# This is a example configuration file for the imag suite. # It is written in TOML # The alias section # # In this section one can define aliases for imag subcommands. # # E.G: An alias `store = [ "s", "st" ]` allows the user to call `imag s` or # `imag st` for calling `imag store`. # # The aliases have to be either a single string or an array of strings, where no # string contains whitespace (thus, aliasing a "store-create" call to "sc" for # example is not supported). # [imag.aliases] store = [ "s", "st" ] [imag.logging] level = "debug" destinations = [ "-" ] # Valid variables for logging: # * "level" # * "module_path" # * "file" # * "line" # * "target" # * "message" # # Valid functions to be applied: # * "black" # * "blue" # * "cyan" # * "green" # * "purple" # * "red" # * "white" # * "yellow" [imag.logging.format] trace = "[imag][{{red level}}][{{module_path}}]: {{message}}" debug = "[imag][{{cyan level}}][{{yellow target}}]: {{message}}" info = "[imag]: {{message}}" warn = "[imag][{{bold level}}]: {{yellow message}}" error = "[imag][{{red level}}]: {{red message}}" [imag.logging.modules.libimagutil] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagtimeui] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimaginteraction] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagstore] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagrt] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagerror] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagbookmark] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagnotes] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagcounter] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagdiary] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagtimetrack] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagtodo] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagmail] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagentryfilter] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagentrycategory] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagentryannotation] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagentrylink] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagentrytag] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagentrygps] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagentrylist] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagentryedit] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagentryref] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagentryview] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagentrymarkdown] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true [imag.logging.modules.libimagentrydatetime] destinations = [ "-" ] level = "debug" enabled = true # # Configuration options for the user interface # [ui] # # Configuration options for the commandline user interface # [ui.cli] # History file path for readline. Will be created by imag if it does not exist. readline_history_file = "/tmp/readline.history" # Number of lines to safe in the history file readline_history_size = 100 # Ignore duplicated lines readline_history_ignore_dups = true # Tell if lines which begin with a space character are saved or not in the # history list. readline_history_ignore_space = true # The prompt string to use readline_prompt = ">> " [store] # Set to false if you do not want imag to create the directory where the store # lives implicitely implicit-create = false [diary] default_diary = "default" [diary.diaries.default] timed = "minutely" [bookmark] default_collection = "default"