use crate::{ diesel::dsl::IntervalDsl, newtypes::InstanceId, schema::{ federation_allowlist, federation_blocklist, federation_queue_state, instance, local_site, site, }, source::{ federation_queue_state::FederationQueueState, instance::{Instance, InstanceForm}, }, utils::{ functions::{coalesce, lower}, get_conn, naive_now, now, DbPool, }, }; use diesel::{ dsl::{count_star, insert_into}, result::Error, ExpressionMethods, NullableExpressionMethods, OptionalExtension, QueryDsl, SelectableHelper, }; use diesel_async::RunQueryDsl; impl Instance { /// Attempt to read Instance column for the given domain. If it doesnt exist, insert a new one. /// There is no need for update as the domain of an existing instance cant change. pub async fn read_or_create(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>, domain_: String) -> Result { use crate::schema::instance::domain; let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; // First try to read the instance row and return directly if found let instance = instance::table .filter(lower(domain).eq(&domain_.to_lowercase())) .first(conn) .await .optional()?; // TODO could convert this to unwrap_or_else once async closures are stable match instance { Some(i) => Ok(i), None => { // Instance not in database yet, insert it let form = InstanceForm::builder() .domain(domain_) .updated(Some(naive_now())) .build(); insert_into(instance::table) .values(&form) // Necessary because this method may be called concurrently for the same domain. This // could be handled with a transaction, but nested transactions arent allowed .on_conflict(instance::domain) .do_update() .set(&form) .get_result::(conn) .await } } } pub async fn update( pool: &mut DbPool<'_>, instance_id: InstanceId, form: InstanceForm, ) -> Result { let mut conn = get_conn(pool).await?; diesel::update(instance::table.find(instance_id)) .set(form) .execute(&mut conn) .await } pub async fn delete(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>, instance_id: InstanceId) -> Result { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; diesel::delete(instance::table.find(instance_id)) .execute(conn) .await } pub async fn read_all(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> Result, Error> { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; instance::table .select(Self::as_select()) .get_results(conn) .await } #[cfg(test)] pub async fn delete_all(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> Result { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; diesel::delete(instance::table).execute(conn).await } pub async fn allowlist(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> Result, Error> { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; instance::table .inner_join(federation_allowlist::table) .select(Self::as_select()) .get_results(conn) .await } pub async fn blocklist(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> Result, Error> { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; instance::table .inner_join(federation_blocklist::table) .select(Self::as_select()) .get_results(conn) .await } /// returns a list of all instances, each with a flag of whether the instance is allowed or not and dead or not /// ordered by id pub async fn read_federated_with_blocked_and_dead( pool: &mut DbPool<'_>, ) -> Result, Error> { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; let is_dead_expr = coalesce(instance::updated, instance::published).lt(now() - 3.days()); // this needs to be done in two steps because the meaning of the "blocked" column depends on the existence // of any value at all in the allowlist. (so a normal join wouldn't work) let use_allowlist = federation_allowlist::table .select(count_star().gt(0)) .get_result::(conn) .await?; if use_allowlist { instance::table .left_join(federation_allowlist::table) .select(( Self::as_select(), federation_allowlist::instance_id.nullable().is_not_null(), is_dead_expr, )) .order_by(instance::id) .get_results::<(Self, bool, bool)>(conn) .await } else { instance::table .left_join(federation_blocklist::table) .select(( Self::as_select(), federation_blocklist::instance_id.nullable().is_null(), is_dead_expr, )) .order_by(instance::id) .get_results::<(Self, bool, bool)>(conn) .await } } /// returns (instance, blocked, allowed, fed queue state) tuples pub async fn read_all_with_fed_state( pool: &mut DbPool<'_>, ) -> Result, bool, bool)>, Error> { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; instance::table // omit instance representing the local site .left_join(site::table.inner_join(local_site::table)) .filter(local_site::id.is_null()) .left_join(federation_blocklist::table) .left_join(federation_allowlist::table) .left_join(federation_queue_state::table) .select(( Self::as_select(), Option::::as_select(), federation_blocklist::instance_id.nullable().is_not_null(), federation_allowlist::instance_id.nullable().is_not_null(), )) .get_results(conn) .await } }