# to get started, copy this file to `inventory` and adjust the values below.
# - `myuser@example.com`: replace with the destination you use to connect to your server via ssh
# - `domain=example.com`: replace `example.com` with your lemmy domain
# - `letsencrypt_contact_email=your@email.com` replace `your@email.com` with your email address,
#                                              to get notifications if your ssl cert expires
# - `lemmy_base_dir=/srv/lemmy`: the location on the server where lemmy can be installed, can be any folder
#                                if you are upgrading from a previous version, set this to `/lemmy`
myuser@example.com  domain=example.com  letsencrypt_contact_email=your@email.com lemmy_base_dir=/srv/lemmy
