245 lines
7.3 KiB
245 lines
7.3 KiB
use diesel::{dsl::*, pg::Pg, result::Error, *};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::{
table! {
post_report_view (id) {
id -> Int4,
creator_id -> Int4,
post_id -> Int4,
original_post_name -> Varchar,
original_post_url -> Nullable<Text>,
original_post_body -> Nullable<Text>,
reason -> Text,
resolved -> Bool,
resolver_id -> Nullable<Int4>,
published -> Timestamp,
updated -> Nullable<Timestamp>,
current_post_name -> Varchar,
current_post_url -> Nullable<Text>,
current_post_body -> Nullable<Text>,
community_id -> Int4,
creator_actor_id -> Text,
creator_name -> Varchar,
creator_preferred_username -> Nullable<Varchar>,
creator_avatar -> Nullable<Text>,
creator_local -> Bool,
post_creator_id -> Int4,
post_creator_actor_id -> Text,
post_creator_name -> Varchar,
post_creator_preferred_username -> Nullable<Varchar>,
post_creator_avatar -> Nullable<Text>,
post_creator_local -> Bool,
resolver_actor_id -> Nullable<Text>,
resolver_name -> Nullable<Varchar>,
resolver_preferred_username -> Nullable<Varchar>,
resolver_avatar -> Nullable<Text>,
resolver_local -> Nullable<Bool>,
#[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Associations, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
#[table_name = "post_report"]
pub struct PostReport {
pub id: i32,
pub creator_id: i32,
pub post_id: i32,
pub original_post_name: String,
pub original_post_url: Option<String>,
pub original_post_body: Option<String>,
pub reason: String,
pub resolved: bool,
pub resolver_id: Option<i32>,
pub published: chrono::NaiveDateTime,
pub updated: Option<chrono::NaiveDateTime>,
#[derive(Insertable, AsChangeset, Clone)]
#[table_name = "post_report"]
pub struct PostReportForm {
pub creator_id: i32,
pub post_id: i32,
pub original_post_name: String,
pub original_post_url: Option<String>,
pub original_post_body: Option<String>,
pub reason: String,
impl Reportable<PostReportForm> for PostReport {
/// creates a post report and returns it
/// * `conn` - the postgres connection
/// * `post_report_form` - the filled CommentReportForm to insert
fn report(conn: &PgConnection, post_report_form: &PostReportForm) -> Result<Self, Error> {
use crate::schema::post_report::dsl::*;
/// resolve a post report
/// * `conn` - the postgres connection
/// * `report_id` - the id of the report to resolve
/// * `by_resolver_id` - the id of the user resolving the report
fn resolve(conn: &PgConnection, report_id: i32, by_resolver_id: i32) -> Result<usize, Error> {
use crate::schema::post_report::dsl::*;
/// resolve a post report
/// * `conn` - the postgres connection
/// * `report_id` - the id of the report to unresolve
/// * `by_resolver_id` - the id of the user unresolving the report
fn unresolve(conn: &PgConnection, report_id: i32, by_resolver_id: i32) -> Result<usize, Error> {
use crate::schema::post_report::dsl::*;
#[derive(Queryable, Identifiable, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
#[table_name = "post_report_view"]
pub struct PostReportView {
pub id: i32,
pub creator_id: i32,
pub post_id: i32,
pub original_post_name: String,
pub original_post_url: Option<String>,
pub original_post_body: Option<String>,
pub reason: String,
pub resolved: bool,
pub resolver_id: Option<i32>,
pub published: chrono::NaiveDateTime,
pub updated: Option<chrono::NaiveDateTime>,
pub current_post_name: String,
pub current_post_url: Option<String>,
pub current_post_body: Option<String>,
pub community_id: i32,
pub creator_actor_id: String,
pub creator_name: String,
pub creator_preferred_username: Option<String>,
pub creator_avatar: Option<String>,
pub creator_local: bool,
pub post_creator_id: i32,
pub post_creator_actor_id: String,
pub post_creator_name: String,
pub post_creator_preferred_username: Option<String>,
pub post_creator_avatar: Option<String>,
pub post_creator_local: bool,
pub resolver_actor_id: Option<String>,
pub resolver_name: Option<String>,
pub resolver_preferred_username: Option<String>,
pub resolver_avatar: Option<String>,
pub resolver_local: Option<bool>,
impl PostReportView {
/// returns the PostReportView for the provided report_id
/// * `report_id` - the report id to obtain
pub fn read(conn: &PgConnection, report_id: i32) -> Result<Self, Error> {
use super::post_report::post_report_view::dsl::*;
/// returns the current unresolved post report count for the supplied community ids
/// * `community_ids` - a Vec<i32> of community_ids to get a count for
pub fn get_report_count(conn: &PgConnection, community_ids: &[i32]) -> Result<i64, Error> {
use super::post_report::post_report_view::dsl::*;
pub struct PostReportQueryBuilder<'a> {
conn: &'a PgConnection,
query: post_report_view::BoxedQuery<'a, Pg>,
for_community_ids: Option<Vec<i32>>,
page: Option<i64>,
limit: Option<i64>,
resolved: Option<bool>,
impl<'a> PostReportQueryBuilder<'a> {
pub fn create(conn: &'a PgConnection) -> Self {
use super::post_report::post_report_view::dsl::*;
let query = post_report_view.into_boxed();
PostReportQueryBuilder {
for_community_ids: None,
page: None,
limit: None,
resolved: Some(false),
pub fn community_ids<T: MaybeOptional<Vec<i32>>>(mut self, community_ids: T) -> Self {
self.for_community_ids = community_ids.get_optional();
pub fn page<T: MaybeOptional<i64>>(mut self, page: T) -> Self {
self.page = page.get_optional();
pub fn limit<T: MaybeOptional<i64>>(mut self, limit: T) -> Self {
self.limit = limit.get_optional();
pub fn resolved<T: MaybeOptional<bool>>(mut self, resolved: T) -> Self {
self.resolved = resolved.get_optional();
pub fn list(self) -> Result<Vec<PostReportView>, Error> {
use super::post_report::post_report_view::dsl::*;
let mut query = self.query;
if let Some(comm_ids) = self.for_community_ids {
query = query.filter(community_id.eq_any(comm_ids));
if let Some(resolved_flag) = self.resolved {
query = query.filter(resolved.eq(resolved_flag));
let (limit, offset) = limit_and_offset(self.page, self.limit);