use crate::structs::PersonView; use diesel::{ pg::Pg, result::Error, BoolExpressionMethods, ExpressionMethods, NullableExpressionMethods, PgTextExpressionMethods, QueryDsl, }; use diesel_async::RunQueryDsl; use lemmy_db_schema::{ newtypes::PersonId, schema::{local_user, person, person_aggregates}, utils::{ functions::coalesce, fuzzy_search, limit_and_offset, now, DbConn, DbPool, ListFn, Queries, ReadFn, }, ListingType, PostSortType, }; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use strum::{Display, EnumString}; enum ListMode { Admins, Banned, Query(PersonQuery), } #[derive(EnumString, Display, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Copy)] /// The person sort types. Converted automatically from `SortType` enum PersonSortType { New, Old, MostComments, CommentScore, PostScore, PostCount, } fn post_to_person_sort_type(sort: PostSortType) -> PersonSortType { use PostSortType::*; match sort { Active | Hot | Controversial => PersonSortType::CommentScore, New | NewComments => PersonSortType::New, MostComments => PersonSortType::MostComments, Old => PersonSortType::Old, _ => PersonSortType::CommentScore, } } fn queries<'a>( ) -> Queries, impl ListFn<'a, PersonView, ListMode>> { let all_joins = move |query: person::BoxedQuery<'a, Pg>| { query .inner_join(person_aggregates::table) .left_join(local_user::table) .select(( person::all_columns, person_aggregates::all_columns, coalesce(local_user::admin.nullable(), false), )) }; let read = move |mut conn: DbConn<'a>, params: (PersonId, bool)| async move { let (person_id, is_admin) = params; let mut query = all_joins(person::table.find(person_id).into_boxed()); if !is_admin { query = query.filter(person::deleted.eq(false)); } query.first(&mut conn).await }; let list = move |mut conn: DbConn<'a>, mode: ListMode| async move { let mut query = all_joins(person::table.into_boxed()).filter(person::deleted.eq(false)); match mode { ListMode::Admins => { query = query .filter(local_user::admin.eq(true)) .filter(person::deleted.eq(false)) .order_by(person::published); } ListMode::Banned => { query = query .filter( person::banned.eq(true).and( person::ban_expires .is_null() .or(, ), ) .filter(person::deleted.eq(false)); } ListMode::Query(options) => { if let Some(search_term) = options.search_term { let searcher = fuzzy_search(&search_term); query = query .filter(person::name.ilike(searcher.clone())) .or_filter(person::display_name.ilike(searcher)); } let sort =; query = match sort.unwrap_or(PersonSortType::CommentScore) { PersonSortType::New => query.order_by(person::published.desc()), PersonSortType::Old => query.order_by(person::published.asc()), PersonSortType::MostComments => query.order_by(person_aggregates::comment_count.desc()), PersonSortType::CommentScore => query.order_by(person_aggregates::comment_score.desc()), PersonSortType::PostScore => query.order_by(person_aggregates::post_score.desc()), PersonSortType::PostCount => query.order_by(person_aggregates::post_count.desc()), }; let (limit, offset) = limit_and_offset(, options.limit)?; query = query.limit(limit).offset(offset); if let Some(listing_type) = options.listing_type { query = match listing_type { // return nothing as its not possible to follow users ListingType::Subscribed => query.limit(0), ListingType::Local => query.filter(person::local.eq(true)), _ => query, }; } } } query.load::(&mut conn).await }; Queries::new(read, list) } impl PersonView { pub async fn read( pool: &mut DbPool<'_>, person_id: PersonId, is_admin: bool, ) -> Result { queries().read(pool, (person_id, is_admin)).await } pub async fn admins(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> Result, Error> { queries().list(pool, ListMode::Admins).await } pub async fn banned(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> Result, Error> { queries().list(pool, ListMode::Banned).await } } #[derive(Default)] pub struct PersonQuery { pub sort: Option, pub search_term: Option, pub listing_type: Option, pub page: Option, pub limit: Option, } impl PersonQuery { pub async fn list(self, pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> Result, Error> { queries().list(pool, ListMode::Query(self)).await } } #[cfg(test)] #[expect(clippy::indexing_slicing)] mod tests { use super::*; use lemmy_db_schema::{ assert_length, source::{ instance::Instance, local_user::{LocalUser, LocalUserInsertForm, LocalUserUpdateForm}, person::{Person, PersonInsertForm, PersonUpdateForm}, }, traits::Crud, utils::build_db_pool_for_tests, }; use lemmy_utils::error::LemmyResult; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use serial_test::serial; struct Data { alice: Person, alice_local_user: LocalUser, bob: Person, bob_local_user: LocalUser, } async fn init_data(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> LemmyResult { let inserted_instance = Instance::read_or_create(pool, "my_domain.tld".to_string()).await?; let alice_form = PersonInsertForm { local: Some(true), ..PersonInsertForm::test_form(, "alice") }; let alice = Person::create(pool, &alice_form).await?; let alice_local_user_form = LocalUserInsertForm::test_form(; let alice_local_user = LocalUser::create(pool, &alice_local_user_form, vec![]).await?; let bob_form = PersonInsertForm { bot_account: Some(true), local: Some(false), ..PersonInsertForm::test_form(, "bob") }; let bob = Person::create(pool, &bob_form).await?; let bob_local_user_form = LocalUserInsertForm::test_form(; let bob_local_user = LocalUser::create(pool, &bob_local_user_form, vec![]).await?; Ok(Data { alice, alice_local_user, bob, bob_local_user, }) } async fn cleanup(data: Data, pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> LemmyResult<()> { LocalUser::delete(pool,; LocalUser::delete(pool,; Person::delete(pool,; Person::delete(pool,; Instance::delete(pool, data.bob.instance_id).await?; Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn exclude_deleted() -> LemmyResult<()> { let pool = &build_db_pool_for_tests(); let pool = &mut pool.into(); let data = init_data(pool).await?; Person::update( pool,, &PersonUpdateForm { deleted: Some(true), ..Default::default() }, ) .await?; let read = PersonView::read(pool,, false).await; assert!(read.is_err()); // only admin can view deleted users let read = PersonView::read(pool,, true).await; assert!(read.is_ok()); let list = PersonQuery { sort: Some(PostSortType::New), ..Default::default() } .list(pool) .await?; assert_length!(1, list); assert_eq!(list[0],; cleanup(data, pool).await } #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn list_banned() -> LemmyResult<()> { let pool = &build_db_pool_for_tests(); let pool = &mut pool.into(); let data = init_data(pool).await?; Person::update( pool,, &PersonUpdateForm { banned: Some(true), ..Default::default() }, ) .await?; let list = PersonView::banned(pool).await?; assert_length!(1, list); assert_eq!(list[0],; cleanup(data, pool).await } #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn list_admins() -> LemmyResult<()> { let pool = &build_db_pool_for_tests(); let pool = &mut pool.into(); let data = init_data(pool).await?; LocalUser::update( pool,, &LocalUserUpdateForm { admin: Some(true), ..Default::default() }, ) .await?; let list = PersonView::admins(pool).await?; assert_length!(1, list); assert_eq!(list[0],; let is_admin = PersonView::read(pool,, false).await?.is_admin; assert!(is_admin); let is_admin = PersonView::read(pool,, false).await?.is_admin; assert!(!is_admin); cleanup(data, pool).await } #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn listing_type() -> LemmyResult<()> { let pool = &build_db_pool_for_tests(); let pool = &mut pool.into(); let data = init_data(pool).await?; let list = PersonQuery { listing_type: Some(ListingType::Local), ..Default::default() } .list(pool) .await?; assert_length!(1, list); assert_eq!(list[0],; let list = PersonQuery { listing_type: Some(ListingType::All), ..Default::default() } .list(pool) .await?; assert_length!(2, list); cleanup(data, pool).await } }