CREATE TYPE actor_type_enum AS enum( 'site', 'community', 'person' ); -- actor_apub_id only null for old entries before this migration ALTER TABLE sent_activity ADD COLUMN send_inboxes text[] NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}', -- list of specific inbox urls ADD COLUMN send_community_followers_of integer[] NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}', ADD COLUMN send_all_instances boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, ADD COLUMN actor_type actor_type_enum NOT NULL DEFAULT 'person', ADD COLUMN actor_apub_id text DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE sent_activity ALTER COLUMN send_inboxes DROP DEFAULT, ALTER COLUMN send_community_followers_of DROP DEFAULT, ALTER COLUMN send_all_instances DROP DEFAULT, ALTER COLUMN actor_type DROP DEFAULT, ALTER COLUMN actor_apub_id DROP DEFAULT; CREATE TABLE federation_queue_state( domain text PRIMARY KEY, last_successful_id bigint NOT NULL, fail_count integer NOT NULL, last_retry timestamptz NOT NULL ); -- for incremental fetches of followers CREATE INDEX idx_community_follower_published ON community_follower(published);