meta: title: '@:home.title ! #JoinPeerTube' nav: langChange: Change the language lang: Language translate: Translate menu: faq: F.A.Q. help: Support docs: Documentation code: Source code instances: Instances hall-of-fame: Hall of fame news: News link: forumPT: wArticle: home: title: Take back control of your videos intro: title: A decentralized video hosting network, based on free/libre software getting-started: Get started how-it-works: How it works banner: title: Retrospective, new features and more to come! subtitle: We're talking about our progress these last months and what's coming next. button: Support install: Install PeerTube why: power: title: Take back the power… and the responsibilities! desc: 'PeerTube isn’t a single video hosting platform with a single group of rules: it’s a network of dozens of interconnected hosting providers, and each provider is composed of different people and administrators. You don’t like some of the rules? You’re free to join the hosting provider of your choice, or even better, be your own hosting provider with your own rules!' content: title: Take control of your content desc: PeerTube allows you to share all your videos. Being in direct contact with a human hosting provider (or becoming your own) allows you to choose how their broadcasting is done. Your videos will benefit from tools to fill description, categorization, choosing a preview image and marking videos as not safe for work. Tweaking the Support button will allow you to show your audience how you want them to support your work. usersfirst: title: Putting the users first desc: 'You’re a person, not a product. PeerTube is a free/libre software financed by a French non-profit organization: @:data.html.soft. All instances are created, animated, moderated and maintained independently. PeerTube isn’t submitted by any company monopole, doesn’t depend on ads and doesn’t track you. With PeerTube you’re not a product: PeerTube is at your service, not the other way around.' broadcast: title: Become an actor of your videos broadcasting desc: When you watch a video with PeerTube, the WebTorrent technology allows you to be part of the broadcasting of this video with the viewers who are watching it at the same time. This video stream sharing allows a healthier distribution of exchanges on the network. Moreover, the federation protocol (ActivityPub) allows to publish the videos and comments on other platforms that support it, such as Mastodon! (experimental) getting-started: title: Get started watch: title: Watch framatube: Watch videos on register: title: Register list: 'List of instances on which you can register:' error: We are sorry, but we failed to fetch the list of available instances. Please try again later. email: 'This is like picking an e-mail hosting provider: the domain will be part of your username!' instances: per_user: per user followers: followers instances: instances follows: follows bytes: B: B KB: KB MB: MB GB: GB no_quota: No quota install: title: Install your own text: - If you are interested in running your own instance — for your friends, family or organization — you can get started by reading the installation documentation. - You’ll only host your own users and their own videos. You can define the number of available registrations and a disk quota per user. Only videos from instances you have chosen to follow will show up on your homepage. btn: Read the docs how-it-works: how: title: How it works text: - Everybody can host a PeerTube server we call instance. Every instance hosts its own users and their videos. It also keeps a list of the videos available of the instances the administrator chooses to follow in order to suggest them to its users. - Every account has a globally unique identifier (e.g. consisting of the local username (@chocobozzz) and the domain name of the server it is on ( - The administrators of a PeerTube instance can follow each other. When your PeerTube instance follows another PeerTube instance, you receive the videos' preview information from this instance. This way, you can display the videos available on your instance and on the instances you decided to follow. So you keep control of the videos displayed on your PeerTube instance! btn: Questions? why: title: Why is that cool? text: - Servers are run independently by different people and organizations. They can apply wildly different moderation policies, so you can find or make one that fits your taste perfectly. - By watching a video, you help the hosting provider to broadcast it by becoming a broadcaster of the video yourself. Each instance doesn’t need much money to broadcast the videos of its users. btn: Get started footer: text: Built on top of thanks: Thanks! faq: title: A few questions to discover PeerTube… clic: (click on the questions to discover the answers) section: prez: PeerTube Presentation content: Creation and content tech: Technical questions prez: what: title: What is PeerTube? text: - PeerTube is software that you install on a web server. It allows you to create a video hosting website, so create your "homemade YouTube". - The difference to YouTube is that it’s not intended to create a huge platform centralizing videos from the whole world on a single server farm (which is horribly expensive). - On the contrary, PeerTube’s concept is to create a network of multiple small interconnected video hosting providers. pros: title: The three main advantages of PeerTube. text: - 'PeerTube is unique because (as far as we know) it’s the only video hosting web application which combines three advantages:' - Linked together, these three features makes it easy to host videos on the server side, while remaining practical, ethical and fun for the internet users. list: - An open code (transparency) under a free/libre license (ethic, respect and community-driven development); - A federation of interconnected hosting providers (so more video choices wherever you go to see them); - Peer-to-peer broadcasting – and therefore viewing – (so no slowing down when a video becomes viral). libre: title: Why is it better as free/libre software? text: - Because by design free/libre software respects our fundamental freedoms, and guarantees them by a license, so a legally enforceable contract. - 'Concretely here, it means that:' list: - PeerTube is freely provided, no need to pay to install it on your server; - 'We can look under the hood of PeerTube (its source code): it’s auditable, transparent;' - Its development is community-based, it can be enhanced by everyone’s contributions. federated: title: What’s the interest to federate the video hosting providers? text: - 'The advantage of YouTube (and other platforms) is its video catalog: from knitting tutorials to Minecraft constructions through videos of kittens or holidays… you can find everything!' - The more the video catalogue is varied, the more people are interested, the more videos are uploaded… but hosting videos from all over the world is (very, very) expensive! - If the hosting provider Knitting-PeerTube becomes friends with Kittens-Tube and Framatube, it will display the videos of others on its site, thus diluting hosting costs while remaining practical and complete for Internet users. - 'PeerTube’s federation protocol will be fluid (everyone can choose their "friends" hosts), and based on ActivityPub: this will open the possibility to connect with tools like Mastodon or MediaGoblin.' p2p: title: Why broadcast PeerTube videos through peer-to-peer? text: - 'When you host a large file like a video, the biggest thing to fear is success: if a video becomes viral and many people watch it at the same time, the server has a big risk of getting overloaded!' - Peer-to-peer broadcasting allows, thanks to the WebRTC protocol, that Internet users who watch the same video at the same time exchange bits of files, which relieves the server. - 'There is nothing to do: your web browser does it automatically. If you are on a mobile phone or if your network does not allow it (router, firewall, etc.), this function is disabled and switches back to an "old-style" video broadcast @:data.emoji.wink.' admin: title: For those who know how to administer a server, PeerTube is… text: - 'It’s software you install on your server to create a website where videos are hosted and broadcast… Basically: you create your own "homemade YouTube"!' - There already exists free/libre software that enables you to do this. But with PeerTube, you can link your instance (your video website) to Zaïd’s PeerTube instance (where he hosts videos of the lectures for his people’s university), to Catherin’s (who hosts her webmedia videos) or even to Solar’s PeerTube instance (who manages a vloggers collective). - 'But PeerTube doesn’t centralize: it federates. Thanks to the ActivityPub protocol (also used by the Mastodon federation, a free/libre Twitter alternative), PeerTube can federate several small hosters so they don’t have to buy thousands of hard disks to host videos for the whole world.' - As a result, on your PeerTube website, the audience will be able to watch not only your videos, but also videos hosted by Zaïd, Catherin or Solar… without having to host their videos on your PeerTube-powered website. Such diversity in a video-catalog makes it very attractive. Such a large choice and diversity of videos is what made centralized platforms such as YouTube succesful. - 'Federation offers another benefit: everyone becomes independent. Zaïd, Catherin, Solar and yourself can make your own rules, your own Terms of Services (for example, one can imagine a MeowTube where dogs videos are strictly forbidden @:data.emoji.wink).' video-maker: title: For those who wants to upload their videos, PeerTube allows… text: - 'It allows you to choose a hoster that fits you. YouTube’s excesses are a good exemple: its hoster, Google/Alphabet, can impose its "Robocopyright" (the ContentID system) or its tools to index, recommend and spotlight videos; and those tools seem as unfair as they are obscure. Even though, it already forces you to give it extended copyrights on your videos, for free!' - With PeerTube, you can choose the hoster of your videos according to his terms of services, his moderation policy, his federation choices… As you don’t have a tech giant facing you, you might be able to talk with you hoster if you ever have a problem, a need, or something you want. - The other big advantage of PeerTube is that your hoster doesn’t have to fear the sudden success of one of your videos. Indeed, PeerTube broadcasts videos with the protocol WebTorrent. If hundreds of people are watching your video at the same time, their browsers automatically send bits of your video to other viewers. - Before this peer-to-peer broadcast, successful videographers (or videos that make the buzz) were doomed to be hosted by a web giant whose infrastructure can handle millions of simultaneous views… Or to pay for a very expensive independent video host so that it can hold the load. audience: title: For those who want to watch videos, PeerTube can offer… text: - One of the benefits is that you become a part of the broadcasting of the videos you are watching. If other people are watching a PeerTube video at the same time as you, as long as your tab remains open, your browser shares bits of that video and you participate in a healthier use of the Internet. - 'Of course, PeerTube’s video player adapts to your situation: if your installation does not allow peer-to-peer playback (corporate network, recalcitrant browser, etc.) video playback will be done in the classic way.' - But above all, PeerTube treats you like a person, not as a product that it has to track, profile, and lock in video loops to better sell your available brain time. Thus, the source code (the recipe) of the PeerTube software is open, making its operation transparent. - 'PeerTube is not only open-source: it’s free (as in free speech). Its free license guarantees our fundamental freedoms as users. It is this respect for our freedoms that allows Framasoft to invite you to contribute to this software, and many evolutions (innovative comment system, etc.) have already been suggested by some of you.' remplace-yt: title: Is PeerTube’s purpose to replace YouTube? text: - 'We can answer with certainty: no!' - In March 2018, PeerTube released its publicly usable beta version. Several collectives set up the first instances, thus creating the bases of the federation. - But this is just the beginning, PeerTube is not (yet) perfect, and many features are missing. But we intend to keep improving it day after day. - 'March 2018 thus represents the birth of the PeerTube federations: the more this software will be used and supported, the more people will use it and contribute to it, and the faster it will evolve towards a concrete alternative to platforms such as YouTube.' - 'Nevertheless, the ambition remains to be a free and decentralized alternative: the goal of an alternative is not to replace, but to propose something else, with different values, in parallel to what already exists.' content: law: title: If it’s free, can we upload illegal stuff on it? text: - Being free doesn’t mean being above the law! Each PeerTube hosting provider can decide on its own general conditions of use, abiding by their local laws. - For example, in France, discriminatory content is prohibited and may be reported to the authorities. PeerTube allows users to report problematic videos, and each administrator must then apply its moderation in accordance with its terms and conditions and the law. - The federation system, for its part, allows hosts to decide with whom they want to connect, depending on the types of content or the moderation policies of others. responsible: title: Who is responsible for content published on PeerTube? text: - 'PeerTube is not a website: it is software that allows a web hoster (for example, Dominique) to create a video website (let’s call it DominiqueTube).' - Now imagine that Camille has created an account on DominiqueTube and uploads an illegal video, because this video uses music created by Solal. - Solal goes on Framatube, an instance which follows DominiqueTube. So, Solal can see, from Framatube, the videos published on DominiqueTube. - Solal sees Camille’s illegal video, and signals it with the button provided for that purpose. Although the report is made from Framatube, it is sent directly to the person hosting the illegal content, Dominique. - From that moment on, Dominique is responsible, because they are warned that they’re hosting an illegal video. It is therefore up to them to act if they don’t want to be held accountable before the law. - Then Dominique and Solal can turn against Camille, who uploaded the video. money: title: What is PeerTube’s remuneration policy? text: - OrderedDict([('There are none, not at the moment', 'PeerTube is a tool that we wanted neutral in terms of remuneration.')]) - 'For now, the solution proposed to people who upload videos is to use the "support" button under the video. This button displays a frame in which people who upload videos can display text, images, and links freely. For example, it’s possible to put a link to Patreon, Tipeee, Paypal, Liberapay (or any other solution) there. Other examples: put a postal address if you’d like to receive physical thank-you cards, put a logo of your enterprise, a link to support a non-profit organisation…' - We did not go any further because to favour one technical solution would be to impose, in the code, a political vision of cultural sharing and its financing. All financial solutions are possible and treated equally in PeerTube. - However, many improvements of PeerTube are to be expected… Including those that would allow you to create (and choose) the monetization tools that interest you! - 'Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that the vast majority of videos published on the Internet (and even on YouTube) are shared for non-market purposes: remuneration is a tool, but not necessarily a main or essential purpose.' instances: title: Where can I put my videos? text: - You need to find a PeerTube hosting instance you trust. - There’s a complete list of instances here, and a list of those that are open to registration here. - Then, we recommend you go to the instances, read their "about" page to discover their terms of use (disk space limit per user, content policy, etc.). - It’s best to contact and talk directly with hosting providers, to understand their business model, vision, etc. Because only you can determine what makes you trust such or such host, and thus entrust your videos to them. pornography: title: There are many porn videos on PeerTube! text: - No. In October 2018, on an average instance federating with ~200 instances and indexing ~16000 videos, only ~200 videos are tagged as NSFW (i. e. the content is sensitive, which could be something else than pornography). Therefore, they represent only ~1% of all the videos. - 'Moreover, each administrator decides with which instances he wants to federate: he has the full control of the content he wants to display on his instance. It''s up to him to choose the policy regarding this kind of videos. He can decide to: ' - By default, this configuration is set to "Hide them". If some administrators decide to display them with a blur filter for example, it's their choice. - Finally, any user can override this configuration, and decides if he want to display, blur or hide these videos for himself. - 'PeerTube is just a software: it''s not Framasoft (non-profit that develops PeerTube) that''s responsible for the content published on some instances.' - 'It''s up to everyone to be responsible: parents, visitors, uploaders, PeerTube administrators to respect the law and avoid any problematic situations.' forum: Discuss on our forum tech: install: title: How do I install PeerTube? text: - The installation guide is here (only in English, for the moment). - 'We recommend not to install PeerTube on low-end hardware or behind a weak connection (for example, on a RaspberryPi with an ADSL connection): this could slow down all federations.' - 'Don’t bother the developer to help you install your instance: we have a support forum for that.' moderation: title: PeerTube v1.0 does not seem to me to contain all the tools necessary for a good management of my instance. text: - '
"It’s outrageous and unconscious: you’re releasing PeerTube’s version 1 when it doesn’t contain the necessary tools to effectively manage videos claimed by rights holders, or to effectively manage the issue of online harassment in comments, or to effectively manage monetization through advertising, or to (insert here your request to PeerTube). It will never work! What do you intend to do about it?"
' - You’re right. PeerTube 1.0 is not the perfect tool, far from it. And we never promised that this version 1.0 would be a tool that would include all the features corresponding to all cases. - PeerTube 1.0 is the realization of the commitment we made in October 2017 to take PeerTube from an alpha version (personal project and proof of concept that a federated video platform could work) to a 1.0 version in October 2018 (which does not mean "final version", but "version considered stable and distributable"). - Remember that PeerTube has only one (almost) full time developer and a small handful of very involved volunteers. It is not a product developed by a start-up with a full time team (dev, design, UX, marketing, support, etc.) and significant financial support. It is a Community free software, the development of which will continue over the months and, we hope, in the years to come. - 'We are well aware of the shortcomings of PeerTube 1.0, especially in the moderation tools area (videos, comments, etc.). And we intend to work on these weaknesses. ' - 'We have chosen to do so as follows: on the one hand we will work primarily in the coming months to improve these tools within PeerTube itself (in the core of the software). On the other hand, we will also focus, in parallel, a large part of PeerTube’s development effort during 2019 on the integration of a plugin system, which can be developed by the communities.' - 'Indeed, we do not claim to have the science behind it and know how best to manage each of the tools according to each of the needs. For example: with regard to the question of DMCA requests, cases vary according to geographical jurisdictions (European law is different from French law, itself different from Canadian law, itself different from American law, etc.). Concerning the tools for moderating comments, here again, we cannot decree ourselves experts of the subject, because this is simply not the case.' - By acting both on the core, but also by allowing the development of plugins, we believe that PeerTube will, in the long term, be able to respond much better to these issues and allow different communities to adapt PeerTube to their needs. - We are working as quickly as possible to improve PeerTube, but we are doing so with the resources we have, which means very limited. - 'In the meantime, as an user if you feel that PeerTube 1.0 does not currently meet your needs, it’s simple: don’t use it right now :) (we remind you that we don’t make money developing PeerTube, and that if we obviously hope for its success, the survival of our association doesn’t depend on it).' - As an administrator, if you are afraid of DMCA requests, there is an option to limit the opening of registrations to people you know. You will then be able to reopen registrations without verification once these verification tools have been integrated, or you have developed them. code: title: How do I contribute to PeerTube’s code? text: - The Git repository of PeerTube is here. - You can create an issue, contribute to it, or even start contributing by choosing the easy problems for those who begin. - If you want to help out in another way, or if you want to request a feature, come discuss it on our contribution forum. protocol: title: Why does PeerTube use the ActivityPub federation protocol? Why not IPFS / / Steemit? text: - PeerTube uses ActivityPub because this federation protocol is recommended by the W3C and is already used by the federated social network Mastodon. - IPFS is a great technology, but it still seems very (too!) young for large scale streaming of large files. - After discussing it on our forum, we feel that is not free or open source, because publishing only compiled code hinders freedom of modification. - is based on Steem for "remuneration", it is a choice, but Steem is widely criticized as highly centralized, and suspiciously resembles a Ponzi system. - PeerTube is free, decentralized, distributed, and does not impose any remuneration model. This is the choice we have made, which is debatable, and others (like have made other choices, which have their advantages. So it’s up to you to see what suits you. hof: title: Hall of fame sponsors: Sponsors donators: Financial Contributors dev: Contributors contrib: Contribute to the code news: title: What's up on PeerTube subtitle: Discover the tool's latest improvements latest-articles: Latest articles blocs: newsletter26-02-2019: title: 'PeerTube: retrospective, new features and more to come!' date: text: 26 February 2019 data: 2019-02-26 text: p1: Since version 1.0 has been released last November, we went on improving PeerTube, day after day. These improvements on PeerTube go well beyond the objectives fixed during the crowdfunding. They have been funded by the Framasoft non-profit, which develops the software (and lives only through your donations). p2: 'Here is a small retrospective of the end of 2018/beginning of 2019:' p3: In December 2018, we released version 1.1 which contained some moderation tools requested by instance administrators.
We also took the opportunity to add a watched videos history feature and the automatic resuming of video playback. p4: 'In January, we released version 1.2 that supports 3 new languages: Russian, Polish and Italian. Thanks to PeerTube''s community of translators, PeerTube is now translated into 16 different languages!' p5: This version also includes a notification system that allows users to be informed (on the web interface or through email) when their video is commented, when someone mention them, when one of their subscriptions has published a new video, etc. p6: 'In the meantime, the PeerTube federation has grown: today, more than 300 instances broadcast more than 70,000 videos, with nearly 2 million cumulated views. We remind you that the only official website we maintain around PeerTube is and that we bear no responsibility on any other site that may be published.' p7: As you can see, we have gone far beyond what the crowdfunding has funded. And we will continue!
For 2019, we plan to add a plugin and theme management system (even though basic at first), playlist management, support for audio files upload and many other features. p8: 'If you also to contribute to the growing of PeerTube, you can participate in its funding here:' p9: 'If you have any questions, feel free to use our forum:' p10: Thank you and with our best regards, p11: Framasoft newsletter16-10-2018: title: 'PeerTube crowdfunding newsletter #4' date: text: 16 October 2018 data: 2018-10-16 text: p1: Hello everyone! p2: We are now in mid-October! As promised, we have just released the first stable version of PeerTube. p3: 'It implements all stretch goals we planned in our crowdfunding: ' p4: ' We know that feature descriptions are not very amusing, so we have published a few demonstration videos: ' p5: 'This is the last newsletter regarding the PeerTube crowdfunding. We would like to thank you one more time, for allowing us to greatly improve PeerTube, and therefore to promote a more decentralized web. But the journey does not end here: we will continue to work on the software, and there is still a lot to do to fully free up video streaming. But before anything, we''ll take a few days off ;)' p6: 'We remind you that you can ask questions on the PeerTube forum. You can also contact us directly on' p7: 'Cheers,
Framasoft' newsletter12-09-2018: title: 'PeerTube crowdfunding newsletter #3' date: text: September 12, 2018 data: 2018-09-12 text: p1: Hello everyone! p2: A month before the version 1 of PeerTube, we would like to share some (good!) news with you. p3: We just released PeerTube beta 12, that allows to subscribe to video channels, whether they are on your instance or even on remote instances. This way, you can browse videos of your subscribed channels in a dedicated page. Moreover, if your PeerTube administrator allows it, you can search a channel or a video directly by typing their web address in the PeerTube search bar. p4: It was not included in the crowdfunding, but we created an "Overview" page, that displays videos of some categories/tags/channels picked randomly, to show the diversity of the videos uploaded on PeerTube. You can see a demonstration here. p5: 'You can read the complete beta 12 changelog here.' p6: 'Regarding the crowdfunding, most of the rewards are ready: the PeerTube README and the JoinPeerTube Hall of Fame show off the names of the persons who have chosen the corresponding rewards. We will soon be able to send the personalized thank-you digital arts to people that gave 80€ (~93 USD) and more (and it''s so beautiful that we are looking forward to it!)' p7: The last feature we have to implement is the videos redundancy between instances, which will further increase resilience on instance overload. If all goes well, we should finish it in about two weeks (end of september). p8: 'We remind you that you can track the progress of the work directly on the git repository, and be part of the discussions/bug reports/feature requests in the "Issues" tab.' p9: 'Moreover, you can ask questions on the PeerTube forum. You can also contact us directly on' p10: 'Cheers,
Framasoft' newsletter20-08-2018: title: 'PeerTube crowdfunding newsletter #2' date: text: August 20, 2018 data: 2018-08-20 text: p1: Hello everyone! p2: The development of the crowdfunding features is going well. p3: As a reminder, in the first newsletter (July 23rd, 2018), we announced that the localization system and RSS feeds were implemented, and that we were making progress on the subtitles support and the advanced search. p4: These four features are all implemented, and can already be used on instances updated to version v1.0.0-beta.10 (for example Regarding the subtitles support, you can test them on the the "What is PeerTube" video. p5: We are currently finishing the video import system, from a URL (YouTube, Vimeo etc) or a torrent file. This feature should be available in a few days, when we will release a new version (v1.0.0-beta.11).
The import system will complete the first crowdfunding goal. The next feature we will be working on will be the user subscriptions. p6: 'We remind you that you can track the progress of the work directly on the git repository, and be part of the discussions/bug reports/feature requests in the "Issues" tab.' p7: 'Moreover, you can ask questions on the PeerTube forum. You can also contact us directly on' p8: 'Cheers,
Framasoft' newsletter23-07-2018: title: 'PeerTube crowdfunding newsletter #1' date: text: 23 July 2018 data: 2018-07-23 text: p1: Hello everyone! p2: First of all, thank you again for contributing to PeerTube! ❤️ p3: 'During the crowdfunding campaign, we continued to work on the localization system. And we are happy to announce it''s finally completed: it will be available in the next beta (beta 10) of PeerTube. As of this writing, the web interface is already available in english, french, basque, catalan, czech and esperanto (huge thank you to all of the translators). If you too want to help translating PeerTube, do not hesitate to check out the documentation!' p4: 'Regarding the RSS feeds feature, it was already implemented by Rigelk and you can already use it in the beta 9. You can, for example, get the feed of the last local videos uploaded in a particular instance.' p5: Subtitles support is well under way, and we should have a first version available soon. When this work is finished, we will develop the advanced search. p6: 'We remind you that you can track the progress of the work directly on the git repository, and be part of the discussions/bug reports/feature requests in the "Issues" tab.' p7: 'Moreover, you can ask questions on the PeerTube forum. You can also contact us directly on' p8: 'Cheers,