245 lines
7 KiB
245 lines
7 KiB
#![recursion_limit = "512"]
pub extern crate strum_macros;
pub extern crate lazy_static;
pub extern crate failure;
pub extern crate diesel;
pub extern crate actix;
pub extern crate actix_web;
pub extern crate bcrypt;
pub extern crate chrono;
pub extern crate crypto;
pub extern crate dotenv;
pub extern crate jsonwebtoken;
pub extern crate lettre;
pub extern crate lettre_email;
pub extern crate rand;
pub extern crate regex;
pub extern crate serde;
pub extern crate serde_json;
pub extern crate strum;
pub mod api;
pub mod apub;
pub mod db;
pub mod nodeinfo;
pub mod schema;
pub mod version;
pub mod websocket;
pub mod feeds;
use chrono::{DateTime, NaiveDateTime, Utc};
use dotenv::dotenv;
use lettre::smtp::authentication::{Credentials, Mechanism};
use lettre::smtp::extension::ClientId;
use lettre::smtp::ConnectionReuseParameters;
use lettre::{SmtpClient, Transport};
use lettre_email::Email;
use rand::distributions::Alphanumeric;
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use regex::Regex;
use std::env;
pub struct Settings {
db_url: String,
hostname: String,
jwt_secret: String,
rate_limit_message: i32,
rate_limit_message_per_second: i32,
rate_limit_post: i32,
rate_limit_post_per_second: i32,
rate_limit_register: i32,
rate_limit_register_per_second: i32,
email_config: Option<EmailConfig>,
pub struct EmailConfig {
smtp_server: String,
smtp_login: String,
smtp_password: String,
smtp_from_address: String,
impl Settings {
fn get() -> Self {
let email_config =
if env::var("SMTP_SERVER").is_ok() && !env::var("SMTP_SERVER").unwrap().eq("") {
Some(EmailConfig {
smtp_server: env::var("SMTP_SERVER").expect("SMTP_SERVER must be set"),
smtp_login: env::var("SMTP_LOGIN").expect("SMTP_LOGIN must be set"),
smtp_password: env::var("SMTP_PASSWORD").expect("SMTP_PASSWORD must be set"),
smtp_from_address: env::var("SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS").expect("SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS must be set"),
} else {
Settings {
db_url: env::var("DATABASE_URL").expect("DATABASE_URL must be set"),
hostname: env::var("HOSTNAME").unwrap_or("rrr".to_string()),
jwt_secret: env::var("JWT_SECRET").unwrap_or("changeme".to_string()),
rate_limit_message: env::var("RATE_LIMIT_MESSAGE")
rate_limit_message_per_second: env::var("RATE_LIMIT_MESSAGE_PER_SECOND")
rate_limit_post: env::var("RATE_LIMIT_POST")
rate_limit_post_per_second: env::var("RATE_LIMIT_POST_PER_SECOND")
rate_limit_register: env::var("RATE_LIMIT_REGISTER")
rate_limit_register_per_second: env::var("RATE_LIMIT_REGISTER_PER_SECOND")
email_config: email_config,
fn api_endpoint(&self) -> String {
format!("{}/api/v1", self.hostname)
pub fn to_datetime_utc(ndt: NaiveDateTime) -> DateTime<Utc> {
DateTime::<Utc>::from_utc(ndt, Utc)
pub fn naive_now() -> NaiveDateTime {
pub fn naive_from_unix(time: i64) -> NaiveDateTime {
NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp(time, 0)
pub fn is_email_regex(test: &str) -> bool {
pub fn remove_slurs(test: &str) -> String {
SLUR_REGEX.replace_all(test, "*removed*").to_string()
pub fn has_slurs(test: &str) -> bool {
pub fn extract_usernames(test: &str) -> Vec<&str> {
let mut matches: Vec<&str> = USERNAME_MATCHES_REGEX
.map(|mat| mat.as_str())
// Unique
// Remove /u/
matches.iter().map(|t| &t[3..]).collect()
pub fn generate_random_string() -> String {
pub fn send_email(
subject: &str,
to_email: &str,
to_username: &str,
html: &str,
) -> Result<(), String> {
let email_config = Settings::get().email_config.ok_or("no_email_setup")?;
let email = Email::builder()
.to((to_email, to_username))
let mut mailer = SmtpClient::new_simple(&email_config.smtp_server)
let result = mailer.send(email.into());
match result {
Ok(_) => Ok(()),
Err(_) => Err("no_email_setup".to_string()),
mod tests {
use crate::{extract_usernames, has_slurs, is_email_regex, remove_slurs, Settings};
fn test_api() {
assert_eq!(Settings::get().api_endpoint(), "rrr/api/v1");
fn test_email() {
fn test_slur_filter() {
let test =
"coons test dindu ladyboy tranny retardeds. This is a bunch of other safe text.".to_string();
let slur_free = "No slurs here";
"*removed* test *removed* *removed* *removed* *removed*. This is a bunch of other safe text."
fn test_extract_usernames() {
let usernames = extract_usernames("this is a user mention for [/u/testme](/u/testme) and thats all. Oh [/u/another](/u/another) user. And the first again [/u/testme](/u/testme) okay");
let expected = vec!["another", "testme"];
assert_eq!(usernames, expected);
// #[test]
// fn test_send_email() {
// let result = send_email("not a subject", "test_email@gmail.com", "ur user", "<h1>HI there</h1>");
// assert!(result.is_ok());
// }
lazy_static! {
static ref EMAIL_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&’*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$").unwrap();
static ref SLUR_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"(fag(g|got|tard)?|maricos?|cock\s?sucker(s|ing)?|nig(\b|g?(a|er)?s?)\b|dindu(s?)|mudslime?s?|kikes?|mongoloids?|towel\s*heads?|\bspi(c|k)s?\b|\bchinks?|niglets?|beaners?|\bnips?\b|\bcoons?\b|jungle\s*bunn(y|ies?)|jigg?aboo?s?|\bpakis?\b|rag\s*heads?|gooks?|cunts?|bitch(es|ing|y)?|puss(y|ies?)|twats?|feminazis?|whor(es?|ing)|\bslut(s|t?y)?|\btrann?(y|ies?)|ladyboy(s?)|\b(b|re|r)tard(ed)?s?)").unwrap();
static ref USERNAME_MATCHES_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"/u/[a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z_]*").unwrap();