/* * Weapon.cpp * * Created on: 12.08.2012 * Author: Felix */ #include "Weapon.h" #include #include "../World.h" #include "../effects/Bullet.h" #include "../util/Yaml.h" Weapon::Weapon(World& world, Character& holder, const Yaml& config) : mWorld(world), mHolder(holder), mProjectile(config.get("bullet", std::string("bullet.yaml"))), mDamage(config.get("damage", 0)), mProjectileSpeed(config.get("projectile_speed", 0.0f)), mFireInterval(config.get("fire_interval", 0)), mReloadTime(config.get("reload_time", 0)), mFiring(false), mAutomatic(config.get("automatic", false)), mMagazineSize(config.get("magazine_size", 0)), mMagazineAmmo(mMagazineSize), mMaxTotalAmmo(config.get("max_total_ammo", 0)), mTotalAmmo(mMaxTotalAmmo), mPellets(config.get("pellets", 0)), mPelletSpread(config.get("pellet_spread", 0.0f)), mReloadSingle(config.get("reload_single", false)), mSpread(config.get("spread", 0.0f)), mSpreadMoving(config.get("spread_moving", 0.0f)) { } /** * Pull the trigger. */ void Weapon::pullTrigger() { mFiring = true; } /** * Release the trigger. */ void Weapon::releaseTrigger() { mFiring = false; } /** * Fire if the trigger has been pulled, time between bullets is over, has ammo etc. * * @param elapsed Amount of time to simulate. */ void Weapon::onThink(int elapsed) { if (!mTimer.isExpired()) return; if (mIsReloading) { if (!mReloadSingle) { mMagazineAmmo = (mTotalAmmo >= mMagazineSize) ? mMagazineSize : mTotalAmmo; mTotalAmmo -= mMagazineAmmo; mIsReloading = false; } else if (mTotalAmmo > 0) { mMagazineAmmo++; mTotalAmmo--; if (mMagazineAmmo == mMagazineSize) mIsReloading = false; else reload(); } else mIsReloading = false; } if (mFiring && mMagazineAmmo != 0) { fire(); if (!mAutomatic) mFiring = false; } if (mMagazineAmmo == 0 && mTotalAmmo != 0) reload(); } /** * Creates and fires a projectile. */ void Weapon::fire() { mTimer.restart(sf::milliseconds(mFireInterval)); mMagazineAmmo--; if (mPellets == 0) insertProjectile(0.0f); else for (int i = - mPellets / 2; i < mPellets / 2; i++) { insertProjectile(i * mPelletSpread); } } int Weapon::getMagazineAmmo() const { return mMagazineAmmo; } int Weapon::getTotalAmmo() const { return mTotalAmmo; } void Weapon::reload() { if (mMagazineAmmo == mMagazineSize) return; mIsReloading = true; mTimer.restart(sf::milliseconds(mReloadTime)); } void Weapon::cancelReload() { mIsReloading = false; // To make sure time isn't skipped. mTimer.restart(sf::milliseconds(mFireInterval)); } /** * Creates a new projectile and inserts it into the world. * * @param angle Inaccuracy of the projectile, 0 is straight forward. */ void Weapon::insertProjectile(float angle) { // Minus to account for positive y-axis going downwards in SFML. sf::Vector2f offset(0, - mHolder.getRadius()); thor::rotate(offset, thor::polarAngle(mHolder.getDirection())); float spread = (mHolder.getSpeed() == sf::Vector2f()) ? mSpread : mSpreadMoving; std::uniform_real_distribution distribution(- spread, spread); angle += distribution(mGenerator); //float random = ((float) rand()) / (float) RAND_MAX; //angle += random * 2 * mSpread - mSpread; sf::Vector2f direction(thor::rotatedVector(mHolder.getDirection(), angle)); std::shared_ptr projectile(new Bullet(mHolder.getPosition() + offset, mHolder, direction, mProjectile, mProjectileSpeed, mDamage)); mWorld.insert(projectile); }