# Planning for implementing a postgres repo for pict-rs FullRepo currently depends on a number of specific repo traits Many of these are simple key -> value mappings that can be done with columns or tables, but some are more complicated (like background job processing). Some of the existing repo methods could be consolidated to better represent the data and operations that need to be performed. This should happen _before_ impelementing the postgres repo. ### HashRepo This is a little complicated because one of the things a HashRepo can do is return a stream of hashes from the repo. This can likely be implemented as a batch-retrieval operation that fetches 1000 hashes at once and then drains them on each call to `poll_next` This is also probably made up of multiple tables, and can reuse some other tables. It's likely that some of this functionality can be consolidated with AliasRepo. In both usages, relate_hash and relate_alias are called together. Create could also maybe be updated to take the identifier as an argument, since it doesn't make sense to have a hash without an identifier. This might affect the ingest process' ordering methods: - size - hashes - create - relate_alias - remove_alias - aliases - relate_identifier - relate_variant_identifier - variant_identifier - remove_variant - relate_motion_identifier - cleanup ```sql CREATE TABLE hashes ( hash BYTEA PRIMARY KEY, identifer TEXT NOT NULL, motion_identifier TEXT, ); CREATE TABLE variants ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(), hash BYTEA REFERENCES hashes(hash) ON DELETE CASCADE, variant TEXT NOT NULL, identifier TEXT NOT NULL ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX hash_variant_index ON variants (hash, variant); ``` ### AliasRepo Used to relate Aliases to Hashes, and to relate Delete Tokens to Aliases. Hashes are always bytes, but could be hex-encoded. postgres's `bytea` type can work with hex-encoding on storage and retrieval so maybe this can be used. Delete Tokens are not always UUIDs, even though they have been UUIDs in all recent versions of pict-rs. methods: - create - relate_delete_token - relate_hash - hash - cleanup This can probably be simplified. If `create` took a `hash` as an argument and returned a `delete_token` we could have all of our required information up-front and avoid the hassle of generating each part of this separately ```sql CREATE TABLE aliases ( alias VARCHAR(30) PRIMARY KEY, hash BYTEA NOT NULL REFERENCES hashes(hash) ON DELETE CASCADE, delete_token VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL ); ``` ### SettingsRepo This is used for generic server-level storage. The file & object stores keep their current path generator values here. This is also used in some migrations to mark completion. methods: - set - get - remove could be a simple table with String key & values pict-rs currently treats the value here as Bytes, so it could either be hex-encoded or translated to a string ```sql CREATE TABLE settings ( key VARCHAR(80) PRIMARY KEY, value VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL ); ``` ### IdentifierRepo Used to relate details (image metadata) to identifiers (image paths). Identifiers are currently treated as bytes, so may need hex-encoding to store in the database. They _should_ be valid strings in most environments, so it might be possible to drop the bytes requirement & instead have a string requirement. methods: - relate_details - details - cleanup ```sql CREATE TABLE details ( identifier TEXT PRIMARY KEY, details JSONB NOT NULL, ); ``` ### QueueRepo This is going to be the troublesome table. It represents jobs that will be processed. Jobs are pushed as Bytes, but at a higher level are actually JSON strings. The QueueRepo API could be updated to take `T: Serizlie` as input rather than bytes, and then we can store it as JSONB. With the current API, the repo doesn't need to know the shape of a job, and maybe that is a benefit. We should take care in the future not to query on the contents of the job. methods: - requeue_in_progress - push - pop ```sql CREATE TYPE job_status AS ENUM ('new', 'running'); CREATE TABLE queue ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(), queue VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, job JSONB NOT NULL, worker_id VARCHAR(30), status job_status NOT NULL DEFAULT 'new', queue_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); CREATE INDEX queue_worker_id_index ON queue INCLUDE worker_id; CREATE INDEX queue_status_index ON queue INCLUDE status; ``` claiming a job can be ```sql DELETE FROM queue WHERE worker_id = '$WORKER_ID'; UPDATE queue SET status = 'running', worker_id = '$WORKER_ID' WHERE id = ( SELECT id FROM queue WHERE status = 'new' ORDER BY queue_time ASC FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED LIMIT 1 ) returning *; ``` notifying pict-rs of a ready job could be ```sql CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION queue_status_notify() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM pg_notify('queue_status_channel', NEW.id::text); RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER queue_status AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OF status ON queue FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE queue_status_notify(); ``` ### MigrationRepo This is used for migrating from local storage to object storage. It keeps track of which identifiers have been migrated, and on a successful migration, it is fully cleared. methods: - is_continuing_migration - mark_migrated - is_migrated - clear ```sql CREATE TABLE migrations ( identifier TEXT PRIMARY KEY, ); ``` ### ProxyRepo This is used for keeping track of URLs that map to Aliases for proxied media. methods: - relate_url - related - remove_relation ```sql CREATE TABLE proxies ( url PRIMARY KEY, alias VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL REFERENCES aliases(alias) ); ``` ### AliasAccessRepo This is used for keeping track of aliases that are "cached" in pict-rs and can be safely removed when they are not useful to keep around. This might be able to piggyback on the aliases table or the proxies table. methods: - accessed - older_aliases - remove_access ```sql ALTER TABLE aliases ADD COLUMN accessed TIMESTAMP; ``` or ```sql ALTER TABLE proxies ADD COLUMN accessed TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; ``` ### VariantAccessRepo This is used for keeping track of access times for variants of an image to enable freeing up space from seldom-accessed variants. This might be able to piggyback on the variants table. methods: - accessed - contains_variant - older_variants - remove_access ```sql ALTER TABLE variants ADD COLUMN accessed TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; ```