/* * Generator.cpp * * Created on: 07.04.2013 * Author: Felix */ #include "Generator.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../Pathfinder.h" #include "../World.h" #include "../sprites/Enemy.h" /** * Generates new random seed. */ Generator::Generator(World& world, Pathfinder& pathfinder) : mWorld(world), mPathfinder(pathfinder) { } /** * Generates tiles near player position (maximum distance is determined by * GENERATE_AREA_SIZE and GENERATE_AREA_RANGE). */ void Generator::generateCurrentAreaIfNeeded(const Vector2f& playerPosition, const Character::EquippedItems& playerItems) { std::map open; std::set closed; Vector2i start((int) floor(playerPosition.x / Tile::TILE_SIZE.x), (int) floor(playerPosition.y / Tile::TILE_SIZE.y)); start /= GENERATE_AREA_SIZE; auto makePair = [&start](const Vector2i& point) { return std::make_pair(point, thor::length(Vector2f(point - start))); }; open.insert(makePair(start)); while (!open.empty()) { Vector2i current = std::min_element(open.begin(), open.end())->first; float distance = open[current]; open.erase(current); closed.insert(current); if (!mGenerated[current.x][current.y] && distance <= GENERATE_AREA_RANGE) { mGenerated[current.x][current.y] = true; sf::IntRect area(current * GENERATE_AREA_SIZE - Vector2i(GENERATE_AREA_SIZE, GENERATE_AREA_SIZE) / 2, Vector2i(GENERATE_AREA_SIZE, GENERATE_AREA_SIZE)); generateTiles(area); for (const auto& spawn : getEnemySpawns(area)) { float distance = thor::length(spawn - playerPosition); if (distance > Character::VISION_DISTANCE) mWorld.insertCharacter(std::shared_ptr(new Enemy( mWorld, mPathfinder, spawn, playerItems))); } } if (mGenerated[current.x][current.y] && distance <= GENERATE_AREA_RANGE) { if (closed.find(Vector2i(current.x + 1, current.y)) == closed.end()) open.insert(makePair(Vector2i(current.x + 1, current.y))); if (closed.find(Vector2i(current.x, current.y + 1)) == closed.end()) open.insert(makePair(Vector2i(current.x, current.y + 1))); if (closed.find(Vector2i(current.x - 1, current.y)) == closed.end()) open.insert(makePair(Vector2i(current.x - 1, current.y))); if (closed.find(Vector2i(current.x, current.y - 1)) == closed.end()) open.insert(makePair(Vector2i(current.x, current.y - 1))); } } } /** * Generates a minimum spanning tree on mTileNoise, starting from start with * a maximum total node weight of limit. */ std::vector Generator::createMinimalSpanningTree(const Vector2i& start, const float limit) { std::vector open; std::vector selected; open.push_back(start); float totalWeight = 0.0f; while (totalWeight < limit) { Vector2i current; float minValue = std::numeric_limits::max(); for (auto& o : open) { if (mTileNoise.getNoise(o) + 1.0f < minValue) { current = o; minValue = mTileNoise.getNoise(o) + 1.0f; } } std::remove(open.begin(), open.end(), current); selected.push_back(current); totalWeight += minValue; auto insertNew = [&open, &selected](const Vector2i& v) { if (std::find(open.begin(), open.end(), v) == open.end() && std::find(selected.begin(), selected.end(), v) == selected.end()) open.push_back(v); }; insertNew(Vector2i(current.x + 1, current.y)); insertNew(Vector2i(current.x, current.y + 1)); insertNew(Vector2i(current.x - 1, current.y)); insertNew(Vector2i(current.x, current.y - 1)); } return selected; } /** * Generates paths that connect different rooms. * * Using basically Dijkstra on infinite graph/A* without destination node. * * @param start Tile to start path generation from (must be floor). */ void Generator::connectRooms(const Vector2i& start) { std::set open; std::set closed; std::map previous; std::set destinations; std::map distance; // Compares vectors using distance values. auto comp = [&distance](const Vector2i& lhs, const Vector2i& rhs) { return distance[lhs] < distance[rhs]; }; auto process = [&open, &closed, &previous, &distance, this](const Vector2i& point, const Vector2i& current) { // Update previous nodes if shorter path is found. if (distance.count(point) == 0) { distance[point] = distance[current] + mTileNoise.getNoise(point) + 1; previous[point] = current; } // Insert into open if (closed.count(point) == 0) open.insert(point); }; open.insert(start); distance[start] = 0; while (!open.empty()) { // Select node with lowest distance that is in open Vector2i current = *std::min_element(open.begin(), open.end(), comp); open.erase(current); closed.insert(current); // Take all floors right after wall tiles. if (mTiles[previous[current].x][previous[current].y] == Tile::Type::WALL && mTiles[current.x][current.y] == Tile::Type::FLOOR) { destinations.insert(current); break; } if (distance.at(current) < ROOM_CONNECTION_VALUE) { process(Vector2i(current.x + 1, current.y), current); process(Vector2i(current.x, current.y + 1), current); process(Vector2i(current.x - 1, current.y), current); process(Vector2i(current.x, current.y - 1), current); } } float totalValue = 0.0f; while (totalValue < ROOM_CONNECTION_VALUE && !destinations.empty()) { std::vector path; float pathValue = 0; Vector2i current = *destinations.begin(); destinations.erase(destinations.begin()); while (current != start) { path.push_back(previous[current]); pathValue += mTileNoise.getNoise(current); current = previous[current]; }; path.push_back(start); mPaths.push_back(path); for (const auto& p : path) { mTiles[p.x][p.y] = Tile::Type::FLOOR; Tile::setTile(p, Tile::Type::FLOOR, mWorld); } } } /** * Fill world with procedurally generated tiles. * * This is done by generating random (simplex) noise, with a value mapped * to every integer point in area, selecting the lowest value point as start, * and building a minimum spanning tree from there. * * @param area Size and position of area to generate tiles for. Width and * height must each be a power of two. */ void Generator::generateTiles(const sf::IntRect& area) { // Width and height must be a power of two. assert(area.width && !(area.width & (area.width - 1))); assert(area.height && !(area.height & (area.height - 1))); Vector2i start; float minValue = std::numeric_limits::max(); // Find lowest value for tree start. for (int x = area.left; x < area.left + area.width; x++) for (int y = area.top; y < area.top + area.height; y++) { if (mTileNoise.getNoise(x, y) + 1.0f < minValue) { start = Vector2i(x, y); minValue = mTileNoise.getNoise(x, y) + 1.0f; } } std::vector selected = createMinimalSpanningTree(start, ROOM_SIZE_VALUE); // For rooms, take minimum bounding box of spanning tree. int left = start.x; int right = start.x; int down = start.y; int up = start.y; for (auto& s : selected) { if (s.x < left) left = s.x; if (s.x > right) right = s.x; if (s.y < down) down = s.y; if (s.y > up) up = s.y; } // Merge new map into stored map and create tile sprites. for (int x = left; x < right; x++) for (int y = down; y < up; y++) // Make sure tiles are not set twice (which would get values in // mTiles out of sync with actual world). if (mTiles[x].count(y) == 0) mTiles[x][y] = Tile::Type::FLOOR; connectRooms(start); for (int x = area.left; x < area.left + area.width; x++) for (int y = area.top; y < area.top + area.height; y++) mWorld.insert(std::shared_ptr( new Tile(Vector2i(x, y), mTiles[x][y]))); generateAreas(area); mPathfinder.generatePortals(); } /** * Returns coordinates where enemies should spawn. * * @param area Area for which enemy spawns should be returned. * @return Pairs of spawn points together with seeds. */ std::vector Generator::getEnemySpawns(const sf::IntRect& area) { std::vector spawns; for (int x = area.left; x < area.left + area.width; x++) { for (int y = area.top; y < area.top + area.height; y++) { float noise = mCharacterNoise.getNoise(x, y); if (noise <= -0.85f) { Vector2i tilePosition = findClosestFloor(Vector2i(x, y)); spawns.push_back(Vector2f(tilePosition.x * Tile::TILE_SIZE.x, tilePosition.y * Tile::TILE_SIZE.y)); } } } return spawns; } /** * Inserts floor tiles into path finder, using a quadtree approach to group * tiles where possible. * * @param area The area to generate areas for. */ void Generator::generateAreas(const sf::IntRect& area) { assert(area.width > 0 && area.height > 0); int wallCount = 0; for (int x = area.left; x < area.left + area.width; x++) for (int y = area.top; y < area.top + area.height; y++) wallCount += (int) (mTiles[x][y] == Tile::Type::WALL); if (wallCount == 0) mPathfinder.insertArea(sf::FloatRect(area.left, area.top, area.width, area.height)); else if (wallCount == area.width * area.height) return; else { int halfWidth = area.width / 2; int halfHeight = area.height / 2; generateAreas(sf::IntRect(area.left, area.top, halfWidth, halfHeight)); generateAreas(sf::IntRect(area.left + halfWidth, area.top, halfWidth, halfHeight)); generateAreas(sf::IntRect(area.left, area.top + halfHeight, halfWidth, halfHeight)); generateAreas(sf::IntRect(area.left + halfWidth, area.top + halfHeight, halfWidth, halfHeight)); } } /** * Returns a valid position (floor) for the player to spawn at. */ Vector2f Generator::getPlayerSpawn() const { Vector2i spawn = findClosestFloor(Vector2i()); return Vector2f(spawn.x * Tile::TILE_SIZE.x, spawn.y * Tile::TILE_SIZE.y); } /** * Finds the point array index closest to position which has a floor tile. * * @warn Will fail if no floor tile has been generated yet. * @position Point to start search for a floor tile from. */ Vector2i Generator::findClosestFloor(const Vector2i& start) const { std::map open; std::set closed; auto insertNew = [&open, &closed, &start](const Vector2i& point) { if (closed.find(point) == closed.end()) open.insert(std::make_pair(point, thor::length(Vector2f(point - start)))); }; insertNew(start); while (!open.empty()) { Vector2i current = std::min_element(open.begin(), open.end())->first; open.erase(current); closed.insert(current); if (mTiles.at(current.x).at(current.y) == Tile::Type::FLOOR) return current; else { insertNew(Vector2i(current.x + 1, current.y)); insertNew(Vector2i(current.x, current.y + 1)); insertNew(Vector2i(current.x - 1, current.y)); insertNew(Vector2i(current.x, current.y - 1)); } } // No floor tile found in the entire world. assert(false); return Vector2i(); } /** * Debug only: Draws paths generated by connectRooms. * * mPaths is only required for this function. */ #ifndef RELEASE void Generator::draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const { for (auto& p : mPaths) { for (auto&q : p) { sf::RectangleShape rect(Vector2f(Tile::TILE_SIZE)); rect.setPosition(Vector2f(q.x * Tile::TILE_SIZE.x, q.y * Tile::TILE_SIZE.y) - Vector2f(Tile::TILE_SIZE / 2)); rect.setFillColor(sf::Color(150, 127, 0, 96)); target.draw(rect); } } } #endif /* RELEASE */