use std::error::Error; use std::io::Write; use std::io::stderr; use ansi_term::Colour::Red; /// Print an Error type and its cause recursively /// /// The error is printed with "Error NNNN :" as prefix, where "NNNN" is a number which increases /// which each recursion into the errors cause. The error description is used to visualize what /// failed and if there is a cause "-- caused by:" is appended, and the cause is printed on the next /// line. /// /// Example output: /// /// ```ignore /// Error 1 : Some error -- caused by: /// Error 2 : Some other error -- caused by: /// Error 3 : Yet another Error -- caused by: /// ... /// /// Error : /// ``` pub fn trace_error(e: &Error) { print_trace_maxdepth(count_error_causes(e), e, ::std::u64::MAX); write!(stderr(), "\n").ok(); } /// Convenience function: calls `trace_error()` with `e` and afterwards `std::process::exit()` /// with `code` pub fn trace_error_exit(e: &Error, code: i32) { use std::process::exit; debug!("Tracing error..."); trace_error(e); debug!("Calling exit()"); exit(code); } /// Print an Error type and its cause recursively, but only `max` levels /// /// Output is the same as for `trace_error()`, though there are only `max` levels printed. pub fn trace_error_maxdepth(e: &Error, max: u64) { let n = count_error_causes(e); let msg = Red.blink().paint(format!("{}/{} Levels of errors will be printed\n", (if max > n { n } else { max }), n)); write!(stderr(), "{}", msg).ok(); print_trace_maxdepth(n, e, max); write!(stderr(), "").ok(); } /// Print an Error type and its cause recursively with the debug!() macro /// /// Output is the same as for `trace_error()`. pub fn trace_error_dbg(e: &Error) { print_trace_dbg(0, e); } /// Helper function for `trace_error()` and `trace_error_maxdepth()`. /// /// Returns the cause of the last processed error in the recursion, so `None` if all errors where /// processed. fn print_trace_maxdepth(idx: u64, e: &Error, max: u64) -> Option<&Error> { if e.cause().is_some() && idx > 0 { match print_trace_maxdepth(idx - 1, e.cause().unwrap(), max) { None => write!(stderr(), "\n").ok(), Some(_) => write!(stderr(), " -- caused:\n").ok(), }; } else { write!(stderr(), "\n").ok(); } write!(stderr(), "{}: {}", Red.paint(format!("ERROR[{:>4}]", idx)), e.description()).ok(); e.cause() } /// Count errors in `Error::cause()` recursively fn count_error_causes(e: &Error) -> u64 { 1 + if e.cause().is_some() { count_error_causes(e.cause().unwrap()) } else { 0 } } fn print_trace_dbg(idx: u64, e: &Error) { debug!("{}: {}", Red.blink().paint(format!("ERROR[{:>4}]", idx)), e.description()); if e.cause().is_some() { print_trace_dbg(idx + 1, e.cause().unwrap()); } }