extern crate clap; #[macro_use] extern crate log; extern crate semver; extern crate toml; #[macro_use] extern crate version; extern crate libimagstore; extern crate libimagrt; extern crate libimagtag; extern crate libimagutil; use std::process::exit; use libimagrt::runtime::Runtime; use libimagtag::tagable::Tagable; mod ui; mod util; use ui::build_ui; use util::build_entry_path; use libimagutil::trace::trace_error; fn main() { let name = "imag-store"; let version = &version!()[..]; let about = "Direct interface to the store. Use with great care!"; let ui = build_ui(Runtime::get_default_cli_builder(name, version, about)); let rt = { let rt = Runtime::new(ui); if rt.is_ok() { rt.unwrap() } else { println!("Could not set up Runtime"); println!("{:?}", rt.err().unwrap()); exit(1); } }; rt.init_logger(); debug!("Hello. Logging was just enabled"); debug!("I already set up the Runtime object and build the commandline interface parser."); debug!("Lets get rollin' ..."); let id = rt.cli().value_of("id").unwrap(); // enforced by clap rt.cli() .subcommand_name() .map_or_else( || { let add = rt.cli().value_of("add"); let rem = rt.cli().value_of("remove"); let set = rt.cli().value_of("set"); alter(&rt, id, add, rem, set); }, |name| { debug!("Call: {}", name); match name { "list" => list(id, &rt), _ => { warn!("Unknown command"); // More error handling }, }; }); } fn alter(rt: &Runtime, id: &str, add: Option<&str>, rem: Option<&str>, set: Option<&str>) { let path = build_entry_path(rt, id); debug!("path = {:?}", path); rt.store() // "id" must be present, enforced via clap spec .retrieve(path) .map(|mut e| { add.map(|tags| { let tags = tags.split(","); for tag in tags { info!("Adding tag '{}'", tag); e.add_tag(String::from(tag)).map_err(|e| trace_error(&e)); } }); rem.map(|tags| { let tags = tags.split(","); for tag in tags { info!("Removing tag '{}'", tag); e.remove_tag(String::from(tag)).map_err(|e| trace_error(&e)); } }); set.map(|tags| { info!("Setting tags '{}'", tags); let tags = tags.split(",").map(String::from).collect(); e.set_tags(tags); }); }) .map_err(|e| { info!("No entry."); debug!("{}", e); }); } fn list(id: &str, rt: &Runtime) { let path = build_entry_path(rt, id); debug!("path = {:?}", path); let entry = rt.store().retrieve(path.clone()); if entry.is_err() { debug!("Could not retrieve '{:?}' => {:?}", id, path); warn!("Could not retrieve entry '{}'", id); trace_error(&entry.err().unwrap()); exit(1); } let entry = entry.unwrap(); let scmd = rt.cli().subcommand_matches("list").unwrap(); // safe, we checked in main() let json_out = scmd.is_present("json"); let line_out = scmd.is_present("linewise"); let sepp_out = scmd.is_present("sep"); let mut comm_out = scmd.is_present("commasep"); if !vec![json_out, line_out, comm_out, sepp_out].iter().any(|v| *v) { // None of the flags passed, go to default comm_out = true; } let tags = entry.get_tags(); if tags.is_err() { trace_error(&tags.err().unwrap()); exit(1); } let tags = tags.unwrap(); if json_out { unimplemented!() } if line_out { for tag in &tags { println!("{}", tag); } } if sepp_out { let sepp = scmd.value_of("sep").unwrap(); // we checked before println!("{}", tags.join(sepp)); } if comm_out { println!("{}", tags.join(", ")); } }