use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::io::stdin; use std::fs::OpenOptions; use std::result::Result as RResult; use std::io::Read; use std::ops::DerefMut; use std::str::Split; use clap::ArgMatches; use toml::Table; use toml::Value; use libimagrt::runtime::Runtime; use libimagstore::store::Entry; use libimagstore::store::EntryHeader; use libimagutil::key_value_split::IntoKeyValue; use error::StoreError; use error::StoreErrorKind; use util::build_entry_path; type Result = RResult; pub fn create(rt: &Runtime) { rt.cli() .subcommand_matches("create") .map(|scmd| { debug!("Found 'create' subcommand..."); // unwrap is safe as value is required let path = build_entry_path(rt, scmd.value_of("path").unwrap()); debug!("path = {:?}", path); scmd.subcommand_matches("entry") .map(|entry| create_from_cli_spec(rt, scmd, &path)) .ok_or(()) // hackythehackhack .map_err(|_| { create_from_source(rt, scmd, &path) .unwrap_or_else(|e| debug!("Error building Entry: {:?}", e)) }); }); } fn create_from_cli_spec(rt: &Runtime, matches: &ArgMatches, path: &PathBuf) -> Result<()> { let content = matches.subcommand_matches("entry") .map(|entry_subcommand| { debug!("Found entry subcommand, parsing content"); entry_subcommand .value_of("content") .map(String::from) .unwrap_or_else(|| { entry_subcommand .value_of("content-from") .map(|src| entry_from_raw(src)) .unwrap_or(String::new()) }) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| { debug!("Didn't find entry subcommand, getting raw content"); matches.value_of("from-raw") .map(|raw_src| entry_from_raw(raw_src)) .unwrap_or(String::new()) }); debug!("Got content with len = {}", content.len()); .create(PathBuf::from(path)) .map(|mut element| { { let mut e_content = element.get_content_mut(); *e_content = content; debug!("New content set"); } { let mut e_header = element.get_header_mut(); matches.subcommand_matches("entry") .map(|entry_matches| { *e_header = build_toml_header(entry_matches, EntryHeader::new()); debug!("New header set"); }); } }) .map_err(|e| StoreError::new(StoreErrorKind::BackendError, Some(Box::new(e)))) } fn create_from_source(rt: &Runtime, matches: &ArgMatches, path: &PathBuf) -> Result<()> { let content = matches .value_of("from-raw") .ok_or(StoreError::new(StoreErrorKind::NoCommandlineCall, None)) .map(|raw_src| entry_from_raw(raw_src)); if content.is_err() { return|_| ()); } let content = content.unwrap(); debug!("Content with len = {}", content.len()); Entry::from_str(path.clone(), &content[..]) .map(|mut new_e| { .create(path.clone()) .map(|mut old_e| { *old_e.deref_mut() = new_e; }); debug!("Entry build"); }) .map_err(|serr| StoreError::new(StoreErrorKind::BackendError, Some(Box::new(serr)))) } fn entry_from_raw(raw_src: &str) -> String { let mut content = String::new(); if raw_src == "-" { debug!("Reading entry from stdin"); let res = stdin().read_to_string(&mut content); debug!("Read {:?} bytes", res); } else { debug!("Reading entry from file at {:?}", raw_src); OpenOptions::new() .read(true) .write(false) .create(false) .open(raw_src) .and_then(|mut f| f.read_to_string(&mut content)); } content } fn build_toml_header(matches: &ArgMatches, header: EntryHeader) -> EntryHeader { if let Some(headerspecs) = matches.values_of("header") { let mut main = BTreeMap::new(); for tpl in headerspecs.into_iter().filter_map(|hs| String::from(hs).into_kv()) { let (key, value) = tpl.into(); let mut split = key.split("."); let current =; if current.is_some() { insert_key_into(String::from(current.unwrap()), &mut split, value, &mut main); } } } header } fn insert_key_into(current: String, rest_path: &mut Split<&str>, value: String, map: &mut BTreeMap) { let next =; if next.is_none() { map.insert(current, parse_value(value)); } else { if map.contains_key(¤t) { match map.get_mut(¤t).unwrap() { &mut Value::Table(ref mut t) => { insert_key_into(String::from(next.unwrap()), rest_path, value, t); }, _ => unreachable!(), } } else { let mut submap = BTreeMap::new(); insert_key_into(String::from(next.unwrap()), rest_path, value, &mut submap); map.insert(current, Value::Table(submap)); } } } fn parse_value(value: String) -> Value { fn is_ary(v: &String) -> bool { v.chars().next() == Some('[') && v.chars().last() == Some(']') && v.len() >= 3 } if value == "true" { Value::Boolean(true) } else if value == "false" { Value::Boolean(false) } else if is_ary(&value) { let sub = &value[1..(value.len()-1)]; Value::Array(sub.split(",").map(|v| parse_value(String::from(v))).collect()) } else { Value::String(value) } }