use actix_form_data::{Field, Form, Value}; use actix_web::{ client::Client, guard, http::header::{CacheControl, CacheDirective}, middleware::{Compress, Logger}, web, App, HttpResponse, HttpServer, }; use futures::stream::{Stream, TryStreamExt}; use image::{ImageFormat, ImageOutputFormat}; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use std::{collections::HashSet, path::PathBuf, sync::Once}; use structopt::StructOpt; use tracing::{debug, error, info, instrument, Span}; use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter; mod config; mod error; mod middleware; mod processor; mod upload_manager; mod validate; use self::{ config::Config, error::UploadError, middleware::Tracing, upload_manager::UploadManager, }; const MEGABYTES: usize = 1024 * 1024; const HOURS: u32 = 60 * 60; static CONFIG: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| Config::from_args()); static MAGICK_INIT: Once = Once::new(); // Try writing to a file #[instrument(skip(bytes))] async fn safe_save_file(path: PathBuf, bytes: bytes::Bytes) -> Result<(), UploadError> { if let Some(path) = path.parent() { // create the directory for the file debug!("Creating directory {:?}", path); actix_fs::create_dir_all(path.to_owned()).await?; } // Only write the file if it doesn't already exist debug!("Checking if {:?} already exists", path); if let Err(e) = actix_fs::metadata(path.clone()).await { if e.kind() != Some(std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound) { return Err(e.into()); } } else { return Ok(()); } // Open the file for writing debug!("Creating {:?}", path); let file = actix_fs::file::create(path.clone()).await?; // try writing debug!("Writing to {:?}", path); if let Err(e) = actix_fs::file::write(file, bytes).await { error!("Error writing {:?}, {}", path, e); // remove file if writing failed before completion actix_fs::remove_file(path).await?; return Err(e.into()); } debug!("{:?} written", path); Ok(()) } fn to_ext(mime: mime::Mime) -> &'static str { if mime == mime::IMAGE_PNG { ".png" } else if mime == mime::IMAGE_JPEG { ".jpg" } else if mime == mime::IMAGE_GIF { ".gif" } else { ".bmp" } } fn from_ext(ext: std::ffi::OsString) -> mime::Mime { match ext.to_str() { Some("png") => mime::IMAGE_PNG, Some("jpg") => mime::IMAGE_JPEG, Some("gif") => mime::IMAGE_GIF, _ => mime::IMAGE_BMP, } } /// Handle responding to succesful uploads #[instrument(skip(value, manager))] async fn upload( value: Value, manager: web::Data, ) -> Result { let images = value .map() .and_then(|mut m| m.remove("images")) .and_then(|images| images.array()) .ok_or(UploadError::NoFiles)?; let mut files = Vec::new(); for image in images.into_iter().filter_map(|i| i.file()) { if let Some(saved_as) = image .saved_as .as_ref() .and_then(|s| s.file_name()) .and_then(|s| s.to_str()) { info!("Uploaded {} as {:?}", image.filename, saved_as); let delete_token = manager.delete_token(saved_as.to_owned()).await?; files.push(serde_json::json!({ "file": saved_as, "delete_token": delete_token })); } } Ok(HttpResponse::Created().json(serde_json::json!({ "msg": "ok", "files": files }))) } /// download an image from a URL #[instrument(skip(client, manager))] async fn download( client: web::Data, manager: web::Data, query: web::Query, ) -> Result { let mut res = client.get(&query.url).send().await?; if !res.status().is_success() { return Err(UploadError::Download(res.status())); } let fut = res.body().limit(CONFIG.max_file_size() * MEGABYTES); let stream = Box::pin(futures::stream::once(fut)); let alias = manager.upload(stream).await?; let delete_token = manager.delete_token(alias.clone()).await?; Ok(HttpResponse::Created().json(serde_json::json!({ "msg": "ok", "files": [{ "file": alias, "delete_token": delete_token }] }))) } /// Delete aliases and files #[instrument(skip(manager))] async fn delete( manager: web::Data, path_entries: web::Path<(String, String)>, ) -> Result { let (alias, token) = path_entries.into_inner(); manager.delete(token, alias).await?; Ok(HttpResponse::NoContent().finish()) } fn convert_format(format: ImageFormat) -> Result { match format { ImageFormat::Jpeg => Ok(ImageOutputFormat::Jpeg(100)), ImageFormat::Png => Ok(ImageOutputFormat::Png), ImageFormat::Gif => Ok(ImageOutputFormat::Gif), ImageFormat::Bmp => Ok(ImageOutputFormat::Bmp), _ => Err(UploadError::UnsupportedFormat), } } /// Serve files #[instrument(skip(manager, whitelist))] async fn serve( segments: web::Path, manager: web::Data, whitelist: web::Data>>, ) -> Result { let mut segments: Vec = segments .into_inner() .split('/') .map(|s| s.to_string()) .collect(); let alias = segments.pop().ok_or(UploadError::MissingFilename)?; debug!("Building chain"); let chain = self::processor::build_chain(&segments, whitelist.as_ref().as_ref()); debug!("Chain built"); let name = manager.from_alias(alias).await?; let base = manager.image_dir(); let path = self::processor::build_path(base, &chain, name.clone()); let ext = path .extension() .ok_or(UploadError::MissingExtension)? .to_owned(); let ext = from_ext(ext); // If the thumbnail doesn't exist, we need to create it if let Err(e) = actix_fs::metadata(path.clone()).await { if e.kind() != Some(std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound) { error!("Error looking up processed image, {}", e); return Err(e.into()); } let mut original_path = manager.image_dir(); original_path.push(name.clone()); // Read the image file & produce a DynamicImage // // Drop bytes so we don't keep it around in memory longer than we need to debug!("Reading image"); let (img, format) = { let bytes = actix_fs::read(original_path.clone()).await?; let bytes2 = bytes.clone(); let format = web::block(move || image::guess_format(&bytes2)).await?; let img = web::block(move || image::load_from_memory(&bytes)).await?; (img, format) }; debug!("Processing image"); let (img, changed) = self::processor::process_image(chain, img).await?; if !changed { let stream = actix_fs::read_to_stream(original_path).await?; return Ok(srv_response(stream, ext)); } // perform thumbnail operation in a blocking thread debug!("Exporting image"); let img_bytes: bytes::Bytes = web::block(move || { let mut bytes = std::io::Cursor::new(vec![]); img.write_to(&mut bytes, convert_format(format)?)?; Ok(bytes::Bytes::from(bytes.into_inner())) as Result<_, UploadError> }) .await?; let path2 = path.clone(); let img_bytes2 = img_bytes.clone(); // Save the file in another task, we want to return the thumbnail now debug!("Spawning storage task"); let span = Span::current(); actix_rt::spawn(async move { let entered = span.enter(); if let Err(e) = manager.store_variant(path2.clone()).await { error!("Error storing variant, {}", e); return; } if let Err(e) = safe_save_file(path2, img_bytes2).await { error!("Error saving file, {}", e); } drop(entered); }); return Ok(srv_response( Box::pin(futures::stream::once(async { Ok(img_bytes) as Result<_, UploadError> })), ext, )); } let stream = actix_fs::read_to_stream(path).await?; Ok(srv_response(stream, ext)) } // A helper method to produce responses with proper cache headers fn srv_response(stream: S, ext: mime::Mime) -> HttpResponse where S: Stream> + Unpin + 'static, E: Into, { HttpResponse::Ok() .set(CacheControl(vec![ CacheDirective::Public, CacheDirective::MaxAge(24 * HOURS), CacheDirective::Extension("immutable".to_owned(), None), ])) .content_type(ext.to_string()) .streaming(stream.err_into()) } #[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize)] struct UrlQuery { url: String, } #[actix_rt::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { MAGICK_INIT.call_once(|| { magick_rust::magick_wand_genesis(); }); if std::env::var("RUST_LOG").is_err() { std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "info"); } tracing_subscriber::fmt() .with_env_filter(EnvFilter::from_default_env()) .init(); let manager = UploadManager::new(CONFIG.data_dir(), CONFIG.format()).await?; // Create a new Multipart Form validator // // This form is expecting a single array field, 'images' with at most 10 files in it let manager2 = manager.clone(); let form = Form::new() .max_files(10) .max_file_size(CONFIG.max_file_size() * MEGABYTES) .transform_error(|e| UploadError::from(e).into()) .field( "images", Field::array(Field::file(move |filename, _, stream| { let manager = manager2.clone(); async move { let span = tracing::info_span!("file-upload", ?filename); let entered = span.enter(); let res = manager.upload(stream)|alias| { let mut path = PathBuf::new(); path.push(alias); Some(path) }); drop(entered); res } })), ); // Create a new Multipart Form validator for internal imports // // This form is expecting a single array field, 'images' with at most 10 files in it let validate_imports = CONFIG.validate_imports(); let manager2 = manager.clone(); let import_form = Form::new() .max_files(10) .max_file_size(CONFIG.max_file_size() * MEGABYTES) .transform_error(|e| UploadError::from(e).into()) .field( "images", Field::array(Field::file(move |filename, content_type, stream| { let manager = manager2.clone(); async move { let span = tracing::info_span!("file-import", ?filename); let entered = span.enter(); let res = manager .import(filename, content_type, validate_imports, stream) .await .map(|alias| { let mut path = PathBuf::new(); path.push(alias); Some(path) }); drop(entered); res } })), ); HttpServer::new(move || { let client = Client::build() .header("User-Agent", "pict-rs v0.1.0-master") .finish(); App::new() .wrap(Compress::default()) .wrap(Logger::default()) .wrap(Tracing) .data(manager.clone()) .data(client) .data(CONFIG.filter_whitelist()) .service( web::scope("/image") .service( web::resource("") .guard(guard::Post()) .wrap(form.clone()) .route(web::post().to(upload)), ) .service(web::resource("/download").route(web::get().to(download))) .service( web::resource("/delete/{delete_token}/{filename}") .route(web::delete().to(delete)) .route(web::get().to(delete)), ) .service(web::resource("/{tail:.*}").route(web::get().to(serve))), ) .service( web::resource("/import") .wrap(import_form.clone()) .route(web::post().to(upload)), ) }) .bind(CONFIG.bind_address())? .run() .await?; Ok(()) }