use crate::Perform; use actix_web::web::Data; use lemmy_api_common::{ blocking, check_community_ban, collect_moderated_communities, comment::*, get_local_user_view_from_jwt, is_mod_or_admin, }; use lemmy_db_queries::Reportable; use lemmy_db_schema::source::comment_report::*; use lemmy_db_views::{ comment_report_view::{CommentReportQueryBuilder, CommentReportView}, comment_view::CommentView, }; use lemmy_utils::{ApiError, ConnectionId, LemmyError}; use lemmy_websocket::{ messages::{SendModRoomMessage, SendUserRoomMessage}, LemmyContext, UserOperation, }; /// Creates a comment report and notifies the moderators of the community #[async_trait::async_trait(?Send)] impl Perform for CreateCommentReport { type Response = CreateCommentReportResponse; async fn perform( &self, context: &Data, websocket_id: Option, ) -> Result { let data: &CreateCommentReport = &self; let local_user_view = get_local_user_view_from_jwt(&data.auth, context.pool()).await?; // check size of report and check for whitespace let reason = data.reason.trim(); if reason.is_empty() { return Err(ApiError::err("report_reason_required").into()); } if reason.chars().count() > 1000 { return Err(ApiError::err("report_too_long").into()); } let person_id =; let comment_id = data.comment_id; let comment_view = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| { CommentView::read(&conn, comment_id, None) }) .await??; check_community_ban(person_id,, context.pool()).await?; let report_form = CommentReportForm { creator_id: person_id, comment_id, original_comment_text: comment_view.comment.content, reason: data.reason.to_owned(), }; let report = match blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| { CommentReport::report(conn, &report_form) }) .await? { Ok(report) => report, Err(_e) => return Err(ApiError::err("couldnt_create_report").into()), }; let res = CreateCommentReportResponse { success: true }; context.chat_server().do_send(SendUserRoomMessage { op: UserOperation::CreateCommentReport, response: res.clone(), local_recipient_id:, websocket_id, }); context.chat_server().do_send(SendModRoomMessage { op: UserOperation::CreateCommentReport, response: report, community_id:, websocket_id, }); Ok(res) } } /// Resolves or unresolves a comment report and notifies the moderators of the community #[async_trait::async_trait(?Send)] impl Perform for ResolveCommentReport { type Response = ResolveCommentReportResponse; async fn perform( &self, context: &Data, websocket_id: Option, ) -> Result { let data: &ResolveCommentReport = &self; let local_user_view = get_local_user_view_from_jwt(&data.auth, context.pool()).await?; let report_id = data.report_id; let report = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| { CommentReportView::read(&conn, report_id) }) .await??; let person_id =; is_mod_or_admin(context.pool(), person_id,; let resolved = data.resolved; let resolve_fun = move |conn: &'_ _| { if resolved { CommentReport::resolve(conn, report_id, person_id) } else { CommentReport::unresolve(conn, report_id, person_id) } }; if blocking(context.pool(), resolve_fun).await?.is_err() { return Err(ApiError::err("couldnt_resolve_report").into()); }; let report_id = data.report_id; let res = ResolveCommentReportResponse { report_id, resolved, }; context.chat_server().do_send(SendModRoomMessage { op: UserOperation::ResolveCommentReport, response: res.clone(), community_id:, websocket_id, }); Ok(res) } } /// Lists comment reports for a community if an id is supplied /// or returns all comment reports for communities a user moderates #[async_trait::async_trait(?Send)] impl Perform for ListCommentReports { type Response = ListCommentReportsResponse; async fn perform( &self, context: &Data, websocket_id: Option, ) -> Result { let data: &ListCommentReports = &self; let local_user_view = get_local_user_view_from_jwt(&data.auth, context.pool()).await?; let person_id =; let community_id =; let community_ids = collect_moderated_communities(person_id, community_id, context.pool()).await?; let page =; let limit = data.limit; let comments = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| { CommentReportQueryBuilder::create(conn) .community_ids(community_ids) .page(page) .limit(limit) .list() }) .await??; let res = ListCommentReportsResponse { comments }; context.chat_server().do_send(SendUserRoomMessage { op: UserOperation::ListCommentReports, response: res.clone(), local_recipient_id:, websocket_id, }); Ok(res) } }