use crate::{util::CancellableTask, worker::InstanceWorker}; use activitypub_federation::config::FederationConfig; use lemmy_api_common::{ context::LemmyContext, lemmy_utils::settings::structs::FederationWorkerConfig, }; use lemmy_db_schema::{newtypes::InstanceId, source::instance::Instance}; use lemmy_utils::error::LemmyResult; use stats::receive_print_stats; use std::{collections::HashMap, time::Duration}; use tokio::{ sync::mpsc::{unbounded_channel, UnboundedSender}, task::JoinHandle, time::sleep, }; use tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken; use tracing::info; use util::FederationQueueStateWithDomain; mod inboxes; mod send; mod stats; mod util; mod worker; static WORKER_EXIT_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30); #[cfg(debug_assertions)] static INSTANCES_RECHECK_DELAY: Duration = Duration::from_secs(5); #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] static INSTANCES_RECHECK_DELAY: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60); #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Opts { /// how many processes you are starting in total pub process_count: i32, /// the index of this process (1-based: 1 - process_count) pub process_index: i32, } pub struct SendManager { opts: Opts, workers: HashMap, context: FederationConfig, stats_sender: UnboundedSender, exit_print: JoinHandle<()>, federation_worker_config: FederationWorkerConfig, } impl SendManager { fn new( opts: Opts, context: FederationConfig, federation_worker_config: FederationWorkerConfig, ) -> Self { assert!(opts.process_count > 0); assert!(opts.process_index > 0); assert!(opts.process_index <= opts.process_count); let (stats_sender, stats_receiver) = unbounded_channel(); Self { opts, workers: HashMap::new(), stats_sender, exit_print: tokio::spawn(receive_print_stats( context.inner_pool().clone(), stats_receiver, )), context, federation_worker_config, } } pub fn run( opts: Opts, context: FederationConfig, config: FederationWorkerConfig, ) -> CancellableTask { CancellableTask::spawn(WORKER_EXIT_TIMEOUT, move |cancel| { let opts = opts.clone(); let config = config.clone(); let context = context.clone(); let mut manager = Self::new(opts, context, config); async move { let result = manager.do_loop(cancel).await; // the loop function will only return if there is (a) an internal error (e.g. db connection // failure) or (b) it was cancelled from outside. if let Err(e) = result { // don't let this error bubble up, just log it, so the below cancel function will run // regardless tracing::error!("SendManager failed: {e}"); } // cancel all the dependent workers as well to ensure they don't get orphaned and keep // running. manager.cancel().await?; LemmyResult::Ok(()) // if the task was not intentionally cancelled, then this whole lambda will be run again by // CancellableTask after this } }) } async fn do_loop(&mut self, cancel: CancellationToken) -> LemmyResult<()> { let process_index = self.opts.process_index - 1; info!( "Starting federation workers for process count {} and index {}", self.opts.process_count, process_index ); let local_domain = self.context.settings().get_hostname_without_port()?; let mut pool = self.context.pool(); loop { let mut total_count = 0; let mut dead_count = 0; let mut disallowed_count = 0; for (instance, allowed, is_dead) in Instance::read_federated_with_blocked_and_dead(&mut pool).await? { if instance.domain == local_domain { continue; } if % self.opts.process_count != process_index { continue; } total_count += 1; if !allowed { disallowed_count += 1; } if is_dead { dead_count += 1; } let should_federate = allowed && !is_dead; if should_federate { if self.workers.contains_key(& { // worker already running continue; } // create new worker let context = self.context.clone(); let stats_sender = self.stats_sender.clone(); let federation_worker_config = self.federation_worker_config.clone(); self.workers.insert(, CancellableTask::spawn(WORKER_EXIT_TIMEOUT, move |stop| { // if the instance worker ends unexpectedly due to internal/db errors, this lambda is // rerun by cancellabletask. let instance = instance.clone(); InstanceWorker::init_and_loop( instance, context.clone(), federation_worker_config.clone(), stop, stats_sender.clone(), ) }), ); } else if !should_federate { if let Some(worker) = self.workers.remove(& { if let Err(e) = worker.cancel().await { tracing::error!("error stopping worker: {e}"); } } } } let worker_count = self.workers.len(); tracing::info!("Federating to {worker_count}/{total_count} instances ({dead_count} dead, {disallowed_count} disallowed)"); tokio::select! { () = sleep(INSTANCES_RECHECK_DELAY) => {}, _ = cancel.cancelled() => { return Ok(()) } } } } pub async fn cancel(self) -> LemmyResult<()> { drop(self.stats_sender); tracing::warn!( "Waiting for {} workers ({:.2?} max)", self.workers.len(), WORKER_EXIT_TIMEOUT ); // the cancel futures need to be awaited concurrently for the shutdown processes to be triggered // concurrently futures::future::join_all( self .workers .into_values() .map(util::CancellableTask::cancel), ) .await; self.exit_print.await?; Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] #[allow(clippy::unwrap_used)] #[allow(clippy::indexing_slicing)] mod test { use super::*; use activitypub_federation::config::Data; use chrono::DateTime; use lemmy_db_schema::source::{ federation_allowlist::FederationAllowList, federation_blocklist::FederationBlockList, instance::InstanceForm, }; use lemmy_utils::error::LemmyError; use serial_test::serial; use std::{ collections::HashSet, sync::{Arc, Mutex}, }; use tokio::spawn; struct TestData { send_manager: SendManager, context: Data, instances: Vec, } impl TestData { async fn init(process_count: i32, process_index: i32) -> LemmyResult { let context = LemmyContext::init_test_context().await; let opts = Opts { process_count, process_index, }; let federation_config = FederationConfig::builder() .domain("") .app_data(context.clone()) .build() .await?; let concurrent_sends_per_instance = std::env::var("LEMMY_TEST_FEDERATION_CONCURRENT_SENDS") .ok() .and_then(|s| s.parse().ok()) .unwrap_or(1); let federation_worker_config = FederationWorkerConfig { concurrent_sends_per_instance, }; let pool = &mut context.pool(); let instances = vec![ Instance::read_or_create(pool, "".to_string()).await?, Instance::read_or_create(pool, "".to_string()).await?, Instance::read_or_create(pool, "".to_string()).await?, ]; let send_manager = SendManager::new(opts, federation_config, federation_worker_config); Ok(Self { send_manager, context, instances, }) } async fn run(&mut self) -> LemmyResult<()> { // start it and cancel after workers are running let cancel = CancellationToken::new(); let cancel_ = cancel.clone(); spawn(async move { sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await; cancel_.cancel(); }); self.send_manager.do_loop(cancel.clone()).await?; Ok(()) } async fn cleanup(self) -> LemmyResult<()> { self.send_manager.cancel().await?; Instance::delete_all(&mut self.context.pool()).await?; Ok(()) } } /// Basic test with default params and only active/allowed instances #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_send_manager() -> LemmyResult<()> { let mut data = TestData::init(1, 1).await?;; assert_eq!(3, data.send_manager.workers.len()); let workers: HashSet<_> = data.send_manager.workers.keys().cloned().collect(); let instances: HashSet<_> = data.instances.iter().map(|i|; assert_eq!(instances, workers); data.cleanup().await?; Ok(()) } /// Running with multiple processes should start correct workers #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_send_manager_processes() -> LemmyResult<()> { let active = Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![])); let execute = |count, index, active: Arc>>| async move { let mut data = TestData::init(count, index).await?;; assert_eq!(1, data.send_manager.workers.len()); for k in data.send_manager.workers.keys() { active.lock().unwrap().push(*k); } data.cleanup().await?; Ok::<(), LemmyError>(()) }; execute(3, 1, active.clone()).await?; execute(3, 2, active.clone()).await?; execute(3, 3, active.clone()).await?; // Should run exactly three workers assert_eq!(3, active.lock().unwrap().len()); Ok(()) } /// Use blocklist, should not send to blocked instances #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_send_manager_blocked() -> LemmyResult<()> { let mut data = TestData::init(1, 1).await?; let domain = data.instances[0].domain.clone(); FederationBlockList::replace(&mut data.context.pool(), Some(vec![domain])).await?;; let workers = &data.send_manager.workers; assert_eq!(2, workers.len()); assert!(workers.contains_key(&data.instances[1].id)); assert!(workers.contains_key(&data.instances[2].id)); data.cleanup().await?; Ok(()) } /// Use allowlist, should only send to allowed instance #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_send_manager_allowed() -> LemmyResult<()> { let mut data = TestData::init(1, 1).await?; let domain = data.instances[0].domain.clone(); FederationAllowList::replace(&mut data.context.pool(), Some(vec![domain])).await?;; let workers = &data.send_manager.workers; assert_eq!(1, workers.len()); assert!(workers.contains_key(&data.instances[0].id)); data.cleanup().await?; Ok(()) } /// Mark instance as dead, there should be no worker created for it #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_send_manager_dead() -> LemmyResult<()> { let mut data = TestData::init(1, 1).await?; let instance = &data.instances[0]; let form = InstanceForm { updated: DateTime::from_timestamp(0, 0), ..InstanceForm::new(instance.domain.clone()) }; Instance::update(&mut data.context.pool(),, form).await?;; let workers = &data.send_manager.workers; assert_eq!(2, workers.len()); assert!(workers.contains_key(&data.instances[1].id)); assert!(workers.contains_key(&data.instances[2].id)); data.cleanup().await?; Ok(()) } }