287 lines
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287 lines
9.3 KiB
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::Command;
use std::env;
use std::io::stderr;
use std::io::Write;
pub use clap::App;
use clap::{Arg, ArgMatches};
use log;
use log::LogLevelFilter;
use configuration::Configuration;
use error::RuntimeError;
use error::RuntimeErrorKind;
use error::MapErrInto;
use logger::ImagLogger;
use libimagstore::store::Store;
pub struct Runtime<'a> {
rtp: PathBuf,
configuration: Option<Configuration>,
cli_matches: ArgMatches<'a>,
store: Store,
impl<'a> Runtime<'a> {
* Gets the CLI spec for the program and retreives the config file path (or uses the default on
* in $HOME/.imag/config, $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/imag/config or from env("$IMAG_CONFIG")
* and builds the Runtime object with it.
* The cli_spec object should be initially build with the ::get_default_cli_builder() function.
pub fn new(cli_spec: App<'a, 'a>) -> Result<Runtime<'a>, RuntimeError> {
use std::env;
use libimagstore::hook::position::HookPosition as HP;
use libimagstore::hook::Hook;
use libimagstore::error::StoreErrorKind;
use libimagstorestdhook::debug::DebugHook;
use libimagerror::trace::trace_error;
use libimagerror::trace::trace_error_dbg;
use libimagerror::into::IntoError;
use configuration::error::ConfigErrorKind;
let matches = cli_spec.get_matches();
let is_debugging = matches.is_present("debugging");
let is_verbose = matches.is_present("verbosity");
Runtime::init_logger(is_debugging, is_verbose);
let rtp : PathBuf = matches.value_of("runtimepath")
.map_or_else(|| {
.map(|mut p| { p.push(".imag"); p})
.unwrap_or_else(|_| {
panic!("You seem to be $HOME-less. Please get a $HOME before using this software. We are sorry for you and hope you have some accommodation anyways.");
}, PathBuf::from);
let storepath = matches.value_of("storepath")
.map_or_else(|| {
let mut spath = rtp.clone();
}, PathBuf::from);
let configpath = matches.value_of("config")
.map_or_else(|| {
let mut spath = rtp.clone();
}, PathBuf::from);
let cfg = match Configuration::new(&configpath) {
Err(e) => if e.err_type() != ConfigErrorKind::NoConfigFileFound {
return Err(RuntimeErrorKind::Instantiate.into_error_with_cause(Box::new(e)));
} else {
warn!("No config file found.");
warn!("Continuing without configuration file");
Ok(cfg) => Some(cfg),
let store_config = match cfg {
Some(ref c) => c.store_config().cloned(),
None => None,
if is_debugging {
write!(stderr(), "Config: {:?}\n", cfg).ok();
write!(stderr(), "Store-config: {:?}\n", store_config).ok();
Store::new(storepath, store_config).map(|mut store| {
// If we are debugging, generate hooks for all positions
if is_debugging {
let hooks : Vec<(Box<Hook>, &str, HP)> = vec![
(Box::new(DebugHook::new(HP::PreCreate)) , "debug", HP::PreCreate),
(Box::new(DebugHook::new(HP::PostCreate)) , "debug", HP::PostCreate),
(Box::new(DebugHook::new(HP::PreRetrieve)) , "debug", HP::PreRetrieve),
(Box::new(DebugHook::new(HP::PostRetrieve)) , "debug", HP::PostRetrieve),
(Box::new(DebugHook::new(HP::PreUpdate)) , "debug", HP::PreUpdate),
(Box::new(DebugHook::new(HP::PostUpdate)) , "debug", HP::PostUpdate),
(Box::new(DebugHook::new(HP::PreDelete)) , "debug", HP::PreDelete),
(Box::new(DebugHook::new(HP::PostDelete)) , "debug", HP::PostDelete),
// If hook registration fails, trace the error and warn, but continue.
for (hook, aspectname, position) in hooks {
if let Err(e) = store.register_hook(position, &String::from(aspectname), hook) {
if e.err_type() == StoreErrorKind::HookRegisterError {
warn!("Registering debug hook with store failed");
} else {
Runtime {
cli_matches: matches,
configuration: cfg,
rtp: rtp,
store: store,
* Get a commandline-interface builder object from `clap`
* This commandline interface builder object already contains some predefined interface flags:
* * -v | --verbose for verbosity
* * --debug for debugging
* * -c <file> | --config <file> for alternative configuration file
* * -r <path> | --rtp <path> for alternative runtimepath
* * --store <path> for alternative store path
* Each has the appropriate help text included.
* The `appname` shall be "imag-<command>".
pub fn get_default_cli_builder(appname: &'a str,
version: &'a str,
about: &'a str)
-> App<'a, 'a>
.author("Matthias Beyer <mail@beyermatthias.de>")
.help("Enables verbosity")
.help("Enables debugging output")
.help("Path to alternative config file")
.help("Alternative runtimepath")
.help("Alternative storepath. Must be specified as full path, can be outside of the RTP")
.help("Set editor")
* Initialize the internal logger
fn init_logger(is_debugging: bool, is_verbose: bool) {
use std::env::var as env_var;
use env_logger;
if env_var("IMAG_LOG_ENV").is_ok() {
} else {
let lvl = if is_debugging {
} else if is_verbose {
} else {
log::set_logger(|max_log_lvl| {
debug!("Init logger with {}", lvl);
.map_err(|_| {
panic!("Could not setup logger");
* Get the verbosity flag value
pub fn is_verbose(&self) -> bool {
* Get the debugging flag value
pub fn is_debugging(&self) -> bool {
* Get the runtimepath
pub fn rtp(&self) -> &PathBuf {
* Get the commandline interface matches
pub fn cli(&self) -> &ArgMatches {
* Get the configuration object
pub fn config(&self) -> Option<&Configuration> {
* Get the store object
pub fn store(&self) -> &Store {
pub fn editor(&self) -> Option<Command> {
match self.configuration {
Some(ref c) => c.editor().cloned(),
_ => None,