# imag - [imag-pim.org](https://imag-pim.org) `imag` is a commandline personal information management suite. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/matthiasbeyer/imag.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/matthiasbeyer/imag) [![Issue Stats](http://www.issuestats.com/github/matthiasbeyer/imag/badge/pr?style=flat-square)](http://www.issuestats.com/github/matthiasbeyer/imag) [![Issue Stats](http://www.issuestats.com/github/matthiasbeyer/imag/badge/issue?style=flat-square)](http://www.issuestats.com/github/matthiasbeyer/imag) [![license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/matthiasbeyer/imag.svg?maxAge=2592000?style=flat-square)]() [![Tokei](https://tokei.rs/b1/github/matthiasbeyer/imag)](https://github.com/matthiasbeyer/imag) **This application is in early development. There are _some_ things that work, but we do not consider anything stable or usable at this moment. Feel free to play around anyways.** ## Goal / What is imag? Our (long-term) goal is to > Create a fast, reliable commandline personal > information management suite which covers all aspects of personal information > management, consists of reusable parts and integrates well with known > commandline tools. Yes, imag is a rather ambitious project as it tries to reimplement functionality for several "personal information management aspects". It is a hobby project, keep that in mind. We try to use standards like vcard, icalendar and others wherever possible. Have a look at [the documentation](./doc/) for some more words on this. ## Building/Running Here is how to try `imag` out. `imag` is a _suite/collection_ of tools (like git, for example) and you can build them individually. All subdirectories prefixed with "`libimag"` are libraries. All subdirectories prefixed with `"imag-"` are binaries and compiling them will give you a commandline application. ### Building We use `cargo` for building all crates in this repository. Make sure to use a recent `cargo`, at least one with workspace support. Building all crates works with `cargo build --all`, building individual crates by `cd`ing to their directory and calling `cargo build`. For building all commandline applications: ```bash find bin -maxdepth 3 -name Cargo.toml -exec cargo build --manifest-path {} \; ``` For building only the core functionality ```bash find bin/core -maxdepth 3 -name Cargo.toml -exec cargo build --manifest-path {} \; ``` ### Running After you build the module you want to play with, you can simply call the binary itself with the `--help` flag, to get some help what the module is capable of. If you installed the module, you can either call `imag-<modulename>` (if the install-directory is in your `$PATH`), or install the `imag` binary to call `imag <modulename>` (also if everything is in your `$PATH`). ## Staying up-to-date We have a [official website for imag](https://imag-pim.org), where I post [release notes](http://imag-pim.org/releases/) and monthly(ish) updates what's happening in the source tree ([RSS here](https://imag-pim.org/index.xml)). We also have a [mailinglist](https://imag-pim.org/mailinglist/) where I post updates and where discussion and questions are encouraged. ## Documentation We have some documentation in [the ./doc subtree](./doc/) which can be compiled to PDF or a website. It might not be up to date, though. Developer documentation for the last release is available [on docs.rs](https://docs.rs/releases/search?query=imag). ## Please contribute! We are looking for contributors! Feel free to open issues for asking questions, suggesting features or other things! Also have a look at [the CONTRIBUTING.md file](./CONTRIBUTING.md)! ## Contact Feel free to join our new IRC channel at freenode: #imag or our [mailinglist](https://imag-pim.org/mailinglist/). ## License We chose to distribute this software under terms of GNU LGPLv2.1.