- Adding the page. Fixes #17. - Adding number of comments for community. - Add sorting to that table.
53 lines
1.4 KiB
53 lines
1.4 KiB
extern crate diesel;
use diesel::*;
use diesel::result::Error;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
table! {
community_view (id) {
id -> Int4,
name -> Varchar,
title -> Varchar,
description -> Nullable<Text>,
category_id -> Int4,
creator_id -> Int4,
published -> Timestamp,
updated -> Nullable<Timestamp>,
creator_name -> Varchar,
category_name -> Varchar,
number_of_subscribers -> BigInt,
number_of_posts -> BigInt,
number_of_comments -> BigInt,
#[derive(Queryable, Identifiable, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize,QueryableByName,Clone)]
pub struct CommunityView {
pub id: i32,
pub name: String,
pub title: String,
pub description: Option<String>,
pub category_id: i32,
pub creator_id: i32,
pub published: chrono::NaiveDateTime,
pub updated: Option<chrono::NaiveDateTime>,
pub creator_name: String,
pub category_name: String,
pub number_of_subscribers: i64,
pub number_of_posts: i64,
pub number_of_comments: i64
impl CommunityView {
pub fn read(conn: &PgConnection, from_community_id: i32) -> Result<Self, Error> {
use actions::community_view::community_view::dsl::*;
pub fn list_all(conn: &PgConnection) -> Result<Vec<Self>, Error> {
use actions::community_view::community_view::dsl::*;