## Log {#sec:modules:log} The "imag-log" module is a lightweight interface to the "imag-diary" command. It is intended as a tumbeblog-like diary, where one does not care to fire up an editor and type in a long text, but rather type a few words and forget about it: ### Usage Logs can be created via an entry in the configuration file in the section `log`: ``` [log] logs = ["work", "hobby", "music"] default = "hobby" ``` The `default` key is required and the name which is used here _must_ appear in the `logs` array. In the above configuration snippet, the logs `work`, `hobby` and `music` are created. The user may now log to one of these logs with: ``` imag log --to "Some message" # or imag log -t "Some message" # or, to the default log: imag log "Some message" ``` Logs can be read by naming the log: ``` imag log show work ``` which prints one log per line (including time it was logged).