use std::error::Error; use std::fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter}; use std::fmt; use regex::Regex; use super::file::header::data::FileHeaderData; pub struct ParserError { summary: String, parsertext: String, index: i32, explanation: Option, caused_by: Option>, } impl ParserError { pub fn new(sum: &'static str, text: String, idx: i32, expl: &'static str) -> ParserError { ParserError { summary: String::from(sum), parsertext: text, index: idx, explanation: Some(String::from(expl)), caused_by: None, } } pub fn short(sum: &str, text: String, idx: i32) -> ParserError { ParserError { summary: String::from(sum), parsertext: text, index: idx, explanation: None, caused_by: None, } } pub fn with_cause(mut self, e: Box) -> ParserError { self.caused_by = Some(e); self } } impl Error for ParserError { fn description(&self) -> &str { &self.summary[..] } fn cause(&self) -> Option<&Error> { self.caused_by.as_ref().map(|e| &**e) } } impl Debug for ParserError { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { try!(write!(fmt, "ParserError: {}\n\n", self.summary)); if let Some(ref e) = self.explanation { try!(write!(fmt, "{}\n\n", e)); } try!(write!(fmt, "On position {}\nin\n{}", self.index, self.parsertext)); Ok(()) } } impl Display for ParserError { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { try!(write!(fmt, "ParserError: {}", self.summary)); if let Some(ref e) = self.explanation { try!(write!(fmt, "\n\n{}", e)); } Ok(()) } } /** * Trait for a header parser. * * This parser type has to provide two functions: * - read(), which reads an String into a FileHeaderData structure * - write(), which parses a FileHeaderData structure into a String * * TODO: Use Write/Read traits? */ pub trait FileHeaderParser : Sized + Debug + Display { fn read(&self, string: Option) -> Result; fn write(&self, data: &FileHeaderData) -> Result; } /** * Parser * * This Parser object is an abstraction which uses the FileHeaderParser to parse the whole contents * of a file into a header (FileHeaderData) structure and the content (String). */ pub struct Parser { headerp : HP, } impl Parser { pub fn new(headerp: HP) -> Parser { Parser { headerp: headerp, } } /** * Read the String which is the contents of a file into a (FileHeaderData, String) tuple, which * is the header and the content of the file. */ pub fn read(&self, s: String) -> Result<(FileHeaderData, String), ParserError> { debug!("Reading into internal datastructure: '{}'", s); let divided = self.divide_text(&s); if divided.is_err() { debug!("Error reading into internal datastructure"); let mut p = ParserError::new("Dividing text failed", s, 0, "Dividing text with divide_text() failed"); return Err(p.with_cause(Box::new(divided.err().unwrap()))); } let (header, data) = divided.ok().unwrap(); debug!("Header = '{:?}'", header); debug!("Data = '{:?}'", data); let h_parseres = try!(; debug!("Success parsing header"); Ok((h_parseres, data.unwrap_or(String::new()))) } /** * Write the FileHeaderData and String (header and content) of the tuple into a String, which * can then simply be written into the store as a file. */ pub fn write(&self, tpl : (&FileHeaderData, &String)) -> Result { debug!("Parsing internal datastructure to String"); let (header, data) = tpl; let h_text = try!(self.headerp.write(&header)); debug!("Success translating header"); let text = format!("---\n{}\n---\n{}", h_text, data); Ok(text) } /** * Helper to parse the full-text of a file into a header part (String) and a content part * (String) */ fn divide_text(&self, text: &String) -> Result<(Option, Option), ParserError> { let re = Regex::new(r"(?sm)^---$(.*)^---$(.*)").unwrap(); debug!("Splitting: '{}'", text); debug!(" regex = {:?}", re); re.captures(text).map(|captures| { if captures.len() != 3 { debug!("Unexpected amount of captures"); return Err(ParserError::new("Unexpected Regex output", text.clone(), 0, "The regex to divide text into header and content had an unexpected output.")) } let header =|s| String::from(s)); let content =|s| String::from(s)); debug!("Splitted, Header = '{:?}'", header.clone().unwrap_or("NONE".into())); debug!("Splitted, Data = '{:?}'", content.clone().unwrap_or("NONE".into())); Ok((header, content)) }).or_else(|| { debug!("Cannot capture from text"); let e = ParserError::new("Cannot run regex on text", text.clone(), 0, "Cannot run regex on text to divide it into header and content."); Some(Err(e)) }).unwrap() } } impl Debug for Parser where HP: FileHeaderParser { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { try!(write!(fmt, "Parser<{:?}>", self.headerp)); Ok(()) } }