use crate::{util::CancellableTask, worker::InstanceWorker}; use activitypub_federation::config::FederationConfig; use chrono::{Local, Timelike}; use lemmy_api_common::{context::LemmyContext, federate_retry_sleep_duration}; use lemmy_db_schema::{ newtypes::InstanceId, source::{federation_queue_state::FederationQueueState, instance::Instance}, utils::{ActualDbPool, DbPool}, }; use std::{collections::HashMap, time::Duration}; use tokio::{ sync::mpsc::{unbounded_channel, UnboundedReceiver}, time::sleep, }; use tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken; mod util; mod worker; static WORKER_EXIT_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30); #[cfg(debug_assertions)] static INSTANCES_RECHECK_DELAY: Duration = Duration::from_secs(5); #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] static INSTANCES_RECHECK_DELAY: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60); pub struct Opts { /// how many processes you are starting in total pub process_count: i32, /// the index of this process (1-based: 1 - process_count) pub process_index: i32, } async fn start_stop_federation_workers( opts: Opts, pool: ActualDbPool, federation_config: FederationConfig, cancel: CancellationToken, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut workers = HashMap::>::new(); let (stats_sender, stats_receiver) = unbounded_channel(); let exit_print = tokio::spawn(receive_print_stats(pool.clone(), stats_receiver)); let pool2 = &mut DbPool::Pool(&pool); let process_index = opts.process_index - 1; let local_domain = federation_config.settings().get_hostname_without_port()?; loop { let mut total_count = 0; let mut dead_count = 0; let mut disallowed_count = 0; for (instance, allowed, is_dead) in Instance::read_federated_with_blocked_and_dead(pool2).await? { if instance.domain == local_domain { continue; } if % opts.process_count != process_index { continue; } total_count += 1; if !allowed { disallowed_count += 1; } if is_dead { dead_count += 1; } let should_federate = allowed && !is_dead; if should_federate { if workers.contains_key(& { if workers .get(& .map(util::CancellableTask::has_ended) .unwrap_or(false) { // task must have errored out, remove and recreated it let worker = workers .remove(& .expect("just checked contains_key"); tracing::error!( "worker for {} has stopped, recreating: {:?}", instance.domain, worker.cancel().await ); } else { continue; } } // create new worker let stats_sender = stats_sender.clone(); let context = federation_config.to_request_data(); let pool = pool.clone(); workers.insert(, CancellableTask::spawn(WORKER_EXIT_TIMEOUT, |stop| async move { InstanceWorker::init_and_loop( instance, context, &mut DbPool::Pool(&pool), stop, stats_sender, ) .await?; Ok(()) }), ); } else if !should_federate { if let Some(worker) = workers.remove(& { if let Err(e) = worker.cancel().await { tracing::error!("error stopping worker: {e}"); } } } } let worker_count = workers.len(); tracing::info!("Federating to {worker_count}/{total_count} instances ({dead_count} dead, {disallowed_count} disallowed)"); tokio::select! { () = sleep(INSTANCES_RECHECK_DELAY) => {}, _ = cancel.cancelled() => { break; } } } drop(stats_sender); tracing::warn!( "Waiting for {} workers ({:.2?} max)", workers.len(), WORKER_EXIT_TIMEOUT ); // the cancel futures need to be awaited concurrently for the shutdown processes to be triggered concurrently futures::future::join_all(workers.into_values().map(util::CancellableTask::cancel)).await; exit_print.await?; Ok(()) } /// starts and stops federation workers depending on which instances are on db /// await the returned future to stop/cancel all workers gracefully pub fn start_stop_federation_workers_cancellable( opts: Opts, pool: ActualDbPool, config: FederationConfig, ) -> CancellableTask<()> { CancellableTask::spawn(WORKER_EXIT_TIMEOUT, move |c| { start_stop_federation_workers(opts, pool, config, c) }) } /// every 60s, print the state for every instance. exits if the receiver is done (all senders dropped) async fn receive_print_stats( pool: ActualDbPool, mut receiver: UnboundedReceiver<(String, FederationQueueState)>, ) { let pool = &mut DbPool::Pool(&pool); let mut printerval = tokio::time::interval(Duration::from_secs(60)); printerval.tick().await; // skip first let mut stats = HashMap::new(); loop { tokio::select! { ele = receiver.recv() => { let Some((domain, ele)) = ele else { tracing::info!("done. quitting"); print_stats(pool, &stats).await; return; }; stats.insert(domain, ele); }, _ = printerval.tick() => { print_stats(pool, &stats).await; } } } } async fn print_stats(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>, stats: &HashMap) { let last_id = crate::util::get_latest_activity_id(pool).await; let Ok(last_id) = last_id else { tracing::error!("could not get last id"); return; }; // it's expected that the values are a bit out of date, everything < SAVE_STATE_EVERY should be considered up to date tracing::info!( "Federation state as of {}:", Local::now() .with_nanosecond(0) .expect("0 is valid nanos") .to_rfc3339() ); // todo: less noisy output (only output failing instances and summary for successful) // todo: more stats (act/sec, avg http req duration) let mut ok_count = 0; for (domain, stat) in stats { let behind = last_id.0 -|e| e.0).unwrap_or(0); if stat.fail_count > 0 { tracing::info!( "{}: Warning. {} behind, {} consecutive fails, current retry delay {:.2?}", domain, behind, stat.fail_count, federate_retry_sleep_duration(stat.fail_count) ); } else if behind > 0 { tracing::info!("{}: Ok. {} behind", domain, behind); } else { ok_count += 1; } } tracing::info!("{ok_count} others up to date"); }