`Che Guevara`,`Notes for the Study of the Ideology of the Cuban Revolution (1960 )`,`http://marxists.org/archive/guevara/1960/10/08.htm`,`The merit of Marx is that he suddenly produces a qualitative change in the history of social thought. He interprets history, understands its dynamic, predicts the future, but in addition to predicting it (which would satisfy his scientific obligation), he expresses a revolutionary concept: the world must not only be interpreted, it must be transformed. Man ceases to be the slave and tool of his environment and converts himself into the architect of his own destiny.`
`Che Guevara`,`On Development (1964)`,`http://marxists.org/archive/guevara/1964/03/25.htm`,`And the imperialists? Will they sit with their arms crossed? No!The system they practice is the cause of the evils from which we are suffering, but they will try to obscure the facts with spurious allegations, of which they are masters. They will try to compromise the conference and sow disunity in the camp of the exploited countries by offering them pittances.`
`Che Guevara`,`Socialism and Man in Cuba (1965)`,`http://marxists.org/archive/guevara/1965/03/man-socialism.htm`,`At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality. Perhaps it is one of the great dramas of the leader that he or she must combine a passionate spirit with a cold intelligence and make painful decisions without flinching. Our vanguard revolutionaries must idealize this love of the people, of the most sacred causes, and make it one and indivisible. They cannot descend, with small doses of daily affection, to the level where ordinary people put their love into practice. `
`Che Guevara`,`Speech to the United Nations (1964)`,`http://marxists.org/archive/guevara/1964/12/11.htm`,`There is no small enemy nor insignificant force, because no longer are there isolated peoples.`
`Che Guevara`,`As quoted in The Quotable Rebel : Political Quotations for Dangerous Times`,`https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Che_Guevara`,`If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine.`
`Che Guevara`,`Che Guevara speaks: Selected Speeches and Writings`,`https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Che_Guevara`,`The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.`
`Che Guevara`,` Guerrilla warfare: A method, Chapter 1`,`https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1963/09/guerrilla-warfare.htm`,`Guerrilla warfare is used by the side which is supported by a majority but which possesses a much smaller number of arms for use in defense against oppression.`
`Che Guevara`,` Guerrilla warfare: A method, Chapter 1`,`https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1963/09/guerrilla-warfare.htm`,`Why does the guerrilla fighter fight? We must come to the inevitable conclusion that the guerrilla fighter is a social reformer, that he takes up arms responding to the angry protest of the people against their oppressors, and that he fights in order to change the social system that keeps all his unarmed brothers in ignominy and misery. `
`Che Guevara`,` Guerrilla warfare: A method, Chapter 1`,`https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1963/09/guerrilla-warfare.htm`,`The peasant must always be helped technically, economically, morally, and culturally. The guerrilla fighter will be a sort of guiding angel who has fallen into the zone, helping the poor always. `
`Che Guevara`,` Guerrilla warfare: A method, Chapter 1`,`https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1963/09/guerrilla-warfare.htm`,`The guerrilla fighter, as a person conscious of a role in the vanguard of the people, must have a moral conduct that shows him to be a true priest of the reform to which he aspires. To the stoicism imposed by the difficult conditions of warfare should be added an austerity born of rigid self-control that will prevent a single excess, a single slip, whatever the circumstances. The guerrilla soldier should be an ascetic. `
`Che Guevara`,` Guerrilla warfare: A method, Chapter 3`,`https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1963/09/guerrilla-warfare.htm`,`The part that the woman can play in the development of a revolutionary process is of extraordinary importance. It is well to emphasize this, since in all our countries, with their colonial mentality, there is a certain underestimation of the woman which becomes a real discrimination against her. The woman is capable of performing the most difficult tasks, of fighting beside the men; and despite current belief, she does not create conflicts of a sexual type in the troops. `
`Che Guevara`,` Guerrilla warfare: A method, Chapter 3`,`https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1963/09/guerrilla-warfare.htm`,`Reading should be encouraged at all times, with an effort to promote books that are worthwhile and that enlarge the recruit's facility to encounter the world of letters and great national problems.`
`Che Guevara`,`On Development (Speech, 1964)`,`https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1964/03/25.htm`,`The feeling of revolt will grow stronger every day among the peoples subjected to various degrees of exploitation, and they will take up arms to gain by force the rights which reason alone has not won them.`
`Che Guevara`,`Colonialism is Doomed (Speech, 1964)`,`https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1964/12/11.htm`,`As Marxists we have maintained that peaceful coexistence among nations does not encompass coexistence between the exploiters and the exploited, between the oppressors and the oppressed.`
`Che Guevara`,`Man and Socialism in Cuba (Letter, 1965)`,`https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1965/03/man-socialism.htm`,`In capitalist society individuals are controlled by a pitiless law usually beyond their comprehension. The alienated human specimen is tied to society as a whole by an invisible umbilical cord: the law of value. This law acts upon all aspects of one's life, shaping its course and destiny.`
`Che Guevara`,`Man and Socialism in Cuba (Letter, 1965)`,`https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1965/03/man-socialism.htm`,`To build communism it is necessary, simultaneous with the new material foundations, to build the new man and woman.`
`Che Guevara`,`Man and Socialism in Cuba (Letter, 1965)`,`https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1965/03/man-socialism.htm`,`Socialism is young and has made errors. Many times revolutionaries lack the knowledge and intellectual courage needed to meet the task of developing the new man with methods different from the conventional ones — and the conventional methods suffer from the influences of the society, which created them.`
`Che Guevara`,`Farewell letter to Fidel Castro (1965)`,`https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1965/04/01.htm`,`In a revolution one wins or dies, if it is a real one.`
`Che Guevara`,`Farewell letter to Fidel Castro (1965)`,`https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1965/04/01.htm`,`Hasta la victoria siempre`
`Che Guevara`,`Last Letter to his Parents (1965)`,`http://www.companeroche.com/index.php?id=33`,`My Marxism has taken root and become purified. I believe in armed struggle as the only solution for those peoples who fight to free themselves, and I am consistent with my beliefs.`
`Che Guevara`,`Letter to his Children (1965)`,`http://www.companeroche.com/index.php?id=33`,`Above all, try always to be able to feel deeply any injustice committed against any person in any part of the world. It is the most beautiful quality of a revolutionary.`
`Che Guevara`,`Birthday Letter to his Daughter (1966)`,`http://www.companeroche.com/index.php?id=33`,`Remember, there are still many years of struggle ahead, and even when you are a woman, you will have to do your part in the struggle. Meanwhile, you have to prepare yourself, be very revolutionary — which at your age means to learn a lot, as much as possible, and always be ready to support just causes.`
`Che Guevara`,`Message to the Tricontinental (1967)`,`https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1967/04/16.htm`,`To die under the flag of Vietnam, of Venezuela, of Guatemala, of Laos, of Guinea, of Colombia, of Bolivia, of Brazil — to name only a few scenes of today's armed struggle — would be equally glorious and desirable for an American, an Asian, an African, even a European.`
`Che Guevara`,`Message to the Tricontinental (1967)`,`https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1967/04/16.htm`,`Each spilt drop of blood, in any country under whose flag one has not been born, is an experience passed on to those who survive, to be added later to the liberation struggle of his own country. And each nation liberated is a phase won in the battle for the liberation of one's own country.`
`Che Guevara`,`Message to the Tricontinental (1967)`,`https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1967/04/16.htm`,`How close we could look into a bright future should two, three or many Vietnams flourish throughout the world.`
`Che Guevara`,`Message to the Tricontinental (1967)`,`https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1967/04/16.htm`,`Our every action is a battle cry against imperialism, and a battle hymn for the people's unity against the great enemy of mankind: the United States of America.`
`Che Guevara`,`Message to the Tricontinental (1967)`,`https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1967/04/16.htm`,`Wherever death may surprise us, let it be welcome, provided that this, our battle cry, may have reached some receptive ear and another hand may be extended to wield our weapons and other men be ready to intone the funeral dirge with the staccato singing of the machine-guns and new battle cries of war and victory.`
`Che Guevara`,`Message to the Tricontinental (1967)`,`https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1967/04/16.htm`,`We must bear in mind that imperialism is a world system, the last stage of capitalism — and it must be defeated in a world confrontation. The strategic end of this struggle should be the destruction of imperialism. Our share, the responsibility of the exploited and underdeveloped of the world is to eliminate the foundations of imperialism: our oppressed nations, from where they extract capitals, raw materials, technicians and cheap labor, and to which they export new capitals — instruments of domination — arms and all kinds of articles; thus submerging us in an absolute dependence.
`Che Guevara`,`Capture and Death (1967)`,`https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Che_Guevara#Capture_and_Death_(1967)`,`I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man. `