diff --git a/app/locales/de.yml b/app/locales/de.yml
index dd9686c..b389e9e 100644
--- a/app/locales/de.yml
+++ b/app/locales/de.yml
@@ -29,57 +29,38 @@ home:
title: Übernehmen Sie wieder die Kontrolle ... und die Verantwortung!
- desc: 'PeerTube ist keine einzelne Video-Hosting-Plattform mit einem einzelnen
- Regelwerk:
- Es ist ein Netzwerk aus Dutzenden miteinander verbundener Anbieter, die sich
- aus verschiedenen Personen und Administratoren zusammensetzen.
- Einige Regeln gefallen Ihnen nicht?
- Dann suchen Sie sich einen passenderen Anbieter oder noch besser: Seien Sie
- Ihr eigener Hoster mit Ihren eigenen Regeln!'
+ desc: "PeerTube ist keine einzelne Video-Hosting-Plattform mit einem einzelnen\
+ \ Regelwerk:\nEs ist ein Netzwerk aus Dutzenden miteinander verbundener Anbieter,\
+ \ die sich aus verschiedenen Personen und Administratoren zusammensetzen.\n\
+ Einige Regeln gefallen Ihnen nicht?\nDann suchen Sie sich einen passenderen\
+ \ Anbieter oder noch besser: Seien Sie Ihr eigener Hoster mit Ihren eigenen\
+ \ Regeln!"
title: Übernehmen Sie die Kontrolle über Ihre Inhalte
- desc: 'Mit PeerTube können Sie alle Ihre Videos teilen. Der direkte Kontakt
- mit dem Anbieter (oder wenn Sie selber einer werden) erlaubt Ihnen zu entscheiden,
- wie die Videoverteilung gemacht werden soll.
- Werten Sie Ihre Videos mit Hilfe leicht zu bedienender Werkzeuge zur Beschreibung,
- Kategorisierung, Auswahl von Vorschaubildern, Markierung von NSFW-Inhalten
- auf.
- Mit dem anpassbaren Support -Button können Sie Ihrem Publikum
- mitteilen, wie Sie Ihr Angebot unterstützen können.'
+ desc: "Mit PeerTube können Sie alle Ihre Videos teilen. Der direkte Kontakt\
+ \ mit dem Anbieter (oder wenn Sie selber einer werden) erlaubt Ihnen zu entscheiden,\
+ \ wie die Videoverteilung gemacht werden soll.\nWerten Sie Ihre Videos mit\
+ \ Hilfe leicht zu bedienender Werkzeuge zur Beschreibung, Kategorisierung,\
+ \ Auswahl von Vorschaubildern, Markierung von NSFW-Inhalten auf.\nMit dem\
+ \ anpassbaren Support -Button können Sie Ihrem Publikum\
+ \ mitteilen, wie Sie Ihr Angebot unterstützen können."
title: Die Benutzer sind im Vordergrund
- desc: 'Sie sind eine Person, kein Produkt.
- PeerTube ist eine freie Software, die von einem französischen gemeinnützigen
- Verein finanziert wird: @:data.html.soft>
- Alle Instanzen werden eigenständig erstellt, animiert, moderiert und gepflegt.
- PeerTube wird von keinem Unternehmen monopolisiert, ist nicht auf Werbung
- angewiesen und trackt Sie nicht.
- Mit PeerTube sind Sie kein Produkt:
- PeerTube ist das Produkt, nicht umgekehrt.'
+ desc: "Sie sind eine Person, kein Produkt.\nPeerTube ist eine freie Software,\
+ \ die von einem französischen gemeinnützigen Verein finanziert wird: @:data.html.soft>\n\
+ Alle Instanzen werden eigenständig erstellt, animiert, moderiert und gepflegt.\n\
+ PeerTube wird von keinem Unternehmen monopolisiert, ist nicht auf Werbung\
+ \ angewiesen und trackt Sie nicht.\nMit PeerTube sind Sie kein Produkt:\n\
+ PeerTube ist das Produkt, nicht umgekehrt."
title: Werde ein Schauspieler deiner eigenen, ausgestrahlten Videos
- desc: 'Wenn Sie ein Video über Peertube anschauen, erlaubt Ihnen die Webtorrent-Technologie
- das Video an andere auszustrahlen, die das Video zu gleichen Zeit schauen
- in der Sie es tun.
- Diese Art der Streamverteilung erlaubt eine effizientere Verteilung des Videosharings
- im Netzwerk.
- Außerdem erlaubt das Föderalisierungs-protokoll (ActivityPub) die Videos und
- Kommentare auf anderen Plattformen zu veröffentlichen, die dies unterstützen
- wie:
- Mastodon! (experimental) '
+ desc: "Wenn Sie ein Video über Peertube anschauen, erlaubt Ihnen die Webtorrent-Technologie\
+ \ das Video an andere auszustrahlen, die das Video zu gleichen Zeit schauen\
+ \ in der Sie es tun.\nDiese Art der Streamverteilung erlaubt eine effizientere\
+ \ Verteilung des Videosharings im Netzwerk.\nAußerdem erlaubt das Föderalisierungs-protokoll\
+ \ (ActivityPub) die Videos und Kommentare auf anderen Plattformen zu veröffentlichen,\
+ \ die dies unterstützen wie:\nMastodon!\
+ \ (experimental) "
title: loslegen
@@ -106,43 +87,33 @@ home:
title: Installieren Sie Ihre eigenes Instanz
- - 'Sind Sie daran interessiert, Ihre eigene Instanz für Ihre Freunde, Familie
- oder Organisation zu hosten?
- Sie können mit der Installationsdokumentation beginnen.'
- - 'Sie werden nur Ihre eigenen Benutzer und deren eigene Videos hosten.
- Sie können die Anzahl der verfügbaren Registrierungen und ein Plattenplatz-Kontingent
- pro Benutzer festlegen.
- Auf Ihrer Homepage erscheinen nur die Videos der Instanzen, die Sie
- ausgewählt haben.'
+ - "Sind Sie daran interessiert, Ihre eigene Instanz für Ihre Freunde, Familie\
+ \ oder Organisation zu hosten?\nSie können mit der Installationsdokumentation\
+ \ \
+ \ beginnen."
+ - "Sie werden nur Ihre eigenen Benutzer und deren eigene Videos hosten.\nSie können\
+ \ die Anzahl der verfügbaren Registrierungen und ein Plattenplatz-Kontingent\
+ \ pro Benutzer festlegen.\nAuf Ihrer Homepage erscheinen nur die Videos der\
+ \ Instanzen, die Sie ausgewählt haben."
btn: Lies die Dokumentation
title: Wie es funktioniert
- - 'Jeder kann einen PeerTube-Server, welche wir Instanz nennen,
- hosten.
- Jede Instanz hostet ihre eigenen Benutzer und deren Videos.
- Es behält auch eine Liste der Videos, die auf den Instanzen vorhanden sind,
- die vom Administrator gefolgt werden, um sie seinen Benutzern vorschlagen
- zu können.'
+ - "Jeder kann einen PeerTube-Server, welche wir Instanz nennen,\
+ \ hosten.\nJede Instanz hostet ihre eigenen Benutzer und deren Videos.\nEs\
+ \ behält auch eine Liste der Videos, die auf den Instanzen vorhanden sind,\
+ \ die vom Administrator gefolgt werden, um sie seinen Benutzern vorschlagen\
+ \ zu können."
- Jedes Konto hat eine eindeutige globale Kennung (z.B. @chocobozzz@framatube.org),
die sich aus einem Nicknamen (@chocobozzz) und dem Domänennamen des Servers
(framatube.org), auf dem es sich befindet, zusammensetzt.
- - 'Die Administratoren einer PeerTube-Instanz können einander folgen.
- Wenn Ihre PeerTube-Instanz einer anderen PeerTube-Instanz folgt, erhalten
- Sie Videoanzeigeinformationen von dieser Instanz.
- Auf diese Weise können Sie die Videos anzeigen, die auf Ihrer Instanz vorhanden
- sind und auf der Instanz, der Sie folgen möchten.
- So behalten Sie die Kontrolle über die auf Ihrem PeerTube-Server angezeigten
- Videos!'
+ - "Die Administratoren einer PeerTube-Instanz können einander folgen.\nWenn\
+ \ Ihre PeerTube-Instanz einer anderen PeerTube-Instanz folgt, erhalten Sie\
+ \ Videoanzeigeinformationen von dieser Instanz.\nAuf diese Weise können Sie\
+ \ die Videos anzeigen, die auf Ihrer Instanz vorhanden sind und auf der Instanz,\
+ \ der Sie folgen möchten.\nSo behalten Sie die Kontrolle über die auf Ihrem\
+ \ PeerTube-Server angezeigten Videos!"
btn: Fragen?
title: Warum ist es so toll?
@@ -150,10 +121,9 @@ home:
- Die Server werden unabhängig von einer Person oder von Organisationen verwaltet,
diese können Ihre eigenen Regeln haben, sodass Sie eine Instanz aussuchen
können, welche Ihnen am meisten gefällt.
- - 'Indem Sie ein Video ansehen, helfen Sie dem Betreiber der Instanz, es zu
- senden, indem Sie selbst ein Sender dieses Videos werden.
- So braucht jede Instanz nicht viel Geld, um die Videos ihrer Nutzer zu übertragen!'
+ - "Indem Sie ein Video ansehen, helfen Sie dem Betreiber der Instanz, es zu\
+ \ senden, indem Sie selbst ein Sender dieses Videos werden.\nSo braucht jede\
+ \ Instanz nicht viel Geld, um die Videos ihrer Nutzer zu übertragen!"
btn: Loslegen
text: 'Diese Website wurde aufgebaut auf der Basis von '
@@ -169,10 +139,9 @@ faq:
title: Was ist Peertube?
- - 'Peertube ist eine Software, die Sie auf Ihrem Webserver installieren.
- Es erlaubt Ihnen eine Video-hosting-website zu erstellen, also erstellen Sie
- Ihr "Selbst gemachtes Youtube"'
+ - "Peertube ist eine Software, die Sie auf Ihrem Webserver installieren.\nEs\
+ \ erlaubt Ihnen eine Video-hosting-website zu erstellen, also erstellen Sie\
+ \ Ihr \"Selbst gemachtes Youtube\""
- Der Unterschied zu YouTube ist, dass es nicht darauf ausgelegt ist, eine riesige
Plattform zu schaffen, die Videos aus der ganzen Welt auf einer Serverfarm
zentralisiert (was schrecklich teuer ist).
@@ -253,13 +222,11 @@ faq:
Twitter Alternative), kann Peertube über viele kleine Hoster föderieren, sodass
sie nicht tausende Festplatten kaufen müssen, um die Videos für die ganze
Welt zu hosten
- - 'Auf Ihrer PeerTube-Website kann die Internet-Publikums Ihre Videos sehen,
- aber auch die von Zaïd, Catherine oder Solar…, ohne dass Ihre Website
- die Videos von anderen hosten muss.
- Solch eine Vielfalt des Video-Katalogs macht es sehr attraktiv. Solch eine
- Große Auswahl und Vielfalt von Videos ist das, was zentralisierte Plattformen
- wie Youtube erfolgreich macht.'
+ - "Auf Ihrer PeerTube-Website kann die Internet-Publikums Ihre Videos sehen,\
+ \ aber auch die von Zaïd, Catherine oder Solar…, ohne dass Ihre Website\
+ \ die Videos von anderen hosten muss.\nSolch eine Vielfalt des Video-Katalogs\
+ \ macht es sehr attraktiv. Solch eine Große Auswahl und Vielfalt von Videos\
+ \ ist das, was zentralisierte Plattformen wie Youtube erfolgreich macht."
- 'Föderation bietet einen anderen Vorteil: jeder wird unabhängig . Zaïd,
Catherin, Solar und Sie können Ihre eigenen Regeln bestimmen, Ihre eigenen
AGBs (zum Beispiel kann man sich ein MeowTube vorstellen, auf welchem Hundevideos
@@ -267,14 +234,13 @@ faq:
title: Für diejenigen, die Ihre Videos hochladen möchten erlaubt PeerTube...
- - 'Es erlaubt Ihnen, einen Hosting-Provider zu finden, der Ihren Ansprüchen
- entspricht.
- Youtube''s Exzesse sind ein gutes Beispiel: Der Hoster Google/Alphabet kann
- sein "Robocopyright" (Das Content-ID-System) oder seine Indexierungstools
- verwenden, um Videos zu empfehlen und hervorzuheben; und diese Tools wirken
- so unfair wie sie obskur sind. Obwohl es Sie schon dazu zwingt
- ihm kostenlos erweiterte Urheberrechte an deinen Videos zu geben. '
+ - "Es erlaubt Ihnen, einen Hosting-Provider zu finden, der Ihren Ansprüchen\
+ \ entspricht.\nYoutube's Exzesse sind ein gutes Beispiel: Der Hoster Google/Alphabet\
+ \ kann sein \"Robocopyright\" (Das Content-ID-System) oder seine Indexierungstools\
+ \ verwenden, um Videos zu empfehlen und hervorzuheben; und diese Tools wirken\
+ \ so unfair wie sie obskur sind. Obwohl es Sie schon dazu zwingt ihm kostenlos erweiterte Urheberrechte an deinen Videos\
+ \ zu geben. "
- Mit Peertube kannst du den Host deiner Videos nach den AGBs auswählen
, auch nach seinen Moderationsregelungen und seinen Föderations-Entscheidungen...
Da Sie keinen Technologie-Giganten vor sich haben, sind Sie möglicherweise
@@ -285,12 +251,11 @@ faq:
Videos mit dem Protokoll WebTorrent.
Wenn hundert Leute ein Video zur gleichen Zeit anschauen, senden Ihre Browser
automatisch Bits von Ihrem Video zu anderen Zuschauern.
- - 'Vor dieser Peer-to-Peer Übertragung waren Videoersteller (oder Videos, die
- viral wurden) dazu verdammt von einem Internet-Giganten gehostet zu werden,
- dessen Infrastruktur Millionen gleichzeitige Übertragungen zuließen...
- Oder man musste für einen sehr teuren, unabhängigen Video Host bezahlen, der
- die Last ertragen konnte.'
+ - "Vor dieser Peer-to-Peer Übertragung waren Videoersteller (oder Videos, die\
+ \ viral wurden) dazu verdammt von einem Internet-Giganten gehostet zu werden,\
+ \ dessen Infrastruktur Millionen gleichzeitige Übertragungen zuließen...\n\
+ Oder man musste für einen sehr teuren, unabhängigen Video Host bezahlen, der\
+ \ die Last ertragen konnte."
title: Für diejenigen, die Videos anschauen möchten, bietet PeerTube...
@@ -401,12 +366,10 @@ faq:
title: Es sind so viele pornografische Videos auf Peertube!
- - 'Nein. Im Oktober 2018 sind auf einer durchschnittlichen Instanz die sich
- mit ~200 Instanzen austauscht und ~16000 indexiert nur 200 video als NSFW
- gekennzeichnet. (Das heißt der Inhalt ist sensible, was auch anderes als Pornografie
- sein kann).
- Daher repräsentieren sie nur ~1% aller Videos.'
+ - "Nein. Im Oktober 2018 sind auf einer durchschnittlichen Instanz die sich\
+ \ mit ~200 Instanzen austauscht und ~16000 indexiert nur 200 video als NSFW\
+ \ gekennzeichnet. (Das heißt der Inhalt ist sensible, was auch anderes als\
+ \ Pornografie sein kann).\nDaher repräsentieren sie nur ~1% aller Videos."
- 'Darüber hinaus entscheidet jeder Administrator mit welchen Instanzen er sich
austauschen will: er hat die volle Kontrolle darüber, welche Inhalte auf seiner
Instanz angezeigt werden. Es ist seine Angelegenheit die Nutzungsbedingungen
@@ -538,15 +501,15 @@ news:
p1: Hello!
p2: We've just released PeerTube 1.3 and it brings a lot of new features.
- p3: 'The most important of these new features is the playlist system. This
- feature allows any user to create a playlist in which it''s possible to
- add videos and reorder them. Videos added to a playlist can be viewed entirely
- or partially: the creator of the playlist can decide when the video playback
- starts and/or ends (timecode system). This system is really useful to create
- all kinds of zappings or educational contents by selecting extracts from
- videos which interest you. In addition, a "Watch Later" playlist is created
- by default for each user. Thus, you can save videos in this playlist when
- you don''t have time to watch them immediately.'
+ p3: "The most important of these new features is the playlist system. This\
+ \ feature allows any user to create a playlist in which it's possible to\
+ \ add videos and reorder them. Videos added to a playlist can be viewed\
+ \ entirely or partially: the creator of the playlist can decide when the\
+ \ video playback starts and/or ends (timecode system). This system is really\
+ \ useful to create all kinds of zappings or educational contents by selecting\
+ \ extracts from videos which interest you. In addition, a \"Watch Later\"\
+ \ playlist is created by default for each user. Thus, you can save videos\
+ \ in this playlist when you don't have time to watch them immediately."
p4: 'Another feature of this 1.3 version has been entirely developed by an
external contributor: Josh Morel
who add a quarantine system for videos on PeerTube. If the administrator
@@ -596,9 +559,9 @@ news:
tools requested by instance administrators.
We also took the opportunity
to add a watched videos history feature and the automatic resuming of video
- p5: 'In January, we released version 1.2 that supports 3 new languages: Russian,
- Polish and Italian. Thanks to PeerTube''s community of translators, PeerTube
- is now translated into 16 different languages!'
+ p5: "In January, we released version 1.2 that supports 3 new languages: Russian,\
+ \ Polish and Italian. Thanks to PeerTube's community of translators, PeerTube\
+ \ is now translated into 16 different languages!"
p6: This version also includes a notification system that allows users to
be informed (on the web interface or through email) when their video is
commented, when someone mention them, when one of their subscriptions has
@@ -645,12 +608,12 @@ news:
search Video
channel subscriptions '
- p5: 'This is the last newsletter regarding the PeerTube crowdfunding. We would
- like to thank you one more time, for allowing us to greatly improve PeerTube,
- and therefore to promote a more decentralized web. But the journey does
- not end here: we will continue to work on the software, and there is still
- a lot to do to fully free up video streaming. But before anything, we''ll
- take a few days off ;)'
+ p5: "This is the last newsletter regarding the PeerTube crowdfunding. We would\
+ \ like to thank you one more time, for allowing us to greatly improve PeerTube,\
+ \ and therefore to promote a more decentralized web. But the journey does\
+ \ not end here: we will continue to work on the software, and there is still\
+ \ a lot to do to fully free up video streaming. But before anything, we'll\
+ \ take a few days off ;)"
p6: We remind you that you can ask questions on the
PeerTube forum. You can also contact us directly on
@@ -675,12 +638,13 @@ news:
to show the diversity of the videos uploaded on PeerTube. You can see a demonstration here.
p5: You can read the complete beta 12 changelog here.
- p6: 'Regarding the crowdfunding, most of the rewards are ready: the
- PeerTube README and the
- JoinPeerTube Hall of Fame show off the names of the persons who have
- chosen the corresponding rewards. We will soon be able to send the personalized
- thank-you digital arts to people that gave 80€ (~93 USD) and more (and it''s
- so beautiful that we are looking forward to it!)'
+ p6: "Regarding the crowdfunding, most of the rewards are ready: the PeerTube README and the JoinPeerTube Hall\
+ \ of Fame show off the names of the persons who have chosen the corresponding\
+ \ rewards. We will soon be able to send the personalized thank-you digital\
+ \ arts to people that gave 80€ (~93 USD) and more (and it's so beautiful\
+ \ that we are looking forward to it!)"
p7: The last feature we have to implement is the videos redundancy between
instances, which will further increase resilience on instance overload.
If all goes well, we should finish it in about two weeks (end of september).
@@ -726,14 +690,14 @@ news:
p1: Hello everyone!
p2: First of all, thank you again for contributing to PeerTube! ❤️
- p3: 'During the crowdfunding campaign, we continued to work on the localization
- system. And we are happy to announce it''s finally completed: it will be
- available in the next beta (beta 10) of PeerTube. As of this writing,
- the web interface is already available in english, french, basque, catalan,
- czech and esperanto (huge thank you to
- all of the translators). If you too want to help translating PeerTube,
- do not hesitate to check out the
- documentation!'
+ p3: "During the crowdfunding campaign, we continued to work on the localization\
+ \ system. And we are happy to announce it's finally completed: it will be\
+ \ available in the next beta (beta 10) of PeerTube. As of this\
+ \ writing, the web interface is already available in english, french, basque,\
+ \ catalan, czech and esperanto (huge thank you to all of the translators). If you too want to help translating PeerTube,\
+ \ do not hesitate to check out the documentation!"
p4: Regarding the RSS feeds feature, it was already implemented by Rigelk
and you can already use it in the beta 9. You can, for example,
diff --git a/app/locales/en.yml b/app/locales/en.yml
index 8c8d4ec..4b2a5bf 100644
--- a/app/locales/en.yml
+++ b/app/locales/en.yml
@@ -345,20 +345,20 @@ faq:
and indexing ~16000 videos, only ~200 videos are tagged as NSFW (i. e. the
content is sensitive, which could be something else than pornography). Therefore,
they represent only ~1% of all the videos.
- - 'Moreover, each administrator decides with which instances he wants to federate:
- he has the full control of the content he wants to display on his instance.
- It''s up to him to choose the policy regarding this kind of videos. He can
- decide to: - Display them
- Blur the title and thumbnail
- Hide
- them
+ - "Moreover, each administrator decides with which instances he wants to federate:\
+ \ he has the full control of the content he wants to display on his instance.\
+ \ It's up to him to choose the policy regarding this kind of videos. He can\
+ \ decide to: - Display them
- Blur the title and thumbnail
- Hide\
+ \ them
- By default, this configuration is set to "Hide them". If some administrators
decide to display them with a blur filter for example, it's their
- Finally, any user can override this configuration, and decides if he want
to display, blur or hide these videos for himself.
- - 'PeerTube is just a software: it''s not Framasoft (non-profit that develops
- PeerTube) that''s responsible for the content published on some instances.'
- - 'It''s up to everyone to be responsible: parents, visitors, uploaders, PeerTube
- administrators to respect the law and avoid any problematic situations.'
+ - "PeerTube is just a software: it's not Framasoft (non-profit that develops\
+ \ PeerTube) that's responsible for the content published on some instances."
+ - "It's up to everyone to be responsible: parents, visitors, uploaders, PeerTube\
+ \ administrators to respect the law and avoid any problematic situations."
forum: Discuss on our forum
@@ -469,15 +469,15 @@ news:
p1: Hello!
p2: We've just released PeerTube 1.3 and it brings a lot of new features.
- p3: 'The most important of these new features is the playlist system.
- This feature allows any user to create a playlist in which it''s possible
- to add videos and reorder them. Videos added to a playlist can be viewed
- entirely or partially: the creator of the playlist can decide when the video
- playback starts and/or ends (timecode system). This system is really useful
- to create all kinds of zappings or educational contents by selecting extracts
- from videos which interest you. In addition, a "Watch Later" playlist is
- created by default for each user. Thus, you can save videos in this playlist
- when you don''t have time to watch them immediately.'
+ p3: "The most important of these new features is the playlist system.\
+ \ This feature allows any user to create a playlist in which it's possible\
+ \ to add videos and reorder them. Videos added to a playlist can be viewed\
+ \ entirely or partially: the creator of the playlist can decide when the\
+ \ video playback starts and/or ends (timecode system). This system is really\
+ \ useful to create all kinds of zappings or educational contents by selecting\
+ \ extracts from videos which interest you. In addition, a \"Watch Later\"\
+ \ playlist is created by default for each user. Thus, you can save videos\
+ \ in this playlist when you don't have time to watch them immediately."
p4: 'Another feature of this 1.3 version has been entirely developed by an
external contributor: Josh Morel
who add a quarantine system for videos on PeerTube. If
@@ -527,9 +527,9 @@ news:
tools requested by instance administrators.
We also took the opportunity
to add a watched videos history feature and the automatic resuming of video
- p4: 'In January, we released version 1.2 that supports 3 new languages: Russian,
- Polish and Italian. Thanks to PeerTube''s community of translators, PeerTube
- is now translated into 16 different languages!'
+ p4: "In January, we released version 1.2 that supports 3 new languages: Russian,\
+ \ Polish and Italian. Thanks to PeerTube's community of translators, PeerTube\
+ \ is now translated into 16 different languages!"
p5: This version also includes a notification system that allows users to
be informed (on the web interface or through email) when their video is
commented, when someone mention them, when one of their subscriptions has
@@ -577,12 +577,12 @@ news:
subtitles Advanced
search Video
channel subscriptions '
- p5: 'This is the last newsletter regarding the PeerTube crowdfunding. We would
- like to thank you one more time, for allowing us to greatly improve PeerTube,
- and therefore to promote a more decentralized web. But the journey does
- not end here: we will continue to work on the software, and there is still
- a lot to do to fully free up video streaming. But before anything, we''ll
- take a few days off ;)'
+ p5: "This is the last newsletter regarding the PeerTube crowdfunding. We would\
+ \ like to thank you one more time, for allowing us to greatly improve PeerTube,\
+ \ and therefore to promote a more decentralized web. But the journey does\
+ \ not end here: we will continue to work on the software, and there is still\
+ \ a lot to do to fully free up video streaming. But before anything, we'll\
+ \ take a few days off ;)"
p6: We remind you that you can ask questions on the
PeerTube forum. You can also contact us directly on
@@ -607,12 +607,13 @@ news:
to show the diversity of the videos uploaded on PeerTube. You can see a demonstration here.
p5: You can read the complete beta 12 changelog here.
- p6: 'Regarding the crowdfunding, most of the rewards are ready: the
- PeerTube README and the
- JoinPeerTube Hall of Fame show off the names of the persons who have
- chosen the corresponding rewards. We will soon be able to send the personalized
- thank-you digital arts to people that gave 80€ (~93 USD) and more (and it''s
- so beautiful that we are looking forward to it!)'
+ p6: "Regarding the crowdfunding, most of the rewards are ready: the PeerTube README and the JoinPeerTube Hall\
+ \ of Fame show off the names of the persons who have chosen the corresponding\
+ \ rewards. We will soon be able to send the personalized thank-you digital\
+ \ arts to people that gave 80€ (~93 USD) and more (and it's so beautiful\
+ \ that we are looking forward to it!)"
p7: The last feature we have to implement is the videos redundancy between
instances, which will further increase resilience on instance overload.
If all goes well, we should finish it in about two weeks (end of september).
@@ -658,14 +659,14 @@ news:
p1: Hello everyone!
p2: First of all, thank you again for contributing to PeerTube! ❤️
- p3: 'During the crowdfunding campaign, we continued to work on the localization
- system. And we are happy to announce it''s finally completed: it will be
- available in the next beta (beta 10) of PeerTube. As of this writing,
- the web interface is already available in english, french, basque, catalan,
- czech and esperanto (huge thank you to
- all of the translators). If you too want to help translating PeerTube,
- do not hesitate to check out the
- documentation!'
+ p3: "During the crowdfunding campaign, we continued to work on the localization\
+ \ system. And we are happy to announce it's finally completed: it will be\
+ \ available in the next beta (beta 10) of PeerTube. As of this\
+ \ writing, the web interface is already available in english, french, basque,\
+ \ catalan, czech and esperanto (huge thank you to all of the translators). If you too want to help translating PeerTube,\
+ \ do not hesitate to check out the documentation!"
p4: Regarding the RSS feeds feature, it was already implemented by Rigelk
and you can already use it in the beta 9. You can, for example,
diff --git a/app/locales/es.yml b/app/locales/es.yml
index 0b496f9..79d7f5c 100644
--- a/app/locales/es.yml
+++ b/app/locales/es.yml
@@ -364,20 +364,20 @@ faq:
and indexing ~16000 videos, only ~200 videos are tagged as NSFW (i. e. the
content is sensitive, which could be something else than pornography). Therefore,
they represent only ~1% of all the videos.
- - 'Moreover, each administrator decides with which instances he wants to federate:
- he has the full control of the content he wants to display on his instance.
- It''s up to him to choose the policy regarding this kind of videos. He can
- decide to: - Display them
- Blur the title and thumbnail
- Hide
- them
+ - "Moreover, each administrator decides with which instances he wants to federate:\
+ \ he has the full control of the content he wants to display on his instance.\
+ \ It's up to him to choose the policy regarding this kind of videos. He can\
+ \ decide to: - Display them
- Blur the title and thumbnail
- Hide\
+ \ them
- By default, this configuration is set to "Hide them". If some administrators
decide to display them with a blur filter for example, it's their
- Finally, any user can override this configuration, and decides if he want
to display, blur or hide these videos for himself.
- - 'PeerTube is just a software: it''s not Framasoft (non-profit that develops
- PeerTube) that''s responsible for the content published on some instances.'
- - 'It''s up to everyone to be responsible: parents, visitors, uploaders, PeerTube
- administrators to respect the law and avoid any problematic situations.'
+ - "PeerTube is just a software: it's not Framasoft (non-profit that develops\
+ \ PeerTube) that's responsible for the content published on some instances."
+ - "It's up to everyone to be responsible: parents, visitors, uploaders, PeerTube\
+ \ administrators to respect the law and avoid any problematic situations."
forum: Debate en nuestro foro
@@ -494,15 +494,15 @@ news:
p1: Hello!
p2: We've just released PeerTube 1.3 and it brings a lot of new features.
- p3: 'The most important of these new features is the playlist system. This
- feature allows any user to create a playlist in which it''s possible to
- add videos and reorder them. Videos added to a playlist can be viewed entirely
- or partially: the creator of the playlist can decide when the video playback
- starts and/or ends (timecode system). This system is really useful to create
- all kinds of zappings or educational contents by selecting extracts from
- videos which interest you. In addition, a "Watch Later" playlist is created
- by default for each user. Thus, you can save videos in this playlist when
- you don''t have time to watch them immediately.'
+ p3: "The most important of these new features is the playlist system. This\
+ \ feature allows any user to create a playlist in which it's possible to\
+ \ add videos and reorder them. Videos added to a playlist can be viewed\
+ \ entirely or partially: the creator of the playlist can decide when the\
+ \ video playback starts and/or ends (timecode system). This system is really\
+ \ useful to create all kinds of zappings or educational contents by selecting\
+ \ extracts from videos which interest you. In addition, a \"Watch Later\"\
+ \ playlist is created by default for each user. Thus, you can save videos\
+ \ in this playlist when you don't have time to watch them immediately."
p4: 'Another feature of this 1.3 version has been entirely developed by an
external contributor: Josh Morel
who add a quarantine system for videos on PeerTube. If the administrator
@@ -552,9 +552,9 @@ news:
tools requested by instance administrators.
We also took the opportunity
to add a watched videos history feature and the automatic resuming of video
- p5: 'In January, we released version 1.2 that supports 3 new languages: Russian,
- Polish and Italian. Thanks to PeerTube''s community of translators, PeerTube
- is now translated into 16 different languages!'
+ p5: "In January, we released version 1.2 that supports 3 new languages: Russian,\
+ \ Polish and Italian. Thanks to PeerTube's community of translators, PeerTube\
+ \ is now translated into 16 different languages!"
p6: This version also includes a notification system that allows users to
be informed (on the web interface or through email) when their video is
commented, when someone mention them, when one of their subscriptions has
@@ -601,12 +601,12 @@ news:
subtitles Advanced
search Video
channel subscriptions '
- p5: 'This is the last newsletter regarding the PeerTube crowdfunding. We would
- like to thank you one more time, for allowing us to greatly improve PeerTube,
- and therefore to promote a more decentralized web. But the journey does
- not end here: we will continue to work on the software, and there is still
- a lot to do to fully free up video streaming. But before anything, we''ll
- take a few days off ;)'
+ p5: "This is the last newsletter regarding the PeerTube crowdfunding. We would\
+ \ like to thank you one more time, for allowing us to greatly improve PeerTube,\
+ \ and therefore to promote a more decentralized web. But the journey does\
+ \ not end here: we will continue to work on the software, and there is still\
+ \ a lot to do to fully free up video streaming. But before anything, we'll\
+ \ take a few days off ;)"
p6: We remind you that you can ask questions on the
PeerTube forum. You can also contact us directly on
@@ -631,12 +631,13 @@ news:
to show the diversity of the videos uploaded on PeerTube. You can see a demonstration here.
p5: You can read the complete beta 12 changelog here.
- p6: 'Regarding the crowdfunding, most of the rewards are ready: the
- PeerTube README and the
- JoinPeerTube Hall of Fame show off the names of the persons who have
- chosen the corresponding rewards. We will soon be able to send the personalized
- thank-you digital arts to people that gave 80€ (~93 USD) and more (and it''s
- so beautiful that we are looking forward to it!)'
+ p6: "Regarding the crowdfunding, most of the rewards are ready: the PeerTube README and the JoinPeerTube Hall\
+ \ of Fame show off the names of the persons who have chosen the corresponding\
+ \ rewards. We will soon be able to send the personalized thank-you digital\
+ \ arts to people that gave 80€ (~93 USD) and more (and it's so beautiful\
+ \ that we are looking forward to it!)"
p7: The last feature we have to implement is the videos redundancy between
instances, which will further increase resilience on instance overload.
If all goes well, we should finish it in about two weeks (end of september).
@@ -682,14 +683,14 @@ news:
p1: Hello everyone!
p2: First of all, thank you again for contributing to PeerTube! ❤️
- p3: 'During the crowdfunding campaign, we continued to work on the localization
- system. And we are happy to announce it''s finally completed: it will be
- available in the next beta (beta 10) of PeerTube. As of this writing,
- the web interface is already available in english, french, basque, catalan,
- czech and esperanto (huge thank you to
- all of the translators). If you too want to help translating PeerTube,
- do not hesitate to check out the
- documentation!'
+ p3: "During the crowdfunding campaign, we continued to work on the localization\
+ \ system. And we are happy to announce it's finally completed: it will be\
+ \ available in the next beta (beta 10) of PeerTube. As of this\
+ \ writing, the web interface is already available in english, french, basque,\
+ \ catalan, czech and esperanto (huge thank you to all of the translators). If you too want to help translating PeerTube,\
+ \ do not hesitate to check out the documentation!"
p4: Regarding the RSS feeds feature, it was already implemented by Rigelk
and you can already use it in the beta 9. You can, for example,
diff --git a/app/locales/fr.yml b/app/locales/fr.yml
index bb56034..e538737 100644
--- a/app/locales/fr.yml
+++ b/app/locales/fr.yml
@@ -373,11 +373,11 @@ faq:
NSFW (c'est à dire dont le contenu est sensible, pouvant d'ailleurs être autre
chose que de la pornographie). Elles représentent donc seulement 1% à 2% de
l'ensemble des vidéos.
- - 'Ensuite, chaque administrateur décide avec quelles instances fédérer. Il
- a donc le contrôle total du contenu qu''il affiche sur son instance. De plus,
- c’est lui qui choisit la politique à appliquer concernant ce genre de vidéo.
- Il peut décider de : - Les afficher
- Les flouter
- Les
- cacher
+ - "Ensuite, chaque administrateur décide avec quelles instances fédérer. Il\
+ \ a donc le contrôle total du contenu qu'il affiche sur son instance. De plus,\
+ \ c’est lui qui choisit la politique à appliquer concernant ce genre de vidéo.\
+ \ Il peut décider de : - Les afficher
- Les flouter
- Les\
+ \ cacher
- Par défaut, cette configuration est "Les cacher". Si certains administrateurs
décident de les afficher avec flou par exemple, c'est leur
@@ -506,36 +506,37 @@ news:
p1: Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
p2: Nous venons tout juste de sortir la version 1.3 de PeerTube qui apporte
tout un tas de nouveautés.
- p3: 'La plus importante de ces nouveautés est le système de listes
- de lecture (ou playlists). Cette fonctionnalité permet à n’importe
- quel⋅le utilisateur⋅ice de créer une liste de lecture, puis d’y ajouter des
- vidéos et de les ordonner. Les vidéos ajoutées au sein d''une liste de lecture
- peuvent être visionnées dans leur intégralité ou en partie : le créateur
- de la liste de lecture peut décider à quel moment de la vidéo le visionnage
- commence et/ou se termine. Ce système est vraiment pratique pour créer des
- sortes de zappings ou du contenu pédagogique en sélectionnant les extraits
- des vidéos qui vous intéressent. De plus, une liste de lecture "À regarder
- plus tard" est créée par défaut pour chaque utilisateur⋅ice leur permettant
- d''enregistrer dans cette liste de lecture les vidéos qu''ielles n''ont
- pas le temps de regarder immédiatement.'
- p4: 'Une autre des fonctionnalités de cette version 1.3 a été entièrement
- développée par un contributeur externe : Josh
- Morel. Cela permet d''ajouter à PeerTube un système de quarantaine
- pour les vidéos. Si l’administrateur de l''instance active cette
- fonctionnalité, toute nouvelle vidéo téléversée sur son instance sera automatiquement
- rendue non-visible en attendant qu’un modérateur l''approuve ou non.'
+ p3: "La plus importante de ces nouveautés est le système de listes\
+ \ de lecture (ou playlists). Cette fonctionnalité permet à n’importe\
+ \ quel⋅le utilisateur⋅ice de créer une liste de lecture, puis d’y ajouter\
+ \ des vidéos et de les ordonner. Les vidéos ajoutées au sein d'une liste\
+ \ de lecture peuvent être visionnées dans leur intégralité ou en partie\
+ \ : le créateur de la liste de lecture peut décider à quel moment de la\
+ \ vidéo le visionnage commence et/ou se termine. Ce système est vraiment\
+ \ pratique pour créer des sortes de zappings ou du contenu pédagogique en\
+ \ sélectionnant les extraits des vidéos qui vous intéressent. De plus, une\
+ \ liste de lecture \"À regarder plus tard\" est créée par défaut pour chaque\
+ \ utilisateur⋅ice leur permettant d'enregistrer dans cette liste de lecture\
+ \ les vidéos qu'ielles n'ont pas le temps de regarder immédiatement."
+ p4: "Une autre des fonctionnalités de cette version 1.3 a été entièrement\
+ \ développée par un contributeur externe : Josh Morel. Cela permet d'ajouter à PeerTube un système de\
+ \ quarantaine pour les vidéos. Si l’administrateur de l'instance\
+ \ active cette fonctionnalité, toute nouvelle vidéo téléversée sur son instance\
+ \ sera automatiquement rendue non-visible en attendant qu’un modérateur\
+ \ l'approuve ou non."
p5: 'Les traducteurs de PeerTube ont aussi fait un énorme travail car 3
nouvelles langues sont désormais disponibles : le japonais, le
néerlandais et le portugais européen (l’interface supportait déjà le portugais
brésilien). A ce jour, PeerTube est donc disponible en 19 langues !'
- p6: 'Les administrateurs peuvent maintenant gérer plus finement les
- autres instances s’abonnant à leur instance : un administrateur
- peut décider d''approuver ou non l''abonnement d''une autre instance à la
- sienne. Il est aussi possible d''activer le refus automatique tout nouvel
- abonnement à son instance. Enfin, une notification est créée dès que son
- instance reçoit un nouvel abonnement. Ces fonctionnalités permettent à chaque
- administrateur de maîtriser plus facilement la diffusion des contenus mis
- en ligne sur leur instance.'
+ p6: "Les administrateurs peuvent maintenant gérer plus finement les\
+ \ autres instances s’abonnant à leur instance : un administrateur\
+ \ peut décider d'approuver ou non l'abonnement d'une autre instance à la\
+ \ sienne. Il est aussi possible d'activer le refus automatique tout nouvel\
+ \ abonnement à son instance. Enfin, une notification est créée dès que son\
+ \ instance reçoit un nouvel abonnement. Ces fonctionnalités permettent à\
+ \ chaque administrateur de maîtriser plus facilement la diffusion des contenus\
+ \ mis en ligne sur leur instance."
p7: Nous sommes aussi en train de retravailler le lecteur vidéo de
PeerTube afin que la lecture des vidéos soit plus rapide et comporte
moins de bugs. Ce nouveau lecteur vidéo permet aussi de rendre plus lisses
@@ -555,8 +556,8 @@ news:
p10: Merci à tous les contributeurs de PeerTube !
p11: Framasoft
- title: 'PeerTube : rétrospective et nouvelles fonctionnalités : l''actu de février
- 2019'
+ title: "PeerTube : rétrospective et nouvelles fonctionnalités : l'actu de février\
+ \ 2019"
text: 26 Février 2019
data: '2019-02-26'
@@ -572,27 +573,28 @@ news:
outils de modération demandés par les administrateurs d'instances.
en avons aussi profité pour ajouter une fonctionnalité d'historique de visionnage
et de reprise automatique de la lecture des vidéos.
- p4: 'En janvier, nous avons sorti la version 1.2 permettant, grâce à la communauté
- de traducteurs et traductrices de PeerTube, de proposer 3 nouvelles langues
- : le russe, le polonais et l''italien. PeerTube est donc désormais traduit
- en 16 langues différentes !'
+ p4: "En janvier, nous avons sorti la version 1.2 permettant, grâce à la communauté\
+ \ de traducteurs et traductrices de PeerTube, de proposer 3 nouvelles langues\
+ \ : le russe, le polonais et l'italien. PeerTube est donc désormais traduit\
+ \ en 16 langues différentes !"
p5: Cette version comprend aussi un système de notifications permettant aux
utilisatrices et utilisateurs de savoir (via l'interface web ou par email)
lorsque leur vidéo est commentée, lorsque quelqu'un les mentionne, lorsqu'un
de leur abonnement a publié une nouvelle vidéo, etc.
- p6: 'Par ailleurs, la fédération PeerTube s''est développée : aujourd''hui,
- c''est plus de 300 instances qui diffusent plus de 70 000 vidéos, avec près
- de 2 millions de vues cumulées. Nous vous rappelons au passage que le seul
- site officiel que nous maintenons autour de PeerTube est https://joinpeertube.org
- et que nous n''avons aucune responsabilité autour de tout autre site qui
- pourrait voir le jour.'
+ p6: "Par ailleurs, la fédération PeerTube s'est développée : aujourd'hui,\
+ \ c'est plus de 300 instances qui diffusent plus de 70 000 vidéos, avec\
+ \ près de 2 millions de vues cumulées. Nous vous rappelons au passage que\
+ \ le seul site officiel que nous maintenons autour de PeerTube est https://joinpeertube.org et que nous n'avons\
+ \ aucune responsabilité autour de tout autre site qui pourrait voir le jour."
p7: Comme vous pouvez le constater, nous sommes allés bien au delà de ce que
le crowdfunding avait financé. Et nous allons continuer !
Car il est
prévu pour l'année 2019 d'ajouter un système de plugins et de thèmes (peu
évolué dans un premier temps), une gestion des playlists, la prise en charge
de fichiers audio à l'upload et bien d'autres fonctionnalités.
- p8: 'Si vous aussi vous voulez contribuer au développement de PeerTube, n''hésitez
- pas à participer à son financement : https://soutenir.framasoft.org'
+ p8: "Si vous aussi vous voulez contribuer au développement de PeerTube, n'hésitez\
+ \ pas à participer à son financement : https://soutenir.framasoft.org"
p9: 'Si vous avez la moindre question, vous pouvez utiliser le forum : https://framacolibri.org/c/peertube'
p10: Merci et bon début d'année,
@@ -606,38 +608,38 @@ news:
p1: Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
p2: Nous voici mi-octobre ! Et comme promis, nous venons de sortir la première
version stable de PeerTube.
- p3: 'Elle contient tous les buts que nous avions fixé dans notre crowdfunding:
- - Le support de l''internationalisation (à l''heure où nous écrivons
- ces lignes, PeerTube est déjà disponible en plus de 13 langues !)
- Le
- support des sous-titres
- La possibilité d''importer des vidéos via
- une URL (YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo et bien d''autres !)
- La possibilité
- d''importer une vidéo via un fichier torrent ou un lien Magnet
- La
- mise à disposition de flux RSS, vous permettant de suivre les nouvelles
- vidéos mises en ligne sur l''ensemble des instances PeerTube, sur une instance
- en particulière ou par une chaîne que appréciez. Vous pouvez aussi vous
- abonner au flux des commentaires d''une vidéo spécifique
- La recherche,
- beaucoup plus pertinente qu''avant et acceptant de nombreux filtres avancés
- (durée, catégorie, tags...)
- Les abonnements à travers la fédération,
- vous laissant la possibilité de suivre vos chaînes vidéos préférées afin
- de retrouver l''ensemble de leurs vidéos dans un onglet dédié
- La
- redondance entre instances PeerTube, où des instances peuvent aider à partager
- certaines vidéos d''autres instances
- p4: 'Nous savons que les descriptions de fonctionnalités ne sont pas toujours
- très fun, et c''est pour ça que nous vous avons préparé de courtes vidéos
- de démonstration: '
- p5: 'Il s''agit donc de la dernière newsletter concernant le crowdfunding
- de PeerTube. Nous aimerions donc vous remercier une dernière fois, pour
- nous avoir permis de grandement améliorer PeerTube afin de promouvoir un
- web plus décentralisé.
Mais l''aventure n''est pas terminée: nous continuerons
- à améliorer le logiciel, et il reste encore beaucoup à faire pour pleinement
- libérer le streaming vidéo. Mais avant, nous allons prendre quelques jours
- de congé ;)'
+ p3: "Elle contient tous les buts que nous avions fixé dans notre crowdfunding:\
+ \ - Le support de l'internationalisation (à l'heure où nous écrivons\
+ \ ces lignes, PeerTube est déjà disponible en plus de 13 langues !)
+ \ - Le support des sous-titres
- La possibilité d'importer des\
+ \ vidéos via une URL (YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo et bien d'autres !)
+ \ - La possibilité d'importer une vidéo via un fichier torrent ou un lien\
+ \ Magnet
- La mise à disposition de flux RSS, vous permettant de\
+ \ suivre les nouvelles vidéos mises en ligne sur l'ensemble des instances\
+ \ PeerTube, sur une instance en particulière ou par une chaîne que appréciez.\
+ \ Vous pouvez aussi vous abonner au flux des commentaires d'une vidéo spécifique
+ \ - La recherche, beaucoup plus pertinente qu'avant et acceptant de nombreux\
+ \ filtres avancés (durée, catégorie, tags...)
- Les abonnements à\
+ \ travers la fédération, vous laissant la possibilité de suivre vos chaînes\
+ \ vidéos préférées afin de retrouver l'ensemble de leurs vidéos dans un\
+ \ onglet dédié
- La redondance entre instances PeerTube, où des instances\
+ \ peuvent aider à partager certaines vidéos d'autres instances
+ p4: "Nous savons que les descriptions de fonctionnalités ne sont pas toujours\
+ \ très fun, et c'est pour ça que nous vous avons préparé de courtes vidéos\
+ \ de démonstration: "
+ p5: "Il s'agit donc de la dernière newsletter concernant le crowdfunding de\
+ \ PeerTube. Nous aimerions donc vous remercier une dernière fois, pour nous\
+ \ avoir permis de grandement améliorer PeerTube afin de promouvoir un web\
+ \ plus décentralisé.
Mais l'aventure n'est pas terminée: nous continuerons\
+ \ à améliorer le logiciel, et il reste encore beaucoup à faire pour pleinement\
+ \ libérer le streaming vidéo. Mais avant, nous allons prendre quelques jours\
+ \ de congé ;)"
p6: N'oubliez pas que si vous avez des questions le
forum Framacolibri est à votre disposition. Vous pouvez également nous
contacter directement sur https://contact.framasoft.org.
@@ -665,13 +667,14 @@ news:
démonstration de cette fonctionnalité.
p5: Vous pouvez lire le changelog complet de la beta 12 (en anglais)
- p6: 'Concernant le crowdfunding, la plupart des récompenses sont prêtes :
- le fichier README de PeerTube
- et le Hall of Fame du
- site JoinPeertube affichent fièrement les noms des personnes ayant choisi
- les récompenses correspondantes. Nous allons bientôt pouvoir envoyer les
- illustrations numériques personnalisées à celles et ceux qui ont donné 80
- € et plus (et c''est tellement beau qu''il nous tarde !).'
+ p6: "Concernant le crowdfunding, la plupart des récompenses sont prêtes :\
+ \ le fichier README de\
+ \ PeerTube et le Hall of Fame du site JoinPeertube affichent fièrement les noms des\
+ \ personnes ayant choisi les récompenses correspondantes. Nous allons bientôt\
+ \ pouvoir envoyer les illustrations numériques personnalisées à celles et\
+ \ ceux qui ont donné 80 € et plus (et c'est tellement beau qu'il nous tarde\
+ \ !)."
p7: La dernière fonctionnalité qu'il nous reste à implémenter concerne la
redondance des vidéos entre instances, qui permettra encore d'augmenter
la résilience en cas de surcharge d'une instance. Si tout se passe bien,
@@ -725,15 +728,15 @@ news:
p1: Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
p2: Tout d'abord, un grand merci pour avoir contribué à notre campagne. ❤️
- p3: 'Pendant le crowdfunding, nous avons continué d''avancer sur le système
- d''internationalisation. Et nous avons le plaisir d''annoncer qu''il est
- enfin terminé: il sera disponible lors de la prochaine version beta de PeerTube
- (beta 10).
À l''heure où nous écrivons ces lignes, l''interface
- est disponible en anglais, français, basque, catalan, tchèque et en esperanto
- (un énorme merci
- aux traducteurs). Si vous aussi vous voulez aider à la traduction de
- PeerTube, n''hésitez pas à jeter un
- coup d''oeil à la documentation !'
+ p3: "Pendant le crowdfunding, nous avons continué d'avancer sur le système\
+ \ d'internationalisation. Et nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer qu'il est\
+ \ enfin terminé: il sera disponible lors de la prochaine version beta de\
+ \ PeerTube (beta 10).
À l'heure où nous écrivons ces lignes,\
+ \ l'interface est disponible en anglais, français, basque, catalan, tchèque\
+ \ et en esperanto (un énorme merci aux traducteurs). Si vous aussi vous voulez aider à la traduction\
+ \ de PeerTube, n'hésitez pas à jeter un coup d'oeil à la documentation !"
p4: En ce qui concerne les flux RSS, ils ont été implémentés par Rigelk
et sont d'ores et déjà utilisables avec la beta 9. Vous pouvez,
par exemple, avoir
diff --git a/app/locales/it.yml b/app/locales/it.yml
index 025d6be..290d490 100644
--- a/app/locales/it.yml
+++ b/app/locales/it.yml
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ home:
title: Riprendi il potere... e le responsabilità!
- desc: 'Peertube non è un''unica piattaforma di condivisione di video con lo
- stesso tipo di regole: si tratta di una rete di dozzine di piattaforme interconnesse
- tra loro, e ogni piattaforma è composta da utenti e amministratori diversi.
- Non ti piacciono alcune regole? Sei libero di entrare nella piattaforma di
- tua scelta, o meglio, di iniziarne una tu con le tue regole!'
+ desc: "Peertube non è un'unica piattaforma di condivisione di video con lo stesso\
+ \ tipo di regole: si tratta di una rete di dozzine di piattaforme interconnesse\
+ \ tra loro, e ogni piattaforma è composta da utenti e amministratori diversi.\
+ \ Non ti piacciono alcune regole? Sei libero di entrare nella piattaforma\
+ \ di tua scelta, o meglio, di iniziarne una tu con le tue regole!"
title: Prendi il controllo dei tuoi contenuti
desc: PeerTube ti permette di condividere tutti i tuoi video. Essere in contatto
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ home:
di indicare al tuo pubblico come sostenere il tuo lavoro.
title: Prima l'utente
- desc: 'Tu sei una persona, non un prodotto. PeerTube è un software libero e
- gratuito finanziato da un''associazione francese non-profit: @:data.html.soft>.
- Tutte le istanze sono create, animate e gestite in modo indipendente. PeerTube
- non è sottoposta al controllo di nessuna impresa, non dipende dalla pubblicità
- e non ti traccia. Con PeerTube non sei un prodotto: PeerTube è al tuo servizio
- e non il contrario.'
+ desc: "Tu sei una persona, non un prodotto. PeerTube è un software libero e\
+ \ gratuito finanziato da un'associazione francese non-profit: @:data.html.soft>.\
+ \ Tutte le istanze sono create, animate e gestite in modo indipendente. PeerTube\
+ \ non è sottoposta al controllo di nessuna impresa, non dipende dalla pubblicità\
+ \ e non ti traccia. Con PeerTube non sei un prodotto: PeerTube è al tuo servizio\
+ \ e non il contrario."
title: Diventa protagonista della diffusione dei tuoi video
desc: Quando guardi un video con PeerTube, la tecnologia Web Torrent ti permette
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ faq:
title: I tre principali vantaggi di PeerTube.
- - 'PeerTube è unico perchè (per quanto sappiamo) è l''unica piattaforma di video
- sharing che abbia tre vantaggi:'
+ - "PeerTube è unico perchè (per quanto sappiamo) è l'unica piattaforma di video\
+ \ sharing che abbia tre vantaggi:"
- Queste tre caratteristiche messe insieme permettono di rendere facile la creazione
di una piattaforma di video sharing che sia pratica, etica e divertente per
gli utilizzatori.
@@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ faq:
- PeerTube è fornito gratuitamente , non c'è bisogno di pagare per installarlo
sul tuo server;
- - 'Possiamo vedere cosa c''è sotto a PeerTube (il suo codice sorgente): è verificabile,
- trasparente;'
+ - "Possiamo vedere cosa c'è sotto a PeerTube (il suo codice sorgente): è verificabile,\
+ \ trasparente;"
- Il suo sviluppo è basato su una comunità, può essere migliorato con il contributo
di tutti.
@@ -285,10 +285,10 @@ faq:
PeerTube: più il software verrà usato e sostenuto, maggiore sarà il numero
delle persone che lo userà e che darà il suo contributo e più velocemente
si trasformerà in una reale alternativa alle piattaforme come YouTube.'
- - 'Tuttavia, l''ambizione resta quella di essere un''alternativa libera
- e cecentrata: l''obiettivo di un''alternativa non è quello di sostituire,
- ma quello di proporre qualcosa d''altro, con valori differenti, parallelamente
- a quello che già esiste.'
+ - "Tuttavia, l'ambizione resta quella di essere un'alternativa libera\
+ \ e cecentrata: l'obiettivo di un'alternativa non è quello di sostituire,\
+ \ ma quello di proporre qualcosa d'altro, con valori differenti, parallelamente\
+ \ a quello che già esiste."
title: Se è libero, possiamo caricare materiale illegale?
@@ -327,14 +327,14 @@ faq:
- OrderedDict ([('Non esiste, non al momento', 'PeerTube è uno strumento che
volevamo neutro in termini di remunerazione.')])
- - 'Per ora, la soluzione proposta alle persone che caricano video consiste nell''utilizzare
- il pulsante "supporto" sotto il video. Questo pulsante mostra una cornice
- in cui le persone che caricano video possono visualizzare liberamente testo,
- immagini e collegamenti. Ad esempio, è possibile inserire un collegamento
- a Patreon, Tipeee, Paypal, Liberapay (o qualsiasi altra soluzione) lì. Altri
- esempi: inserisci un indirizzo postale se desideri ricevere biglietti di ringraziamento
- cartacei, concordare con uno sponsor l''inserimento del logo della sua azienda,
- un link per supportare un''organizzazione non-profit ...'
+ - "Per ora, la soluzione proposta alle persone che caricano video consiste nell'utilizzare\
+ \ il pulsante \"supporto\" sotto il video. Questo pulsante mostra una cornice\
+ \ in cui le persone che caricano video possono visualizzare liberamente testo,\
+ \ immagini e collegamenti. Ad esempio, è possibile inserire un collegamento\
+ \ a Patreon, Tipeee, Paypal, Liberapay (o qualsiasi altra soluzione) lì. Altri\
+ \ esempi: inserisci un indirizzo postale se desideri ricevere biglietti di\
+ \ ringraziamento cartacei, concordare con uno sponsor l'inserimento del logo\
+ \ della sua azienda, un link per supportare un'organizzazione non-profit ..."
- Non siamo andati oltre perché favorire una soluzione tecnica sarebbe imporre,
nel codice, una visione politica della condivisione culturale e del suo finanziamento.
Tutte le soluzioni finanziarie sono possibili e trattate allo stesso modo
@@ -366,20 +366,20 @@ faq:
and indexing ~16000 videos, only ~200 videos are tagged as NSFW (i. e. the
content is sensitive, which could be something else than pornography). Therefore,
they represent only ~1% of all the videos.
- - 'Moreover, each administrator decides with which instances he wants to federate:
- he has the full control of the content he wants to display on his instance.
- It''s up to him to choose the policy regarding this kind of videos. He can
- decide to: - Display them
- Blur the title and thumbnail
- Hide
- them
+ - "Moreover, each administrator decides with which instances he wants to federate:\
+ \ he has the full control of the content he wants to display on his instance.\
+ \ It's up to him to choose the policy regarding this kind of videos. He can\
+ \ decide to: - Display them
- Blur the title and thumbnail
- Hide\
+ \ them
- By default, this configuration is set to "Hide them". If some administrators
decide to display them with a blur filter for example, it's their
- Finally, any user can override this configuration, and decides if he want
to display, blur or hide these videos for himself.
- - 'PeerTube is just a software: it''s not Framasoft (non-profit that develops
- PeerTube) that''s responsible for the content published on some instances.'
- - 'It''s up to everyone to be responsible: parents, visitors, uploaders, PeerTube
- administrators to respect the law and avoid any problematic situations.'
+ - "PeerTube is just a software: it's not Framasoft (non-profit that develops\
+ \ PeerTube) that's responsible for the content published on some instances."
+ - "It's up to everyone to be responsible: parents, visitors, uploaders, PeerTube\
+ \ administrators to respect the law and avoid any problematic situations."
forum: Discutere sul nostro forum
@@ -416,24 +416,22 @@ faq:
ecc.) E un significativo supporto finanziario. È un software libero della
Comunità, il cui sviluppo continuerà nel corso dei mesi e, speriamo, negli
anni a venire.
- - 'Siamo ben consapevoli delle carenze di PeerTube 1.0, specialmente nell''area
- degli strumenti di moderazione (video, commenti, ecc.). E intendiamo lavorare
- su queste debolezze. '
- - 'Abbiamo scelto di farlo come segue: da un lato lavoreremo principalmente
- nei prossimi mesi per migliorare questi strumenti all''interno di PeerTube
- stesso (nel core del software). D''altra parte, focalizzeremo, parallelamente,
- gran parte degli sforzi di sviluppo di PeerTube nel 2019 sull''integrazione
- di un sistema di plugin, che può essere sviluppato dalle comunità.'
- - 'In effetti, non pretendiamo di avere la scienza alle spalle e di sapere come
- gestire al meglio ciascuno degli strumenti a seconda dei bisogni. Ad esempio:
- per quanto riguarda la questione delle richieste DMCA, i casi variano a seconda
- delle giurisdizioni geografiche (la legge europea è diversa dalla legge francese,
- a sua volta diversa dalla legge canadese, a sua volta diversa dalla legge
- americana, ecc.). Per quanto riguarda gli strumenti per moderare i commenti,
- anche in questo caso, non possiamo definirci noi stessi esperti dell''argomento,
- perché semplicemente non è così.
- '
+ - "Siamo ben consapevoli delle carenze di PeerTube 1.0, specialmente nell'area\
+ \ degli strumenti di moderazione (video, commenti, ecc.). E intendiamo lavorare\
+ \ su queste debolezze. "
+ - "Abbiamo scelto di farlo come segue: da un lato lavoreremo principalmente\
+ \ nei prossimi mesi per migliorare questi strumenti all'interno di PeerTube\
+ \ stesso (nel core del software). D'altra parte, focalizzeremo, parallelamente,\
+ \ gran parte degli sforzi di sviluppo di PeerTube nel 2019 sull'integrazione\
+ \ di un sistema di plugin, che può essere sviluppato dalle comunità."
+ - "In effetti, non pretendiamo di avere la scienza alle spalle e di sapere come\
+ \ gestire al meglio ciascuno degli strumenti a seconda dei bisogni. Ad esempio:\
+ \ per quanto riguarda la questione delle richieste DMCA, i casi variano a\
+ \ seconda delle giurisdizioni geografiche (la legge europea è diversa dalla\
+ \ legge francese, a sua volta diversa dalla legge canadese, a sua volta diversa\
+ \ dalla legge americana, ecc.). Per quanto riguarda gli strumenti per moderare\
+ \ i commenti, anche in questo caso, non possiamo definirci noi stessi esperti\
+ \ dell'argomento, perché semplicemente non è così.\n "
- Agendo sia sul core, ma anche consentendo lo sviluppo di plugin, riteniamo
che PeerTube, a lungo termine, sarà in grado di rispondere molto meglio a
questi problemi e permetterà a diverse comunità di adattare PeerTube ai propri
@@ -498,15 +496,15 @@ news:
p1: Hello!
p2: We've just released PeerTube 1.3 and it brings a lot of new features.
- p3: 'The most important of these new features is the playlist system. This
- feature allows any user to create a playlist in which it''s possible to
- add videos and reorder them. Videos added to a playlist can be viewed entirely
- or partially: the creator of the playlist can decide when the video playback
- starts and/or ends (timecode system). This system is really useful to create
- all kinds of zappings or educational contents by selecting extracts from
- videos which interest you. In addition, a "Watch Later" playlist is created
- by default for each user. Thus, you can save videos in this playlist when
- you don''t have time to watch them immediately.'
+ p3: "The most important of these new features is the playlist system. This\
+ \ feature allows any user to create a playlist in which it's possible to\
+ \ add videos and reorder them. Videos added to a playlist can be viewed\
+ \ entirely or partially: the creator of the playlist can decide when the\
+ \ video playback starts and/or ends (timecode system). This system is really\
+ \ useful to create all kinds of zappings or educational contents by selecting\
+ \ extracts from videos which interest you. In addition, a \"Watch Later\"\
+ \ playlist is created by default for each user. Thus, you can save videos\
+ \ in this playlist when you don't have time to watch them immediately."
p4: 'Another feature of this 1.3 version has been entirely developed by an
external contributor: Josh Morel
who add a quarantine system for videos on PeerTube. If the administrator
@@ -556,9 +554,9 @@ news:
tools requested by instance administrators.
We also took the opportunity
to add a watched videos history feature and the automatic resuming of video
- p5: 'In January, we released version 1.2 that supports 3 new languages: Russian,
- Polish and Italian. Thanks to PeerTube''s community of translators, PeerTube
- is now translated into 16 different languages!'
+ p5: "In January, we released version 1.2 that supports 3 new languages: Russian,\
+ \ Polish and Italian. Thanks to PeerTube's community of translators, PeerTube\
+ \ is now translated into 16 different languages!"
p6: This version also includes a notification system that allows users to
be informed (on the web interface or through email) when their video is
commented, when someone mention them, when one of their subscriptions has
@@ -605,12 +603,12 @@ news:
subtitles Advanced
search Video
channel subscriptions '
- p5: 'This is the last newsletter regarding the PeerTube crowdfunding. We would
- like to thank you one more time, for allowing us to greatly improve PeerTube,
- and therefore to promote a more decentralized web. But the journey does
- not end here: we will continue to work on the software, and there is still
- a lot to do to fully free up video streaming. But before anything, we''ll
- take a few days off ;)'
+ p5: "This is the last newsletter regarding the PeerTube crowdfunding. We would\
+ \ like to thank you one more time, for allowing us to greatly improve PeerTube,\
+ \ and therefore to promote a more decentralized web. But the journey does\
+ \ not end here: we will continue to work on the software, and there is still\
+ \ a lot to do to fully free up video streaming. But before anything, we'll\
+ \ take a few days off ;)"
p6: We remind you that you can ask questions on the
PeerTube forum. You can also contact us directly on
@@ -635,12 +633,13 @@ news:
to show the diversity of the videos uploaded on PeerTube. You can see a demonstration here.
p5: You can read the complete beta 12 changelog here.
- p6: 'Regarding the crowdfunding, most of the rewards are ready: the
- PeerTube README and the
- JoinPeerTube Hall of Fame show off the names of the persons who have
- chosen the corresponding rewards. We will soon be able to send the personalized
- thank-you digital arts to people that gave 80€ (~93 USD) and more (and it''s
- so beautiful that we are looking forward to it!)'
+ p6: "Regarding the crowdfunding, most of the rewards are ready: the PeerTube README and the JoinPeerTube Hall\
+ \ of Fame show off the names of the persons who have chosen the corresponding\
+ \ rewards. We will soon be able to send the personalized thank-you digital\
+ \ arts to people that gave 80€ (~93 USD) and more (and it's so beautiful\
+ \ that we are looking forward to it!)"
p7: The last feature we have to implement is the videos redundancy between
instances, which will further increase resilience on instance overload.
If all goes well, we should finish it in about two weeks (end of september).
@@ -686,14 +685,14 @@ news:
p1: Hello everyone!
p2: First of all, thank you again for contributing to PeerTube! ❤️
- p3: 'During the crowdfunding campaign, we continued to work on the localization
- system. And we are happy to announce it''s finally completed: it will be
- available in the next beta (beta 10) of PeerTube. As of this writing,
- the web interface is already available in english, french, basque, catalan,
- czech and esperanto (huge thank you to
- all of the translators). If you too want to help translating PeerTube,
- do not hesitate to check out the
- documentation!'
+ p3: "During the crowdfunding campaign, we continued to work on the localization\
+ \ system. And we are happy to announce it's finally completed: it will be\
+ \ available in the next beta (beta 10) of PeerTube. As of this\
+ \ writing, the web interface is already available in english, french, basque,\
+ \ catalan, czech and esperanto (huge thank you to all of the translators). If you too want to help translating PeerTube,\
+ \ do not hesitate to check out the documentation!"
p4: Regarding the RSS feeds feature, it was already implemented by Rigelk
and you can already use it in the beta 9. You can, for example,
diff --git a/app/locales/ja.yml b/app/locales/ja.yml
index 3e5fc5e..48592a5 100644
--- a/app/locales/ja.yml
+++ b/app/locales/ja.yml
@@ -302,15 +302,15 @@ news:
p1: Hello!
p2: We've just released PeerTube 1.3 and it brings a lot of new features.
- p3: 'The most important of these new features is the playlist system. This
- feature allows any user to create a playlist in which it''s possible to
- add videos and reorder them. Videos added to a playlist can be viewed entirely
- or partially: the creator of the playlist can decide when the video playback
- starts and/or ends (timecode system). This system is really useful to create
- all kinds of zappings or educational contents by selecting extracts from
- videos which interest you. In addition, a "Watch Later" playlist is created
- by default for each user. Thus, you can save videos in this playlist when
- you don''t have time to watch them immediately.'
+ p3: "The most important of these new features is the playlist system. This\
+ \ feature allows any user to create a playlist in which it's possible to\
+ \ add videos and reorder them. Videos added to a playlist can be viewed\
+ \ entirely or partially: the creator of the playlist can decide when the\
+ \ video playback starts and/or ends (timecode system). This system is really\
+ \ useful to create all kinds of zappings or educational contents by selecting\
+ \ extracts from videos which interest you. In addition, a \"Watch Later\"\
+ \ playlist is created by default for each user. Thus, you can save videos\
+ \ in this playlist when you don't have time to watch them immediately."
p4: 'Another feature of this 1.3 version has been entirely developed by an
external contributor: Josh Morel
who add a quarantine system for videos on PeerTube. If the administrator
@@ -395,12 +395,12 @@ news:
subtitles Advanced
search Video
channel subscriptions '
- p5: 'This is the last newsletter regarding the PeerTube crowdfunding. We would
- like to thank you one more time, for allowing us to greatly improve PeerTube,
- and therefore to promote a more decentralized web. But the journey does
- not end here: we will continue to work on the software, and there is still
- a lot to do to fully free up video streaming. But before anything, we''ll
- take a few days off ;)'
+ p5: "This is the last newsletter regarding the PeerTube crowdfunding. We would\
+ \ like to thank you one more time, for allowing us to greatly improve PeerTube,\
+ \ and therefore to promote a more decentralized web. But the journey does\
+ \ not end here: we will continue to work on the software, and there is still\
+ \ a lot to do to fully free up video streaming. But before anything, we'll\
+ \ take a few days off ;)"
p6: We remind you that you can ask questions on the
PeerTube forum. You can also contact us directly on
@@ -425,12 +425,13 @@ news:
to show the diversity of the videos uploaded on PeerTube. You can see a demonstration here.
p5: You can read the complete beta 12 changelog here.
- p6: 'Regarding the crowdfunding, most of the rewards are ready: the
- PeerTube README and the
- JoinPeerTube Hall of Fame show off the names of the persons who have
- chosen the corresponding rewards. We will soon be able to send the personalized
- thank-you digital arts to people that gave 80€ (~93 USD) and more (and it''s
- so beautiful that we are looking forward to it!)'
+ p6: "Regarding the crowdfunding, most of the rewards are ready: the PeerTube README and the JoinPeerTube Hall\
+ \ of Fame show off the names of the persons who have chosen the corresponding\
+ \ rewards. We will soon be able to send the personalized thank-you digital\
+ \ arts to people that gave 80€ (~93 USD) and more (and it's so beautiful\
+ \ that we are looking forward to it!)"
p7: The last feature we have to implement is the videos redundancy between
instances, which will further increase resilience on instance overload.
If all goes well, we should finish it in about two weeks (end of september).
@@ -476,14 +477,14 @@ news:
p1: Hello everyone!
p2: First of all, thank you again for contributing to PeerTube! ❤️
- p3: 'During the crowdfunding campaign, we continued to work on the localization
- system. And we are happy to announce it''s finally completed: it will be
- available in the next beta (beta 10) of PeerTube. As of this writing,
- the web interface is already available in english, french, basque, catalan,
- czech and esperanto (huge thank you to
- all of the translators). If you too want to help translating PeerTube,
- do not hesitate to check out the
- documentation!'
+ p3: "During the crowdfunding campaign, we continued to work on the localization\
+ \ system. And we are happy to announce it's finally completed: it will be\
+ \ available in the next beta (beta 10) of PeerTube. As of this\
+ \ writing, the web interface is already available in english, french, basque,\
+ \ catalan, czech and esperanto (huge thank you to all of the translators). If you too want to help translating PeerTube,\
+ \ do not hesitate to check out the documentation!"
p4: Regarding the RSS feeds feature, it was already implemented by Rigelk
and you can already use it in the beta 9. You can, for example,
diff --git a/app/locales/ru.yml b/app/locales/ru.yml
index f91c9da..3ed1fa6 100644
--- a/app/locales/ru.yml
+++ b/app/locales/ru.yml
@@ -356,20 +356,20 @@ faq:
and indexing ~16000 videos, only ~200 videos are tagged as NSFW (i. e. the
content is sensitive, which could be something else than pornography). Therefore,
they represent only ~1% of all the videos.
- - 'Moreover, each administrator decides with which instances he wants to federate:
- he has the full control of the content he wants to display on his instance.
- It''s up to him to choose the policy regarding this kind of videos. He can
- decide to: - Display them
- Blur the title and thumbnail
- Hide
- them
+ - "Moreover, each administrator decides with which instances he wants to federate:\
+ \ he has the full control of the content he wants to display on his instance.\
+ \ It's up to him to choose the policy regarding this kind of videos. He can\
+ \ decide to: - Display them
- Blur the title and thumbnail
- Hide\
+ \ them
- By default, this configuration is set to "Hide them". If some administrators
decide to display them with a blur filter for example, it's their
- Finally, any user can override this configuration, and decides if he want
to display, blur or hide these videos for himself.
- - 'PeerTube is just a software: it''s not Framasoft (non-profit that develops
- PeerTube) that''s responsible for the content published on some instances.'
- - 'It''s up to everyone to be responsible: parents, visitors, uploaders, PeerTube
- administrators to respect the law and avoid any problematic situations.'
+ - "PeerTube is just a software: it's not Framasoft (non-profit that develops\
+ \ PeerTube) that's responsible for the content published on some instances."
+ - "It's up to everyone to be responsible: parents, visitors, uploaders, PeerTube\
+ \ administrators to respect the law and avoid any problematic situations."
forum: Discuss on our forum
@@ -482,15 +482,15 @@ news:
p1: Hello!
p2: We've just released PeerTube 1.3 and it brings a lot of new features.
- p3: 'The most important of these new features is the playlist system. This
- feature allows any user to create a playlist in which it''s possible to
- add videos and reorder them. Videos added to a playlist can be viewed entirely
- or partially: the creator of the playlist can decide when the video playback
- starts and/or ends (timecode system). This system is really useful to create
- all kinds of zappings or educational contents by selecting extracts from
- videos which interest you. In addition, a "Watch Later" playlist is created
- by default for each user. Thus, you can save videos in this playlist when
- you don''t have time to watch them immediately.'
+ p3: "The most important of these new features is the playlist system. This\
+ \ feature allows any user to create a playlist in which it's possible to\
+ \ add videos and reorder them. Videos added to a playlist can be viewed\
+ \ entirely or partially: the creator of the playlist can decide when the\
+ \ video playback starts and/or ends (timecode system). This system is really\
+ \ useful to create all kinds of zappings or educational contents by selecting\
+ \ extracts from videos which interest you. In addition, a \"Watch Later\"\
+ \ playlist is created by default for each user. Thus, you can save videos\
+ \ in this playlist when you don't have time to watch them immediately."
p4: 'Another feature of this 1.3 version has been entirely developed by an
external contributor: Josh Morel
who add a quarantine system for videos on PeerTube. If the administrator
@@ -540,9 +540,9 @@ news:
tools requested by instance administrators.
We also took the opportunity
to add a watched videos history feature and the automatic resuming of video
- p5: 'In January, we released version 1.2 that supports 3 new languages: Russian,
- Polish and Italian. Thanks to PeerTube''s community of translators, PeerTube
- is now translated into 16 different languages!'
+ p5: "In January, we released version 1.2 that supports 3 new languages: Russian,\
+ \ Polish and Italian. Thanks to PeerTube's community of translators, PeerTube\
+ \ is now translated into 16 different languages!"
p6: This version also includes a notification system that allows users to
be informed (on the web interface or through email) when their video is
commented, when someone mention them, when one of their subscriptions has
@@ -589,12 +589,12 @@ news:
subtitles Advanced
search Video
channel subscriptions '
- p5: 'This is the last newsletter regarding the PeerTube crowdfunding. We would
- like to thank you one more time, for allowing us to greatly improve PeerTube,
- and therefore to promote a more decentralized web. But the journey does
- not end here: we will continue to work on the software, and there is still
- a lot to do to fully free up video streaming. But before anything, we''ll
- take a few days off ;)'
+ p5: "This is the last newsletter regarding the PeerTube crowdfunding. We would\
+ \ like to thank you one more time, for allowing us to greatly improve PeerTube,\
+ \ and therefore to promote a more decentralized web. But the journey does\
+ \ not end here: we will continue to work on the software, and there is still\
+ \ a lot to do to fully free up video streaming. But before anything, we'll\
+ \ take a few days off ;)"
p6: We remind you that you can ask questions on the
PeerTube forum. You can also contact us directly on
@@ -619,12 +619,13 @@ news:
to show the diversity of the videos uploaded on PeerTube. You can see a demonstration here.
p5: You can read the complete beta 12 changelog here.
- p6: 'Regarding the crowdfunding, most of the rewards are ready: the
- PeerTube README and the
- JoinPeerTube Hall of Fame show off the names of the persons who have
- chosen the corresponding rewards. We will soon be able to send the personalized
- thank-you digital arts to people that gave 80€ (~93 USD) and more (and it''s
- so beautiful that we are looking forward to it!)'
+ p6: "Regarding the crowdfunding, most of the rewards are ready: the PeerTube README and the JoinPeerTube Hall\
+ \ of Fame show off the names of the persons who have chosen the corresponding\
+ \ rewards. We will soon be able to send the personalized thank-you digital\
+ \ arts to people that gave 80€ (~93 USD) and more (and it's so beautiful\
+ \ that we are looking forward to it!)"
p7: The last feature we have to implement is the videos redundancy between
instances, which will further increase resilience on instance overload.
If all goes well, we should finish it in about two weeks (end of september).
@@ -670,14 +671,14 @@ news:
p1: Hello everyone!
p2: First of all, thank you again for contributing to PeerTube! ❤️
- p3: 'During the crowdfunding campaign, we continued to work on the localization
- system. And we are happy to announce it''s finally completed: it will be
- available in the next beta (beta 10) of PeerTube. As of this writing,
- the web interface is already available in english, french, basque, catalan,
- czech and esperanto (huge thank you to
- all of the translators). If you too want to help translating PeerTube,
- do not hesitate to check out the
- documentation!'
+ p3: "During the crowdfunding campaign, we continued to work on the localization\
+ \ system. And we are happy to announce it's finally completed: it will be\
+ \ available in the next beta (beta 10) of PeerTube. As of this\
+ \ writing, the web interface is already available in english, french, basque,\
+ \ catalan, czech and esperanto (huge thank you to all of the translators). If you too want to help translating PeerTube,\
+ \ do not hesitate to check out the documentation!"
p4: Regarding the RSS feeds feature, it was already implemented by Rigelk
and you can already use it in the beta 9. You can, for example,
diff --git a/app/locales/sq.yml b/app/locales/sq.yml
index a70873c..dd79459 100644
--- a/app/locales/sq.yml
+++ b/app/locales/sq.yml
@@ -494,15 +494,15 @@ news:
p1: Hello!
p2: We've just released PeerTube 1.3 and it brings a lot of new features.
- p3: 'The most important of these new features is the playlist system. This
- feature allows any user to create a playlist in which it''s possible to
- add videos and reorder them. Videos added to a playlist can be viewed entirely
- or partially: the creator of the playlist can decide when the video playback
- starts and/or ends (timecode system). This system is really useful to create
- all kinds of zappings or educational contents by selecting extracts from
- videos which interest you. In addition, a "Watch Later" playlist is created
- by default for each user. Thus, you can save videos in this playlist when
- you don''t have time to watch them immediately.'
+ p3: "The most important of these new features is the playlist system. This\
+ \ feature allows any user to create a playlist in which it's possible to\
+ \ add videos and reorder them. Videos added to a playlist can be viewed\
+ \ entirely or partially: the creator of the playlist can decide when the\
+ \ video playback starts and/or ends (timecode system). This system is really\
+ \ useful to create all kinds of zappings or educational contents by selecting\
+ \ extracts from videos which interest you. In addition, a \"Watch Later\"\
+ \ playlist is created by default for each user. Thus, you can save videos\
+ \ in this playlist when you don't have time to watch them immediately."
p4: 'Another feature of this 1.3 version has been entirely developed by an
external contributor: Josh Morel
who add a quarantine system for videos on PeerTube. If the administrator
@@ -552,9 +552,9 @@ news:
tools requested by instance administrators.
We also took the opportunity
to add a watched videos history feature and the automatic resuming of video
- p5: 'In January, we released version 1.2 that supports 3 new languages: Russian,
- Polish and Italian. Thanks to PeerTube''s community of translators, PeerTube
- is now translated into 16 different languages!'
+ p5: "In January, we released version 1.2 that supports 3 new languages: Russian,\
+ \ Polish and Italian. Thanks to PeerTube's community of translators, PeerTube\
+ \ is now translated into 16 different languages!"
p6: This version also includes a notification system that allows users to
be informed (on the web interface or through email) when their video is
commented, when someone mention them, when one of their subscriptions has
@@ -601,12 +601,12 @@ news:
subtitles Advanced
search Video
channel subscriptions '
- p5: 'This is the last newsletter regarding the PeerTube crowdfunding. We would
- like to thank you one more time, for allowing us to greatly improve PeerTube,
- and therefore to promote a more decentralized web. But the journey does
- not end here: we will continue to work on the software, and there is still
- a lot to do to fully free up video streaming. But before anything, we''ll
- take a few days off ;)'
+ p5: "This is the last newsletter regarding the PeerTube crowdfunding. We would\
+ \ like to thank you one more time, for allowing us to greatly improve PeerTube,\
+ \ and therefore to promote a more decentralized web. But the journey does\
+ \ not end here: we will continue to work on the software, and there is still\
+ \ a lot to do to fully free up video streaming. But before anything, we'll\
+ \ take a few days off ;)"
p6: We remind you that you can ask questions on the
PeerTube forum. You can also contact us directly on
@@ -631,12 +631,13 @@ news:
to show the diversity of the videos uploaded on PeerTube. You can see a demonstration here.
p5: You can read the complete beta 12 changelog here.
- p6: 'Regarding the crowdfunding, most of the rewards are ready: the
- PeerTube README and the
- JoinPeerTube Hall of Fame show off the names of the persons who have
- chosen the corresponding rewards. We will soon be able to send the personalized
- thank-you digital arts to people that gave 80€ (~93 USD) and more (and it''s
- so beautiful that we are looking forward to it!)'
+ p6: "Regarding the crowdfunding, most of the rewards are ready: the PeerTube README and the JoinPeerTube Hall\
+ \ of Fame show off the names of the persons who have chosen the corresponding\
+ \ rewards. We will soon be able to send the personalized thank-you digital\
+ \ arts to people that gave 80€ (~93 USD) and more (and it's so beautiful\
+ \ that we are looking forward to it!)"
p7: The last feature we have to implement is the videos redundancy between
instances, which will further increase resilience on instance overload.
If all goes well, we should finish it in about two weeks (end of september).
@@ -682,14 +683,14 @@ news:
p1: Hello everyone!
p2: First of all, thank you again for contributing to PeerTube! ❤️
- p3: 'During the crowdfunding campaign, we continued to work on the localization
- system. And we are happy to announce it''s finally completed: it will be
- available in the next beta (beta 10) of PeerTube. As of this writing,
- the web interface is already available in english, french, basque, catalan,
- czech and esperanto (huge thank you to
- all of the translators). If you too want to help translating PeerTube,
- do not hesitate to check out the
- documentation!'
+ p3: "During the crowdfunding campaign, we continued to work on the localization\
+ \ system. And we are happy to announce it's finally completed: it will be\
+ \ available in the next beta (beta 10) of PeerTube. As of this\
+ \ writing, the web interface is already available in english, french, basque,\
+ \ catalan, czech and esperanto (huge thank you to all of the translators). If you too want to help translating PeerTube,\
+ \ do not hesitate to check out the documentation!"
p4: Regarding the RSS feeds feature, it was already implemented by Rigelk
and you can already use it in the beta 9. You can, for example,
diff --git a/app/locales/sv.yml b/app/locales/sv.yml
index 5ab9fea..1634375 100644
--- a/app/locales/sv.yml
+++ b/app/locales/sv.yml
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ menu:
code: Källkod
instances: Instanser
hall-of-fame: Hall of fame
- news: News
+ news: Nyheter
forumPT: https://framacolibri.org/c/peertube
wArticle: https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki
@@ -22,9 +22,8 @@ home:
getting-started: Kom igång
how-it-works: Hur det funkar
- subtitle: We're talking about our progress these last months and what's coming
- next.
- button: Support
+ subtitle: Vi berättar vad vi gjort de senaste månaderna och vad som står på tur.
+ button: Stöd oss
install: Installera PeerTube
@@ -265,8 +264,8 @@ faq:
- I mars 2018 släppte PeerTube sin första publikt användbara beta-version. Ett
flertal gemenskaper satte upp sina första instanser, vilket lade grunden för
- - But this is just the beginning, PeerTube is not (yet) perfect, and many features
- are missing. But we intend to keep improving it day after day.
+ - Men detta är bara början, PeerTube är inte perfekt (än) och många funktioner
+ saknas. Vår avsikt är dock att göra PeerTube bättre dag för dag.
- 'Mars 2018 blev alltså startskottet för PeerTube-federationen: ju mer den
här programvaran kommer användas och stödjas, desto fler kommer använda och
bidra till den och den kommer då utvecklas allt snabbare till att bli ett
@@ -344,22 +343,23 @@ faq:
title: Det finns mycket pornografi på PeerTube!
- - No. In October 2018, on an average instance federating with ~200 instances
- and indexing ~16000 videos, only ~200 videos are tagged as NSFW (i. e. the
- content is sensitive, which could be something else than pornography). Therefore,
- they represent only ~1% of all the videos.
- - 'Moreover, each administrator decides with which instances he wants to federate:
- he has the full control of the content he wants to display on his instance.
- It''s up to him to choose the policy regarding this kind of videos. He can
- decide to: - Display them
- Blur the title and thumbnail
- Hide
- them
- - By default, this configuration is set to "Hide them". If some administrators
- decide to display them with a blur filter for example, it's their
- choice.
- - Finally, any user can override this configuration, and decides if he want
- to display, blur or hide these videos for himself.
- - 'PeerTube is just a software: it''s not Framasoft (non-profit that develops
- PeerTube) that''s responsible for the content published on some instances.'
+ - Nej. I oktober 2018 hade en genomsnittlig instans, som federerade med omkring
+ 200 andra instanser och med cirka 16 000 videor i katalogen, endast ungefär
+ 200 videor som var uppmärkta för att innehålla känsligt material (vilket även
+ omfattar sådant som inte är pornografi). Således utgör pornografi omkring
+ en procent av alla videor.
+ - 'Dessutom avgör varje administratör vilka instanser hans eller hennes instans
+ ska federera med: administratören har full kontroll över vilken typ av innehåll
+ som visas på instansen. Det är upp till administratören att välja hur instansens
+ policy rörande den här typen av videor ska se ut. Alternativen är: - Visa
+ dem
- Visa dem med suddig titel och miniatyrbild
- Dölj dem
+ - Som standard är PeerTube inställt att dölja dem. Om en administratör väljer
+ att till exempel visa dem med suddig miniatyrbild och titel är det administratörens
+ val.
+ - Till sist, kan varje användare kringgå de här inställningarna om han eller
+ hon vill visa, dölja eller sudda ut videorna själv.
+ - PeerTube är bara en mjukvara. Framasoft (den ideella förening som utvecklar
+ PeerTube) har inte ansvaret för det material som publiceras på vissa instanser.
- 'Det är upp till var och en att agera ansvarsfullt: föräldrar, besökare, uppladdare
och PeerTube-administratörer att respektera lagar och undvika problematiska
@@ -465,8 +465,8 @@ hof:
dev: Bidragsgivare
contrib: Hjälp till med koden
- title: What's up on PeerTube
- subtitle: Discover the tool's latest improvements
+ title: Vad händer på PeerTube?
+ subtitle: Upptäck verktygets senaste förbättringar
latest-articles: Latest articles
@@ -477,15 +477,15 @@ news:
p1: Hello!
p2: We've just released PeerTube 1.3 and it brings a lot of new features.
- p3: 'The most important of these new features is the playlist system. This
- feature allows any user to create a playlist in which it''s possible to
- add videos and reorder them. Videos added to a playlist can be viewed entirely
- or partially: the creator of the playlist can decide when the video playback
- starts and/or ends (timecode system). This system is really useful to create
- all kinds of zappings or educational contents by selecting extracts from
- videos which interest you. In addition, a "Watch Later" playlist is created
- by default for each user. Thus, you can save videos in this playlist when
- you don''t have time to watch them immediately.'
+ p3: "The most important of these new features is the playlist system. This\
+ \ feature allows any user to create a playlist in which it's possible to\
+ \ add videos and reorder them. Videos added to a playlist can be viewed\
+ \ entirely or partially: the creator of the playlist can decide when the\
+ \ video playback starts and/or ends (timecode system). This system is really\
+ \ useful to create all kinds of zappings or educational contents by selecting\
+ \ extracts from videos which interest you. In addition, a \"Watch Later\"\
+ \ playlist is created by default for each user. Thus, you can save videos\
+ \ in this playlist when you don't have time to watch them immediately."
p4: 'Another feature of this 1.3 version has been entirely developed by an
external contributor: Josh Morel
who add a quarantine system for videos on PeerTube. If the administrator
@@ -518,43 +518,44 @@ news:
p10: Thanks to all PeerTube contributors!
p11: Framasoft.
- title: 'PeerTube: retrospective, new features and more to come!'
+ title: 'PeerTube: tillbakablick, nya funktioner och mer på gång!'
text: 26 February 2019
data: '2019-02-26'
- p1: Hello everyone!
- p2: Since version 1.0 has been released last November, we went on improving
- PeerTube, day after day. These improvements on PeerTube go well beyond the
- objectives fixed during the crowdfunding. They have been funded by the Framasoft non-profit, which develops
- the software (and lives only through your
- donations).
- p3: 'Here is a small retrospective of the end of 2018/beginning of 2019:'
- p4: In December 2018, we released version 1.1 which contained some moderation
- tools requested by instance administrators.
We also took the opportunity
- to add a watched videos history feature and the automatic resuming of video
- playback.
- p5: 'In January, we released version 1.2 that supports 3 new languages: Russian,
- Polish and Italian. Thanks to PeerTube''s community of translators, PeerTube
- is now translated into 16 different languages!'
- p6: This version also includes a notification system that allows users to
- be informed (on the web interface or through email) when their video is
- commented, when someone mention them, when one of their subscriptions has
- published a new video, etc.
- p7: 'In the meantime, the PeerTube federation has grown: today, more than
- 300 instances broadcast more than 70,000 videos, with nearly 2 million cumulated
- views. We remind you that the only official website we maintain around PeerTube
- is https://joinpeertube.org/en
- and that we bear no responsibility on any other site that may be published.'
- p8: As you can see, we have gone far beyond what the crowdfunding has funded.
- And we will continue!
For 2019, we plan to add a plugin and theme management
- system (even though basic at first), playlist management, support for audio
- files upload and many other features.
- p9: 'If you also to contribute to the growing of PeerTube, you can participate
- in its funding here: https://soutenir.framasoft.org/en'
- p10: 'If you have any questions, feel free to use our forum: https://framacolibri.org/c/peertube'
- p11: Thank you and with our best regards,
+ p1: Sedan version 1.0 släpptes i november har vi fortsatt förbättra PeerTube,
+ dag för dag. Dessa förbättringar har överträffat de mål vi slog fast för
+ finansieringskampanjen. De har finansierats av den ideella föreningen Framasoft, som utvecklar mjukvaran
+ (och lever endast tack vare era
+ gåvor).
+ p2: 'Här är en liten sammanfattning av slutet av 2018 och början av 2019:'
+ p3: I december 2018 släppte vi version 1.1 som introducerade några moderationsverktyg
+ efter önskemål från instansadministratörer.
Vi tog även tillfället i
+ akt att lägga till möjligheten att spara videohistorik och automatisk fortsatt
+ uppspelning av videor.
+ p4: 'I januari släppte vi version 1.2, med stöd för tre nya språk: ryska,
+ polska och italienska. Tack vare PeerTubes översättargemenskap finns nu
+ PeerTube på 16 olika språk!'
+ p5: Den här versionen omfattar dessutom ett system för notifikationer som
+ meddelar användarna (via webbgränssnittet eller per e-post) när deras videor
+ får nya komentarer, när någon omnämner dem, när en video laddats upp till
+ en kanal de prenumererar på och mycket mer.
+ p6: 'Samtidigt har PeerTube-federationen vuxit: idag har fler än 70 000
+ videor distribuerats över 300 instanser, med nära två miljoner sammanlagda
+ visningar. Vi vill påminna dig om att den enda officiella webbplatsen vi
+ driver, rörande PeerTube, är joinpeertube.org
+ och att vi inte har något ansvar för andra webbplatser som kan komma att
+ dyka upp.'
+ p7: Som du kan se, har vi nått långt längre än det som gräsrotskampanjen finansierade,
+ och vi kommer fortsätta!
Under 2019 tänker vi införa ett system för
+ insticksprogram och teman (även om det blir ganska simpelt till en början),
+ spellistor, stöd för uppladdning av ljudfiler och många andra funktioner.
+ p8: Om du också vill hjälpa PeerTube växa, kan du hjälpa till att finansiera
+ PeerTube på soutenir.framasoft.org.
+ p9: Om du har frågor är du välkommen att besöka vårt forum på framacolibri.org/c/peertube.
+ p10: Tack och med vänliga hälsningar,
+ p11: Framasoft
title: 'PeerTube crowdfunding newsletter #4'
@@ -584,12 +585,12 @@ news:
subtitles Advanced
search Video
channel subscriptions '
- p5: 'This is the last newsletter regarding the PeerTube crowdfunding. We would
- like to thank you one more time, for allowing us to greatly improve PeerTube,
- and therefore to promote a more decentralized web. But the journey does
- not end here: we will continue to work on the software, and there is still
- a lot to do to fully free up video streaming. But before anything, we''ll
- take a few days off ;)'
+ p5: "This is the last newsletter regarding the PeerTube crowdfunding. We would\
+ \ like to thank you one more time, for allowing us to greatly improve PeerTube,\
+ \ and therefore to promote a more decentralized web. But the journey does\
+ \ not end here: we will continue to work on the software, and there is still\
+ \ a lot to do to fully free up video streaming. But before anything, we'll\
+ \ take a few days off ;)"
p6: We remind you that you can ask questions on the
PeerTube forum. You can also contact us directly on
@@ -614,12 +615,13 @@ news:
to show the diversity of the videos uploaded on PeerTube. You can see a demonstration here.
p5: You can read the complete beta 12 changelog here.
- p6: 'Regarding the crowdfunding, most of the rewards are ready: the
- PeerTube README and the
- JoinPeerTube Hall of Fame show off the names of the persons who have
- chosen the corresponding rewards. We will soon be able to send the personalized
- thank-you digital arts to people that gave 80€ (~93 USD) and more (and it''s
- so beautiful that we are looking forward to it!)'
+ p6: "Regarding the crowdfunding, most of the rewards are ready: the PeerTube README and the JoinPeerTube Hall\
+ \ of Fame show off the names of the persons who have chosen the corresponding\
+ \ rewards. We will soon be able to send the personalized thank-you digital\
+ \ arts to people that gave 80€ (~93 USD) and more (and it's so beautiful\
+ \ that we are looking forward to it!)"
p7: The last feature we have to implement is the videos redundancy between
instances, which will further increase resilience on instance overload.
If all goes well, we should finish it in about two weeks (end of september).
@@ -665,14 +667,14 @@ news:
p1: Hello everyone!
p2: First of all, thank you again for contributing to PeerTube! ❤️
- p3: 'During the crowdfunding campaign, we continued to work on the localization
- system. And we are happy to announce it''s finally completed: it will be
- available in the next beta (beta 10) of PeerTube. As of this writing,
- the web interface is already available in english, french, basque, catalan,
- czech and esperanto (huge thank you to
- all of the translators). If you too want to help translating PeerTube,
- do not hesitate to check out the
- documentation!'
+ p3: "During the crowdfunding campaign, we continued to work on the localization\
+ \ system. And we are happy to announce it's finally completed: it will be\
+ \ available in the next beta (beta 10) of PeerTube. As of this\
+ \ writing, the web interface is already available in english, french, basque,\
+ \ catalan, czech and esperanto (huge thank you to all of the translators). If you too want to help translating PeerTube,\
+ \ do not hesitate to check out the documentation!"
p4: Regarding the RSS feeds feature, it was already implemented by Rigelk
and you can already use it in the beta 9. You can, for example,
diff --git a/app/locales/zh_Hant_TW.yml b/app/locales/zh_Hant_TW.yml
index a78e06c..64cf239 100644
--- a/app/locales/zh_Hant_TW.yml
+++ b/app/locales/zh_Hant_TW.yml
@@ -221,20 +221,20 @@ faq:
and indexing ~16000 videos, only ~200 videos are tagged as NSFW (i. e. the
content is sensitive, which could be something else than pornography). Therefore,
they represent only ~1% of all the videos.
- - 'Moreover, each administrator decides with which instances he wants to federate:
- he has the full control of the content he wants to display on his instance.
- It''s up to him to choose the policy regarding this kind of videos. He can
- decide to: - Display them
- Blur the title and thumbnail
- Hide
- them
+ - "Moreover, each administrator decides with which instances he wants to federate:\
+ \ he has the full control of the content he wants to display on his instance.\
+ \ It's up to him to choose the policy regarding this kind of videos. He can\
+ \ decide to: - Display them
- Blur the title and thumbnail
- Hide\
+ \ them
- By default, this configuration is set to "Hide them". If some administrators
decide to display them with a blur filter for example, it's their
- Finally, any user can override this configuration, and decides if he want
to display, blur or hide these videos for himself.
- - 'PeerTube is just a software: it''s not Framasoft (non-profit that develops
- PeerTube) that''s responsible for the content published on some instances.'
- - 'It''s up to everyone to be responsible: parents, visitors, uploaders, PeerTube
- administrators to respect the law and avoid any problematic situations.'
+ - "PeerTube is just a software: it's not Framasoft (non-profit that develops\
+ \ PeerTube) that's responsible for the content published on some instances."
+ - "It's up to everyone to be responsible: parents, visitors, uploaders, PeerTube\
+ \ administrators to respect the law and avoid any problematic situations."
forum: 在我們的論壇上討論
@@ -295,15 +295,15 @@ news:
p1: Hello!
p2: We've just released PeerTube 1.3 and it brings a lot of new features.
- p3: 'The most important of these new features is the playlist system. This
- feature allows any user to create a playlist in which it''s possible to
- add videos and reorder them. Videos added to a playlist can be viewed entirely
- or partially: the creator of the playlist can decide when the video playback
- starts and/or ends (timecode system). This system is really useful to create
- all kinds of zappings or educational contents by selecting extracts from
- videos which interest you. In addition, a "Watch Later" playlist is created
- by default for each user. Thus, you can save videos in this playlist when
- you don''t have time to watch them immediately.'
+ p3: "The most important of these new features is the playlist system. This\
+ \ feature allows any user to create a playlist in which it's possible to\
+ \ add videos and reorder them. Videos added to a playlist can be viewed\
+ \ entirely or partially: the creator of the playlist can decide when the\
+ \ video playback starts and/or ends (timecode system). This system is really\
+ \ useful to create all kinds of zappings or educational contents by selecting\
+ \ extracts from videos which interest you. In addition, a \"Watch Later\"\
+ \ playlist is created by default for each user. Thus, you can save videos\
+ \ in this playlist when you don't have time to watch them immediately."
p4: 'Another feature of this 1.3 version has been entirely developed by an
external contributor: Josh Morel
who add a quarantine system for videos on PeerTube. If the administrator
@@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ news:
tools requested by instance administrators.
We also took the opportunity
to add a watched videos history feature and the automatic resuming of video
- p5: 'In January, we released version 1.2 that supports 3 new languages: Russian,
- Polish and Italian. Thanks to PeerTube''s community of translators, PeerTube
- is now translated into 16 different languages!'
+ p5: "In January, we released version 1.2 that supports 3 new languages: Russian,\
+ \ Polish and Italian. Thanks to PeerTube's community of translators, PeerTube\
+ \ is now translated into 16 different languages!"
p6: This version also includes a notification system that allows users to
be informed (on the web interface or through email) when their video is
commented, when someone mention them, when one of their subscriptions has
@@ -402,12 +402,12 @@ news:
subtitles Advanced
search Video
channel subscriptions '
- p5: 'This is the last newsletter regarding the PeerTube crowdfunding. We would
- like to thank you one more time, for allowing us to greatly improve PeerTube,
- and therefore to promote a more decentralized web. But the journey does
- not end here: we will continue to work on the software, and there is still
- a lot to do to fully free up video streaming. But before anything, we''ll
- take a few days off ;)'
+ p5: "This is the last newsletter regarding the PeerTube crowdfunding. We would\
+ \ like to thank you one more time, for allowing us to greatly improve PeerTube,\
+ \ and therefore to promote a more decentralized web. But the journey does\
+ \ not end here: we will continue to work on the software, and there is still\
+ \ a lot to do to fully free up video streaming. But before anything, we'll\
+ \ take a few days off ;)"
p6: We remind you that you can ask questions on the
PeerTube forum. You can also contact us directly on
@@ -432,12 +432,13 @@ news:
to show the diversity of the videos uploaded on PeerTube. You can see a demonstration here.
p5: You can read the complete beta 12 changelog here.
- p6: 'Regarding the crowdfunding, most of the rewards are ready: the
- PeerTube README and the
- JoinPeerTube Hall of Fame show off the names of the persons who have
- chosen the corresponding rewards. We will soon be able to send the personalized
- thank-you digital arts to people that gave 80€ (~93 USD) and more (and it''s
- so beautiful that we are looking forward to it!)'
+ p6: "Regarding the crowdfunding, most of the rewards are ready: the PeerTube README and the JoinPeerTube Hall\
+ \ of Fame show off the names of the persons who have chosen the corresponding\
+ \ rewards. We will soon be able to send the personalized thank-you digital\
+ \ arts to people that gave 80€ (~93 USD) and more (and it's so beautiful\
+ \ that we are looking forward to it!)"
p7: The last feature we have to implement is the videos redundancy between
instances, which will further increase resilience on instance overload.
If all goes well, we should finish it in about two weeks (end of september).
@@ -483,14 +484,14 @@ news:
p1: Hello everyone!
p2: First of all, thank you again for contributing to PeerTube! ❤️
- p3: 'During the crowdfunding campaign, we continued to work on the localization
- system. And we are happy to announce it''s finally completed: it will be
- available in the next beta (beta 10) of PeerTube. As of this writing,
- the web interface is already available in english, french, basque, catalan,
- czech and esperanto (huge thank you to
- all of the translators). If you too want to help translating PeerTube,
- do not hesitate to check out the
- documentation!'
+ p3: "During the crowdfunding campaign, we continued to work on the localization\
+ \ system. And we are happy to announce it's finally completed: it will be\
+ \ available in the next beta (beta 10) of PeerTube. As of this\
+ \ writing, the web interface is already available in english, french, basque,\
+ \ catalan, czech and esperanto (huge thank you to all of the translators). If you too want to help translating PeerTube,\
+ \ do not hesitate to check out the documentation!"
p4: Regarding the RSS feeds feature, it was already implemented by Rigelk
and you can already use it in the beta 9. You can, for example,