communistquotes/templates/quotes/Rosa Luxemburg.csv

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`Rosa Luxemburg`,`In the Storm (1904)`,``,`War unleashes at the same time as the reactionary forces of the capitalist world the generating forces of social revolution which ferment in its depths.`
`Rosa Luxemburg`,`Marxist Theory and the Proletariat (1903)`,``,`If, contrary to all the efforts of our enemies, the modern labor movement marches triumphantly forward, its head raised high, then it owes this first and foremost to its calm understanding of the lawfulness of objective historical development, its understanding that “capitalist society with the inevitability of a natural process creates its own negation, namely, the expropriation of the expropriators, the socialist overturn.” In this, its understanding, the labor movement sees a reliable guarantee of its final victory. And from this same source it draws not only its ability to surge forward but also its patience ; not only strength for action, but also the courage to stand firm and to endure.`
`Rosa Luxemburg`,`Reform or Revolution (1900) `,``,`Only when the great mass of workers take the keen and dependable weapons of scientific socialism in their own hands, will all the petty-bourgeois inclinations, all the opportunistic currents, come to naught. The movement will then find itself on sure and firm ground. “Quantity will do it.” `
`Rosa Luxemburg`,`Socialism and the Churches (1905)`,``,`From the moment when the priests use the pulpit as a means of political struggle against the working classes, the workers must fight against the enemies of their rights and their liberation. For he who defends the exploiters and who helps to prolong this present regime of misery, he is the mortal enemy of the proletariat...`
`Rosa Luxemburg`,`The Accumulation of Capital - An Anti-Critique`,``,`Marxism is a revolutionary worldview that must always struggle for new revelations. Marxism must abhor nothing so much as the possibility that it becomes congealed in its current form. It is at its best when butting heads in self-criticism, and in historical thunder and lightning, it retains its strength.`