//! The Ref object is a helper over the link functionality, so one is able to create references to //! files outside of the imag store. use std::path::PathBuf; use std::ops::Deref; use std::ops::DerefMut; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Read; use libimagstore::store::FileLockEntry; use libimagstore::storeid::StoreId; use libimagstore::storeid::IntoStoreId; use libimagstore::store::Store; use libimagerror::into::IntoError; use toml::Value; use crypto::sha1::Sha1; use crypto::digest::Digest; use error::RefErrorKind as REK; use flags::RefFlags; use result::Result; use module_path::ModuleEntryPath; pub struct Ref<'a>(FileLockEntry<'a>); impl<'a> Ref<'a> { /// Try to get `si` as Ref object from the store pub fn get(store: &'a Store, si: StoreId) -> Result> { match store.get(si) { Err(e) => return Err(REK::StoreReadError.into_error_with_cause(Box::new(e))), Ok(None) => return Err(REK::RefNotInStore.into_error()), Ok(Some(fle)) => Ref::read_reference(&fle).map(|_| Ref(fle)), } } fn read_reference(fle: &FileLockEntry<'a>) -> Result { match fle.get_header().read("ref.reference") { Ok(Some(Value::String(s))) => Ok(PathBuf::from(s)), Ok(Some(_)) => Err(REK::HeaderTypeError.into_error()), Ok(None) => Err(REK::HeaderFieldMissingError.into_error()), Err(e) => Err(REK::StoreReadError.into_error_with_cause(Box::new(e))), } } /// Create a Ref object which refers to `pb` pub fn create(store: &'a Store, pb: PathBuf, flags: RefFlags) -> Result> { if !pb.exists() { return Err(REK::RefTargetDoesNotExist.into_error()); } if flags.get_content_hashing() && pb.is_dir() { return Err(REK::RefTargetCannotBeHashed.into_error()); } let (mut fle, content_hash, permissions, canonical_path) = { // scope to be able to fold try!(File::open(pb.clone()) .map_err(Box::new) .map_err(|e| REK::RefTargetFileCannotBeOpened.into_error_with_cause(e)) // If we were able to open this file, // we hash the contents of the file and return (file, hash) .and_then(|mut file| { let opt_contenthash = if flags.get_content_hashing() { Some(hash_file_contents(&mut file)) } else { None }; Ok((file, opt_contenthash)) }) // and then we get the permissions if we have to // and return (file, content hash, permissions) .and_then(|(file, opt_contenthash)| { let opt_permissions = if flags.get_permission_tracking() { Some(try!(file .metadata() .map(|md| md.permissions()) .map_err(Box::new) .map_err(|e| REK::RefTargetCannotReadPermissions.into_error_with_cause(e)) )) } else { None }; Ok((file, opt_contenthash, opt_permissions)) }) // and then we try to canonicalize the PathBuf, because we want to store a // canonicalized path // and return (file, content hash, permissions, canonicalized path) .and_then(|(file, opt_contenthash, opt_permissions)| { pb.canonicalize() .map(|can| (file, opt_contenthash, opt_permissions, can)) // if PathBuf::canonicalize() failed, build an error from the return value .map_err(|e| REK::PathCanonicalizationError.into_error_with_cause(Box::new(e))) }) // and then we hash the canonicalized path // and return (file, content hash, permissions, canonicalized path, path hash) .and_then(|(file, opt_contenthash, opt_permissions, can)| { let path_hash = try!(Ref::hash_path(&can) .map_err(Box::new) .map_err(|e| REK::PathHashingError.into_error_with_cause(e)) ); Ok((file, opt_contenthash, opt_permissions, can, path_hash)) }) // and then we convert the PathBuf of the canonicalized path to a String to be able // to save it in the Ref FileLockEntry obj // and return // (file, content hash, permissions, canonicalized path as String, path hash) .and_then(|(file, opt_conhash, opt_perm, can, path_hash)| { match can.to_str().map(String::from) { // UTF convert error in PathBuf::to_str(), None => Err(REK::PathUTF8Error.into_error()), Some(can) => Ok((file, opt_conhash, opt_perm, can, path_hash)) } }) // and then we create the FileLockEntry in the Store // and return (filelockentry, content hash, permissions, canonicalized path) .and_then(|(file, opt_conhash, opt_perm, can, path_hash)| { let fle = try!(store .create(ModuleEntryPath::new(path_hash)) .map_err(Box::new) .map_err(|e| REK::StoreWriteError.into_error_with_cause(e)) ); Ok((fle, opt_conhash, opt_perm, can)) }) ) }; for tpl in [ Some(("ref", Value::Table(BTreeMap::new()))), Some(("ref.permissions", Value::Table(BTreeMap::new()))), Some(("ref.path", Value::String(canonical_path))), content_hash.map(|h| ("ref.content_hash", Value::String(h))), permissions.map(|p| ("ref.permissions.ro", Value::Boolean(p.readonly()))), ].into_iter() { match tpl { &Some((ref s, ref v)) => { match fle.get_header_mut().insert(s, v.clone()) { Ok(false) => { let e = REK::HeaderFieldAlreadyExistsError.into_error(); let e = Box::new(e); let e = REK::HeaderFieldWriteError.into_error_with_cause(e); return Err(e); }, Err(e) => { let e = Box::new(e); let e = REK::HeaderFieldWriteError.into_error_with_cause(e); return Err(e); }, _ => (), } } &None => { debug!("Not going to insert."); } } } Ok(Ref(fle)) } /// Creates a Hash from a PathBuf by making the PathBuf absolute and then running a hash /// algorithm on it fn hash_path(pb: &PathBuf) -> Result { use std::io::Read; use crypto::sha1::Sha1; use crypto::digest::Digest; match pb.to_str() { Some(s) => { let mut hasher = Sha1::new(); hasher.input_str(s); Ok(hasher.result_str()) }, None => return Err(REK::PathUTF8Error.into_error()), } } /// check whether the pointer the Ref represents still points to a file which exists pub fn fs_link_exists(&self) -> Result { self.fs_file().map(|pathbuf| pathbuf.exists()) } /// Alias for `r.fs_link_exists() && r.deref().is_file()` pub fn is_ref_to_file(&self) -> Result { self.fs_file().map(|pathbuf| pathbuf.is_file()) } /// Alias for `r.fs_link_exists() && r.deref().is_dir()` pub fn is_ref_to_dir(&self) -> Result { self.fs_file().map(|pathbuf| pathbuf.is_dir()) } /// Alias for `!Ref::fs_link_exists()` pub fn is_dangling(&self) -> Result { self.fs_link_exists().map(|b| !b) } /// check whether the pointer the Ref represents is valid /// This includes: /// - Hashsum of the file is still the same as stored in the Ref /// - file permissions are still valid pub fn fs_link_valid(&self) -> bool { unimplemented!() } /// Check whether the file permissions of the referenced file are equal to the stored /// permissions pub fn fs_link_valid_permissions(&self) -> bool { unimplemented!() } /// Check whether the Hashsum of the referenced file is equal to the stored hashsum pub fn fs_link_valid_hash(&self) -> Result { let stored_hash = try!(match self.0.get_header().read("ref.content_hash") { // content hash stored... Ok(Some(Value::String(s))) => Ok(s), // content hash header field has wrong type Ok(Some(_)) => Err(REK::HeaderTypeError.into_error()), // content hash not stored Ok(None) => Err(REK::HeaderFieldMissingError.into_error()), // Error Err(e) => Err(REK::StoreReadError.into_error_with_cause(Box::new(e))), }); let current_hash = try!(self.fs_file() .and_then(|pb| { File::open(pb) .map_err(Box::new) .map_err(|e| REK::IOError.into_error_with_cause(e)) }) .map(|mut file| hash_file_contents(&mut file)) ); Ok(stored_hash == current_hash) } /// Update the Ref by re-checking the file from FS /// This errors if the file is not present or cannot be read() pub fn update_ref(&mut self) -> Result<()> { unimplemented!() } /// Get the path of the file which is reffered to by this Ref pub fn fs_file(&self) -> Result { match self.0.get_header().read("ref.path") { Ok(Some(Value::String(ref s))) => Ok(PathBuf::from(s)), Ok(Some(_)) => Err(REK::HeaderTypeError.into_error()), Ok(None) => Err(REK::HeaderFieldMissingError.into_error()), Err(e) => Err(REK::StoreReadError.into_error_with_cause(Box::new(e))), } } /// Check whether there is a reference to the file at `pb` pub fn exists(store: &Store, pb: PathBuf) -> Result { pb.canonicalize() .map_err(Box::new) .map_err(|e| REK::PathCanonicalizationError.into_error_with_cause(e)) .and_then(|can| { Ref::hash_path(&can) .map_err(Box::new) .map_err(|e| REK::PathHashingError.into_error_with_cause(e)) }) .and_then(|hash| { store.retrieve_for_module("ref").map(|iter| (hash, iter)) .map_err(Box::new) .map_err(|e| REK::StoreReadError.into_error_with_cause(e)) }) .and_then(|(hash, possible_refs)| { // This is kind of a manual Iterator::filter() call what we do here, but with the // actual ::filter method we cannot return the error in a nice way, so we do it // manually here. If you can come up with a better version of this, feel free to // take this note as a todo. for r in possible_refs { let contains_hash = match r.to_str() { None => { // couldn't parse StoreId -> PathBuf -> &str // TODO: How to report this? return Err(REK::TypeConversionError.into_error()); }, Some(s) => s.contains(&hash[..]), }; if !contains_hash { continue; } match store.get(r) { Ok(Some(fle)) => { if Ref::read_reference(&fle).map(|path| path == pb).unwrap_or(false) { return Ok(true) } }, Ok(None) => { // Something weird just happened return Err(REK::StoreReadError.into_error()); }, Err(e) => { return Err(REK::StoreReadError.into_error_with_cause(Box::new(e))); }, } } Ok(false) }) } /// Re-find a referenced file /// /// This function tries to re-find a ref by searching all directories in `search_roots` recursively /// for a file which matches the hash of the Ref `ref`. /// /// If `search_roots` is `None`, it starts at the filesystem root `/`. /// /// # Warning /// /// This option causes heavy I/O as it recursively searches the Filesystem. pub fn refind(&self, search_roots: Option>) -> Option { unimplemented!() } } impl<'a> Deref for Ref<'a> { type Target = FileLockEntry<'a>; fn deref(&self) -> &FileLockEntry<'a> { &self.0 } } impl<'a> DerefMut for Ref<'a> { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut FileLockEntry<'a> { &mut self.0 } } fn hash_file_contents(f: &mut File) -> String { let mut hasher = Sha1::new(); let mut s = String::new(); f.read_to_string(&mut s); hasher.input_str(&s[..]); hasher.result_str() }