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// imag - the personal information management suite for the commandline
// Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 Matthias Beyer <> and contributors
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version
// 2.1 of the License.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// functions to ask the user for data, with crate:spinner
use std::io::stdin;
use std::io::BufRead;
use std::io::BufReader;
use std::result::Result as RResult;
use error::InteractionErrorKind;
use error::ResultExt;
use error::Result;
use regex::Regex;
use ansi_term::Colour::*;
use interactor::*;
/// Ask the user for a Yes/No answer. Optionally provide a default value. If none is provided, this
/// keeps loop{}ing
pub fn ask_bool(s: &str, default: Option<bool>) -> bool {
ask_bool_(s, default, &mut BufReader::new(stdin()))
fn ask_bool_<R: BufRead>(s: &str, default: Option<bool>, input: &mut R) -> bool {
lazy_static! {
static ref R_YES: Regex = Regex::new(r"^[Yy](\n?)$").unwrap();
static ref R_NO: Regex = Regex::new(r"^[Nn](\n?)$").unwrap();
loop {
ask_question(s, false);
if match default { Some(s) => s, _ => true } {
println!(" [Yn]: ");
} else {
println!(" [yN]: ");
let mut s = String::new();
let _ = input.read_line(&mut s);
if R_YES.is_match(&s[..]) {
return true
} else if R_NO.is_match(&s[..]) {
return false
} else if default.is_some() {
return default.unwrap();
// else again...
/// Ask the user for an unsigned number. Optionally provide a default value. If none is provided,
/// this keeps loop{}ing
pub fn ask_uint(s: &str, default: Option<u64>) -> u64 {
ask_uint_(s, default, &mut BufReader::new(stdin()))
fn ask_uint_<R: BufRead>(s: &str, default: Option<u64>, input: &mut R) -> u64 {
use std::str::FromStr;
loop {
ask_question(s, false);
let mut s = String::new();
let _ = input.read_line(&mut s);
let u : RResult<u64, _> = FromStr::from_str(&s[..]);
match u {
Ok(u) => { return u; },
Err(_) => {
if default.is_some() {
return default.unwrap();
} // else keep looping
/// Ask the user for a String.
/// If `permit_empty` is set to false, the default value will be returned if the user inserts an
/// empty string.
/// If the `permit_empty` value is true, the `default` value is never returned.
/// If the `permit_multiline` is set to true, the `prompt` will be displayed before each input line.
/// If the `eof` parameter is `None`, the input ends as soon as there is an empty line input from
/// the user. If the parameter is `Some(text)`, the input ends if the input line is equal to `text`.
pub fn ask_string(s: &str,
default: Option<String>,
permit_empty: bool,
permit_multiline: bool,
eof: Option<&str>,
prompt: &str)
-> String
&mut BufReader::new(stdin()))
fn ask_string_<R: BufRead>(s: &str,
default: Option<String>,
permit_empty: bool,
permit_multiline: bool,
eof: Option<&str>,
prompt: &str,
input: &mut R)
-> String
let mut v = vec![];
loop {
ask_question(s, true);
print!("{}", prompt);
let mut s = String::new();
let _ = input.read_line(&mut s);
if permit_multiline {
if permit_multiline && eof.map_or(false, |e| e == s) {
return v.join("\n");
if permit_empty || !v.is_empty() {
print!("{}", prompt);
} else if s.is_empty() && permit_empty {
return s;
} else if s.is_empty() && !permit_empty {
if default.is_some() {
return default.unwrap();
} else {
} else {
return s;
pub fn ask_select_from_list(list: &[&str]) -> Result<String> {
pick_from_list(default_menu_cmd().as_mut(), list, "Selection: ")
.chain_err(|| InteractionErrorKind::Unknown)
/// Helper function to print a imag question string. The `question` argument may not contain a
/// trailing questionmark.
/// The `nl` parameter can be used to configure whether a newline character should be printed
pub fn ask_question(question: &str, nl: bool) {
if nl {
println!("[imag]: {}?", Yellow.paint(question));
} else {
print!("[imag]: {}?", Yellow.paint(question));
mod test {
use std::io::BufReader;
use super::ask_bool_;
use super::ask_uint_;
fn test_ask_bool_nodefault_yes() {
let question = "Is this true";
let default = None;
let answers = "\n\n\n\n\ny";
assert!(ask_bool_(question, default, &mut BufReader::new(answers.as_bytes())));
fn test_ask_bool_nodefault_yes_nl() {
let question = "Is this true";
let default = None;
let answers = "\n\n\n\n\ny\n";
assert!(ask_bool_(question, default, &mut BufReader::new(answers.as_bytes())));
fn test_ask_bool_nodefault_no() {
let question = "Is this true";
let default = None;
let answers = "n";
assert!(false == ask_bool_(question, default, &mut BufReader::new(answers.as_bytes())));
fn test_ask_bool_nodefault_no_nl() {
let question = "Is this true";
let default = None;
let answers = "n\n";
assert!(false == ask_bool_(question, default, &mut BufReader::new(answers.as_bytes())));
fn test_ask_bool_default_no() {
let question = "Is this true";
let default = Some(false);
let answers = "n";
assert!(false == ask_bool_(question, default, &mut BufReader::new(answers.as_bytes())));
fn test_ask_bool_default_no_nl() {
let question = "Is this true";
let default = Some(false);
let answers = "n\n";
assert!(false == ask_bool_(question, default, &mut BufReader::new(answers.as_bytes())));
fn test_ask_bool_default_yes() {
let question = "Is this true";
let default = Some(true);
let answers = "y";
assert!(true == ask_bool_(question, default, &mut BufReader::new(answers.as_bytes())));
fn test_ask_bool_default_yes_nl() {
let question = "Is this true";
let default = Some(true);
let answers = "y\n";
assert!(true == ask_bool_(question, default, &mut BufReader::new(answers.as_bytes())));
fn test_ask_bool_default_yes_answer_no() {
let question = "Is this true";
let default = Some(true);
let answers = "n";
assert!(false == ask_bool_(question, default, &mut BufReader::new(answers.as_bytes())));
fn test_ask_bool_default_no_answer_yes() {
let question = "Is this true";
let default = Some(false);
let answers = "y";
assert!(true == ask_bool_(question, default, &mut BufReader::new(answers.as_bytes())));
fn test_ask_bool_default_no_without_answer() {
let question = "Is this true";
let default = Some(false);
let answers = "\n";
assert!(false == ask_bool_(question, default, &mut BufReader::new(answers.as_bytes())));
fn test_ask_bool_default_yes_without_answer() {
let question = "Is this true";
let default = Some(true);
let answers = "\n";
assert!(true == ask_bool_(question, default, &mut BufReader::new(answers.as_bytes())));
fn test_ask_uint_nodefault() {
let question = "Is this 1";
let default = None;
let answers = "1";
assert!(1 == ask_uint_(question, default, &mut BufReader::new(answers.as_bytes())));
fn test_ask_uint_default() {
let question = "Is this 1";
let default = Some(1);
let answers = "1";
assert!(1 == ask_uint_(question, default, &mut BufReader::new(answers.as_bytes())));
fn test_ask_uint_default_2_input_1() {
let question = "Is this 1";
let default = Some(2);
let answers = "1";
assert!(1 == ask_uint_(question, default, &mut BufReader::new(answers.as_bytes())));
fn test_ask_uint_default_2_noinput() {
let question = "Is this 1";
let default = Some(2);
let answers = "\n";
assert!(2 == ask_uint_(question, default, &mut BufReader::new(answers.as_bytes())));
fn test_ask_uint_default_2_several_noinput() {
let question = "Is this 1";
let default = Some(2);
let answers = "\n\n\n\n";
assert!(2 == ask_uint_(question, default, &mut BufReader::new(answers.as_bytes())));
fn test_ask_uint_default_2_wrong_input() {
let question = "Is this 1";
let default = Some(2);
let answers = "\n\n\nasfb\nsakjf\naskjf\n-2";
assert!(2 == ask_uint_(question, default, &mut BufReader::new(answers.as_bytes())));