureList()->GetFilterData().categoryBits; } /** * This method filters collisions with other physicals. Implement it if you want to * limit collisions to/with certain objects. Default implementation always returns true. * * @param other The Physical this object is about to collide with. * @return True if the objects should collide. */ bool Physical::doesCollide(Physical& other) { return true; } /** * Called when a collision with another body occured. Override this method * to manage collision events. * * @param other Reference to the other Physical in the collision. * @param category The Category of the other object (as passed in constructor). */ void Physical::onCollide(Physical& other, uint16 type) { } /** * Set to true to mark this object for deletion from the world. */ void Physical::setDelete(bool value) { mDelete = value; } /** * Sets movement speed and direction of the body. Set either value to zero to stop movement. * * @param direction The direction the body moves in, does not have to be normalized. * @param speed The value of the movement speed to be used. */ void Physical::setSpeed(Vector2f direction, float speed) { if (direction != Vector2f()) { direction = thor::unitVector(direction); } direction *= speed; mBody->SetLinearVelocity(vector(direction)); } /** * Sets the angle of the body based on the direction of a vector. */ void Physical::setAngle(float angle) { mBody->SetTransform(mBody->GetPosition(), - thor::toRadian(angle)); }