
231 lines
7.5 KiB

use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use std::io::BufRead;
use std::result::Result as RResult;
use toml::Value;
use uuid::Uuid;
use task_hookrs::task::Task as TTask;
use task_hookrs::import::{import_task, import_tasks};
use libimagstore::store::{FileLockEntry, Store};
use libimagstore::storeid::{IntoStoreId, StoreIdIterator, StoreId};
use module_path::ModuleEntryPath;
use error::{TodoError, TodoErrorKind, MapErrInto};
use result::Result;
/// Task struct containing a `FileLockEntry`
pub struct Task<'a>(FileLockEntry<'a>);
impl<'a> Task<'a> {
/// Concstructs a new `Task` with a `FileLockEntry`
pub fn new(fle: FileLockEntry<'a>) -> Task<'a> {
pub fn import<R: BufRead>(store: &'a Store, mut r: R) -> Result<(Task<'a>, String, Uuid)> {
let mut line = String::new();
r.read_line(&mut line);
.and_then(|t| {
let uuid = t.uuid().clone();
t.into_task(store).map(|t| (t, line, uuid))
/// Get a task from an import string. That is: read the imported string, get the UUID from it
/// and try to load this UUID from store.
/// Possible return values are:
/// * Ok(Ok(Task))
/// * Ok(Err(String)) - where the String is the String read from the `r` parameter
/// * Err(_) - where the error is an error that happened during evaluation
pub fn get_from_import<R: BufRead>(store: &'a Store, mut r: R) -> Result<RResult<Task<'a>, String>>
let mut line = String::new();
r.read_line(&mut line);
Task::get_from_string(store, line)
/// Get a task from a String. The String is expected to contain the JSON-representation of the
/// Task to get from the store (only the UUID really matters in this case)
/// For an explanation on the return values see `Task::get_from_import()`.
pub fn get_from_string(store: &'a Store, s: String) -> Result<RResult<Task<'a>, String>> {
.map(|t| t.uuid().clone())
.and_then(|uuid| Task::get_from_uuid(store, uuid))
.and_then(|o| match o {
None => Ok(Err(s)),
Some(t) => Ok(Ok(t)),
/// Get a task from an UUID.
/// If there is no task with this UUID, this returns `Ok(None)`.
pub fn get_from_uuid(store: &'a Store, uuid: Uuid) -> Result<Option<Task<'a>>> {
let store_id = ModuleEntryPath::new(format!("taskwarrior/{}", uuid)).into_storeid();
/// Same as Task::get_from_import() but uses Store::retrieve() rather than Store::get(), to
/// implicitely create the task if it does not exist.
pub fn retrieve_from_import<R: BufRead>(store: &'a Store, mut r: R) -> Result<Task<'a>> {
let mut line = String::new();
r.read_line(&mut line);
Task::retrieve_from_string(store, line)
/// Retrieve a task from a String. The String is expected to contain the JSON-representation of
/// the Task to retrieve from the store (only the UUID really matters in this case)
pub fn retrieve_from_string(store: &'a Store, s: String) -> Result<Task<'a>> {
Task::get_from_string(store, s)
.and_then(|opt| match opt {
Ok(task) => Ok(task),
Err(string) => import_task(string.as_str())
.and_then(|t| t.into_task(store)),
pub fn delete_by_uuid(store: &Store, uuid: Uuid) -> Result<()> {
store.delete(ModuleEntryPath::new(format!("taskwarrior/{}", uuid)).into_storeid())
.map_err(|e| TodoError::new(TodoErrorKind::StoreError, Some(Box::new(e))))
pub fn all_as_ids(store: &Store) -> Result<StoreIdIterator> {
.map_err(|e| TodoError::new(TodoErrorKind::StoreError, Some(Box::new(e))))
pub fn all(store: &Store) -> Result<TaskIterator> {
.map(|iter| TaskIterator::new(store, iter))
impl<'a> Deref for Task<'a> {
type Target = FileLockEntry<'a>;
fn deref(&self) -> &FileLockEntry<'a> {
impl<'a> DerefMut for Task<'a> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut FileLockEntry<'a> {
&mut self.0
/// A trait to get a `libimagtodo::task::Task` out of the implementing object.
pub trait IntoTask<'a> {
/// # Usage
/// ```ignore
/// use std::io::stdin;
/// use task_hookrs::task::Task;
/// use task_hookrs::import::import;
/// use libimagstore::store::{Store, FileLockEntry};
/// if let Ok(task_hookrs_task) = import(stdin()) {
/// // Store is given at runtime
/// let task = task_hookrs_task.into_filelockentry(store);
/// println!("Task with uuid: {}", task.flentry.get_header().get("todo.uuid"));
/// }
/// ```
fn into_task(self, store : &'a Store) -> Result<Task<'a>>;
impl<'a> IntoTask<'a> for TTask {
fn into_task(self, store : &'a Store) -> Result<Task<'a>> {
let uuid = self.uuid();
let store_id = ModuleEntryPath::new(format!("taskwarrior/{}", uuid)).into_storeid();
match store.retrieve(store_id) {
Err(e) => return Err(TodoError::new(TodoErrorKind::StoreError, Some(Box::new(e)))),
Ok(mut fle) => {
let mut header = fle.get_header_mut();
match"todo") {
Ok(None) => {
if let Err(e) = header.set("todo", Value::Table(BTreeMap::new())) {
return Err(TodoError::new(TodoErrorKind::StoreError, Some(Box::new(e))))
Ok(Some(_)) => { }
Err(e) => {
return Err(TodoError::new(TodoErrorKind::StoreError, Some(Box::new(e))))
if let Err(e) = header.set("todo.uuid", Value::String(format!("{}",uuid))) {
return Err(TodoError::new(TodoErrorKind::StoreError, Some(Box::new(e))))
// If none of the errors above have returned the function, everything is fine
trait FromStoreId {
fn from_storeid<'a>(&'a Store, StoreId) -> Result<Task<'a>>;
impl<'a> FromStoreId for Task<'a> {
fn from_storeid<'b>(store: &'b Store, id: StoreId) -> Result<Task<'b>> {
match store.retrieve(id) {
Err(e) => Err(TodoError::new(TodoErrorKind::StoreError, Some(Box::new(e)))),
Ok(c) => Ok(Task::new( c )),
pub struct TaskIterator<'a> {
store: &'a Store,
iditer: StoreIdIterator,
impl<'a> TaskIterator<'a> {
pub fn new(store: &'a Store, iditer: StoreIdIterator) -> TaskIterator<'a> {
TaskIterator {
store: store,
iditer: iditer,
impl<'a> Iterator for TaskIterator<'a> {
type Item = Result<Task<'a>>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Result<Task<'a>>> {|id| Task::from_storeid(, id))